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Every Wrong You Right: A Redeeming Love Novel (Book 6)

Page 22

by Parker, J. E.

  Blowing out a breath, I swiped a stray lock of hair free of my face, and tucked it behind my ear, then waited to see if he would say something.

  He didn’t.

  More than a little bit confused, and quickly becoming a whole lot irritated, I placed my palms on his chest. “Are you going to tell me why you brought me out here?” I asked. “Or are you going to continue to play the part of a mute?”

  His breathtaking blue eyes met mine; yet, he still said nothing.

  “Okay,” I said, taking a step back and removing myself from the hold he still had on my hips. Crossing my arms over my chest, I fidgeted in place, rocking back on my heels. “If you aren’t going to talk to me, then I guess I’ll head back to the truck.”

  His lips didn’t move.

  Well, then…

  “Seriously, Ty,” I fussed, letting my emotions get the best of me. “This is how you behave an hour after I tell you that I’m in love with you?”

  Deep down, I knew his silence had nothing to do with the confession I’d made earlier, but it still stung all the same. His behavior had done a complete one-eighty since leaving the park, and I didn’t understand it.

  Like, at all.

  As much as it pained me to think about, I couldn’t help but wonder if hearing me say those three little words had changed things for him. I mean, he’d spent such a long time chasing me, what if now that he had me, the thrill was over?

  I’d given him such huge pieces of me.

  My trust.

  My virginity.

  My heart.

  If something had changed…

  If he had changed.

  I wasn’t sure how I’d handle it, but what I did know is that I’d never recover. I’d faced many obstacles in my life, and I’d suffered through each of them, but losing the one person I believed would always be mine to keep would be my end.

  Of that, I was sure.

  “You know what,” I said, shaking my head. “Forget it.” I said nothing else as I moved to walk around him. “I’ll call Carissa to come and pick me up. I’m sure she and Kyle can find this place.”

  I’d only taken a single step when his strong hand shot out and wrapped around my bicep, stopping me mid-stride. Turning his head, he stared down at me, an emotion I couldn’t read rippling across his face. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  Anger flooded my veins.

  “You do not get to make that choice,” I snapped, trying in vain to rip my arm free. “Especially not after the way you’re behaving now.”

  Even with my muffled hearing, I could tell that my voice rose with each word I spoke. Acting almost hysterical wasn’t the norm for me, but I felt raw, completely vulnerable.

  It had taken a lot for me to admit my feelings, feelings which I’d harbored for longer than I’d ever admit, and receiving the silent treatment shortly after was sending my mind into a freefall.

  Stupid tears threatened. Again.

  “Let me go, Ty,” I said, jerking my arm once more. “Please, I can’t—”

  “I’ll never let you go,” he said, looking directly at me as he cupped my chin with his free hand. “Ever.”

  “Are you sure?” I questioned, letting every bit of fear that stirred in my chest free. “Because right now it seems an awful lot like you’re pushing me away.”


  When did I turn into such a baby?

  His eyes flared.

  “Goddammit,” he said, releasing my arm. “Angel, I didn’t mean…” Snapping his mouth shut, he shook his head and looked out over the lake. His chest rose and fell harshly; his breathing as erratic as the maelstrom of emotions that swirled in his eyes.

  When he turned back to face me, regret lined each of his features.

  Curling a single arm around my back, he pulled me toward him, closing the space between his body and mine. “Want to know a secret?” he asked, his lips moving just enough for me to read.

  I nodded and mirrored the answer he’d given me back at the park when I’d asked the same question. “Always.”

  “You scare the hell out of me,” he said, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

  “What?” I asked, confused as ever, once again. “Why?”

  “Because you love me.”

  I blinked, unsure of how to respond.

  “Before today, you loving me was something I prayed like hell for, but never truly expected to happen,” he explained, clearly having lost his dang mind. “As much as I wanted you to fall head over heels for my hot-tempered ass, I would’ve settled for a lot less as long as you remained by my side.”


  “I’ve spent so much time chasing you, that I never thought about what I’d do once I had you.” His words weren’t comforting. Not in the least. “I knew I’d fight to give you the life you want, but baby, I’m lost here.” Wide-eyed, he shook his head. “Swear to Christ, I need a checklist or some shit.”

  That made me giggle.

  “You’re going to do just fine,” I said, feeling my chest grow lighter.

  “Yeah?” he asked, seemingly unconvinced. “How do you know?”

  I shrugged. “Because it’s you, and you don’t fail.” Each word was the truth. “Besides, all you have to do is talk to me when you’re unsure of something.”

  “It’s that simple, huh?”

  I nodded. “It’s that simple.”

  “Alright”—he tightened his hold on me—“then tell me how long I have to wait before I ask you to marry me.”

  I held both of my hands up, open palms to the sky. “As soon as you ask Daddy and he agrees to let us get hitched.”

  “You’ve gotta be shitting me.”

  “I’m not. It’s tradition. Even Kyle did it.”

  He laughed, but there was nothing humorous about it. “Your Daddy couldn’t say no when Tuck asked, Angel. Your sister was already knocked up.” A devious smile curved his lips. “Matter of fact, that’s one hell of an idea. How about I—”

  I pressed a finger to his lips, effectively silencing him. “You are not knocking me up just so my daddy will agree to letting you propose.”

  A scowl replaced his smile. “What if he says no?” I opened my mouth to respond, but he kept talking. “No, fuck that. I don’t care if he says no, I’m marrying you regardless.”

  Scrunching my nose, I tilted my head to the side. “You know he’s coming home soon, right? I’m not sure what day exactly but it’ll be within the next week.” A sharp pain pierced my chest when I thought about how long it had been since I’d seen him. “He’s been gone for over a month this time, and I miss him like crazy.” I paused and pulled in a breath. “But I’m not looking forward to him finding out about us.”

  Ty’s face dropped. “He know you’re living with me yet?” I sunk my teeth into my bottom lip, refusing to answer him. “Baby,” he groaned. “Tell me you told him.”

  I shook my head. “Nope,” I replied, popping the p. “I haven’t.”

  “Why the hell not?”

  “Because I didn’t want him to kill you just yet.”

  “Your father can’t kill me,” he said, narrowing his eyes. “He may be a big bastard, but he’s slow. If he tries to strangle me like he threatened to do to Tuck, I’ll just run circles around him until he gets tired.”

  A bark of laughter spilled past my lips.

  “I can’t believe you,” I replied. “I thought you were supposed to be Mr. Badass, the man who never backs down from a fight.”

  He looked at me like I was crazy. “I can’t fight my future father-in-law. I’m an asshole, that’s an undisputed fact, but I’m not a piece of shit.”

  “No,” I replied, shaking my head. “You’re not.”

  His fingertips moved, tracing invisible circles on my lower back. “That right there,” he said, “is one of the many reasons I fell head over ass in love with you.”

  Before I could ask what he meant, he continued. “You were the first person to ever make me feel like I was more than wh
at everyone else saw when they looked at me.” He paused. “The son of a drunk and crooked cop; the hateful bully hell-bent on breaking others.”

  My hands found his sides. Eager to bring him the comfort he so desperately needed, I ghosted my fingertips up his ribs before cupping his strong shoulders. “Those things are not what defines you,” I whispered, willing him to believe me.

  I didn’t care whose DNA he shared…

  Nor was I concerned with what he’d done as a kid.

  “Yeah?” he asked, dipping his hand below the waistband of my shorts and over the curve of my bottom. “Then what does?” He nuzzled the column of my throat, nearly sending me into a tailspin before pulling back so I could see his lips once more.

  “Being mine,” I replied, without having to think. “Like you always have been.” A shiver rippled down my spine as his fingers began to knead my flesh, the long digits working me into a frenzy one movement at a time. “And you always will—”

  I lost all ability to think, much less speak, when he removed the hand snaked beneath the back of my shorts and gripped the front of my waistband, plucking the simple button open with one flick of his wrist. His fingers slipped below the denim, then beneath my lace panties.

  Oh God…

  My mouth ran dry, and I dropped my head back, my anticipation bubbling up inside me as he touched me with a soft caress, tracing the seam of my center before delving a lone finger inside my tightness.

  Thighs clenching, I gasped for breath. “Ty…” His hand shook against me as he buried his face in my neck, nipping my skin, then calming the sting with a simple kiss. “Make love to me,” I begged, grabbing handfuls of his shirt.

  Face lined with determination, my guy said nothing as he pulled back and began to rid my body of my clothes, one piece at a time.

  First my shirt, then my shorts, followed by my bra.

  My panties were ripped—literally—from my body next, and I watched through lust-filled eyes as he slipped them into his back pocket before reaching for his belt.

  Eager to feel his skin against mine, I pushed his shirt upward and over his head. Holding the soft cotton in my hand, I dropped it to the ground beside me and freed the button holding his jeans closed; just like he’d done for me moments earlier.

  A wicked smile tipped my lips.

  After tugging down his zipper, I hooked my shaky hands into the sides of his jeans and boxers. With one shove, I pushed them down his legs as he toed off his boots; first one, then the other.

  Dropping to my knees, I took his throbbing length into my hand.

  I’d only taken his cock into my mouth once before, so I certainly wasn’t an expert, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t give him everything I had.

  Treat it like a lollipop…

  Lick, suck, swirl.

  Eyes locked on the velvet-covered pipe before me, I took a breath. Then, before I could think myself into a tizzy, I took him into my mouth, swallowing as much of him as I could.

  A groan reverberated throughout his body, sending vibrations purring through his torso and down his thighs. Even though my hearing was dulled, feeling the primal sounds he made sent me into a frenzy.

  Fisting the base of his cock, I swirled my tongue around his crown and pumped my hand up and down his length in long, steady strokes. The taste of salt rushed my senses seconds later, and I knew he was close; mere moments away from spilling into my mouth and down my throat.

  Relaxing my jaw, I took him deep, craving every drop he’d give me.

  Unfortunately for me, he didn’t let me get that far.

  Slipping his hands under my arms, he effortlessly lifted me to my feet, ripping his cock free of my swollen lips. “Why did you—”

  I snapped my mouth shut when he lifted me into his arms and then lowered me to the ground, following me down. Once I was flat on my back, he climbed over me, shadowing my body with his, and took my wrists in one of his hands.

  Lifting my arms above my head, he pinned my hands in place and looked down, meeting my stare. “You do not goddamn move,” he said, his eyes wild and full of fire. “You understand me?”

  “I’ll think about it,” I sassed, taunting him.

  His jaw ticked as he climbed between my legs and wrenched my thighs open, exposing my soaked slit to his hungry gaze. He took his time looking his fill before he kissed a path back up my body, giving me a clear view of his sexy mouth once more. “Remember earlier when I told you that I was going to fuck you so hard that you wouldn’t be able to walk come morning?”

  My eyes flared.

  He smiled in return.

  “Soon as I make your sweet little pussy cream all over my tongue, I’m going to fuck the sass right out of you.”

  “Hope you’re planning on staying a while then,” I fired back.

  My eyes slid closed as he chuckled and crawled down my body, wedging his wide shoulders between my quaking legs. Hooking his arms around my thighs, he held them still, completely immobilizing me.

  Knowing the pleasure he was about to bestow upon me, I mentally prepared myself for the euphoria that was seconds away from stealing my breath, along with my mind.

  “Ty,” I cried, fighting to keep my hands in place. “Hurry, I can’t—”

  With no warning, he tapped my clit with his tongue.

  My back arched and a scream that could’ve been heard two counties over tore free from my throat. He growled against my wet heat as he lashed my bud, flicking his talented tongue over my burning clit until my toes curled and a coil immediately tightened deep inside me.

  I wasn’t going to last, not like this.

  Unwinding one of his arms, he reached up and covered one breast with his hand. Pinching my nipple, he rolled the tight peak between his fingers, sending bolts of pleasure ricocheting through my chest.

  Moan after moan spilled from my lips as he worked my pussy with his mouth and moved his hand to my neglected breast, plumping my other nipple. Each move he made was calculated, his body playing mine like an instrument as he blanketed me in bliss, hurtling me toward ecstasy.

  Seconds later, the tension that coiled inside me like a serpent prepared to strike, snapped, and white-hot pleasure pulsed through me, possessing every nerve in my body. Streaks of lightning flashed behind my closed eyelids as I screamed to the heavens above, coming all over Ty’s face and tongue.

  My body was Jell-O, my flesh a heaping pile of boneless limbs as he sat up and flipped me over, maneuvering me onto my hands and knees.

  I didn’t have a moment to take a breath, much less speak a single word, before he grasped my hips and slammed his throbbing cock to the hilt, filling me in one fluid thrust.

  My sheath clamped down, cradling him tight as he dug his fingers deep into my hips, and took from me what had always been his to take.

  My heart.

  My soul.

  My pussy.

  Fighting for purchase, I clawed at the grass-covered ground as he pounded into me from behind, his thrusts growing in intensity with each pump of his powerful hips.

  I moaned, arching my back, taking him deeper.

  Sliding a hand up my back, he pressed down on the space between my shoulder blades in a silent demand that I obeyed. Leaning down, I placed one cheek on the grass and dug my purple-tipped nails into the dirt.

  He rewarded my obedience by twisting his hips, changing the angle of his thrusts.

  I screamed in response; my throat raw from the animalistic sounds that he continued to rip from me.

  Balls slapping against my clit, he brought a heavy hand down on my ass, cracking his palm against my tender flesh. It was the first time he’d spanked me, and I hoped with everything I had that it wouldn’t be the last.

  A slew of what I assumed were curses spilled from his mouth, one after the other, but I couldn’t tell what he was saying. Even if I’d had my hearing aids in, understanding him would’ve been impossible.

  My mind was blank, my body running on instinct as he fucked me on the ground like a
wild animal, tending to every primal need I’d kept tucked away for far too long.

  Needs only he can satisfy…

  Snaking a hand into my hair, he fisted a handful of my locks and tugged, forcing my head up and back. My neck arched, exposing the sensitive juncture of my neck as he continued to slam into me, making my breasts swing wildly.

  “Ty!” I screamed, feeling the tension between my legs once again begin to build. “I’m—”

  I shattered; my words disappeared.

  My sheath gripped him tight, pulsating along his shaft as he carried me to a place where only the feel of his hands, the smell of his skin, and the rapture of his body possessing mine existed.

  My limbs grew weak, my muscles non-functioning.

  Releasing my hair, he wrapped an arm around my belly, holding me tight. His chest suddenly cloaked my back. Movements jerky, he ground into me, wringing every drop of pleasure that my rippling pussy had left to give.

  With one last thrust, he seated himself deep.

  Exploding, his cock throbbed and pulsed as he poured himself into me, lashing my insides with spurt after spurt of his scorching hot come.

  Eyes closed, I prayed it would do its job.

  Please, God…

  Immobilized by his weight, I could do nothing but scream as I continued to take everything he gave, my greedy pussy sucking at his shaft, begging for more.

  When he had nothing left, he fell to his back, taking me with him.

  I whimpered as he flipped me around, and laid me on his chest, forcing his cock to slip free of my soaked core.

  Beneath me, his chest ballooned as he pulled in breath after breath, his tanned and sweat-slicked skin gleaming in the late afternoon sunlight.

  Resting my right hand above the place where his pounding heart laid, I pushed myself to a sitting position, soaking his stomach with our combined juices as they spilled down the insides of my thighs.

  “Ty,” I whispered, my throat drier than sandpaper. “Look at me.” Nostrils flaring, he lifted his head, meeting my eyes. “Thank you.”

  His heavy-lidded eyes filled with confusion. “For what?”

  Emotion welled in my chest, and even though my vision blurred from the unshed tears hiding behind my lids, I refused to cry. “For breaking down my walls and for saving me from myself.” I paused and pulled in a breath, fighting to keep myself under control. “But most of all, for not giving up on me, even when you probably should have.”


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