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Men in Control: Special pack: The Smith Brothers Series

Page 71

by Brenda Ford

  Eventually we come to an end of the set and we run off stage for a couple of moments before the encore. There I find Angelo who agreed to meet me the moment I finished to check in on me… at least, that’s what I’m sure he has told everyone else, but me and him know that there is more to it. Well, the band do as well, I had to run this passed them, but to everyone else it will be a surprise. Hopefully, a pleasant one.

  “Do you have it?” I gush as soon as I see him. “Oh my God, I’m nervous. Do you have it?”

  “You just sung in front of all of those people and now you are nervous?” he laughs.

  “This is different, and you know it.” I take the box from him and pop the box open to look at the beautiful diamond ring inside. It’s stunning. It makes me feel the same way I did when I first saw it in the store. All over the moon and excited to marry her. I just hope that Freya feels the same way. “Oh God, can I do this?”

  “You can and you know it, Alex.” Angelo holds on to my shoulders and stares deeply in to my eyes. “You know that this is what you want, what your heart desires. And trust me, you aren’t ever going to get someone more perfect for you than Freya freaking Brown.” I chuckle and nod to agree with him. “Come on, she’s wonderful and you know it. So, go out there and get her already. Don’t fuck it up!”

  I know that this is my cue to leave, to get back out there already and to sate the fans by letting them know that they will have another song once I have proposed to the love of my life. God it feels incredible to say that aloud. To have enough love to know that it’s the right thing to do. I didn’t ever have that confidence before, so this is amazing. This is real love, the way that it is supposed to be, the way that actually makes me happy.

  “Do you need another pep talk from me?” Angelo laughs. “Just like the night you found out that you were having a baby? Because if I remember rightly, I sent you running back in to Freya’s arms just to get away from me. Do we really need to be in that state once more? Come on, Alex. No one wants that.”

  “Right, right.” I back away with my arms in the air in a surrendering gesture. “We don’t need to do that. I will get out there already and propose. Just wish me luck, pray that it all goes well.”

  “She isn’t going to say no,” Angelo reassures me. “She loves you. She isn’t going to say no.”

  I really hope that he’s right as I turn to head back out on the stage. The spot lights shine down on me hard making it hard to see anyone out there in the audience, but I can hear them all there.

  “Hey, everyone,” I say into the microphone. “Thank you all for coming. Don’t worry, I‘m not going to give a big speech like Gary did a moment ago. You don’t need that twice! I just think that it’s best for me to say thanks as well because I appreciate the support.” They yell and cheer which forces me to stop for a second. I smile to myself glad for the moment to gather myself back up once more. “But I do have something that I need to say… but not to all of you.” Those words cause a thick strange atmosphere in the room. But I suppose that is to be expected. “I actually just want to focus the words on someone particular, who I would like to join me up here.”

  I glance around, hoping that I can find her before I say her name. I would love to see the expression on her face. Soon I find the gorgeous blonde and pink hair, but the lights are too bright for me to see her properly. It’s enough though. I can work with it. I open my mouth and let the words start falling out.

  “Freya, will you come here? Do you mind joining me up on stage?”

  These words are followed by a beat of silence before a murmur of chatter bursts out around the room. I don’t know if Freya is one of the people talking, but I see her moving. She’s coming towards me at last. I turn to see Angelo standing at the side of the stage with his thumbs up, encouraging me further. If he wasn’t here supporting me, I honestly don’t think I would be here. I wouldn’t have the confidence to propose. Thank God I am here proposing to a woman who he can be supportive of. It would never have been this way with Mandy.

  Fucking Mandy. How the hell did that even happen? I’m not thinking about her right now at the most important time of my life, I’m just glad that I am finally making the right choices. That I have started being smart. I didn’t think that I would ever be able to get passed the mess that I made of my life. But I’m here.

  Soon, I see someone creeping passed Angelo and my heart skips about ten beats. There she is, she is so beautiful, so everything. I can tell that she is totally confused, but she won’t be for too long. Hopefully, in a moment, that confusion will have turned to sheer joy. Fingers crossed she doesn’t totally hate this…

  I smile at her gratefully and hold out my hand for her to take it which she does. Then it’s time for me to do it already, to get the proposal out there at last…

  Chapter 39 - Freya

  “What the hell is going on?” I mouth to Alex as he drags me across the stage to him. “Am I supposed to sing with you or something? I’m not rehearsed or anything. I don’t understand what’s happening…”

  “Don’t worry,” he whispers quietly. “All will make sense in a moment. I promise you that much.”

  He kisses my cheek softly which makes everyone cheer loudly. I can feel a blush creeping through my body. I’m not usually bright red with embarrassment on stage, but here I am a mess. What is Alex doing to me?

  “Now, Freya Brown,” he says in to the microphone. “I think I have been very clear about how much you have changed my life, how you have helped me. What you have done for me…” The yells become almost deafening. When Alex speaks again, he practically has to yell. “And how much I love you because of that. You have changed my world. Rocked it, actually. In every single way. So, what I want to do is make our love official.”

  All of a sudden, Alex drops to one knee in front of me and he pulls out a little box. A ring box. All of the jigsaw pieces are there but it takes my brain a couple of moments to click in to place so I know what’s going on.

  Oh my God! Is this for real? Is this actually happening right now? Fucking hell. I know that things have been going well between me and Alex, that he’s come to terms with the baby and I have to, but this? I wasn’t expecting this to happen. I wasn’t ever expecting him to propose to me. Sure, in a way, I have thought about me and Alex getting married in a day dreaming way. But not in a realistic manner. Not in a way I thought it would happen.

  “What are you doing?” I cry out, tears almost streaming down my cheeks already. “I… I don’t know what to say.” I do. I know exactly what I’m going to say when the question comes my way, but still…

  “Freya Brown, I love you. I have loved you for a very long time. You have literally saved my life more than one time, and I want to thank you for that by making the rest of your life amazing. I want to make you happy every single day.” He pops the box open and I see the diamond ring there. It’s so incredible that it takes my breath away. It isn’t too big and obnoxious, it’s kinda sweet and elegant as well. I love it. I can already feel the weight of it on my finger and I can’t wait until that becomes reality. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You and the baby…” I don’t know if the world is aware that I’m pregnant… or they weren’t until now anyway. As Alex softly rubs my belly, I just know a picture of this will be online in a moment if there isn’t already a live stream going out there. “You are my life, my world, my everything. So, will you make me the happiest man alive and agree to be my wife? Please tell me that you will marry me…”

  I clasp my hand to my mouth, unable to find my reply right away, but when all the crowd starts yelling at me to agree, I do. I start with a nod before gasping out my ‘yes’ over and over again.

  Alex slides the ring on to my finger before he jumps up to kiss me. He lifts me from my feet and spins me around while we celebrate our new status as engaged. I can’t believe it, my heart races and pulses like crazy. I didn’t know that it was possible to be this happy. I am so glad now that I stuck around
for Alex, that I waited for the right man, because now I have it all. The ring on my finger, the baby in my belly, the happy ever after.

  “Now…!” Alex calls in to the microphone, addressing the audience once more. “Do you think that Freya should stay out here and sing the encore song with us?” he yells, and everyone cheers. “She must know the song.”

  “Oh no,” I hiss. “No, I can’t. I’m not dressed to be up on stage. I shouldn’t even be here for the proposal, never mind singing. I think you guys should just get on with it. You don’t need me. I can just wait over there…”

  “Look at them.” Alex points to the audience. “They have supported me through everything and now they are happy for me and you as well. Let’s sing for them. Together.” He takes my hand in his. “You up for it?”

  Gary and Rachel join us on stage as well, nodding encouragingly at me, eventually forcing me to agree. I suppose it could be fun, I just don’t want to get in the way of Blood Red Masters. But if everyone wants me to stick around then that’s what I shall do. I roll my eyes and giggle before joining Alex at the microphone. As the band launches in to one of their most famous songs, that I of course know the words to, I stare at him lovingly and smile as we sing. Together, we actually sound pretty good. Maybe we should sing together more!

  I guess now that we’re together forever now and about to get married, we have all the time in the world to sing together, perform together, do whatever it is we need to. Our love is sealed at last; this man actually does belong to me fully at last. I am so freaking lucky. I won’t ever take what we have for granted, I will never forget how important it is that we stick together. That we love hard and fight the world together. Me and him.

  “So, Mrs. Smith to be,” Alex declares with a smile as we finally get back at the hotel room after the gig. “What do you think about tonight? Did it all turn out just as you wanted it to be?”

  “Well, since I had absolutely no idea that you were going to drag me on stage tonight to propose and make me sing, then I’m going to say no,” I laugh. “I didn’t expect tonight to go this way… but that isn’t a bad thing.” I glance at my ring, my heart swelling with joy all over again. “Not bad at all. And I sure as hell like it when you call me Mrs. Smith.” It sends a shiver down my spine even thinking about it. “That will be wild.”

  “So, when do you want to get married?” Alex asks with a smirk while he climbs in to bed. “You know I would marry you tomorrow, don’t you? Wherever and whenever you want?”

  “I would like to get married before our baby comes… if we can make that possible. I know that we both have our busy schedules… but it would be cool to be hitched before our baby is born.”

  “If we can make that happen, then I will do it for you.” He reaches for me and pulls me into the bed beside him. “What about? Where would you like to get hitched? I can think of a million places…”

  He has a wistful look in his eyes which spikes my curiosity. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Well, I was thinking, maybe, if there isn’t anything better you have in mind, I wondered if we could consider the church where my parents got married? I wasn’t there of course. Brad was, not that he can remember since he was only one at the time, but I’ve seen it and well… since they can’t be there, I thought that it might be a nice way to feel them around… but only if you don’t have anything better in mind.”

  I pull him to me and kiss him softly on the lips. His family is important to him, even the ones who aren’t around anymore, which is one of the reasons that I love him so much. So, I am happy to honor his family no matter what. “I love that idea. It sounds absolutely perfect. I can’t think of anything better.”

  “Are you serious? Oh my God, Freya, you are just so amazing, honestly.” He shakes his head and smiles. “You just get me in a way that no one else ever could, and you’re always putting me first.”

  “Well, you are the most important person to me. You and our little man…”

  “You think we’re having a boy?” His eyes light up. “I mean, I don’t mind either way, but…”

  “It feels like a boy to me. I don’t know, I might be wrong, but call it a woman’s intuition. A mother’s intuition.”

  “Well, I can believe you then.” He rubs his hand over my belly which is getting rounder by the moment. “A boy it is… probably. We should think of some names as an idea for when he’s born…”

  “We also need to discuss our living arrangements.” I cock an eyebrow at him. “I don’t suppose you want to remain living at your family home when we’re married and have a child. Why don’t you come and live with me?”

  “You really want me to live with you? Are you sure, Freya? I want to live with you, but I don’t want to push you into anything that’s too quick. Living together will be a big change for us.”

  “Of course.” I lace my fingers through his and hold his hand close to my chest. “I’m having your baby, I agreed to marry you, of course I want to live with you. If you don’t want to live in my apartment, then we can always find somewhere to live together. Somewhere that’s new and exciting. Whatever we do it will be a change. I like the change with you. It’s an adventure. I am happy to have any adventure with you.”

  “If you want me, I’m happy to live with you. I absolutely love that place. It’s become like home to me now.”

  I do too. I adore my apartment, but since everything else is changing then why not? But if Alex is happy then I am too. “Whatever you want, Mr. Smith. Whatever makes you happy too. We’re in this together.”

  “That’s true.” He brings my lips to his. “Yes, that’s true. Me and you forever.”

  We snuggle in close together, holding on to each other as we stare lovingly into one another’s eyes. I feel a sense of security and happiness unlike anything I have ever experienced before. It’s incredible. With that wonderful love running and rushing through me, I instinctively roll over on top of him and kiss him deeply and passionately, my hips grinding and pressing in to him as I do. It isn’t long before he’s hard as rock, as eager for me as I am for him. He moans out my name like a prayer as our clothing sheds like it’s nothing and he slips inside of me. Our bodies mold together easily, fitting together like they were always meant to be. Like we were always meant to be. I press on his chest and sit up so I can gaze lovingly into his eyes while I ride him hard and fast. I love watching his face contort with pleasure, the orgasm getting to him. It makes me feel so sexy knowing that I am doing this to him. Somehow, the intensity of knowing that we’re going to get married makes it even more exciting, the pleasure more phenomenal, the hot bliss more overwhelming. Fuck, this is why I love him so much.

  Holy hell, if it’s this good when we’re engaged, then what will it be like when we’re married?

  Epilogue - Alex

  “Wow, there is something so special about this place,” Angelo says as he straightens up the tie for me yet again. I’m starting to think that he might be more nervous than I am. “I mean, there always has been, hasn’t there, since this is where Mom and Dad got married. But now you are too… it’s just really sweet.”

  “I bet it’s more traditional than you thought it would be for me. Did you assume my wedding would be wild?”

  Angelo pauses thoughtfully for a moment before he answers. “You know what, no. You might be the rock boy out of all of us, but I think you needed the traditional love story the most after everything. To me, this seems perfect for you. A full circle after all of it. I’m so proud of you. I know that Mom and Dad would be too.”

  I dart my eyes upwards, wondering if they are up there somewhere looking down on me on my special day. I feel their smiles on me, their happiness that I am finally making some right decisions.

  “It’s a real shame that they can’t be here, isn’t it? To see us all finding our paths in life.”

  “I know, but I choose to believe that they are, don’t you? It’s nice to imagine them with us.” Angelo pats me on the arm and grins. “
Are you ready for this? Because we really need to be inside before the bride gets here. It’s kind of a tradition for the groom to be waiting at the other end of the aisle to greet her.”

  My heart flutters when I imagine her coming towards me on her father’s arm, ready to be mine. I wonder what her dress will be. One to accommodate her very swollen stomach now. I did say that we could wait until after our child is born, but Freya wouldn’t have it. She wanted to be hitched first, at the only opportunity we have, even if it is mere days before her due date. I think that she’s crazy, but she’s my princess and she gets what she wants.

  Me and Angelo head inside to see all of the people who have chosen to join us for this day. No press, of course. We were offered tons of money for our wedding photos since we are both in the public eye, but neither of us wanted that. This day isn’t about anyone else. Only us and our dream come true. Our happy ever after at last. I smile happily at the friends and family who have brought us here, who have made this so great… including my brothers, who have all insisted on being my best man in their very forceful way. There are almost more people at the end of the aisle then sitting in the church pews, but I suppose I can’t expect anything else from these guys.

  They all immediately check in on me to see that I’m okay, that I’m not about to crack, but luckily, I don’t have too long to get in to that with them because the organist starts playing the wedding march which means she is here already. Freya Brown is here, about to become Freya Smith. A thought that floods me with sheer joy. It’s a good job that me and Angelo came inside when we did, or I would have made a mess of things.

  I turn forwards and face the doors, my heart pounding against my chest as I wait for her. My fingers interlock nervously, I can hardly stand still, I’m about to fall apart in the anticipation…


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