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Blind Witness

Page 15

by Knight, Alysia S.

  “You already have a beautiful black gown. I was thinking something lighter. But you’re definitely right, nothing too flashy, just classy.”

  “Why don’t you come this way and we’ll …”

  Rachelle heard the catch in the woman’s voice as she realized she was about to say see. “I’ll show you where the selection is.”

  It was getting real easy to move with Britt.

  “I’d say a size six.”

  “Usually,” Rachelle said, feeling slightly embarrassed.

  “Here we are then.”

  “Not the red one, and let’s eliminate the orange also,” Britt said beside her.

  “Yes, please,” Rachelle added.

  “What about this lovely gold sequined?” the woman suggested.

  “Is it yellow toned?” Rachelle asked. “I don’t look very good in yellows.” She was still while the dress was held up to her.

  “Umm, you’re right. The gold is not a great color on you,” Britt rejected it also.

  “There’s this stunning aqua crepe. The color ought to be perfect.”

  “Color’s nice,” Britt said, “but I don’t know if I like the cut.”

  “What’s it like?” Rachelle asked and the woman answered.

  “Stunning, trim fit. It cuts across the breast with a push up bra to give the best to your figure. It would look perfect on you.”

  “No, thank you, it doesn’t sound like me. Do you have anything with shoulders?”

  “Of course, I have this halter with the intricate bead work.”

  Immediately Rachelle thought of showy.

  “Or I have this.”

  “Yes, that’s more like it.” Britt exclaimed and Rachelle turned to him.


  “It’s a whitish material with a blue shimmer to it. I guess it’s what you would say, slim cut, with a slit that would go to your thigh. I don’t think it would be too high. Its sleeves . . . puff out kind of, and then get narrow at the elbow. The neck doesn’t look like it will be too low either. I’m not sure what you call it.”

  He helped Rachelle trace the lines of the dress. “Want to try it on?”

  “I guess.”

  “This way,” the woman led the way, carrying the dress.

  Britt stayed as her guide until they reached the dressing room.

  “Do you need a hand?” Georgia asked as he released her.

  “I can manage,” Rachelle assured her, stepping into the dressing room. She fumbled through removing her clothes and sliding the dress over her head. The material felt incredible as it slid over her body, smooth and silky. It hugged plenty but it wasn’t tight except for the constrictive sleeve which made it so she couldn’t reach around to get the zipper past halfway up. Standing there frustrated for a moment she finally steeled herself. “Umm, Britt.”

  “Yes,” his voice came from just the other side of the door. Rachelle wasn’t sure if she was relieved or more nervous.

  “I need help with the zipper.”


  Britt almost groaned aloud as the image came to his mind. His first instinct was to join her and take care of it, but with the heat rising in him, he thought better of it. He didn’t want to raise any more speculations about him and Rachelle than him buying her a dress would cause. “I’ll get the sales lady.” It only took a motion for the woman to come.

  “May I help you?”

  “Yes, she needs help with the zipper.”

  The woman nodded, and after a light tap on the door, she stepped in. “Oh, spectacular,” she gasped. “That’s wonderful on you.”

  “Except that I need a little help with the zipper.”

  “Certainly,” the woman lifted it the last six inches. “Mr. Clairbourne will love it.”

  “You don’t think it’s too much for me?” Rachelle ran her hands over her sides.

  “Oh, no. It’s perfect.”

  “I’ve never had a man pick out clothes for me before. My sister usually helps me and she knows my taste, but she’s out of town.”

  “Well, Mr. Clairbourne has excellent taste. The gown is lovely on you. The coloring, as is the fit, is perfect. Let’s show him.”

  Timidly Rachelle stepped from the room. “Britt.”

  She heard his footsteps approach. “Beautiful.” His voice was a low growl full of appreciation.

  “She has a wonderful figure to dress and very beautiful coloring.”


  “You like it?” Rachelle asked, still self-conscious. Her hand fluttered up in front of her. Britt caught her fingers bringing them to his lips.

  “You look lovely in it.” He kissed the pulse point on her wrist making her heart race.

  “It’s … it’s not too bold … or flashy?” She had trouble getting the words out after the feel of him on her skin.

  “Not at all.” Britt found it hard to take his eyes off of her. He knew Rachelle had a good shape and would draw attention, but oh wow. She was beautiful. He forced himself to swallow. “It is very elegant. Trust me. It’s you.”

  “All right, if you think so.”

  “I do. Why don’t you change, and we’ll go find some shoes to match.”

  “I guess I can’t get by with a simple pair of flats, can I?”

  Britt laughed. “Don’t worry. Remember. I already promised I’ll be right by your side.”

  “So you can help me up when I fall on my face.”

  “I promise I won’t let you fall.” He took her hand, bringing it to her lips. “Unless it’s for me,” his voice was low so only she could hear it before brushing his lips over her knuckles.

  Rachelle figured it was already too late for that. She was in love with Britt Clairbourne. Wise or not, her heart was his forever.

  Hours later, she couldn’t have been happier, relaxing against him on the couch. They had spent about an hour in the pool, then going with the earlier thought, he built a fire, turning up the air conditioner wasn’t necessary. They sat in the middle of the floor and ate the dinner Mae prepared for them before moving to the couch to watch the sequel to a movie that had been one of her favorites about two years before she lost her sight.

  When Britt’s arm came around her back, it had been the most natural thing to cuddle back into him.

  “Comfortable?” His lips brushed her temple.

  “Umm, very. This is nice.” She turned into him, letting her head rest against his chest. His arm tightened.

  “I wish it was going to be just us the rest of the weekend.”

  “You’d get bored,” she countered.

  “Not with you.” He kissed her temple again. “When I’m with you, I find I don’t need anyone else.”

  “That’s such a nice thing to say.” She tilted her head to give him a kiss, getting his cheek.

  “It’s the truth. We’re going to have to work on your aim.” He slid his fingers in her hair to hold her in position while he continued the kiss. The growl that escaped his throat was echoed by one from her. Her arms came up around his neck, aligning her body to his as his hands ran over her back, in long caressing movements that molded her to him.

  When the kiss ended, she felt as if her very soul had been branded by the essence of him. He was in every one of her senses.

  Britt felt like he couldn’t get enough of her. It was like his soul thirsted for her, and the more he drank, the more he yearned. It had never been so for him. She was desire. She was passion, ambrosia just for him. He knew she could never be this way for another man, just as he knew there was not another woman for him. With this kiss, Rachelle was his and he was one more step to winning her forever.

  “I think our movie ended,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Oh, I think I missed part of it.”

  “That’s okay. We can listen to it again. I think it’s becoming my favorite movie.” The huskiness in his voice had her knowing what they were doing during the end of the movie was his favorite part.

  “I think we’d better go to bed.�
�� It was after the words came out, and he groaned, she realized how it sounded. “I mean, I to, you to,” she fumbled with the words.

  He stopped her with a hand over her mouth. “I know what you mean and you’re correct. We both should go to our separate beds. Though, I’m not likely to get much sleep.” Even with a cold shower. He let the thought cross his mind.

  He stood, pulling her up to him, his arm sliding naturally around her. “Let’s go.”


  Rachelle found it surprisingly easy to go to sleep, even as worked up as she had been. She could honestly say she slept fine. She just hoped no one asked about her dreams, they would make her blush. She definitely had to get her thoughts away from kissing Britt.

  When she stepped from her room, she heard no noise to indicate that anyone was around. From the earlier chime of the grandfather clock at the bottom of the stairs, she knew it was a little after seven. From the time she had spent around Britt, she knew he was usually up and busy long before this. So instead of trying to make her way downstairs on her own and risk breakables on the way, she decided to knock on his door and hope he wasn’t still asleep or just out of the shower.

  “Britt,” she called. When he still didn’t answer, she decided he must be downstairs already.

  Maneuvering the stairs was easy, but once at the bottom, she was unsure which way to head to find Britt. The path toward the kitchen was the most familiar so she opted for that one. Rachelle moved forward counting the steps in her mind. She stopped two thirds of the way catching the sound of Britt’s voice. She changed directions, unable to make out what he was saying, but as she drew closer, it became clear he was talking about security and the recent attacks.

  Her foot caught a chair leg. She cried out, and almost went down. Only good balance and her quick grab on the chair saved her. Tears filled her eyes as she sank into the seat. She counted to ten, holding her breath waiting for the pain to stop. “One of these days I’m going to get steel-toed shoes then just you beware.”

  “Threatening my chairs are you?” She heard Britt just a couple feet away from her.

  “They started it.”

  He laughed, “I knew you had to have a mean streak somewhere.” His voice was directly in front of her, and Rachelle realized he had knelt down.

  “You don’t know how many times I’ve about broken a toe.”

  “Well, we can’t have that.”

  A shiver ran through her when she felt his hand on her ankle. His fingers caressed their way over her arch as he slid off her shoe. “Ohhh,” she gasped in pleasure.

  “You like that?”

  “Yes, I’ve never had anyone touch my feet like that. When I was little, my brother used to tickle them.”

  “Were you close?”

  “Pretty much for a brother and sister, meaning we got on each other’s nerves, but no one else better threaten us. That’s the problem, now he’s really overprotective. He’s the worst of my family. That reminds me, I’ll need to call them this morning.”

  “How about right after breakfast, then I thought that maybe we’d take another ride. We’ll have to do it early because of the preparations for the party.”

  “I’d love to.”

  “Good, let’s eat before I start nibbling on your toes.”

  “Yeah, right,” she laughed not realizing how serious he was.

  “How’s Darrell?” She knew he would have already checked.

  “He’s doing fine. They’re letting him go home this morning.” He slipped her shoe back on her foot.

  “That’s wonderful.”

  They moved to the patio where breakfast was waiting. “Are you sure we’ll have time to go for a ride?” she asked, spearing a piece of melon.

  “Sure, we won’t have to worry about getting ready until about five. This is one of those parties that all I have to do is show up. So, after the ride, I thought we could relax around the pool again for a while. I’ll even rub plenty of sunscreen on you so you don’t get sunburned.”

  “Oh, so sacrificing of you.” She returned hearing the drudgery tone he put in his voice.

  “What can I say, a man’s got to do, what a man’s got to do. We wouldn’t want you looking like an overcooked lobster at the party.”

  “Perish the thought. Like, I’ll be comfortable anyway,” she added under her breath but he was close enough to hear.

  “You’re still not worried, are you?” He reached for her hand, interlocking her fingers, seeing the answer on her face, he leaned over and kissed her. “You have nothing to worry about. You’re poised enough to handle yourself anywhere.”

  “I’m …” she tried to cut in but he wouldn’t let her.

  “Beautiful, so beautiful and sexy. You’ll make both the men and women jealous. The women will want to look like you and the men will want to have you on their arm, but they can’t, because I won’t give them a chance.” This time when she started to shake her head, he stopped her by raising a hand to her chin, cupping it.

  “Yes.” His lips brushed her. “Yes!” he said firmly. “Please, you can do this. Sometimes I have to attend things like this. It’s not often, but I really would like you with me.”

  He waited but not long, the answer came after a shaky breath. “I’ll be with you.”

  “Thank you.” His answer was almost a whisper of relief. His mouth brushed hers again. “By the way, good morning.”

  “Good morning.”

  “Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes, thank you. How about you?”

  “I kept dreaming of a certain lady sleeping down the hall from me.”

  Her blush deepened and her lips formed a sweet little ‘O’, that he couldn’t help taking one more time.

  She was so sweet, so perfect for him that he couldn’t believe he’d lived without her. It hit him that he couldn’t live without her now that he had found her. With all the madness going on in his life, nothing was more important than the woman in his arms. The words of love were on his lips when he heard voices coming from the formal dining room. He barely pulled back from Rachelle before his stepsister, her husband and her best friend stepped out on the patio.

  “Oh, Britt, there you are. We missed you last night.”

  “Hello, Tiffany, Carlton, Maureen. We hid out in the game room, ate and watched a movie.”

  “You watched a movie?” His stepsister’s gaze went to Rachelle, and he knew Melissa had told them about her. He didn’t like the look of amusement Carlton gave Rachelle.

  “Yes, it’s been a long time since I sat down and watched a movie. We watched one of Rachelle’s favorites. Carlton, you’ve met Rachelle but Tiffany you haven’t.” He caught Rachelle’s hand in his own. “Rachelle Harris, this is my sister, Tiffany.” He waited for Tiffany to say hello, “and her best friend, Maureen.”

  “You’re the woman he was with in the newspaper.” The voice was sweet and harsh at the same time.


  “Surely someone told you, you were in the newspaper.”

  Rachelle shook her head and looked to Britt.

  “Someone caught a picture of you getting into my car.”

  “Getting in.” The woman laughed. “It looked more like Britton was going to devour you. Then again, he really is a very passionate kisser, so that makes sense.”

  Rachelle didn’t need to see the catty gleam in the woman’s eyes to know it was there. Maureen was used to getting what she wanted, and she wanted Britt. Rachelle felt Britt stiffen beside her and without thought raised her hand to his chest. “I would have to agree with that,” she said, feeling the need to stand for herself. “If you’ll excuse us, we’re going to go out riding.”

  “You can ride a horse?” Maureen wasn’t ready to back down her attack.

  “Rachelle is an excellent rider. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “I think excellent is stretching it,” Rachelle commented as they walked away.

  “Not much, you handled yourself brilliantly back there. I do
n’t think you have anything to worry about at the party tonight. And, just so you know, I’ve never kissed Maureen, passionately or otherwise. I have no desire to kiss her in the future. In fact, I think all my kisses are going to be reserved for you.”

  A flush colored her face so fast, he chuckled, stopped, and pulled her to him. He kissed her temple. “Oh, Rachelle, I can’t believe how I love you.”

  She pulled back, looking up as if trying to see him. She raised her hand to cradle his cheek. Her finger brushed his lips feeling them for the truth. “Britt.”

  He kissed her palm.

  “I can’t believe you could really care for me.”

  “I don’t only care for you. I love you.”

  “Britt,” she gasped out again.

  “I know it’s sudden, but believe it. I’ve never felt the way I do about you.”

  “I thought it was only me.”

  “No, but I’m glad to know it’s not one sided.”

  “It’s not. I’ve been fighting it since I first touched you.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Britt. It looks like what I’ve been seeing in the papers is true. Since this is the lovely woman that was pictured with you. She must agree with you.”

  “She does. Rachelle, I’d like you to meet Judge Conrad Kincade. Judge, Rachelle Harris.”

  “Miss Harris,” he took the hand she offered.

  “Rachelle, please. It’s a pleasure, your honor.”

  “Looks like you’re making this man happy.”

  “Thank you. I hope I do.”

  “You do,” Britt said beside her before pressing a kiss to her cheek, making her blush at the open show of affection.

  The judge laughed heartily. “Good for you. Leave them no doubt she’s yours.”

  “You make it sound like.” She paused, searching for the word she wanted. But the judge didn’t need it finished.

  “It is,” he laughed. “I’ll talk to you later.” He walked away.

  “It’s good I’m not the jealous type. I’m afraid what they’d give me for challenging a judge.” Britt mumbled in her ear, tightening his hold.

  It was Rachelle’s turn to laugh not realizing how serious he was. She had made many conquests today, and she wasn’t even aware of it. She was so beautiful with her hair styled up in an artful twist, he longed to rip out. Her make-up was kept light with just touches to accent her already fine features. She was gorgeous tonight, but that wasn’t what won people. It was her inner-warmth. At first she had clung to his side, but once she relaxed, she had loosened her death grip. After that, the contact she kept was natural loving touches. She’d grown confident until she radiated pleasure at his side.


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