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Men in Control: Special pack: The Smith Brothers Series

Page 12

by Brenda Ford

  He grabs my phone and stares at it, terror gripping him as well. He doesn’t want to see these photographs either. Me and him having sex in the office, taken by someone who saw us. Why are they doing this now when it’s supposed to be all over? What does this mean?

  Chapter 14 – Brad – Saturday

  I stand behind Wesley and stare at the computer screen, chewing my thumbnail anxiously. He is a technology whiz which is why he’s the brother I came to with these pictures first. If anyone can help me with this mess and work out who the fuck is trying to cause me more problems, it’s him.

  “Anything yet?” I ask for what feels like the hundredth time. “You got anything?”

  He spins in his chair and gives me his most serious look. “Dude, you know that I can’t get anything done if you keep going on at me. I need complete silence. Do you want to go and make me a coffee or something?”

  “Another one?” I lean over his shoulder. “Have you even finished the last one yet?”

  “You know I basically live off of caffeine. Now, go and make me one before I start twitching.”

  I roll my eyes and stomp back into the kitchen, my temper bubbling over into boiling point. It just seems like every single time things calm down with me and Tami, something else comes along to cause us issues. It’s so annoying. At first it was the office gossip, then the out ward bullying, now the secretive messaging… why are people seriously out to get us? Why doesn’t anyone aside from my family want me to be happy?

  “Fucking asshole,” I growl as I pour some more liquid into Wesley’s mug. “What a dick.”

  I accidently pour too much in, so it spills over the side and burns my fingers, which only angers me even more. Someone else having this sort of power over me is super irritating. I hate it. The worst thing is I can’t even call Tami about this yet. She’s so sad and annoyed that she decided to spend the day with her friends to help take her mind off of things and I promised myself that I wouldn’t interrupt until I had some sort of answer for her. To be honest, when I told myself that I thought Wesley would be able to solve this much quicker.

  “Anything yet?” I ask once more as I find Wesley again. “What are you looking at now?”

  “Well, since I can’t trace the phone number to anyone, this isn’t going to be easy to solve,” he sighs loudly. “But from what you’ve told me, I think that it’s obviously one of the mean girls from your office.”

  “You think it might be Amy? Oliver’s assistant? She’s the one who supposedly saw us?”

  “I don’t know.” Wesley shrugs. “But I do know that you can’t go around accusing anyone without certainty.”

  “Urgh, that’s so annoying. I want this to end. How can I do anything then? If I can’t ask people about it and make some accusations how can I stop it from happening? I don’t want Tami to go through this.”

  Wesley looks puzzled as he stares back at the computer screen. I suppose he doesn’t have any answers to this, he doesn’t have involvement in the human resources department at the company he works for whereas I should have more knowledge since I’m the boss of the entire damn organization. But I don’t have any answers. I don’t know what to do and that’s because I’m emotionally attached to this. I can’t look at it objectively.

  “Perhaps you should call the cops then,” Wesley offers. “You don’t even have to really do anything. Just the threat of bringing the police into the mix might stop what’s going on.”

  “But the cops aren’t going to be interested, are they? In a few pictures. It isn’t even like there are any threats in the mix. Not obviously anyway. Only we would understand them. I think the police won’t get it.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right about that,” Wesley admits. “I don’t suppose there is a lot they can do.”

  We sit in silence for a moment, just staring at the computer screen and the images. Thank fuck they aren’t too graphic, that would have been really embarrassing for the both of us. Instead they are just letting us know that we were seen. But that’s what I don’t get. We already know that, and we don’t need reminding. It doesn’t matter how pissed off people are that I have given Tami a promotion and we’re together. That’s just fact now, so what is the point of any of this? I think that’s what I’m missing. Once I can figure out a motivation, it will become clear who has done it. Right now, Amy, Tawny, Beth, and Hayley are at the top of my suspect list. But I won’t consider them the only ones on it. Who knows who might be keeping quiet?

  “So, I guess all I do is keep an eye out then?” I ask Wesley. “Try to see if I can spot any suspicious behavior.”

  “As annoying as it is, I think that’s all you can do, yes. But if you get anything else like this, bring it to me. People are usually pretty careful when it comes to their first threat but over time, they get cocky and sloppy. I might be able to pick other things up from later messages…” When he sees my horror struck face at the concept of other messages, he quickly tries to change his tactic. “Oh, you know, if there are any more. This really might be the end of it. Whoever it is might have gotten their point out and now it’s over.”

  I roll my eyes, knowing full well that he’s just trying to make me feel better… not that it will work. “Yeah well, I guess we shall see. At this point, there is no telling what will happen.”

  My eyes hit the floor as I consider what we might have to face next time around. I know that me and Tami are strong right now, but the idea that we might have to struggle with more scares me. What if it becomes too much for us and the straw breaks the camel’s back? I don’t know if I will ever feel the same way about anyone again.

  “You look thoughtful,” Wesley interjects. “What’s going on, Brad? Anything you want to talk about?”

  “Er, no, I’m just thinking about all of this, that’s all. It’s stressing me out.”

  “But because of Tami, right? This shit wouldn’t ever affect you, would it? Otherwise you wouldn’t have fucked around with so many crazy women, would you? If you were so concerned.”

  I chuckle and shake my head. “They weren’t all crazy. Just a few got a little attached that’s all. It didn’t matter how many times I said that it was only going to be a one-time thing it made no difference.”

  “But it isn’t one time with this one, is it? With Tami. She’s special. She’s different.”

  I can’t help but nod. “She is different. She’s really special to me. I really do like her.”

  Wesley grins. “Wow, mate, I haven’t ever seen you like this about anyone.”

  “I know… that’s because I haven’t. I really want to hold on to what I have with Tami because I think that it could turn in to something special. In fact, I’m sure of it. That’s why all of this is such an issue. Other people trying to get in our way. Trying to stop us from being happy just because we work together.”

  “It’s probably because you’re the boss and she just got promoted…” His words fall away as I glare at him. “Look, I don’t mean that I have an issue with it. I’m just trying to look at things through the opinions of other people. Their noses might be out of joint because they want to be the ones who get promoted.”

  “But she’s good. She’s doing incredible work. She deserves this promotion.”

  “I’m sure that she does, but others might not see it like that.”

  I nod knowing that he’s right about everything. Others will see it that way, I already know that. I suppose that could be enough to turn someone to this kind of jealousy even if I don’t get it.

  “Yeah well, whatever… I just want this over with now. I’m done.”

  “I want to meet this girl,” Wesley suddenly announces. “The girl who’s changed your life around. I think we all do. I know that Oliver and Angelo have already met her, but what about the rest of us? Me, Nelson, Alex…”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet. I don’t know if she is either.”

  “I don’t mean like a big drama or anything. Just something casual where we
can all get to know her a bit better. Alex is playing a gig tonight. Why doesn’t she come along with you tonight?”

  I smile to myself as I think about my younger brother, the budding rock star. Because him and Angelo are so different, in looks and personality, it’s hard to always remember that they are twins. Alex is definitely the wilder of the two with his crazy rock and roll life style. Not that he ever tells us much about it…

  “I suppose that could be a laugh.” I nod slowly. “And I’m sure that Tami would like it.”

  “You look worried…” Wesley laughs. “You’re not concerned that she’s going to fall for the rock boy?”

  That strikes horror inside me but only for a second. There’s no way that Tami would risk everything for me if she wasn’t sure. No, she likes me. She wants me and only me.

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Alex wouldn’t do anything like that anyway. However much of a bad ass he is, he puts family first always. I suppose it would be a good way to introduce you all.”

  “This Tami better get used to the Smith family soon enough, don’t you think?” Wesley laughs. “If she’s going to be a part of us then she’s going to have to get used to all of us. Angelo and his kookiness. Nelson and his smart mouth. Alex and his rock and roll stuff. Oliver and his fucking serious face all the time. You and the stick up your ass!” He ignores my groans of protest. “And of course me and my perfection.”

  “Oh yeah, or you and your temper more like!” I snap back. “But yeah. I guess so.”

  I step backwards and start to exit the room, trying to plan what I will do next. I am going to have to call Tami now, even if I don’t have any good news for her, to see if spending time with my family is something that she wants to do. With everything else going on, she might welcome the distraction, or she might want nothing less.

  Brad: Hey, Tami, how are you? Are you feeling any better? X

  Tami: Did Wesley manage to find anything? X

  Shit, I probably should have just called her then I could explain this in a much better way. But I have started this now and I’m going to have to just carry on if I don’t want to worry her.

  Brad: Not yet, but he’s still looking in to it. X

  Tami: Right, I see. Fair enough. X

  I suck in a deep breath to try and calm myself down before I fire off the next text.

  Brad: If you aren’t still busy with your friends later, do you want to go and see my brother in a show? X

  Tami: A show? What sort of show? X

  Brad: Did I not tell you that he’s in a rock band? X

  Tami: No, you didn’t, but that sounds like a lot of fun! X

  Brad: Great! Well, I will come to pick you up at eight then? X

  Tami: See you then x

  At least I can smile about that. The thought of seeing her is awesome. When I am with her, I’m sure that together, we can get through anything including this.

  Chapter 15 – Tami – Saturday

  The venue is loud. Much louder than the sort of place I would normally go, but it’s kinda cool as well. All dark and dingy, filled with people who are having the time of their lives. It’s exciting. Another part of the world that Brad has introduced me to, and I like it. Of course, it’s a little scary as well because I’m here with all of Brad’s brothers, but so far so good. They have all made me feel really welcome.

  “You want another drink?” Wesley asks me with a smile. “Or are you still working on that one?”

  I suck back the rest of my drink and hand it to him with a little laugh. “Another one please.”

  As he turns away from me to smoothly order a drink at the bar from the pretty bar maid who clearly fancies him, Angelo squeezes my shoulder reassuringly. It’s good for me that I know at least half of these brothers. It makes it much less intimidating. Angelo, Oliver, and Brad are all making sure that I feel okay all the time, and Wesley has been great as well. Nelson is pissed off because he is too young to drink beer in here and everyone knows him, but he’s still being friendly with me which is something. I think if we ever meet in better conditions, me and him will really get along well. I hope so anyway. I want to be friends with all of them, to have a good relationship with them all because I know how important they are to Brad. And him to them as well. It’s clear just from all the interactions how much they respect and love him.

  It’s hard to remember that I have a lot of drama in my life with the photos on my phone and everything when I’m surrounded by such amazing people. People who could easily protect me from everything.

  “Alex will be on the stage soon,” Brad whispers to me while hugging me tight to him. “His band is pretty good.”

  “Yeah? You reckon they are going to be big? The next big thing and all of that?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe. Hey, that would be something, wouldn’t it?”

  It would be amazing to know someone in the lime light. Not that it’s something I would ever want for myself but to know what it’s really like. That would be so cool, to see from the inside out. This could be the first time that I see him before he ends up seriously famous. A memory to hold on to forever.

  “Oh look, there he is.” Brad leans back. “Are you ready for it?”

  Wesley hands me a drink and I lean against Brad as the band starts playing. There’s a magical atmosphere in the air as the guitar begins strumming and the singer starts to croon. The band really is good, I can tell that right away. Much too talented to be in a place like this. They should be on a big stage, with a massive crowd.

  Even though the crowd isn’t a massive one, the screams shoot all the way through me. The band are not only talented, but they have a hard core fan base who adore them. Particularly Alex by the sound of things. They are screaming out his name like they all want to tear his clothes off… and I can understand why. He’s very sexy in a rock boy way with long dark hair and a brooding look, but not good looking enough to distract me away from Brad. He’s the only one that I will ever have eyes for. He’s the only one I really like.

  I turn to see him, to smile at him, and his eyes are fixed on me too. We share a deep connection, a wonderful moment of just me and him. Even in this environment, the world melts away. Me and Brad are in a bubble and it’s amazing. The safest I have ever felt. It doesn’t matter that everyone is trying to break us apart. No one will be able to. Let whichever bitch from work it is, send pictures. Eventually, if we don’t react, they will get bored. Then we can get back to our normal lives and continue on just being happy.

  And my God, I’m happy. Happier than I have ever been. How can I ever have thought that what me and Daniel had was good? It never felt anything like this. Ever. I didn’t feel as glittery, as full of sparkles and happiness. Even with people trying to get in our way, I’m shining with joy. It’s like Brad has brought out a different side to me, and I want to remain this person forever more. All full of love and joy all the time.

  I can’t predict what my future with Brad will hold, I don’t have enough experience with real relationships for that, but I’m excited to go along for the ride to see where we go.

  “Is this really Angelo’s twin?” I laugh. “I just can’t see it. Angelo is nowhere near this cool!”

  “I know, right? They are incredibly different, but they are twins, believe it or not.”

  “Hmm, I don’t know if I will ever be able to.” I lean back and watch again. “I’m going to be taking the piss out of Angelo on Monday, that’s for sure. It’s going to be a fun day of work!”

  Brad laughs and nods, agreeing with me. “Yeah, I thought as much. You know, I might join you with that. It could be a lot of fun to wind him up. Try to loosen the bastard up a bit. He’s been a bit tightly wound recently. I don’t know if you have noticed it or if I’m imagining it.”

  I glance over to Angelo who is laughing and having a good night tonight. He doesn’t seem tightly wound to me, but I suppose I don’t know him as well as Brad does. I don’t think I will take the piss out of him if he’s having some kind o
f hard time at the moment. I don’t want to get in the middle of that…

  “Oh! I’m just going to the bathroom.” It suddenly hits me how badly I need to pee. “I’ll be right back.”

  I leap down from my bar stool and head towards the bathroom. My head spins a bit, I think I might have been knocking those drinks back a little too quickly, but it doesn’t matter. Not when I have Brad with me. I just know that he will take care of me no matter how wasted I end up. He’s just that sort of man.

  I smile to myself as I head in to the cubicle, actually feeling on top of the world. I’m all giggly and girly, excitable. Like a teenager who is in the early days of a crush. I can hardly contain myself with it all. I kinda wish that me and Brad were at home so I could just jump on his bones already.

  “Oh my God,” a red head squeals in disgust as I step out of the cubicle, making me jump. “It’s you.”

  “Er…” I know that I have had a couple to drink, but not this many. “Who are you?”

  Her hands rest on her hips and she glares at me like she hates me. My first guess is that she is somehow linked to Tawny and the others and she’s ready to give me some shit that I don’t need.

  “It doesn’t matter who I am. It matters who you are. Or more who you are with.”

  “What do you mean? The Smith brothers?” Perhaps this is Alex related instead…

  “One in particular, Brad. Obviously. The one that you are shagging.”

  “Right. And er, what about him exactly?”

  “You mean you don’t know?” She narrows her eyes. “That he’s a massive fuck boy.”

  Oh! All of a sudden it becomes clear. This seems to be someone who is jealous of me and Brad. Well, if that’s the case I can handle it. That doesn’t matter to me at all. That’s to be expected. He’s a good looking guy.

  “Er, right, well I don’t think that’s any of your business, is it?”

  She stands in the way of the door but I’m not getting in to that again. There isn’t any way that someone will lock me in the bathroom again. I’m not being bullied because of my life choices.


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