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Werewolf Academy: Year Two

Page 12

by Jayme Morse

  “Nonsense. It’s never too early.” He winked as he grabbed a bottle of orange juice from the fridge.

  “I have a question for you,” I told him.

  “Ask away.”

  “Can you tell me about the curse?” I asked.

  Aiden’s brown eyes slid over to meet mine. “Which curse?”

  “The one that caused the ancients to only be attracted to other ancients.”

  “Now’s not a good time.”

  “Every time I ask about it isn’t a good time,” I replied with a sigh.

  “It’s just a really long story to tell.”

  “How about later tonight?” I asked him.

  His eyes widened with obvious piqued interest. “Is that a date?”

  “If you want it to be,” I replied with a shrug.

  “Alright. It’s a date.” He leaned in closer to me. “I will kiss you.”

  “Sounds like a fair trade to me,” I replied with a giggle.

  At that moment, Theo came sauntering into the kitchen. He shot a look in my direction—a look that told me he’d overheard too much of our conversation and that he didn’t like what he’d heard.

  I sort of felt a little guilty. The kiss we’d had on Nocturne Island was… well, it was freaking everything. It was the best kiss of my life to date.

  But just because we’d shared that amazing kiss didn’t mean that I was ready to stop kissing my other mates.

  No, not yet.

  Even though I wanted to say that I was ready to make a choice between my mates, the truth was that I wasn’t… even if Theo was in the lead.

  Rhys had been right. My life really was like the Werewolf Bachelorette.

  The big question was: Who would I give the final rose to?

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “So, tell me about this curse,” I said, as Aiden and I sat across from each other at the Full Moon Restaurant, a cute little moon and stars-themed restaurant.

  “Okay. Before we begin, I should probably tell you that everything we know about this curse is merely legend,” he said. “According to the legends, you were dead. So, we know just how accurate legends can be in this world.”

  “Okay. Noted,” I replied with a nod.

  “Legend has it that there was a werewolf who had his sights on this female wolf. He believed that she might have been his mate,” Aiden explained. “They dated for several months, and he fell deeply in love with her. The only problem? She had eyes for this guy who was a human. The werewolf didn’t care, though. He was willing to do whatever it took to make her his mate. So, he talked to her parents about arranging a marriage. Even though they refused at first, he offered them something valuable. Something that would make them reconsider.”

  “What was it?” I pressed, eager to hear the rest of the story.

  “Two portions of a potion that would give protection from silver. All the recipient of this potion had to do was drink it once, and they would be protected from death by silver bullet for all of eternity.”

  Aiden paused, spearing a piece of his steak with his fork. “The potion was something that no werewolf had ever heard of before, something that a witch had concocted for him. It’s a potion that no witch has since been able to replicate. It was incredibly precious, but the werewolf didn’t care. He was willing to part ways with his lifelong dream of immortality if it meant marrying the werewolf of his dreams. Her parents agreed to the marriage and took the potion. The wedding was planned for two weeks after they agreed to the marriage—and two weeks after both of them had drunk the potion.

  “When the wedding day came, nearly every werewolf on Nocturne Island gathered on the beach in anticipation of the wedding ceremony. It was the first wedding the island had seen in years. The werewolf waited for his bride-to-be to arrive, but she never showed up. As it turned out, she had escaped in the middle of the night. She left the island with the human she was in love with, never to be seen or heard from again. The werewolf had not only lost the werewolf who he wished to marry, but he also lost out on his one true love.

  “The werewolf went back to the home of the witch who had created the immortality potion for him. He hoped that she would be able to make a new batch. When he arrived at her home, however, he learned that the witch had since passed away. But he met her daughter, who was nearly just as talented with magic as her mother. She wasn’t able to make him a new immortality potion, but she did have an idea on how to solve his problem with the werewolf he’d lost. The witch came up with a plan: if she could make all ancient werewolves from Nocturne Island only attracted to one another, the werewolf’s love would lose interest in the human who she had left the island with. She would surely come back to Nocturne Island, where she would probably fall in love with the werewolf all over again.”

  “So, the witch casted the spell?” I asked.

  “Yup, and according to the legends, it didn’t even work out the way they intended. The girl never returned to Nocturne Island. No one knew what ever became of her, in fact. But as a result of the werewolf’s desperation, ancients can only be attracted to other ancients.”

  “I feel kind of bad for him,” I murmured. “Do you think the curse on the ancients could ever be undone?”

  “Just about any curse can be undone,” Aiden replied with a nod. “There’s just one problem with this curse.”

  “What’s that?” I asked, popping a lobster ravioli into my mouth.

  “No one actually knows which witch casted this spell,” he explained. “No one even knows the names of the werewolves involved. It’s all a bit of a mystery. Like I said… completely legend.”

  “Were you living on Nocturne Island when all of this happened? Were you one of the werewolves at the wedding?” I asked.

  He chuckled. “No, this allegedly took place when we had gone to the human realm for a while. If we had been there, then I would be able to attest to some of the accuracy of the legend.”

  “So, what are you saying?” I asked. “That you don’t think this legend is true?”

  “I believe that at least part of the legend is true,” he replied. “But as they say, believe nothing that you hear and only half of what you see.”


  The next couple of months passed by quickly. I spent most of my time with my friends, and the rest of my time studying. I didn’t have much time for anything then.

  Before I knew it, it was fall, and then winter. Soon, the Christmas holiday was already upon us. My friends would be heading back home to their families later that day, but me? Well, I’d still be in Wolflandia.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come back to the human world with me?” Maddie asked as we ate breakfast together in the Dining Hall one last time. “You know my parents would love to have you.”

  “Make sure you tell them I said hi, but I’m positive,” I said. “Going home just wouldn’t be the same. The truth is that Wolflandia is my home now. The Darken are my home.”

  “Aw, that’s so sweet. I’m jealous. I can’t wait until I have a mate who I want to spend every holiday with.”

  I glanced over at Iris. “Are you going to be spending time with Matt once you get back home to Savannah?” I asked.

  “No, that ended months ago,” she replied quietly.

  “What? You didn’t mention that. Are you okay, honey?” Vince asked, glancing over at her, just as surprised as I was.

  “I’m fine.” She took a bite of her blueberry oatmeal. “I don’t really want to talk about it.”

  “Well, if you change your mind, we’re here for you.” Vince shot me a look, and I shrugged.

  Lately, I couldn’t help but notice that Iris had become really… well, private. Even though we spent so much time together and I considered her one of my best friends, it also felt like I didn’t her that well, either. I knew that some people didn’t like to talk about their love lives that much, but it wasn’t just that. I felt like I didn’t know much about Iris at all.

  It dawned on me then. I had comple
tely forgotten to mention how I’d met her brother.

  “I keep forgetting to tell you, Iris. I met Eric in the library one day. It was a while ago, now.”

  “You did?” She glanced over at me sharply, her eyes widening. “When?”

  “It was actually before we went back to Nocturne Island,” I explained. “So much was going on that I completely forgot to tell you. I ran into him like a doofus and knocked his books all over. He looks so much like you.”

  “Who’s Eric?” Maddie asked.

  “Iris’s twin brother,” Vince explained.

  Iris was still staring at me. “You didn’t talk to him about me, did you?”

  “No, not aside from the fact that he was your brother,” I replied. “Why?”

  “Good. I wouldn’t want you to talk about me,” Iris said firmly. “Even if my brother asked how I was doing, I wouldn’t want you to answer him.”

  “Okay, but why?” I questioned.

  “Eric is just not a good guy, Raven. He’s… he’s a monster.” Red, angry circles blossomed on Iris’s naturally fair skin. “Just promise me that you’ll never talk to him again, okay? I wouldn’t want him to try to do anything to hurt you.”

  Her eyes met mine, and there was what appeared to be a look of desperation in them.

  “I promise,” I assured her.

  “Okay.” Iris took a deep breath. “Anyway, I should really get going. My mom’s expecting me to be home soon. I’ll see you guys next week.” Then she rose from the table, heading to the garbage where she dumped her tray before heading out of the Dining Hall.

  “Okay, that was freaking weird,” Vince commented. “Did you know that Iris hated her brother that much?”

  “No, I had no idea. She barely even talks about him.” Truthfully, I was sort of caught off-guard by this random outburst from her.

  “I should probably get going,” Vince commented. “But I’ll see you ladies for the New Year’s Eve party, right?”

  “Yes, I can’t wait,” I replied with a smile. We were throwing a huge party at the Darken house. The entire school was invited. I was looking forward to it.

  Once Vince was gone, Maddie glanced over at me. “I’m so sad that we’ll be apart again.”

  “At least we know it won’t be for long this time,” I replied.

  “True.” She threw her arms around me in a big hug. “I hate to ditch you, too, but I better go find Branden.”

  “Branden?” My eyes widened.

  “Yeah, we decided to head back to the human realm together.” She glanced over at me. “We actually have plans to hang out during the winter break, too. And by hang out, I mean go on a date.”

  “Wow. I didn’t even know you had a thing for Branden,” I commented.

  “I didn’t, but we were talking the other night. We both think it seems a lot like fate that we both just happened to end up here. Don’t you think it’s weird?” Maddie asked.

  “It’s definitely weird. Maybe it is fate.” I shrugged. “But definitely let me know how the date goes.”

  “Thanks. You know I will. The truth is that I’m sort of hoping Branden’s my mate,” Maddie replied.

  “Really?” My eyebrows lifted in surprise.

  “I mean, we would have the most romantic story ever. We’ve known each other since we were in diapers. If we were destined to be mates this whole time…” She shrugged. “I just think it would be a really cute story to tell our grandkids.”

  “You’re already planning on having grandkids with him?” I let out a little laugh.

  “I mean, I probably shouldn’t get ahead of myself. We need to find out if we’re mates first,” Maddie said. “You know I’m definitely going to put on my red lipstick to kiss him.”

  Maddie had always said that red was her lucky lipstick color; she swore good things happened whenever she wore red.

  “Good luck,” I replied, giving her a hug as she rose from our table and headed out of the Dining Hall.

  Maybe I needed to borrow her little red lipstick trick. She wasn’t the only one who needed good luck over the winter break. I had something planned, too.

  I was going to try to decide which of my mates I wanted to be with, once and for all.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Christmas Eve at the Darken house was quiet, but it was quiet in a good sort of way.

  It was just the five of us, and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. We were family.

  That night, Theo and Aiden went out into the backyard and cut down the largest pine tree. They brought it back into the family room, where Rhys decorated it with brightly-colored sparkly ornaments and gold tinsel, while Colton and I baked about ten different types of pies for Christmas Day.

  “Why don’t we change into our Christmas pajamas?” Aiden asked.

  “Christmas pajamas?” I snorted. “You guys own Christmas pajamas?”

  “Of course we do,” Theo replied with a nod.

  “Why did you guys deprive me of this last Christmas?” I asked.

  I totally saw myself making fun of them.

  Don’t get me wrong. There was nothing wrong with Christmas pajamas. But the idea of four sexy werewolves wearing Christmas pajamas? It just sounded like too much.

  “Go change into yours, and we’ll change into ours,” Aiden said.

  “Alright.” I headed to my bedroom.

  I actually had bought some new Christmas pajamas for the occasion.

  I pulled on the red pajama bottoms, which had tiny white reindeer printed on them, and the matching top, which read: I’m on the Nice List.

  As I headed back downstairs, I found all of the Darken wearing matching attire: red velvety boxers that had a few inches of white fuzz at the bottom and gave the illusion of a black belt on top.

  Not even one of them was wearing a shirt. They all just sat there, showing off their six packs as I came into the room.


  “Are you guys trying to tease me?” I asked, finding myself unable to look away from them. They were all just so hot.

  “Why? Is it working?” Colton asked.

  “You’re a little overdressed, Raven,” Aiden said, his eyes sizing up my own Christmas pajamas as if he wanted to rip them off of me.

  I swallowed hard. I wanted to jump their bones. All four of them.

  “We wanted to dress up like Santa because we have a gift for you,” Theo explained.

  “Like your naked bods?” I found myself asking aloud.

  “No, though I’m sure we can make arrangements if you want to explore mine later,” Aiden said with a wink.

  I so wanted that.

  Theo pulled out a small box then. He glanced at the others and then they all nodded before dropping to their feet.

  “Raven,” Aiden began.

  “When the time is right,” Colton said.

  “And once you’ve decided who you want to be with,” Rhys added.

  “Will you marry one of us?” Theo asked.

  I just stared back at them, completely confused. “You’re all proposing to me?” I shook my head. “I don’t really understand what’s happening right now.”

  Whatever the hell was going on, this was so weird. So incredibly weird. It was the weirdest proposal I ever could have imagined myself experiencing.

  “We thought you should have a ring now,” Theo explained. “You can decide who you want it to be from later.”

  “Mostly, we want you to know that we accept whatever you decide, Raven,” Colton said quietly.

  “There will be no harsh feelings,” Rhys agreed.

  “We just want you to be happy,” Aiden told me.

  “So, you think that wearing this ring will help me… decide?” I asked.

  “We hope it will allow you to feel comfortable, and confident, in whoever your heart leads you to,” Colton said.

  “So, will you marry one of us?” Theo asked again. His bright blue eyes stared up into mine, as he waited for an answer.

  I glanced around at eac
h of them—into Rhys’s dark blue eyes, which smiled up at me; Colton’s gray eyes, glimmered underneath the dim lighting, and Aiden’s honey brown eyes just seemed to pierce through mine.

  I didn’t know which of the four of them I would end up choosing. All that I did know was that one of them was my destiny. One of them would be the guy who I would spend eternity with.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  Theo placed the ring on my finger. It was a large princess-cut stone with a halo in a white gold setting. It was absolutely beautiful.

  Aiden rose to his feet then, lifting me up into the air, spinning me around in circles.

  When he set me down, Rhys and Colton both wrapped their arms around me in a big hug.

  When they pulled away, Theo leaned in close to me and kissed me on the lips.

  Remember how I said I needed luck to choose which Darken I wanted to spend forever with?

  Yeah. I needed a lot of luck because this decision wasn’t going to be easy.

  It was going to be the hardest choice of my life.


  When I woke up on Christmas morning, I glanced out my window and found that it was snowing.

  There was nothing more perfect, in my book, than a white Christmas.

  As I headed downstairs, I found the Darken all sitting around the table.

  “Okay. Which one of you made it snow?” I asked them.

  “Mother Nature made it snow,” Aiden replied.

  “Wait, it’s not magic?” I asked.

  “Nope,” Colton answered.

  “Wow. That’s even more magical,” I murmured as I stared out the sliding glass door.

  Theo came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. He kissed my neck. “Merry Christmas, Raven.”

  I turned to face him and stared up into his blue eyes. “Merry Christmas.”

  “We have a lot of things planned for you this Christmas,” Rhys said.

  “You do?” I asked with raised eyebrows.

  “Yes. We all have something special planned for you,” Rhys replied.

  “Like a date?” I asked with raised eyebrows.


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