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Blind Need

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by Dakota Trace

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  Blind Need

  Copyright © 2012 by Dakota Trace

  ISBN: 978-1-61333-188-0

  Cover art by LFD Designs

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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  Blind Need

  A 1Night Stand Story


  Dakota Trace


  To my son and the rest of my family who helped me with research by leading my “blind butt” around the house. They put up with much more than they should to allow Mom to indulge in her passion of writing.

  Chapter One

  “We’re here, Ms. Navarro.” The car glided to a stop.

  “Thank you, Carlos.” Xaviera patted the seat beside her for her purse. As usual, it seemed to have slipped away from her side during the drive. There isn’t anybody to blame but myself for it escaping again. I should’ve realized seven hours is too long to hold onto even a small purse. A cold nose touched her hand. A reluctant grin tugged at her lips as a wet mouth closed around her wrist, guiding it until her fingers brushed leather. My faithful companion—they broke the mold when they made you, baby.

  “I feel it, Lucy.” The black lab’s mouth left her. She didn’t know what she’d have done after the freak car malfunction that had taken her sight if her parents hadn’t gotten her Lucy. She’s a godsend. Hearing the click of the door handle, she slid forward and waited for Carlos to speak.

  “Step out, Ms. Navarro. The curb is approximately ten inches away.” Listening to his advice, she put her hand out; thankful her handyman’s wife hadn’t thrown a fit when she’d asked him to drive her to Vegas this weekend. She’d lucked out. He planned to stay at his son’s place to visit his grandkids while she was on her date. He’d only be a phone call away if she needed him. And there was no other man she trusted as much. Thank God, María is a romantic soul. I wonder what she’d say if she realized this is a one-night stand? 1Night Stand was a last ditch effort on her part to find a man for at least a night before she swore off them altogether.

  Madame Evangeline had promised not only the highest discretion, but also guaranteed that all potential dates would have a thorough background check. And Lord knew she needed privacy after the fiasco of her accident, followed by her prestigious fiancé dumping her. Men had crawled out of the woodwork once the news hit that the newly-blind Navarro heiress was available. I’m sick of men who either want my money or worse only want to take care of me. I’m blind—not an invalid. Paired with the idea of being able to have one glorious night of sexual release before parting ways with the man, 1NS was a dream come true for a woman like her. She only hoped Madame Evangeline came through with what her high-end matchmaking site promised.

  “Steady, miss.”

  Hanging onto Carlos’s hand, she allowed him to guide her out of the car. A moment later, Lucy’s harness handle brushed her palm. Wrapping her hand around it, she took a deep breath, listening intently to the ambient noises. The sounds most took for granted were her lifeline. She heard the chatter of a group of people walking by, the softer sound of a door opening, the jangling of slot machines, then silence as the door closed. I must be close to the front door of the casino. After receiving her instructions about her date, she’d gone online to see what amenities the flagship of Castillo Resorts had to offer. Just in case I get stood up.

  “The door is ahead of you, ten feet, and at two o’clock.” Carlos released her hand then paused. His silence was heavy.

  She sighed. Protective, as always. “What is it?”

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” The question didn’t surprise her, nor did its gruffness. “The missus has a very rosy view, but I know why you are here.”

  Her cheeks warmed. Carlos had been with her family long before her accident, one of the most trusted workers on Father’s vineyard. As a beloved grandfather figure to her, the last thing she wanted to talk to him about was her sex life—or her lack of one. “A woman has needs, too. I’m tired of being alone. This is a safe way to get my feet wet again.” There was no way she would admit to her true motives because she couldn’t chance him packing her and Lucy back into the car then driving her non-stop all the way home.

  “Of course it is, mi nieta.” He pressed a kiss against her temple. “I’ll be back for you tomorrow around one. Can you find the front desk all right?”

  Pursing her lips, she shook her head. “How many times do I have to tell you, I’m blind, not helpless?” Lifting to her toes, she kissed the air where she assumed his face was. A moment later her lips touched the sandpapery skin of his cheek. “But I do thank you for the ride. Now, scoot before María wonders where you are. Didn’t you tell her you would call her from your son’s?”

  “Yes, I did.” He wrapped a hand around her arm. “Call me if you need me, Xaviera. I’m not kidding.”

  She forced a laugh. “I will, but everything will be fine. You’ll see.”

  As he released her, she only hoped her words were true.


  Sitting in the semi-lit hotel room, Ignatius Ramirez-Santiago once again wondered why he had come. He didn’t know how he’d let his smokejumper captain talk him into this cockamamie idea or paying for the ridiculously high-priced suite. Well maybe the, “you don’t get your ass laid while you’re on vacation, I’m benching you,” was what did it. I wish it was only that simple. Eying the wide bed, he wondered if he could go through with making love to a woman he barely knew. Sure his cock was more than ready to have its yearlong celibacy broken, but he wasn’t. My cock doesn’t have to deal with a cringing lover when she realizes how fucked up I am. That’s why this date with 1Night Stand is ideal. I won’t have to explain how my dumb ass got burned trying to help put out a canyon fire. He’d filled out the stupid survey Madame Evangeline emailed him in hopes of finding his fantasy fuck and she’d delivered. Or so she claimed. His date still hadn’t shown.

  He didn’t know much about the woman 1Night Stand had paired him with other than her willingness to go along with his groping-in-the-dark scenario. Before his accident he’d been the type of lover who detested screwing with the lights off. A visual creature, he wanted—no, he needed to see every emotion cross his lover’s face. Amazing what a few scars will do to that. He hadn’t thought the scars along his neck and down his left shoulder were all that bad. He’d seen much worse in the burn unit at the hospital, but his lovers proclaimed otherwise. These days he’d settle for temporary release—just enough to take the edge off. Maybe a whole night of fucking will get me back on track for a while. The brisk knock on the door just before the spill of light from the hallway jerked him out of his thoughts. His shoulders tensed, his attention glued to the shadowy figure. Was it her? The man at desk had assured him she would have a key to his room.

  “Mr. R
amirez-Santiago?” The outline of what only could be a man appeared in the block of illumination. His shoulders slumped even while a bit of unease filled him. Who the hell is that?

  “Yeah.” His response came out much rougher than he intended and the person flinched. Now that the guy had entered farther into the room, Nate recognized the front desk manager from his earlier check-in.

  “Your date….”

  He clenched his fists around the slender, wooden arms of his chair. They creaked ominously. “She cancelled didn’t she?” Fuck! What the hell do I do?

  “No, sir.” The man shifted from foot to foot. “She’s been unavoidably delayed. There was a minor accident in the lobby and Ms. Navarro would like a chance to refresh herself before joining you.”


  “I’m so sorry, Ms. Navarro!” The harried voice of the female hotel attendant almost cut through the fury flowing through her veins. Wet from her impromptu dip, she accepted the terry cloth towel pressed into her hands. Whose genius idea was it to put a damn fountain in the middle of a lobby? And why does this always seem to happen to me? Do I need to hang a sign around my neck that says “I’m blind, please don’t stand so close you accidentally knock me over.”

  “She’s a hazard!” The nasal whine from her attacker set her nerves on edge. Dropping the towel on the arm of the chair she sat in, she prayed for patience. “Dogs aren’t allowed at Castillo Resorts—”

  “There is no such rule, ma’am. We’re a pet-friendly resort, and even if we weren’t—” Whatever else the hotel concierge was trying to say was lost as the woman continued her tirade.

  “I want to report her to the manager. This is an outrage. She should be thrown out!” Her tone faded a bit and Xaviera knew the employee must’ve stepped between her and her assailant. “I have reserved one of the best suites this hotel has to offer. I’ve been coming to Castillo Resorts for the past ten years because they don’t allow animals in the buildings. Dander irritates my allergies. What gives her the right to flaunt the rules?” The clack of the woman stomping her foot rang through the lobby.

  “I’m not breaking any of them, but even if there were one which stated no dogs, the fact that I’m blind would trump it.” Gritting her teeth, she rubbed the towel through her wet hair. “She’s a seeing eye dog—a service animal, and federal law states I’m allowed to take her everywhere with me. If you had watched where you were going, you wouldn’t have stepped on her or knocked me into the fountain.” The sound of Lucy’s pain-filled yelp before she fell into the water echoed in her ears. Anxious to check her dog, she snapped her fingers, the signal to come. As soon as the furry body pressed close, she ran her palms over Lucy’s legs, feeling for injuries.

  “Well, I never!” The irate woman paused. “Thank God you’ve come!” The noise of shuffling feet and rat-a-tat of heels had Xaviera thinking the manager had finally arrived. “Please explain to this…woman that she needs to take her dog and leave before my eyes swell shut.” Her voice trembled. Xaviera was stunned. Is she actually crying? What the hell? Just a second ago she was acting like a real fishwife.

  “I’m not sure who informed you there were no animals allowed at Castillo Resorts, but they were wrong. We have always been pro-animal. I’m sorry if the dander bothers your allergies, but I cannot and will not ban a seeing eye dog.”

  “You’re taking her side?” The fishwife was back.

  “Ma’am, I’m sorry but the guide dog stays. You can either check out or have Linda escort you to the bar for a complimentary drink to calm your nerves after this…accident. Either way, Ms. Navarro and her companion are staying.” The calmness radiating from the male set her at ease despite not being able to see. I hope this means I can go to my room and change out of these wet clothes before my date decides I’ve stood him up. Relaxing against the chair, she listened to the woman’s shrill voice fade as Linda led her away.

  “I’m sorry about this, Mr…?” She waited for him to supply the name.

  “Castillo. Jackson Castillo. But it is I who am sorry for this situation, Ms. Navarro. When Eve told me you would be coming and the special circumstances, I planned on seeing you settled myself. An issue came up in my meeting and delayed me. So please accept my apology for not being here to greet you.”

  A frown tugged at her lips as she stood. “Sir, I expect to be treated the same as your other guests. I don’t expect any special attention nor should my family name affect….”

  A hand wrapped around her elbow while the scent of expensive cologne teased her nostrils. “And it doesn’t. But setting up a blind date for a blind woman requires special attention, don’t you agree? Imagine how Eve would feel if you ended up in the wrong place by mistake. I planned on merely making sure you found your suite along with the room where your…date is to happen, without issues. Please let me assure you, your family name has nothing to do with the matter.”

  Cocking her head, she tried to determine his sincerity. Being able to visually determine sincerity was one of the many things she missed since her accident. At her hip, her cell vibrated. It had somehow managed to survive her dunk in the water. Stopping, she retrieved it from the clip on her jeans. Feeling for the correct key, she pressed it.

  “You have one new text,” the disembodied voice reported. “Press one to retrieve new text.” Sliding her fingers across the keys, she did. “New text, received at 5:32 p.m., from 1Night Stand. I hope you found Jackson to be helpful. Please enjoy your evening. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t. Madame Evangeline. End Message.” Her face flushed as she snapped the phone shut. “It’s obvious your partner knows you well, Mr. Castillo.”

  “I have nothing to do with the 1Night Stand, Ms. Navarro, other than providing the accommodations…and please call me Jackson.” He sounded relieved.

  I wonder why? “Of course, Jackson.” She snapped her fingers once more. The handle of Lucy’s harness brushed their tips. Grabbing hold, she gave him a smile. Or at least she hoped she smiled at him and not off into space. “Now, if you can lead me to my hotel room, I would love to get out of these wet clothes before my date decides I’ve cancelled on him.”

  “Of course, and don’t worry, I had an employee let Mr. Ramirez-Santiago know there’s been an unavoidable delay. I’m sure he’ll be most understanding.” There was a pause. “Daniel, please carry Ms. Navarro’s bag up to her room.”

  “Yes, Jackson.” The rustle of her luggage and the brush of a body told her the bellhop scurried to do his duty.

  “Shall we?” he asked.

  Taking a deep breath, she agreed. “Lead the way.”

  Chapter Two

  If not feeling a bit more refreshed when she stepped out of her room, Xaviera was a least much drier than she had been when she’d entered. Behind the closed door, Lucy whined. “I’ll be back later, girl. Be good.” Realizing it wasn’t the safest choice, she still left the dog behind. This date’s about having my itch scratched—to find out if sex is still as good as I remember. Nothing more, nothing less. Taking Lucy more than likely will freak out my date. A soft exhale reached her ears. “Jackson?”

  “You’re beautiful, Xaviera.” She turned to the left, where she judged him to be. “Your dress is the epitome of sexiness. Light and airy, it’s every man’s visual fantasy.”

  Smoothing her hands over the cotton sundress, she nibbled on her lower lip. “Are you sure? I can imagine you’re more familiar with silk and saffron, than cotton and vanilla.”

  His fingers brushed her bare arm. “I pride myself on my acquaintance with both. I am a man first and foremost. If I say your date will not be disappointed, it’s the truth.”

  Taking a deep breath, she took a step toward him. “No need to twist my arm. I’ll take your word.” Besides, it won’t matter because he’ll never actually set eyes on me. Anonymity is the keyword for this meeting. She sobered, remembering the email where Madame Evangeline had assured her that her prospective date wanted the fantasy or illusion of his lover never being able to see his face. Somet
hing I can deliver. Pushing her morbid thoughts away, she offered her arm. “If you’d be so kind as to guide me in the right direction, I’d like to find out if my date will approve as you have.”

  Counting the steps in her head, she was surprised at how close her date’s room was to hers. He’s been right next door the whole time. “You’ve thought ahead. It’s very helpful, putting us next to each other—I think even I can manage this short distance without a guide.”

  “I believe in giving the best service to all my customers, both sighted and unsighted guests….”

  The rattle of an approaching cart caught her attention. “Housekeeping or room service?”

  “Quite astute of you. I’ve taken the liberty of ordering a light repast for you and your date.”

  “Thank you again, I’m sure he’ll be most grateful for the food afterward.”

  There was a pause. “I’m certain.” A click followed by the sound of the door handle being turned caught her attention. “There you are. The cart will remain in the hall until needed.” He guided her over the threshold. “This room is set up identical to yours. Have a pleasant night.” His hand left her elbow. “If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to call.”

  “I won’t.” Stepping forward with a bravado she didn’t feel, she let the door close behind her with a subtle thud. From her right came a masculine voice. “Finally, my date has arrived.”

  Cocking her head, she nodded before remembering he probably couldn’t see her. “Yes. I apologize for the delay. It was unavoidable.” Taking a tentative step forward, she used her fingertips to guide her along the short entryway into the main area of the suite. If it’s like my room, there should be ten paces until I reach the chair sitting at three o’clock from the bed. Counting the steps, she was surprised when her hand didn’t encounter anything but empty air. She stopped, unwilling to embarrass herself by tripping over the missing piece of furniture.


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