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Immortal's Eden

Page 5

by Lori Perry

  “Do tell.” He probed once they were alone again.

  “Well, the parents gave statements that on several occasions their daughter would sneak out to see this guy.” She rustled through the papers and pointed to his picture. “I know it’s a little blurry, but can you see that little blonde by the phone booth back there?” She pointed to a small figure off in the distance. “I think that’s our “victim” calling mom and dad after she disappeared.” The photo was a bit grainy taken from a convenience store security camera, but with a trained eye you could make out a suspect.

  “I think you’re right.” Peering closely at the photo he took a full minute to respond. As long as he was busy investigating, she could hold off on quizzing him over her vampy dreams. She watched him as he combed through her paperwork, flipping back to the photo every so often, and decided he was the most handsome man she’d ever seen. Something about the set of his features and the graceful way he moved had her mesmerized. If she started up her insane ramblings about dreaming of him before they met, and seeing him as a bloodsucker she wanted to hate, he would probably politely excuse himself to the bathroom and run for the nearest airport, thinking she was either a mental institution runaway, or lying to manipulate him in some way. At least that’s what she’d think.

  “Find anything useful?” She asked as she drained the last bit of her water. The waiter rushed up to set a fresh glass in front of her and Michael thanked him before he spoke again.

  “I’m sure we’ll find this guy trying to hide in plain sight. I just wish I knew his motivations.” When he reached the end of the folder, he found a handwritten note from the girl and quickly grabbed it. “This is from the girl?” He glanced up waiting for her reply.

  “Yeah, the girl’s parent’s found it on her pillow after she left but they don’t think she really wrote it. And if she did, they think he forced her to.”

  Michael began to read the note aloud.

  Dear mom and dad,

  Please don’t worry about me. I’m really happy with Orlando. He’s so nice to me and we have big plans. I’m going with him but I’ll call you all the time. Please trust me; I know what I’m doing.

  I love you guys and will miss you so much!


  “I think she wrote this.” Michael’s brow furrowed as he slowly swiped his fingers across the writing.

  “I agree. They haven’t analyzed the writing, but my gut tells me she’s perfectly fine.” Michael slowly nodded agreeing with her. The waiter set their drinks and a plate of Crab Rangoon in front of them. They sat in silence as he finished up the packet of information, then tucked it neatly back into place. She realized the time for her dream conversation was here and suddenly wanted a drink stronger than the coke in front of her.

  Michael needed to concentrate on that handwritten letter to know the scene behind it. But to do that in front of anyone would just make him look crazy; fondling a young girl’s good-bye note to her parents didn’t exactly fit into first date etiquette. Later, when she went home, he could trace to her bungalow and retrieve the letter. Michael wasn’t fond of the feelings he got when he traced, but being a vampire’s easiest mode of travel, he endured it.

  Michael set one of the appetizers on his plate and watched Danielle do the same. It had been centuries since he had eaten food other than blood; hundreds of years since he felt so normal. Lifting his glass to his lips, Michael swished the cool bubbles around his tongue then swallowed. It definitely felt foreign sliding down his throat, but he didn’t want Danielle to be suspicious. Anything he ate or drank tonight would need to come back up later, not a terribly pleasant experience, but one he would happily endure for the sake of finding his Ana.

  He had what he needed to help him find Orlando, but needed a distraction so that he could swipe that letter without Danielle knowing it.

  “So, have you had anymore of those dreams?” As the words left his lips, he could hear the thrum of blood in her veins rush faster. This was a touchy subject it would seem.

  “I’ve had a couple more, one not half as bad as the others.” She averted her eyes to the surrounding room, avoiding eye contact with him.

  “Tell me what happens in them? They sound pretty interesting.” The tension in her shoulders doubled and she waved for the waiter. After ordering a mixed drink she folded her hands on the table, bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut briefly. He wanted to comfort her and though he didn’t really know why, he felt guilty for prying into her personal life. “If you’d rather not…”

  “No, no it’s OK. I actually have wanted to tell you.” When her drink arrived she gulped a few swallows then let out a deep breath. “Have you ever had déjà vu? But so strong you swear it really happened?” Another gulp.

  “Yes, lots of times.”

  “I mean like you’re really seeing something you’ve done, in the past?” She was trying to tell him something, without coming right out and saying it. And whatever it was made her very uncomfortable.

  “Hmm, perhaps not that strong. Why Danielle, what are you seeing in your dreams?” As she opened her mouth to start the explanation, something at the front of the restaurant caught her eye. Spinning in his seat, he scanned in the same direction and froze. Orlando leaned against the door frame staring at Michael; taunting him with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Orlando.” The legs of his chair nearly buckled as Michael quickly stood and darted after him. The sensation of holding Ana safely in his arms flooded his mind as he gave chase to the towering man. Immediately, Orlando turned and bolted through the entrance then disappeared. It was a cat-and-mouse chase that angered Michael beyond anything. Orlando was toying with him, and for what? Danielle rushed through the door behind him as they searched for the fugitive.

  “We should split up.” Still scanning the street outside, Michael kept his eyes homed in to the dark shadows. He couldn’t have gotten far, but his senses were telling him that he had run in several directions at once. The only explanation being that there were other immortals about.

  “Good idea.” Danielle’s voice wavered when she answered. Why the sudden interest in chasing down her bounty? Was he that interested in impressing her, or was she right in thinking he could be after the same prize?

  “I’ll call you if I find him.” After I’ve done my interrogation. “Good-night Danielle.” Again the niggling guilt at upsetting her crept through his chest, but Orlando was within his grasp meaning Ana would soon be found. Nothing else mattered.

  “Good-night.” He could hear the disappointment in her voice and knew she felt used, but he didn’t have time to apologize. Handing her a bunch of money, he turned and jogged down the road into the darkness. When he was sure he was out of her sight, he traced to the restaurant and back to their table to snatch the letter. If he didn’t find him tonight, at least he’d have another clue to fuel the search.

  Darius watched the couple scamper off toward the werewolf as he pretended to sip his drink, sinking deeper into the shadows of the pub. Soon he’d have them together, which would make Deacon very pleased. He smiled at the look of pure hatred on Michael’s face when he saw Orlando for the first time; it thrilled Darius. The rewards for their capture would be abundant, surely securing him a place by Deacon’s side.

  For a moment, he thought Orlando had given him away with his flash of recognition, but the stupid wolf realized his young mate had been left alone, susceptible to an attack. Confident the immortals were within reach, Darius traced to Deacon’s study, ready to fulfill his duty by his master’s side.

  Danielle watched as Michael disappeared and felt a wave of relief that she hadn’t had to explain her crazy ramblings after all. She wanted answers, but finding the courage to get them was harder than she thought. She decided that no matter what, next time they met, she would tell him. What difference did it make if this guy she just met thought she was crazy? Seeing him anywhere but on this island again wasn’t likely.

  Once she gathered her things from th
e table and paid the bill, she requested a taxi at the front and wandered outside to wait. The warm breeze that met her, mixed with the bit of alcohol in her system made her smile; relaxing in the tropics was a dream most people strove to achieve. But her mind was stuck in the game, or at least it should have been. In that moment, she just wanted to stare into Michael’s eyes and listen to the yummy rumble of his voice; laughing and interested in her.

  She should be running through the area searching for Orlando, but the drink she’d had made her head fuzzy and her limbs uncoordinated. Her taxi pulled up with a passenger in the back and she waited for them to get out. She was tired and just wanted to flop down on her bed and sleep a dreamless sleep. The taxi door swung open but the passenger didn’t budge. The way the shadow filled the back of the cab, Danielle could tell it was a large man that occupied the space.

  “Get in. I’ll share the taxi with you.” The deep voice rumbled from the shadowy back seat. Being able to take care of herself in most situations gave Danielle confidence; but she’d stupidly had that drink and didn’t want to chance some foreign kidnapping.

  “That’s OK, I’ll wait for the next one.” Danielle turned to move down a few feet, utterly frustrated at the creep. He was probably drunk and looking for some fun. She’d heard islands, especially after sundown, turned into the place for hooking up.

  “I have something you want.” He called.

  I’m sure you do. She thought, and then he slid into the light. Orlando. In her haste to get ready she had forgotten her mace on the desk.

  “You turning yourself in?” Slowly she walked back toward the taxi. In all her years in the business, she’d never had a mark turn himself in. There was a little disappointment lingering in her chest. She loved the game; loved the chase.

  “Not exactly. They have it wrong; I just want a chance to explain.” The instinct to play washed through her, masking the effects of the alcohol. Her prey had come to her. Silly man.

  “OK, start talking.” She slid into the cab next to him and shut the door. Adjusting her body to best defend herself, she openly studied him; scanning his legs and torso for hidden weapons.

  “Not here.” He leaned forward and mumbled an address to the driver then sat in silence as they wound through the city streets. Feeling like herself again, she kept her eye on the massive form to her left. Yes he was huge, but she was skilled beyond any normal girl.

  “Where are we going Orlando?” Her voice was honeyed as she tried to coax information out of him. It didn’t work; his lips were shut tight, almost pursed until the cab slowed and turned into a tree shrouded lane.

  “We’re here.” He paid the driver and slid out of the cab then waited for her to follow. Why didn’t I rent this place? The little cabin was held high in a tree, branches brushing the corners and scraping the roof with an eerie grate. She pictured the heroine from her dreams; strong and agile, pouncing on the nearest limb then tumbling through the air to land gracefully on another.

  “A tree house?” Danielle stared at the little cabin with a pang of jealousy.

  “It’s what she chose.” He smiled. “I give her anything she wants.”

  “How nice of you.” Her disapproval of their escapade coated her voice. “Is she here?” Without responding he began to climb the steep stairs, taking two at a time, pausing for a moment to make sure she was following. The question was answered when they reached the top and the curtains were quickly released by someone inside.

  “Is this her?” The door cracked open and a small blonde slipped behind Orlando, resting her hand on his huge bicep and allowing him to assume a protective stance at her front.

  “Yes Rhamah, it’s her.” Orlando turned facing the girl then placed his hands on either side of her face. “I promise we’ll get there, nothing can stop me.” He bent to kiss her quickly then invited Danielle inside with a sweep of his hand.

  “So, you’ve been expecting me?” A little disappointment swept through her as he nodded his head. She always prided herself on how sneaky she was. Able to sit next to a suspect on an hour-long train ride without him knowing anything was wrong until the cuffs were securely clicked into place. How did Orlando know she was coming? Michael. He must have run off to warn Orlando of the impending arrest. She could strangle him! The worst part was she fell for his charms; fell for that quirky half smile he always gave instead of a normal toothy smile. He had been playing her from the beginning.

  “You shouldn’t tell my parents where I am, aren’t there invasion of privacy laws, or something that protect me? I am an adult.” The little blonde chimed up as she squeezed Orlando’s massive arm.

  “They think you were kidnapped; allowing your parents to believe your life is in danger is pretty irresponsible.” Leaning back against the tiny sofa, she crossed her arms and waited for a good explanation.

  “I’m twenty-three years old, but they think of me as their baby still. I love Orlando and I will be with him.” Her once meek voice turned powerful. “We are very much in love and meant to be together. They have no right to keep us apart.” Frustrated tears welled in the girls eyes.

  “I tried to speak to her parents but they didn’t approve.” Orlando methodically stroked her hair, calming her.

  “So instead of trying to gain their trust and respect, you run off into the night with their daughter?”

  “Haven’t you ever been in love?” Cassie asked Danielle.

  “No.” Her response was quick with no need to think. Love got in the way of her work and complicated things. There was a time in college she’d dated and had a little fun with a guy, but that’s all it was, fun; no strings attached and no feelings too strong to keep her from walking away. At least on her part, Jamie’s last letter had implied that he might have felt more.

  As she answered, she couldn’t help but feel she was lying; couldn’t help but feel that there was a great love in her life, too distant to grasp. She was confusing herself.

  “Look, I have no doubt you two are in love. But I was hired to bring you in, and I don’t get paid until that happens.” She fished the cuffs out of her purse and flipped them open. “Most likely this whole thing will blow over when the cops see that you are fine and left willingly.”

  Orlando whispered in the girl’s ear then stepped toward Danielle, hands raised ready to be shackled. That was too easy. Just minutes before they were protesting, then suddenly he’s handing her his wrists, it didn’t make sense. Squinting her eyes, she looked between the two lovebirds and slowly slipped the metal around is wrists.

  “So where’s your charming friend?” She asked after calling for a taxi and leading him down the stairs.

  “What friend?” He asked confused.

  “Your cohort? The distraction? Michael?” He stopped midstride forcing Danielle to spin toward him.

  “Michael is not my cohort, or friend.”

  “Ah, so he just happened to appear to “help” me find you, then you just happen to appear during our date, then he just happened to disappear moments before you show up again?” The sarcasm dripped from her words. “Yea, that’s believable.”

  “Our relationship is…difficult to explain.” He began walking again, looking down at the girl to reassure her.

  “Try me.” Dropping subjects that intrigued her was not something she did easily.

  “I have something he wants.” Orlando stared at her, jaw clenched.

  “And what’s that?” People who talked in riddles, only giving tidbits of information pissed her off.

  “You’ll know soon.” It sounded like a threat but she brushed it off. Somehow he’d tell her, if she had to use some of her more tricky interrogation skills, so be it.

  Chapter Five

  The haze surrounded the couple embracing, suitcases at their feet. Michael strained once more to hear the conversation but still the words came out warbled. Pacing the room, he avoided the hazy beams of sunlight filtering between the blinds as he readied himself for the next round. He was stuck in the room unt
il dusk, which gave him plenty of time to struggle with the sound in his visions. Flipping open his cell phone, he increased the volume, waiting for word from Danielle; she might have had better luck last night. Whenever she was near, he felt calm and he suddenly craved that feeling.

  Shaking his head he pushed her to the back of his thoughts and began to concentrate on the ink scribbled across the page.

  “I won’t let them hurt you.” The voice boomed making Michael nearly crumple the note in his fist. It had worked!

  “Where is this place?” The girl asked uncertainly.

  “Somewhere safe. Trust me Rhamah, all will be well.” Orlando caressed her cheek. “Michael will understand our plight and stop at nothing to help us. Even now he searches for her; the one made for him the way you were made for me.” Orlando held the girl tightly against his chest, easing her.

  “What about the others?” The image started to fade forcing him to grip the paper harder until it faded to nothing. The scene was lost. Who were the others the girl spoke of? Orlando was an immortal and needed to bring his mate somewhere safe. Diviana. Michael knew that if Orlando was this desperate to protect her, she must be human. The others she spoke of appeared to be pursuing them. But why? Diviana, a realm for immortals was a perfect, safe place for their kind. But in order to get there, you needed an elder to grant you passage and take you there.

  Flipping his phone open once more, he dialed Danielle and sank down on the queen-sized bed waiting for her to pick up. If Orlando and Cassie needed to get to Diviana, Michael would gladly take them there in exchange for Ana; with no need for threats or ransom.

  “Hello?” Danielle’s voice calmed him.

  “Danielle, it’s Michael; I need your help.” With Danielle able to move about in daylight, he could get a message to Orlando and be in Ana’s arms by dusk.

  “Sure I’ll help you, kinda like you helped me last night? God, what really gets me is you made me trust you!” Michael listened with confusion. “And the whole time you were in on it with Orlando. What scheme do you guys have going? They hire someone and you swoop in taking all the credit?”


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