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Men in Control: Special pack: The Smith Brothers Series

Page 138

by Brenda Ford

  “I was young and vulnerable, naive too. Stupid. You took advantage of that. But I have grown up now and I’m stronger. But you are still the same and taking advantage of other people. I see you whispering and botching about me, and it doesn’t bother me, but you do it to other people as well. People who might not be able to hack it. It isn’t right. You shouldn’t be allowed to get away with treating other people like they are a game.”

  I dart my eyes between Hannah and Court, trying to see if any of this is registering. I just want it to sink in a little bit so they can understand what they have done. If they get the damage, then maybe they can change…

  But they aren’t. Neither of them are getting it at all. They have blank expression with a hint of smugness. This is drama, more of what they want. I am just giving them what they need and it’s enraging me even more.

  “What is going on here?” It’s almost a relief to see Andy. “What is all this noise?”

  “Oh, well I just came to ask Wesley a simple question and he lost his mind,” Court replies, managing o look totally calm and in control. “He just began yelling at me. It seems like he has held on to a grudge for years. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s been trying to get fired for all this time.”

  Andy looks at me knowing that this is the truth. Weirdly, it looks like he might be falling for Court’s bullshit which is ridiculous because he knows exactly what he’s like. He has seen this before.

  “Yes, and then he was saying some terrible things about me too,” Hannah jumps in with crocodile tears in her eyes. “That’s why I came in because I want to defend myself. It isn’t fair for me to be bitched about.”

  “Come off it, Hannah.” I roll my eyes. “You are the biggest bitch here.”

  “You can’t say that about me. Andy, he can’t say that about me, it isn’t right. That’s not professional conduct, is it? Is that the sort of company that you want to run? Because it isn’t fair.”

  I fling my hands on to my hips and stare at Andy as well, piling on the pressure. He knows what sort of place this is and five years ago he promised to fix it which he hasn’t done. This is his chance now. He can finally get rid of the bad blood and make this okay. I will certainly have a lot more respect for him if he does.

  “You need to find a way to get along,” he says with pure cowardice instead. “I can’t have this arguing.”

  I shake my head and tut. “Andy, you have said before that I am doing an amazing job, that the numbers are better because of me. You have said that you wouldn’t be able to run it without me. Well, I can’t continue to work here with these two because as you know, they make it a really horrible place. It’s toxic and unbearable, it’s like babysitting fucking toddlers on top of everyone else. I don’t need it. You need to finally get rid of them.”

  “I can’t fire people for no reason.” Andy shakes his head defiantly. “You know that.”

  I try to stare him down, to make him see reason, but it doesn’t seem to sink in. Andy is standing by Court and Hannah over me and I can’t understand why. They did it to him as well… unless they really do have something over him. I suppose that’s possible; I don’t know. All I do know is that I don’t want to be a part of this anymore.

  I want to do the thing that I should have done five years ago, and it actually feels right.

  “Okay.” I shrug. “Then I quit. You will have to deal with this on your own because I’m done.”

  “What do you mean?” Finally, Andy looks desperate. He’s getting it at last. What a shame that it’s too late. “You can’t quit. I need you here. You are the manager. Can’t we just work this out?”

  “No.” I shake my head hard. “We can’t. I have put up with that shit for years. No more.”

  “What are you going to do? You need this job. You can’t leave us in the lurch like this. It isn’t right.”

  “Yeah, what are you going to do?” Court sneers at me. “You have a child to look after, remember?”

  Andy looks surprised, but thankfully he doesn’t ask anymore. I suppose he doesn’t really want to know. That doesn’t worry me anyway. My family has plenty of money, so I will be fine. Plus, I have my own savings. I can survive until I find something else. And I will. I’m not concerned. I know that I will be good.

  “I don’t need anything. I don’t need to be around you people, so you can amuse yourself now.”

  I don’t have much at my desk, but I gather up my own possessions and I shoot them all a smile. I feel like I can offer them this little bit of kindness now that I’m on my way out and I never have to see them again. I was already considering leaving this place to have a fresh new start putting all of the past behind me, but now that I’m doing it, I can’t believe that I have pushed it to the back for such a long time. I should have done it forever ago.

  “Goodbye, and good luck, Andy.” I call behind myself as I walk away. “You’re going to need it.”

  As I walk outside and the fresh air hits me hard, another idea creeps in to my mind, something that I really want more than I thought I would. Something so good that I can’t believe I haven’t thought of it before. It’s something that I want to put in to action right away because I just know that it will be perfect. The fresh start away from all of that shit that I need. God, I hope that Zoe likes this. I’m pretty sure that she will.

  Chapter 38 - Zoe

  “You look so much happier,” Jessica observes with a smile. “And this apartment suits you well.”

  “Thank you for organizing the moving company in New York, that was amazing of you. And also, thank you for taking a bit more time off work to hang out at my new place. You have made it feel more like home.”

  “Well, I have a good eye for interior design, what can I say?” she laughs. “But you are welcome.”

  I glance around, really feeling like I’m at home as I stare at mine and Maddie’s new home. Living here on our own first is definitely the right thing to do. Me and Wesley need to take it slowly, to really get reacquainted first, even if we are in love, so I feel great about this step. Plus, I do love this house.

  “Mommy, the garden here is amazing!” Maddie screams as she runs back inside. “I love the flowers.”

  She never had a garden in New York, and she never would have done. There are no gardens, you have to go to Central Park for that kind of thing, so I’m glad to give her something she desires so much.

  “I love the garden too.” Jessica sulks playfully. “I think that I might have to come and live here as well.”

  “I would love that!” I declare. “But I don’t think your boyfriend would be too keen. Plus, you aren’t going to get the sort of work here that you have in New York. No celebrity parties.”

  “Alex Smith is a celebrity.” She shrugs and laughs. “A rock star, so I could hang out with him.”

  “Yes, that’s true. But that’s just one person and I don’t think he’s big on partying.”

  “Hmm, true. So, I guess I will have to go home but visit lots instead.”

  I pull her in for a hug and nod against her. “Please, come here as often as you like. I have loved having you here. Honestly, I would still be a big confused mess if you hadn’t sorted me out.”

  “Well, that is my job, isn’t it? That’s what best friends do. Let’s just hope that you don’t ever need to return the favor. I don’t want to end up in the same messy situation that you have found yourself in.”

  “There is no way that would happen! You are far smarter than me, Jessica.”

  But even as I say that, I feel much more switched on in myself. I feel like I’m finally making the smart decisions, not just the ones driven by my emotions. I’m taking control of my life and doing what I have always wanted to do. I just didn’t realize that this was everything that I wanted and more. That Father’s Day drama felt a bit like the end of the world at the time it happened has actually turned in to a blessing. If it wasn’t for Maddie wanting to meet her father, then we might never have come on this incredible jour

  Ring, ring… Ring, ring… Ring, ring…

  I spin quickly to grab my cell phone. My assumption is that it’s going to be Wesley to check up on the move, so it’s a shock to see Brad’s name on the screen. I wonder if this might be another sleep over.

  “Hello?” I answer nervously and curiously. For some reason, my pulse races like crazy.

  “Hi, Zoe, how are you?” he replies with so much warmth it’s easier to relax. “Is the move going well?”

  “It’s just about done actually so yes, it’s been good. Thank you for checking up on me. How are you?”

  As he replies, I’m filled with a sense of warmth and happiness. I am slowly learning that this is what the Smith family are like. Once you are accepted in to their folds, they really do embrace you and you become one of them. Brad has no reason to contact me to check that I’m okay, but he is. And I just know this isn’t because Wesley has asked him to. He cares about me and Maddie. We are a part of his world now. The Smith world is a surprisingly wonderful place to be and I kinda love it. I guess this is what a big family is like.

  “So, since you have been busy all night, I was wondering if you guys would like to come to dinner tonight? You, Maddie, and your friend Jessica as well. We will all be here, and I’ll get Wesley to come after work.”

  “All of you?” I glance at Jessica who has heard enough of the conversation to be nodding enthusiastically. “Er, yes, sure. That would be awesome. Thank you very much, Brad.”

  “Great. We will see you at six then. Does that work for you?”

  “That works. See you then. Thank you for the invite. We’re looking forward to it already.”

  “No worries. This is a family meal and you’re part of the family.”

  Those words warm my whole body because I know how much he means them. I really am included; I don’t even feel like I’m on the out skirts. For the first time in my life I really do fit in. It’s amazing, I love it.

  “No wonder Maddie likes the big family,” Jessica says as soon as I hang up the phone. “They sound great. I have heard a lot about them but I’m looking forward to meeting them all. I’m starting to warm to Wesley a little bit, but it will be good to know the rest of them. I want to be sure that I’m leaving you in good hands.”

  I nod along, wondering how it will go. Surprisingly I’m not too nervous. I’m sure that it will all go well. I already know that Maddie will have the best time, and I’m sure that Jessica will too. This will be it, the night of finally bringing the two best parts of my life completely together, and I’m excited.

  I watch Jessica watching everyone else, and I can see the smile on her face. She gets it, she understands why this is perfect for me and Maddie. We don’t even need to talk for her to just see it. This big caring family is lovely. And since she has been embraced by everyone just as much as I have, she feels it as well.

  “This is great,” she finally whispers to me. “I can see you here. Really living here. Everyone is amazing. The only issue is where the hell is Wesley? Don’t you think it’s weird that he hasn’t turned up yet?”

  “I do,” I admit. “It is strange, but Brad said that he’s messaged him, and he should be on the way.”

  What I don’t get is that work should have finished ages ago. I was never at the office that late and I know that no one else is either. Even Andy, so what the hell is he doing? I feel like there is something going on and I don’t know what. That makes me nervous. I don’t know if I can handle any surprises.

  “Have you called him?” Jessica demands. “Because honestly, I think he should be here with you.”

  Before she changes her mind about Wesley all over again, I grab her hand. “You’re here with me. I’m fine.”

  “Oh, I know, and I know that you’d be happy here even if I wasn’t here because everyone is so nice, it would be good if he was here to just be by your side.” She shrugs. “I’m not judging though. Whatever. As long as you aren’t worried, then I’m not going to be either. I’ve decided to trust your judgement.”

  “Thank you.” I grin at my friend. “That means a lot to me.”

  Maddie grabs Jessica’s hand and pulls her off to show her something, leaving me alone with that thought. Jessica is right, I should call him. In the process of communicating better, I should talk to him. So, I turn my back on the crowd and I grab my cell phone to call him. After all, me and Wesley are together now. I should be the one to contact him and find out when he’s going to turn the hell up.

  But the phone rings all the way through to voice mail. He doesn’t pick up, which makes me even more nervous. I haven’t got a reason not to trust Wesley. I certainly don’t feel like this is five years ago and he’s going to get his head turned by Court and Hannah again, but there is something that’s making me panic.

  My heart is racing, sickness and bile swirls in my stomach, I’m trembling from my head to my toes. I’m scared that if he doesn’t turn up in a moment then I’m going to freak out and embarrass myself. I really don’t want to do that in front of the Smith family when they have been so nice to me.

  “Zoe!” At first, I think I might be imagining him because I’m so desperate to see him. “Zoe, where are you?”

  But as I turn back, I see a frantic Wesley racing towards me. His eyes are sparkling, there is something going on behind his gaze, everything is dancing madly. I’m less panicked to have him here. When he’s looking at me like this, I’m even more scared. What if everything is about to come crashing down around us?

  “What’s going on?” I grab on to his arms, but that isn’t enough for him. He tugs me towards him and hugs me. “Wesley, what is happening here? I’m starting to panic.”

  “I quit my job!” He calls this out like it’s a celebration. “I’m finally done with that place.”

  “What?” I gasp pulling back. “What are you talking about? Why did you do that?”

  “Finally, after five years, it has come to a head. All the drama with Court and Hannah exploded and I told Andy that either they went, or I did. He was too much of a coward to do it, so I walked out. I walked right out without looking back, and it felt amazing. Absolutely incredible.”

  “But you love that job. I don’t understand. How could you just walk away?”

  “Because I have something better. Because I have the best idea in the world and I just know that you are going to love it too.” Wesley is wild. He doesn’t even seem to notice that all his family are looking at him like he has lost his mind. Even the children. “I’m going to start my own business. And I want you to do it with me.”

  “Huh?” I pant out after a brief pause. “A business? Are you serious?”

  “Why not?” He shrugs and grins. “We were the best ones in the office, so why not strike out on our own? I have been a manager and you could do that too easily. We’ll do it in a much better way than Andy. I mean, we have seen all of the mistakes and we can run it better. Plus, Brad runs a company so if we ever struggle, we can ask him to help us. I know that it’s a bit quick and we’re supposed to be slow, but…”

  “Yes,” I hear myself answering before I have had a chance to think about it. “Yes, that sounds amazing.”

  Working together will be different if we’re on the same team, if we’re the bosses, I’m sure of it. But I also know that Wesley can do it alone if I decide to walk away because it’s too much as well. Saying no and running away from things hasn’t exactly worked out for me in the past, so I’m trying saying yes.

  To celebrate, in front of absolutely everyone, Wesley grabs me and kisses me. I guess we aren’t going quite as slowly as we planned to, but actually that doesn’t matter. It’s going to last forever anyway, isn’t it?

  Chapter 39 - Wesley

  Six Months Later…

  “Where is Zoe?” our company receptionist, Meghan, asks me for what feels like the hundredth time. “She’s supposed to be helping me pick out bridesmaid dresses for my wedding and I haven’t seen her.”

u know that we’re supposed to be here for work, not wedding shopping?” I tease back. “This isn’t a freaking social club, you know? It’s an office, a place of business.”

  Meghan rolls her eyes at me. She knows that I don’t mind really. As long as the work gets done, I don’t mind what happens here. That’s because we have a friendly environment, which helps foster professionalism and comfort for the staff. The productivity levels are so much higher here than Andy ever had and that’s because we all get along and we want to do well. We are all aiming for the same goal and that’s success. A success that will benefit all of us when it comes our way. Because I run things in a way for all of us.

  Plus, Meghan and Zoe have an amazing friendship. One that I’m sure Zoe needs. Of course, she has all of my family and she has Jessica in New York as well, but Meghan is a genuine work friend. That isn’t something that she has ever had before. It took her a while to trust after Hannah, but finally that is all in the past. She has let go of all of her hang ups and now has a great friend. I couldn’t be happier for her. I feel like it’s the last piece of her life that she needed and now she has everything. At least, that’s what I’m hoping for.

  “I don’t know where she is,” I finally tell Meghan. “She is supposed to have been here all morning.”

  I grab my cell phone and call her, properly wondering what has happened to her now that I’ve taken my attention away from business for the moment. She loves this place and is here as much as she can be. The only thing that would take her away from here is Maddie, but if there was something to worry about, I would know.

  “Hey, Zoe,” I say in to her voice mail. “Just calling in to check in where you are. No pressure or anything, just Meghan keeps asking when you’re coming to discuss bridesmaid dresses with her.”

  Meghan smirks and rolls her eyes at me before walking over to her desk to carry on with her job. Well, that combined with endless bridal magazines, but I suppose she will be distracted planning a wedding.


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