You'll Say Yes

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You'll Say Yes Page 10

by Tri Amutia

  I bit my bottom lip. "I'm sorry."

  Joshua seemed to relax a bit as he chuckled. "There's nothing to be sorry about, Abby."

  I nodded reluctantly. "My mom said your parents will be over at the house to talk about"

  He smiled coyly. "I promise you we could try. I'll do everything in my power to prove to you that I'm worthy of you."

  I blushed and my heart skipped a beat. My heart tends to skip a lot now. What does that mean?

  We arrived at the grocery store. Josh opened my door and helped me out. We walked hand in hand into the building. I received some stares and glares from half of the female population of Long Beach. I sighed.

  Well, better get used to it.

  I helped Joshua through the list and put the things on the trolley. We were finished half an hour later. Joshua took me back to my house and promised me to pick me up two hours later for lunch.

  Ethan hadn't gone home, yet. I could tell from his motorcycle in my driveway. He watched a sitcom with Samantha in my living room. I said a quick hello and headed to the kitchen. My mom and dad were eating their pancakes and drinking coffee. They complimented me about the pancakes and asked about my plans this afternoon. I told them about the lunch reunion, again before heading to my room to prepare my outfit for the occasion. I decided to wear a simple blouse and a long skirt.

  I checked my BlackBerry for e-mails and messages. I was browsing through my e-mail when Ethan knocked at my door. He smiled when I looked up at him and walked in.

  "How'd the shopping go?" He asked.

  I shrugged.

  He seemed nervous as he looked at me. "Um...Abby, about what Joshua said earlier.."

  I rolled my eyes. "Please, E. Forget it, all right? Just keep your promise to Joshua and I’ll call it even."

  He exhaled and grinned. "Ok."

  I smiled and closed my e-mail.

  I turned to him. "So, what sitcom were you two watching earlier?"

  Ethan burst out laughing and asked me to accompany him and Samantha downstairs.

  Everything went in slow motion until it was time for me to get ready for lunch.

  I excused myself and headed up to my room. I got dressed and brushed my hair. I applied light make up and grabbed my purse. I walked back to the living room to wait for Joshua to pick me up. Fifteen minutes later there was a knock on our door and I rose from my seat to answer it.

  Joshua looked handsome in his dark jeans and a vest-shirt.

  He smiled warmly at me.

  "You look beautiful," He whispered in my ear and I shivered.

  "You look handsome," I replied.

  He grinned. "Thank you."

  Joshua said a quick hello to my parents, Samantha, and Ethan before we walked out to his car.

  Honestly, I was not nervous at all about this reunion. I was just nervous on how we would explain to our friends about our engagement.

  We rode in comfortable silence and finally we arrived at his house. A red Audi and a dark blue Ford parked in the driveway. I raised my eyebrows.

  "It's Kimberly and Stella's cars."

  "Hmmm...well, that's good." I grinned. "Great, I'm the only one who doesn’t have a car here. Kimberley must be proud to tease me." I joked.

  Joshua scoffed. "I know you can afford a car, Abby. You just care too much about your Sedan to get a replacement."

  I chuckled. "I promise myself to get a replacement if my Sedan really dies."

  "Really? And when will that be?"

  I shrugged. "Maybe in the next few decades."

  Joshua snorted. "Not to tell you what to do but when we get married I won't allow you to drive that Sedan."

  I blushed.

  Joshua stepped out of the car and opened the door for me. I took his hand and we walked to the front door of the house. The door suddenly opened and I saw a big man with dark hair standing behind the door. Joshua tightened his grip on my hand when the man grinned at me. I smiled reluctantly.

  "Ah, so you picked up this lovely girl," The man said and extended his hand. I took it as he grinned. "Hi, I'm Kevin Morgan, Kimberly's boyfriend. You must be Abby."

  "Er...yes. It’s nice meeting you, Kevin. How's New York?" I asked him when he released my hand. Joshua still tensed beside me.

  He chuckled and took a sip from his glass. "Same old, Abby." And then he turned to Joshua. "Hey, sorry, man. I forgot this is your house."

  Joshua rolled his eyes and walked in, still holding my hand.

  "Why he and Kimberly are together, I will never understand," he muttered in my ear.

  I smiled and shook my head. Joshua took me to the living room. Stella and Evan were already there with William and Farah. And of course...the blond girl! I sighed internally.

  Why I always meet the blonds?

  This is the first time I’ve seen Kimberly since we were six years old. She was beautiful. I felt insecure immediately, but I tried to quench it. Kimberly studied me when her eyes met mine. For a second, I didn't know if I should smile back or not.

  She approached me and gave me a sly smile. Well, that was a good start.

  "Abby? Long time no see. You're still the beautiful Bennett."

  Huh...maybe not really a good start.

  "She’s always beautiful, Kim," Joshua interjected.

  Kimberly glared at him and then turned to me. "Still clumsy and a klutz? It will be funny to see."

  "Kimberly!" Joshua said, sternly.

  "My job as a junior editor prevents me from outdoor activities, Kimberly Miles. I couldn't be clumsy and klutz while I’m editing the most wonderful books in the State, right? Perhaps you should try to respect other people. Not all people are blinded by your beauty, Ms. Miles," I said, sharply.

  Kimberly gaped at me. From the corner of my eyes, I could see William, Farah, Stella, Evan, and even Josh try not to laugh.


  Kevin rushed to Kimberly's side. "Hey, babe, chill down, all right. We were invited here to have a reunion lunch."

  I rolled my eyes as I walked over to talk to Joshua's parents. "William, Farah, thank you for inviting me, again."

  William smiled. "The pleasure is ours, Abby. Please, we are family."

  I grimaced.

  Stella bounced over to me and I suddenly untangled my hands from Joshua's hold.

  "Come with me, Abby." She pulled my hand and I followed her.

  I looked over my shoulder at Josh and he looked back with a worried expression. Stella took me to the backyard.

  "What is it, Stella?"

  Stella huffed. "Is it true about the engagement, Abby?"

  I sighed. I knew it will come to this.

  "Yes," I answered in a low voice.

  "But, how could that be? You both just met up, again."

  I gulped and looked into her blue eyes. "It's a long story."

  "I have time," She insisted.

  I took deep breaths. Well, there was no point into turning back now. "Joshua...he proposed to me when we were six-years old."

  Stella's eyes widened. "What?"

  I nodded weakly. "He said he wanted to marry me when we were six, Stella."

  "Did you say yes?"

  I rolled my eyes. "Of course I did. I didn't understand what marriage meant at the time. But that technically makes us engaged for almost nineteen years. Damn! That’s a long engagement. I should probably write a book about that."

  Stella sighed. "Wow, Abby. This is serious."

  My shoulder slumped. "I know, Stel. I can't break the engagement, either. Hell, I don't even know what I should do with that."

  Stella shook her head and ruffled my hair. "Not that, silly. What I meant to say was Joshua really loves you. Can you imagine? He wanted to marry you when you both were six that may have been just a child’s crush, but Abby he still loves you which is true love. Hell, even I fell in love with Evan when I was in junior high."

  I frowned. "You were saying?"

  Stella rolled her eyes. "He really loves you with his
heart, Abby. Even maybe with his soul. I bet my entire expensive shoe collection he'll jump off the cliff if you asked him too."


  "Why on earth would I ask him to jump off a cliff?"

  Stella giggled. "So, how about the in-laws?"

  I sighed. "That is where things get complicated. Our parents have already agreed to this. They even had a plan to have us."

  Stella raised her eyebrows and laughed lightly. " are so lucky, do you know that? And how do you feel about Joshua?"

  How do I feel about Joshua? I liked him. He was nice, caring, sweet, a gentleman...but, was it enough to bind me to him...for life? The feelings weren’t strong enough to be called love. I hadn't felt that, yet. But, what about the knot feelings and the changed heart rate whenever he was close? I shook my head.


  I sighed and looked at Stella. "I like him, Stella. I mean what's not to like about him? He's handsome with all the good qualities from a man you could ever hope for. But, I'm not in love with him."

  "Not in love or not in love YET," Stella smirked.

  I groaned.

  "You will love him soon, though. Trust me. I can see it," Stella said, again as she tapped her temple. I shivered. Stella had some kind of ‘O’ sight. Sometimes it helped her in her job as an editor for the fashion magazine.

  I smiled and hugged her. "Just wish the best for me, will you?"

  Stella patted my back. "Of course, Abby. You are my best friend."

  I leaned away from her embrace and looked inside the house. I could see Farah was preparing the table. I turned to Stella. "Come on, I think Farah needs our help."

  Stella grinned as we walked into the house.

  I didn't see Joshua in the dining room, but from the corner of my eyes I saw him talking to Kimberly in the next room. From their body language, I could see their conversation was serious. Evan and Kevin appeared to be watching TV in the living room.

  I turned to Stella. "You go ahead. I think I left my purse in the next room."


  I watched as Stella danced to the dining room while I walked slowly to the next room. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but the situation made me do just that. My heart sped up as I heard what they were talking about.

  "So, you still with her?" I heard Kimberly ask Joshua.

  "Yes, Kimberly. I love her," Joshua answered in a hushed voice.

  "What about that girl in Canada?"

  Huh? I furrowed my eyebrows.

  I could hear Joshua exhaled loudly.

  "I know she's your friend. You both probably discussed Abby behind my back. I don't care. I love her and I will marry her someday."

  I blushed. I clasped my hand tightly to tame my erratic heartbeat.

  I heard Kimberly huff. "She's prettier than Abby. But, you still choose that clumsy girl."

  I gulped.

  "Abby is beautiful, not pretty. I’ve been in love with her since we were six. And for your friend in Canada, she is just a friend. Nothing more and you could go tell her that."

  "I still don't understand what you see in Abby," Kimberly sighed.

  "Listen to me, Miles," Joshua said, anger clouding his voice.

  I gasped lightly.

  "She maybe not be a model like you or drop dead gorgeous like your dear friend in Canada, but Abby's beauty is more powerful than both of you combined. She may be clumsy or a klutz, but she is a strong girl. The opposite of you."

  "Lunch is ready!" Farah's voice rang from the dining room.

  I quickly slipped to the dining table, didn't bother with what I’m sure will happen next between them.

  "Abby," Farah smiled when she saw me. "Come, sit next to me."

  I smiled half-heartedly and sat next to her. Joshua and Kim appeared at the dining table seconds later. Joshua smiled instantly when he saw me while Kimberly ignored me. All the eight of us had our meal as we chatted animatedly. I barely paid attention to the conversation. My head still full with what Joshua and Kimberly discussed earlier. A flash of anger ignited in me. Joshua was not telling me the truth again. And who was this girl that Kimberly was talking about? Why was she so important?

  "Abby? Are you all right?" Joshua's velvet voice brought me back to reality.

  I looked at him.

  Joshua watched me with a worried expression.

  "Abby? You look pale," Joshua said, again.

  All six heads at the table looked at us.

  Kimberly rolled her eyes. "Oh, please, Joshua. She is pale all the time."

  That was it! I stood from my seat and glared at the blond woman. "Stop, Miles. I thought our parents taught us better than that. If you don't want to have lunch with me at the same table, then just say it. You don't have to prove your New York's influence in front of William and Farah!"

  Suddenly, the air felt heavy. I closed my eyes and tried to control my breathing. I opened my eyes and looked at Farah and William. "I'm sorry, but I think my presence isn't wanted here anymore. I think I better go home now."

  I walked out of the dining room in search of my purse, ignoring Joshua, William, and Farah calling my name. My head spun and my brain was hazy with the anger and disappointment I felt.

  "Abby, wait!" Joshua said and turned me around by my elbow. "Where do you think you're going?"

  "Home," I said, sternly and tried to wriggle out of his grip to no avail. His grip tightening on my arm.

  "You forgot something, Abby. I'm the host here. I forbid you to leave," He said, sternly.

  "Then, tell her to leave," I shouted back.

  Joshua sighed. "It will be rude, Abby. I invited her too."

  "All right. Then, let me go!"

  Joshua looked at me with dark eyes. "NO!"

  I swatted his hand and glared at him. "What’s this that you don't tell me about your life in Canada, Joshua?"

  He looked at me with a shocked expression.

  I narrowed my eyes. "You seem to have problems about telling me the truth. Why? How can I marry you if you’re never honest with me?"

  He didn't answer me.

  I looked at him. "I don't care about what both of our parents have said. I called off the engagement."

  I turned back to the front door and stormed out. I was too angry to notice that Joshua's house was in the middle of nowhere and I didn't have a car to take me home. I was halfway to the main road when I felt my shoes bothering me. I grumbled and took off my shoes with an angry huff.

  I was starting to walk when again when suddenly I felt two strong arms on my waist and turned my body around. I yelped and saw Joshua looking at me with an angry expression. Without warning, he lifted me up by my waist and carried me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I was too shocked to fight, but seconds later I realized what had happened and begun to punch his back with all my strength.

  "Joshua, put me down! Now! Joshua, this is not funny!"

  He didn't answer me. He just walked back to the house while I continued to punch his back. He set me on my feet in his driveway.

  "What is wrong with you?" I asked, angrily.

  "Nothing is wrong, Abby. Like I said I want to marry you. I don't care if I have to wait forever for you to love me," He answered in a flat voice.

  I rolled my eyes. "You always say that, but then you disappointed me. I can't do this anymore, Josh!" I walked past him in the opposite direction.

  "I'm still your fiancée, Abigail!" He shouted at me.

  I turned sharply and glared at him. "Then, start acting like one!"


  Joshua looked at me expressionless. Suddenly, he took a few steps toward me. His eyes still dark and smoldering with anger.

  And he did something I didn't expect at all.

  He kissed me.

  Chapter 10

  The Living Arrangements and The New Place

  His lips felt soft and warm against mine. One of his arms held my waist while his other one rested on my nape. I couldn't escape his e
mbrace. I clutched his shirt tightly as my mind went into overdrive, my heart thumped loudly, and my body felt like it was on fire. I closed my eyes for the overriding passion which coursed through my body. I never kissed a man before. I've dated, but I always ended up with men whose only interest was to get into my pants rather than a relationship. That was why I didn't know how to respond. His lips turned urgent and demanding, while I was standing in shock and trying to kiss him back. He moaned lightly against my lips and that sound brought me back to reality.


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