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Surviving Rage | Book 3

Page 21

by Arellano, J. D.

  Daniel angled the glasses upward and watched as the two men argued with each other. Clearly, they were debating making a run for it. One of them was visibly imploring the other man, while he shook his back and forth in disagreement.

  “Don’t do it,” Logan said from the other car. “Don’t - ”

  The man jumped down from the car, landing hard and falling to his knees just as the horde of infected finished with the other man. Turning towards him, three of them leapt forward as he broke into a run, trying to escape. They chased him with bloodied arms extended, reaching for him as he remained just out of reach. Running away from the bus, he was headed towards where Daniel was parked, though nearly a mile and a half away.

  “What’s happening?” Serafina asked.

  “One of the men is trying to escape.”

  “Did they see him?”


  “Oh no….” Serafina turned her body towards the backseat, effectively blocking the view of the road. Though the man was still some distance away, she didn’t want to risk the girls seeing what would happen if the infected caught him.

  Daniel realized he was holding his breath as he watched the man run. Sweat flew from his body, glistening in the afternoon sun as he raced away from the crazed men and women that chased. Arms pumping, legs churning, the man was using every bit of strength he had to try to get away.

  It wasn’t enough.

  While the other infected were keeping pace, not gaining nor falling behind, a large black man sped past them and caught the runner, tackling from behind. Daniel saw the man’s eyes go wide with shock as the man’s superior mass blasted him from behind, knocking him forward, off of his feet. His arms came out in front of him as he tried to break his fall, but with the large man’s added mass, his efforts were insufficient. The man’s chin hit the pavement first, followed by the rest of his face. He slid forward several feet on his face and body before stopping under the man, who rose to his knees and began slamming his fists into the man’s head. Seconds later the rest of the horde caught up and joined in on the beating.

  Though it was essentially over when the man hit the ground, the infected didn’t care as they pummeled his unmoving body repeatedly, breaking limbs and tearing flesh.

  What happened next shocked both Daniel and Logan to their cores.

  Hands pulled away from the man, holding chunks of meat and fat, torn from his body. The infected brought the meat to their mouths and consumed it ravenously, barely chewing as they stuffed it into their mouths.

  “What the..?” Logan said, his mouth hanging open in disbelief.

  “Holy shit!” Daniel added, pulling the binoculars away from his eyes. He raised them once more to look through them, needing to confirm what he’d seen. Once confirmed, he lowered them slowly, holding them in his lap as he stared towards the melee.

  “What is it?” Serafina asked.

  “They…” he looked towards the girls in the backseat. Not wanting them to hear the horrifying news, he leaned towards his wife and lowered his voice. “They were - ”

  Ashley would have none of it. “Dad, we need to know, too.”

  Daniel looked towards the back seats, considering what she said. When his eyes met Ashley’s, she held his gaze determinedly. He looked towards Brenna and saw the same determination there.

  “We need to know what we’re up against, Dad.” Brenna said, nodding.

  Sighing, Daniel sat back in his seat and looked forward. “The infected were eating the man.”

  “What the fuck?” Serafina said, frowning as she looked towards the mass of infected.

  “Oh my God…” Brenna added, looking away.

  “That’s so wrong,” Ashley chimed in.

  “I agree.” Daniel said, sitting there in his seat.

  From the other car, Logan’s voice called out. “If we’re going to do something, we need to do it now.”

  Daniel looked back towards the man who was standing atop the car. While the horde was distracted, he’d gotten down off of the car and made his way to the bus, which he was now attempting to climb. He slipped once, nearly falling from the bus to the pavement, but he caught himself by clamping his arm against the edge of the bus. In doing so, his legs kicked wildly as they tried to gain purchase on the metal surface of the bus.

  The infected must have heard his feet kick the side of the bus, because the group of them turned simultaneously and looked towards the bus. As one, they rose from their position on the ground and screamed, howling loudly before charging the bus.

  “Shit!” Daniel swore, shaking his head. Looking towards Logan, he asked, “Ideas?”

  “Yeah,” Logan said, nodding. “I distract them and you pick him up.”

  Daniel shook his head, disagreeing. “I don’t have room in the car.”

  Logan turned and looked at Daniel with a deadpan expression. “Make room. You being the bait means they’d be chasing you and the girls. You don’t want that, do you?”

  Daniel considered his question for a second, then looked at Paul. Turning to Serafina, he asked, “Mind driving?”

  She looked back at him. “Don’t even think about it.”

  He lowered his voice. “Look, he needs backup. Paul’s getting better, but he’s not it. Not yet.”

  Serafina sighed. “Be careful. You get yourself hurt, I’ll kill you myself.”

  “We need to go now!” Logan said impatiently.

  “I know, I know, Daniel said, grabbing the AR-15 as he got out of the car. He took a step, then turned back and grabbed his Glock as well, sliding it into his waistband. Serafina was climbing over the center console, getting into the front seat when he looked at Paul and jabbed his thumb towards the other car. “Get in with my family. I need that seat.”

  Paul looked back defiantly. “I’ll give you my seat, but I’m going with you.” Before Daniel could respond, he got out of the front seat, moved to the rear door, opened it, and got in, putting on his seatbelt quickly.

  Daniel glanced back at his wife and shrugged. He hopped in the front seat, looked over and nodded. “Let’s do this.”

  Logan pressed down on the accelerator, causing the small car to lurch forward. As they zipped along the highway towards the mass of infected, Daniel checked his guns, making sure each was loaded and had a round in the chamber. Satisfied each was ready, he put the Glock in the door pocket as they drew near the mass, which had noticed their approach. They turned and bared their teeth at the approaching vehicle, then screamed loudly before racing forward. Daniel looked towards the bus. There was a small gap to the left of its front end.

  Daniel pointed. “Head towards that gap.”

  Logan stared at the point Daniel indicated. “I don’t think we’ll fit.”

  “If we go on the median a bit, so what? This will give me and Paul both a clear line of fire.”

  Logan nodded. “Alright.”

  As Daniel lowered his window, he called out to Paul. “You ready?”

  There was a slight hesitation before the young man responded. “Yeah.”

  Daniel shouted over the sound of the noise coming through the open window. “When you get the shot, take it! Don’t think about it!”

  “Got it!”

  Logan turned the wheel to the left, aiming the car towards the gap Daniel had indicated.

  As they neared the group, Daniel’s eyes searched until they found the biggest threat he’d identified in the group: the large black man who’d exhibited tremendous speed and strength as he’d taken down the man who’d tried to escape. When Daniel located the man, he rested the barrel of the gun on the window edge and took aim. Logan took as his foot of the gas as they drew parallel with the group, allowing the car to coast as Daniel and Paul opened fire.

  Daniel squeezed the trigger, feeling the AR-15’s slight kick as it sent the first bullet, then another flying towards the large man. Three rounds struck the man in his torso, hitting him like powerful punches as the metal tore through his body. His forward motion stoppe
d momentarily before his legs gave out, sending him to the ground. Moving the barrel to the left, Daniel heard Logan’s gun bark from behind him. ‘Good job, kid,’ he thought as he squeezed the trigger again. This time a small Asian woman took three rounds. While the bullets stopped the large man in his tracks, when the metal rounds hit the small frame of the woman, she was thrown backwards off her feet. Her feet flew out from under her, rising above her head as she crashed to the ground. In his peripheral vision, Daniel saw another man fall to the ground as Paul shot hit him in his chest.

  They car coasted a bit further, allowing Daniel and Paul to get off another shot before Logan had to give the car gas again to keep them out of the infected’s reach. Two more of the infected fell, reducing the number remaining that pursued them to nine. The tires squealed as Logan sped forward, angling towards the small gap that remained open on the left side of the bus.

  “Not gonna fit,” Logan said through gritting teeth. “Hold on!”

  Daniel grabbed hold of the small handle above the window just as the front left tire slid off the pavement, landing on the hard packed, rock-covered surface of the median. The car bounced hard, sending everyone towards the driver’s side. Daniel heard a loud metallic thud come from behind him before Paul swore.


  “What happened?” Daniel yelled, holding on even tighter in anticipation of the rear left tire leaving the road.

  Paul’s words were drowned out by the loud noise of the car bouncing as Logan struggled to maintain control as they drove half-on, half-off the pavement. “I!”

  “You what?!”

  The car cleared the bus and Logan pulled the wheel hard to the right, driving it back up onto the paved surface of the road.

  “I lost the gun!”

  “Are you serious?” Daniel yelled, turning to look over his shoulder at the teenager. ‘Just when he’d been doing well,’ he thought.

  “Sorry, I lost my grip when the car bounced!”

  ‘Shit!’ Daniel thought. ‘Be cool, the kid’s doing better.’

  “Alright,” he said, holding up his hand. “Just hold on, we’ll figure something out.

  “I’ve already got it,” Logan said, looking ahead. The road was clear of obstructions as far as they could see.

  “What’re you thinking?” Daniel asked, looking through the side mirror to watch as the horde of infected pursued them.

  “We lead them far enough away from the bus that Serafina and the girls can rescue the man. Then we open up a decent amount of space between us and them.”


  Logan pointed to a small road about a hundred yards ahead. “We pull over, get out, and open fire on the bastards.”

  Logan grinned. “I like it.” He looked back at Paul. “When we get out, we’ll set up behind the Prius. I’ll let you use my Glock. You’ll be the last line of defense if any get through our line of fire.”

  Paul looked back at him guiltily. “Are you sure?”

  Daniel nodded. “Yeah. You’re doing better. Most likely you won’t have to do anything, but just in case, you’ll be there.”

  “Okay,” Paul replied, hesitating for a second before adding, “sorry about the gun.”

  Daniel nodded. “It’s alright. We’ll get it back after we deal with these things. Tonight when we stop, you’re gonna clean it thoroughly.”


  Logan slowed the car hard before he turned the wheel to the right, guiding the car off the highway and onto the small road. After continuing about a hundred yards, he pulled the wheel to the right before he stopped, positioning the car across the road. He put the car in park and left the engine running. He looked over at Daniel. “Ready?”

  “Let’s do it.” The two of them got out quickly, taking up positions on the driver side of the car so that the vehicle was between them and the approaching group.

  “Where should I be?” Paul asked as Daniel passed him the handgun.

  Daniel nodded towards the rear of the car. “To my right.” He pointed forward. “Your range of fire is unlimited to your right, but to the left, don’t go farther than about here.” He pointed to a position at about 310 degrees.


  “Here they come!” Logan shouted before his gun chattered.

  ‘Damn, they’re fast,” Daniel said before setting his gun on the roof of the small car and opening fire.

  It was over quickly. The unchecked aggression the infected used to overwhelm their unarmed victims was no match for the powerful semi-automatic weapons the two military veterans wielded. As Daniel predicted, Paul’s help wasn’t needed. The infected fell under the withering fire the two men sent at them, their bodies succumbing to the impact of the bullets that shredded them.

  Once the last of them fell, Daniel stood up straight and looked down at the AR-15. “I can see why so many people like these.”

  Logan nodded. “They’re effective, that’s for sure.”

  The three of them piled back into the Prius and made their way to where Serafina and the girls were, stopping briefly to pick up the gun Paul had dropped. Logan spun the car around to face away from the bus and parked it. Stepping out of the vehicle, the three of them walked over to the small gathering of people. Serafina and the girls stood back from the man, giving him space as he drank from the bottle of water they’d given him.

  As they approached, Daniel could see the man more clearly. He had a chunky, thick build that spoke of an abhorrence to exercise, dark, messy hair and a pale complexion. His nose was pronounced, with a high ridge in the middle, giving it a crooked look. His eyes were dark and small, and his mouth was a narrow slit on his face.

  Seeing Daniel and the others, he pulled the bottle away from his mouth, smiled broadly and shook his head. “Man, you guys saved my life!” He extended his hand warmly.

  Daniel glanced at it hesitantly. “You weren’t bitten or scratched?”

  The man pulled his hand back quickly. “Oh, uh, no. Not at all. I don’t know how I was so lucky.” He stepped back, set his bottle of water down on the ground near his feet, grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it upward, over his head and off, revealing skin that was even more pale than that of his face and arms. His body, while soft and lacking muscular definition, was unblemished. Standing in front of them, he turned around, showing them his back as well. It was also free of scratches or bite marks.

  “Okay?” the man asked, standing there with his shirt in his hand. “I can remove my pants as well, but as you can see, they’re still intact, and they sure as heck weren’t going to get through my work boots.”

  Daniel glanced at Serafina, who nodded. “Yeah, okay. Just trying to be safe.”

  The chubby man nodded. “I understand completely. You can’t be too safe out here, or, I guess, anywhere.”

  Logan turned and looked towards the body of the first man they’d seen get taken down by the infected. “Sorry about your friend.”

  The man looked down and shook his head. “Not really a friend, but a good man nonetheless. His name was Eddy. The other guy was Jim. We met outside of Lancaster. They were running from a pack of infected when I picked ‘em up.”

  “That was nice of you,” Serafina said, smiling.

  The man paused, gazing at Serafina a bit too long, then went on. “Yeah, well, it looks like it only bought them a few more hours.”

  Daniel looked at the car the man had been driving. Now that they were closer, he could see that the front end had been smashed in by the collision with the bus. The front left fender and bumper had been forced back into the driver’s side front tire, flattening it and bending the rim. It was undriveable.

  He glanced at Serafina again, searching her eyes for any signs of hesitation. Seeing none, he looked back at the man. “Well, we’re heading north, to San Francisco. You can ride with us if you like.”

  The man smiled. “You guys are my saviors. That would be great.”

  Daniel shrugged. “It’s not like w
e’d just leave you out here.”

  “Thanks,” the man said. He reached down and grabbed the bottle of water. Opening it, he brought it to his lips and drank deeply, gulping down what was left. When he finished, he grinned and extended his hand again.

  “Name’s Joe Reilley.”


  Bakersfield, California

  “Today’s been a good day, fellas.” Steve Sommer said, lifting his glass of whiskey up in a toast.

  Hank and Randall copied his gesture, lifting their glasses as well. The three men drank, then leaned back in the leather seats they were resting in. The hotel lobby was dimly lit and getting darker as the small kerosene lantern struggled to illuminate the interior of the building as the sun continued its descent towards the horizon.

  Nothing changed the fact that the day had been their best yet, though. In all, they’d killed nearly sixty people, a total they’d struggle to match at any point in the future.

  ‘Fifty-nine less vermin trying to water down the Master Race,’ Sommer said to himself as he sipped his whiskey. Putting his feet up on the glass topped coffee table, he admired the glass in his hand before leaning his head back and closing his eyes. ‘I could do this forever,’ he thought, smiling. Each day they worked was a contribution, a step towards returning the White man to prominence, no longer being dragged down by the needs and complaints of the minorities who never seemed to be satisfied.

  “What’s next, boss?” Hank asked from where he sat across from him.

  Sommer exhaled slowly and calmly, enjoying the relaxation they’d afforded themselves. (Truthfully, he’d given them the chance to relax earlier than usual, being more than satisfied with their day’s work.) He opened his eyes slightly and peered over at the man who sat across from him.

  “We’ll head out in a bit and find some grub, then come back and sack out here.” They’d already cleared the place, ensuring the rooms were free of people, adding to their total along the way. They’d taken down a few infected in the parking lot, but the interior of the hotel had fortunately remained free of the diseased men and women who’d brought the country to its knees.


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