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You'll Say Yes

Page 3

by Tri Amutia

"Yes," I replied.

  The boy in front of me just played with the sand in his shoes. "Will you come back?"

  I shrugged. "I don't know."

  He looked at me with his green eyes. "I like you, Abby."

  I smiled. "I like you too, Joshua. You are nice to me, and you are a good friend."

  He shook his head. "No, Abby. I mean...I. Like. You."

  I tilted my head. "What do you mean? I don't understand."

  He smiled. "Abby, will you marry me someday?"

  My face lit up. "Marry? Is that the game we usually play? About a mom and dad and kids?"

  "Yeah, just like that."

  I frowned. "Does that mean Stella and Evan will be our kids too in the future?"

  He smiled knowingly. "Of course not, silly Abby. We will have our own kids."

  "Oh, I see."

  Joshua held my hand. "I'll find you, Abby, and when that day comes, I'll marry you."

  I smiled. "Ok!"

  "Abby! Honey! Come on!" My mother called me from the car.

  Joshua squeezed my hand. "Go. Your mother is waiting for you. I promise you, I'll find you."

  I just nodded and smiled.

  Joshua smiled back and kissed my cheek. "See you later, my Abby."

  *End of Flashback*

  The memory of the young boy suddenly returned to the present Joshua. I glanced frantically to nothing in particular. I felt something hold my shoulder.

  "Abby...Abby...hey, are you all right?"

  I breathed hard and looked to the same green eyes.

  " was you," I whispered.

  Joshua nodded, seemed relieved and scared. "Yes, that was me, Abby. I made that promise years ago, and I nearly broke it. I told you I would marry you."

  I shook my head. "What is this? Some kind of love at first sight? We're not living in a fairy tale, Joshua."

  Joshua smiled warmly. "It's not. The first time I met you, for me, you were just a clumsy girl and annoying. However, the longer I spent with you, the more I had drawn to you. You are selfless, kind, beautiful, smart. You're perfect, Abby. Sometimes, I always know what other people are thinking, but I never understand you. I don't know why., Abby. It was not love at the first sight. I really like you."

  "But...but..when we were in high school-"

  Joshua sighed sadly. "I know I shouldn't listen to Scott's advice. I should just be myself. I'm sorry for the nasty rumors, too." And then he stared at me. "I had to follow you for a week because he already had a plan to get into you. And you know what that means."

  I looked back at Joshua. Really? He did that to protect me from Scott? If he didn't follow me around, I probably would have ended up in Scott’s bed. I clutched myself with my hand, trying to repress the shudder.

  "Hey," Joshua stroked my cheek. "I won't let him touch you. I'll protect you."

  I looked up at Joshua. My eyes glistened with tears. "Thank you." I didn't know why I felt so weak.

  Joshua wiped away my unshed tears. "Please, don't cry, all right. I'm sorry if this engagement seemed to be forced, but we could start easily if you like. Besides, I need to make up my time in our high school to gain your trust. It's not an easy thing to do; I know, but I’m willing to try for you. So, Abby, can we start again?"

  I smiled weakly. "Please, let us be friends first and go from there."

  His eyes tightened, seemed hurt, but Joshua quickly hid it.

  He smiled. "I would like that." He kissed my forehead. "Thank you, Abby." And then suddenly he became serious. "But, I mean it when I said I want to marry you."

  I sighed. "I know, Joshua, just please give us a moment to actually get to know each other first, ok?" And then I realized something. "What will happen this weekend?"

  Joshua smiled grimly. "A reunion. You'll see."

  I stared at him in disbelief. "Reunion?"

  "Which reminds me to ask you about it. Will you be able to attend it?"

  I blinked several times. "Um...I don't know. I'll let you know soon." I just crossed my fingers while I said those words.

  Joshua stared at me and nodded. "All right." And then he turned to his watch. "Come on, your lunch is over in fifteen minutes. I need to get you back to the office."

  I nodded, and Joshua called the waitress for our check. The waitress gave him a sexy smile and handed him the check. Joshua pulled out cash, despite my protest, and the waitress left us. She returned seconds later with our change and the bill. She winked at Joshua as she left. Joshua looked at the bill and frowned.

  "What's wrong?" I asked him worriedly. "Do we have to pay more?"

  He shook his head. "Nothing. Let's go!"

  He pulled out my chair, and I got up. I wore my blazer back, and Joshua placed his hand on my lower back. I shivered from his touch.

  He approached the waitress who beamed at him and gave her the bill. "Sorry, but I don't need this," He returned to me. "Come now, Abby."

  He tugged my hand lightly and we walked out of the restaurant, leaving the dumbfounded waitress. "What is it?" I asked him again.

  Joshua smirked. "She wrote her number on the bill. I gave it back to her."

  I burst out laughing while Joshua grinned.

  Really, this man was unbelievable.

  Chapter 5

  The Re-Acquaintance and The In-Laws

  I returned to work after having my lunch with Joshua. Seeing him again after ten years didn't change what I felt about him, yet. I knew he was sweet and caring and, the most important thing, very handsome, but I don't know today’s Joshua. I only remembered eighteen year old Joshua and that was not a good memory.

  His confession at lunch did affect me. I mean...come on! Not all people could have that much of devotion, especially from a six-year-old boy.

  I bit my lip and dialed the number of the latest person I want to talk with about this matter. "Bennett Law and Partner, may I help you?"

  "May I speak with Mr. Bennett, please?" I answered as I played with the phone cable.

  My father, Jason, owned and operated his own law firm.

  "Who should I say is calling?"

  "Abby Bennett, his daughter."

  "Please, hold a moment."

  The elevator music sounded through the earpiece while I waited for my father to come on the line.

  The music stopped short and replaced with my father's voice. "Abby? Hi, honey. How are you?"

  I smiled. "I'm fine, dad. How about you? Still busy at the office, I see?"

  He laughed. "Looks like it. So, what do I owe to my daughter for calling me this afternoon?"

  "I want to talk to you about Joshua," I said, sternly.

  There was a pause, and I smirked. "So, you remember him? I can see that. I met him at lunch and found some amazing discoveries."

  "Abby, honey, let me explain. Don't get angry, all right!"

  "Angry?" I seethed. "Tell me something, dad. How can I not get angry? My own father had a little conspiracy with the man who wants to marry me. And the most important thing is, that man held a bad reputation in high school."

  My dad sighed. "Abby..."

  "Did he tell me the truth, dad?"

  Another pause.

  "Yes, honey. I guess he told you everything, didn't he? He really met me when you and your mother were moving from Long Beach, but two years later he moved with his family to Canada, and I thought he forgot about you. And then he moved back here when he started high school and asked for you again. I told him you already had plans to move back, he was so excited about it."

  I sighed. "He has a bad record in high school."

  My dad chuckled. "I don't think he was bad, Abby. He didn't know how to get close to you."

  I snorted. "He could just speak to me. Not showing off with all those girls on his arm."

  My dad chuckled. "He really did that?"

  "Yeah, he did."

  He sighed. "So, what do you think about Joshua, now that you met him?"

  "Well...he seems nice and sweet. Even so, I don't k
now, dad. We need to get to know each other all over know the" I grimaced.

  He laughed. "Just give him a chance, Abby."

  "All right." I slumped in my seat. "Dad, do you really want me to marry Joshua?"

  My father didn't answer me for a moment but then he sighed. "Abby, I just want you to be happy. If you want to marry him, that is fine by me, and even if you didn't, I'll support you. Just look at the present Joshua. He changed so much, honey."

  I bit my lip. "Okay, dad."

  "Hey, will you come home this weekend? Did Joshua tell you?" He asked again.

  "I don't know, dad. I'll let you know soon. Thanks for hearing my outburst."

  He chuckled again. "Anytime, honey. Be careful, all right. Say hi to Josh for me."

  I rolled my eyes. I only spoke about Joshua a minute ago, and he already became my dad's favorite son. Great! "I will, dad. Bye."

  I hung up the phone and rubbed my temple. I gazed at the bouquet of lilies in the corner of my desk and sighed. Okay, let's check my options here.

  Do you like him? Well, maybe.

  Do you love him? No.

  Do you want to marry him? Can't answer that.

  I sighed. What was I getting myself into?

  My BlackBerry vibrated, and a text message appeared on the screen.

  Do you want to have dinner with me -J-

  I pursed my lips. Joshua asked for my number before saying good-bye at lunch. I gave it to him half-heartedly. I mean...there was nothing wrong with that, right? I sent my reply.

  I can't tonight. Have a lot of work to do. I'll call you -A-

  I tossed my BlackBerry in my bag and began with the work I left off of at lunch. Tons of files and documents really wore out my body and my mind. I went to the Pantry three times to refill my coffee. I didn't know it was time to go home until Camila, who strangely didn't talk to me much for half of the day, told me it was already 5:00 pm. I told her I would stay at the office until my work was done, and then she left me. I turned back to my work until the day turned dark. I sighed and took my glasses off. I rubbed my eyes tiredly and stretched my feet, they felt stiff after the long few hours at my desk.

  "You shouldn't work this late."

  I jumped off my seat and turned around. Joshua was grinning while his hands were full of take out.

  "Damn it, Joshua! Did you have to do that? Aren’t you suppose to be at the hospital or something?"

  "Do what?" He asked innocently. "Besides this is my day off."

  I scowled at him. "You scared me. You nearly gave me a heart attack."

  He smirked. "Well, you are lucky that I'm a doctor. I could give you CPR."

  My face turned red, and he laughed.

  "Your blush is lovely. Here...I brought you Chinese," he said, giving me the take out which was enough for two people.

  I smiled grimly. "Joshua, you shouldn't-"

  "No, Abby. I want to do this. Besides I know you won't eat if you don’t finish your work, and that isn’t good," he said, sternly.

  I looked at him, and he looked back with his beautiful eyes. I looked away and turned to the take out. "Um...I don't think I can eat this much."

  He grinned. "Of course not. Half is for me."

  My jaw dropped. I guess he really meant it when he said he wanted to take me to dinner.

  He looked around. "Is there any place we can eat?"

  I laughed. "Come on, follow me."

  We talked a lot while we ate dinner in the conference room. It seemed Joshua and I had a lot in common. We loved to read, watch movies, and listen to the classics. He told me his story about his family, and I told him my life with my mother in Phoenix. Joshua started his year as a doctor in Seattle a year ago; surprisingly the same year I started my work in this office.


  I could tell Joshua was a nice person and smart. He was different from the one I knew in high school.

  He asked me about my work and I answered happily. I didn't ask him much about his because I knew it wasn't ethical for a doctor to talk about his patients. He also asked me to accompany him to the bookstore the next day for my recommendation. I accepted his offer, happily.

  The next day was basically the same.

  Work and caffeine were becoming my friends. Joshua texted me often to keep me from drinking too much caffeine because he said it wasn't good for my body.

  Yeah, right!

  Joshua picked me up when I went home from work and he drove us to the bookstore.

  He still drove his black car, the one he used in high school, although he said it was the newest version. He said he sold the one from his high school days.

  Joshua asked me about books, so I recommended him some works from my author whom I work with. They were good books, by the way.

  After visiting the bookstore, Joshua took me to dinner at a small diner. It was really cozy, and I felt great.

  We were having small talk about our college years when suddenly Joshua's phone buzzed. He excused himself to answer the phone while I waited at our table. I was enjoying my tea when I heard someone call my name and the sound paralyzed me. I didn't dare look.

  "Abby? I didn’t expect to see you here." A man with blond hair and blue eyes approached me and sat in Joshua's chair.

  I grimaced. "Hi, Lucas."

  Lucas Stevens was Camila's last victim. She pursued him for months and after a couple of dates, she dumped him. She said he wasn't fun, but I knew better. Lucas was interested in me.

  "So, you're alone?" He asked and scooted closer to me.

  "No," I answered sharply and pointed to the glass in front of him. "Use your eyes properly next time. I'm with someone."

  "But, you are alone now, baby."

  I flinched away from him. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

  "Is he bothering you, Abby?" Joshua asked. His jaw clenched, and his eyes glinted with anger. Lucas gave him a sly smile and leaned back in the seat.

  "I was greeting Abby. No offense, dude."

  Joshua narrowed his eyes. "Get out of my chair."

  Lucas raised his hands and got up. "Alright. See you, Abby." And then he did something I didn't expect him to do. He caressed my cheek in the most disgusting way. Joshua grabbed Lucas' hand.

  "Don't touch my fiancée," He growled.

  My jaw dropped while Lucas's eyes bulged out. "Sor...sorry...I didn’t know."

  "Then, let me enlighten you, DUDE. She is my fiancée. Next time keep your hands to yourself and treat women with respect. Got it!"

  Lucas nodded furiously and ran out the door once Joshua released his hand. Joshua sat back in his chair and turned to me. I was still dazed from the scene.

  "Abby? Are you ok? He didn't hurt you, did he? If he did, I swear I'll-"

  "No, Joshua," I nearly shouted at him. "I'm fine. Really. Don't worry. It happens all the time."

  "All the time?" His eyes darken again with anger. "Did he do that to you more than once?"

  I grimaced. "Er...yes."

  Joshua sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

  I looked at him and cupped his face in my hands. He looked at me with sad eyes.

  "I'm fine. Besides I'm a lawyer’s daughter. I know how to defend myself," I said, trying to ease the tension.

  He chuckled and leaned his forehead to mine. "I'm sorry."

  I pursed my lips. "Well, I'm not sorry for Lucas. Maybe you could give him some pointers."

  Joshua laughed and ruffled my hair. I looked at him. "Joshua...when you said that I was your fiancée..." My voice faltered at the end.

  He cupped my face again, and my body was tingling from his touch. "Yes, Abby. You are my fiancée. I know you don't love me now, but I promise you I’ll make up for what I did to you in high school. And I'll wait for you."

  I sighed. "Joshua, it's been so long, how could you still want me?"

  His eyes tightened. "You're all I want, Abby. I don't care what people think or what people said. I want you and only you."
br />   I stared at him, and I could see the sincerity and the love beneath those hazel eyes. " for love you?"


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