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Men in Control: Special pack: The Smith Brothers Series

Page 48

by Brenda Ford

  “Come here,” I call out, stretching out my arms to him. “Come and hug me.”

  Alex practically bounds to the other side of the table and we hug hard. This teaches me how great forgiveness can feel and how bitter holding on to grudges is. Humans all make mistakes, and just because Alex has made a big one it doesn’t mean that we can’t move passed it. We can, and I definitely think that we will.

  “So, we’re okay?” Alex asks me quietly. “Because that’s all I want in the world.”

  “We’re fine. You don’t need to worry anymore, okay? We’re good. So, please, look after yourself more. Don’t go down a self-destructive path. Rachel has been worried about you and so am I. Please, take care of yourself.”

  He parts his lips ever so slightly, almost as if he’s going to argue with me and disagree that he’s not been looking after himself, but then he thinks better of it and he nods. “I will, I promise you.”

  I can’t wait to run back to Rachel’s place and to tell her how amazing this has gone and how right she was, but there isn’t any rush for that. If we’re meant to be like I think we are, then we will be. For now, I need to get reacquainted with my twin and spend some time with my brothers. It’s been a long time since we all were together, and I want to make the most of it.

  Chapter 37 – Rachel

  “…All the ways in which I can love you!” I sign loudly, proud of my song. It’s been rough around the edges, and I still think that it might be in some places, but it’s in a good place. I’m happy. I might even be ready to sing it in front of Gary and Alex to see what they think about it. That’s a nerve wracking but exciting thought.

  Knock, knock. I glance at the door, wondering who the hell that might be. Knock, knock,

  “Coming.” Could it be the post man? Am I expecting something? “Hold on, one moment.”

  I straight down my tee shirt, wondering if this is the one I was wearing last night. Since I’ve been song writing I have gotten a little scotty. I’m not quite sure where my head is at. Then I pull the door open.

  “Angelo?” My pulse leaps up in to my throat. “What are you doing here?”

  He has the biggest grin on his face which I feel creeping up on my expression as well. His happiness is contagious and I can’t stop myself from swimming in his warmth. I just hope that it lasts.

  “I came to see you, of course. Because it’s time for me to take you out on a date.”

  “A date?” I can hardly breathe. “What do you mean? Does that mean…?”

  I don’t dare finish that sentence because I’m so freaked out by the answer. I really do hope that he’s taken my advice and at least tried to patch things up with Alex. I dread to think how that went.

  “It means that I had a meeting with Alex, and we sorted things out. We listened to one another and actually heard each other’s point of view. I wasn’t sure that it would work out, but it did. It was good.”

  “Wow.” I’m blown away by this. “So, it’s like it used to be? It’s properly sorted?”

  “Much to my surprise, it really is. I didn’t think that we could ever go back to what we used to be, but I really do believe we will now. I think it won’t be long until me and Alex are back to normal.”

  I’m gob smacked. I don’t know what this means for Alex and Mandy and I really don’t want to ask either. If they do end up together, I hope that’s something separate from me and Angelo.

  “So… you really want to go out on a date?” I gasp, still trying to process this. He really didn’t want to make things up with Alex, he was dead against it, but he took that step for me. My heart melts and feel any frostiness slips off me. Not that there was any there in the first place. “That’s just… I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say yes!” he laughs. “Please say yes. I have booked a really nice table for us.”

  “Ooh, you have?” I feel my eyes lighting up and shining with glee. “Well, I can’t say no, can I?”

  “Definitely not. That was my plan all along. I wanted to coerce you in to it.”

  I tug him inside the house and press his lips to mine, finally getting that wonderful sensation that I have been missing ever since he walked out of my life. Much as it was hard, I’m glad that I waited now because this feels amazing. It’s right, there isn’t anything else hanging over us. We can just be us.

  “Right. Well, do you want to take a seat and wait for me? I need to get dressed.”

  “I will wait for as long as it takes. Whatever you need.” He kisses me yet again. “Thank you for saying yes.”

  I pull back away from him, walking backwards away from him but keeping my eyes on him the entire time. The lust and love behind his gaze make everything swim wildly inside of me. I really hoped that this would happen, but now that it has, I realize how much tension I held inside of me over the waiting period.

  He’s mine, I think as I turn towards my bedroom with a skip in my step. He’s come back for me.

  Now, I really feel like we have a chance. We can have all of the good side of us without the negative. We can just happy without a thick cloud hanging over our heads. It’s perfect. This could be it. Everything we want is really in our grasp at last and I can’t wait to wrap my hands around it and take it.

  I grab out my nicest dress I own – a black number with an electric blue belt around the middle which matches my heels perfectly. Then I plait my hair and leave it dangling over my shoulder, before putting my dark make up on. I don’t know how posh this place is that we’re going, but this is the poshest I do. Angelo accepts me for who I am anyway. So, I am not worried. In fact, I can’t feel anything negative in this mood.

  I smile at my reflection in the mirror, loving the happy go lucky expression on my face. That’s something I have been missing. The words to my song flood my mind, making me feel even deeper emotion with every part of it. I wrote that because of Angelo, it was all for him, and now I might get to sing it to him one day.

  Then, it’s time for me to head back out of my bedroom with my new clothes on, and Angelo rises to his feet. Immediately, I see his face light up. He looks so pleased that I’m back by his side.

  “Oh wow, you look incredible,” he gushes, closing the gap between us. “So damn beautiful.”

  “Well, I have to admit that you don’t look too bad yourself,” I giggle, curling back in to his arms. “Now, I’m excited about this date, so let’s get going, shall we? I’m excited to see what you have planned.”

  He takes my hand and leads me outside where there is a car waiting for us. A nice black long car. I don’t know much about vehicles, so I don’t know what it is, but it looks awesome. He opens the door for me like a gentleman and I slide in to the passenger’s seat, feeling a little bit like a princess as I do.

  “This is nice!” I exclaim. “I don’t think I have ever been treated like this before.”

  “Well, we’re starting again, aren’t we? And starting properly too. I want it to be right all round this time. I want you to see that things are going to be much better this time. It’ll be right, and I will start by taking you out on a date. I hope you do feel like a princess because that’s what I think you deserve.”

  He leans across from the driver’s seat and cups my cheeks in his hands before he kisses me. Butterflies flap like crazy in my stomach as he does. Already, I can picture where this night is headed, and I can’t wait for it.

  “Am I ever going to see this new place of yours then?” I ask with a cheeky smile.

  “Oh yes, I hope so. I have wanted your approval ever since I first moved in!”

  I highly doubt that’s the case since he was furious with me when he first moved, but there isn’t any point in dragging up the past now. Not when we’re starting afresh. I do feel that newness as well. As I dart my eyes towards Angelo, watching him drive us to our destination, I get those first date excitable nerves. As well as the familiarity of us being together before and knowing that our feelings are dead strong.

  I love him, I think g
leefully. I love him and now we can actually be together.

  “So, where are we going before I get to see your house?” I lean back and gaze out of the window. “I’m excited.”

  “You’ll see,” Angelo replies with a real caginess to his tone. “It’s a surprise.”

  We drive for a while in silence, but it isn’t filled with any tension. It’s the kind of familiar, comfortable silence that comes with really knowing someone. This just proves to me yet again, that we are meant to be. We have always been meant to be and destiny has finally driven us together at last. Thank God. Fate might have taken its time, but it’s finally come around and done the right thing for us at last.

  “This isn’t a restaurant,” I declare, stating the obvious like a fool as Angelo pulls up in a parking lot.

  “I know it isn’t. This is my apartment. I cooked a dinner for you. I’m so keen for you to see it…”

  “Oh wow!” Now I’m really excited. There’s no telling which way this will go. “That is amazing.”

  My whole-body throbs as he lets me out of the car and he takes me in to his apartment building. It isn’t like my apartment, these are like large oversized penthouse suites. The sort of place that I could only dream to live in. It’s probably hard for Angelo to down size to somewhere so much smaller for him, but for me this is a palace.

  Even the elevator is luxurious. Angelo presses the button to open it and reveals a large space with carpeted walls and classical music playing at a wonderful volume that is pleasant to the ears. I step inside, feeling like I’m in a movie rather than real life. The pulsing inside of me intensifies as we’re locked away alone.

  “This is nice,” I say blandly as we rise up through the floors. “You must like it here.”

  “It’s far enough away from where I’ve lived before to give me some distance, but close enough to ensure that I can still get to work easily without having to face too much traffic… but that isn’t what you’re asking, is it?” he laughs. “I absolutely love it here. This is my dream home and I didn’t even know it. It’s mine and I am so happy.”

  “So, you don’t feel bad that you have moved away? You don’t wish you could be back home?”

  “Oh no. Not at all. I miss it in a way, but not in a way that drags me back. I want to be my own man.”

  At least something good has come from all of the mess. He’s progressed and grown from this. I can tell from the way that he has changed in to a more relaxed man with so much less stress to handle. He’s happier, better.

  “So, come on then, this is my place.” He takes me out of the elevator and towards his home. As he opens the door, I can’t stop myself from gasping loudly with shock and awe. “What do you think about it?”

  “I love it.” I step inside and twirl around laughing. “This place is amazing. And something smells delicious.”

  “That’s the dinner I have cooked for you. Come and see. It’s on the dining table.”

  I follow to see a candle lit dinner on the table with roses all around the room. Angelo presses something and music even softer than that in the elevator comes to life. My whole body lights up with joy, I’m so excited and happy to be here, I can’t believe it. I spin to look at Angelo before wrapping my arms tightly around him and holding him tightly to me. The love that I have always felt for this man consumes me and swallows me up.

  “I love you,” I whisper to him, no longer caring about hiding anything back. “I always have, Angelo.”

  He pulls back to grin at me. “I love you too, Rachel. And I am yours. All yours.”

  Now that I like the sound of!

  Chapter 38 – Angelo

  We eat between the candle light, the smell of the flowers heightening everything. This is exactly as romantic as I want it to be and I can tell from the look on Rachel’s face that she really appreciates every part of it. This is absolutely amazing, I can’t believe how happy I am, and how right Rachel was. It is better being together now that we don’t have any drama hanging over our heads. I can see that now. I think I might have to start listening to Rachel more often about things because she is clearly much cleverer than I am about these things.

  I’m over the moon that she likes my apartment as well because I can’t help but hope that one day she will live here too. With me. Deep down, that’s what I was thinking about when I picked this place, even if it was only subconsciously at the time. Now, it’s a dream that I will cling on to every single day until it becomes real.

  “So, the tour went well then!” I say with a smile. “I’m glad to hear it. You guys have always been incredible. It’s good that you’re finally getting noticed for it. Who knows, you might even end up massive.”

  “You think you’ll be able to handle it?” she asks me with a small smirk. “If I’m well known and away a lot?”

  “If I know that you belong to me and that it’s me you’re coming home to at the end of everything, I can handle anything. Just knowing that you’re mine will make anything okay. I won’t be jealous at all?”

  “At all?” She wiggles her eyebrows playfully at me. “Are you sure about that?”

  “Well… maybe a little bit. But trust me, after being through all of this and knowing what it’s like to lose you, I won’t let a bit of fame get in the way of us. I’m sure you feel the same way as well.”

  I’m relieved when she nods, because this really isn’t something that’s going to bother me. The rest of the world can have the parts of Rachel that the band needs her to give, but I will get the most important bits of her. I will get the real Rachel, the loving, caring, wonderful woman who means the world to me.

  “Yes, I feel the same way. As you know, Angelo, I have been in love with you forever. I will do anything that it takes to make it work. Me and you are worth more than anything. Now that we have made it.”

  Since we have both finished eating now, I move to her side of the table and take her hand. As her fingers slide between mine, electrical shoots of anticipation flood me. I feel pleasure absolutely everywhere. Her beautiful piercing eyes fix on mine and remain there as I take her through the rest of the rooms in the house.

  “You know, I have a balcony out there.” I nod my head towards the window. “You want to see it?”

  She nods so I lead her out to my hot tub underneath the stars. As soon as Rachel sees it, she lets out a squeal of excitement. I laugh as her hands clap to her mouth in shock.

  “You want to get in? I had it running just in case… because I thought that you might.”

  She kicks off her heels, unbuckles her belt, and she whips her dress up over her head. Her pure white angelic under wear shines in the moon light, making my pulse kick up about another ten notches. She really is stunning.

  “You’re getting into the hot tub like that?” I chuckle. “In your underwear?”

  “Oh no!” She reaches behind her back and pings her bra off. “I’m getting in naked. I mean, that’s the beauty of having a private hot tub, isn’t it? So you can get into it all bare.”

  “Well… I have to admit that I haven’t done that myself, but I suppose there’s a first time for everything…”

  My words fall apart as she bends forwards and she slips her panties off. Her smooth round butt and her rock-hard nipples has me standing to attention for her. I don’t know if I can get naked to join her in the hot tub because it will be obvious how badly I want her. Since this is technically our first date, I don’t know if it will end that way… then again, when she slides in to the bubbly water and I spot a heavy lust behind her eyes, I know.

  Without taking my eyes off of hers, I peel my own clothing off, the cold night air whipping around me as I go. Her gaze slides down my body and fixes on my cock which makes her smirk with lust. My stomach flip flops, need shoots painfully through me, I can’t resist her for another second longer. I climb in to the water with her and immediately grab her and drag her towards me. Her body slides close with ease and my hands wrap around her soaking wet back so I can kiss her. Gentl
y at first, then a little harder as the pleasure grips me tightly.

  “Oh God,” Rachel whispers as our lips move in unison. One of my hands grips her plait, which is soaking wet already, and I take the hair back off to pull it apart. I love her all dressed up ad beautiful, but I adore her all wild and care free as well. When she looks and behaves like the animal I know that she can be. “Angelo, fuck.”

  I pull her up on to my lap and stare up at her as she straddles me. Her ragged sharp breaths fall down on my face as I tease her entrance with my cock. The heat of the water and the bubbles surrounding us, plus all the time that we have been forced apart, acts like seriously intense foreplay, bringing us close to the edge already.

  My mouth is drawn to her nipple instantly, like there is a magnet there, and I take one in to my mouth. I tug and tease, sucking and licking her in to oblivion, which she grazes my tip with her soaking wet, tight pussy. I know how she feels; I love the sensation of plunging deep in to her, but the anticipation is intense as well.

  “You have no idea what you do to me,” I growl, my words vibrating all over her breast. “You drive me wild.”

  Her head tilts back and although she doesn’t reply, I can tell by the little mewing sounds flying passed her lips that she’s enjoying what I’m doing to her. Plus, her nails keep digging in to my neck every time it feels good.

  I trace my fingers delicately up and down her spine as I suck on her neck, marking her with my teeth. I like her having something to link her to me, a claim over this woman. I can’t stop myself from wanting the world to know that she’s mine. I want to move at the speed of light with this woman, but I need to be sensible. We moved too fast before and it caused us to implode. I don’t want to make that same mistake again.


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