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Nicu (The Dark Shadows Book 5)

Page 10

by Ariel Marie

  Where do I even begin? she thought as she looked helplessly at the massive amounts of clothes that were packed into her walk-in closet. Most of her pants had already grown snug around her waist. She hadn’t had the chance to shop for any maternity clothes yet.

  “Yoga pants it is,” she muttered, grabbing a few pair and some comfy T-shirts. She walked out of the closet and placed the clothes on the bed so she could fold them and pack them away in her suitcase.

  Her hands shook as she unzipped the suitcase.

  “I hope Nicu is right,” she murmured aloud. Her hand paused in midair as a strange feeling came over her.

  She wasn’t alone.

  “I’m almost done—” A gasp escaped her as she turned and watched the wall next to her begin to shimmer. She backed away, turning to run toward her door, but it slammed shut on its own, just as she reached it.

  Panic filled her chest as she grabbed the door handle, jiggling it unsuccessfully.

  It didn’t budge.

  “Now where do you think you are going?” a voice demanded from behind her.

  She turned to find a hooded figure stepping out of the wall.

  “Nicu!” she screamed, turning slightly to pound on the door. Her heart raced as fear took hold of her. She pounded on the door harder.

  “The mate of the great Nicu Olaru, who carries the future in her belly,” another voice said from the portal. She turned and watched another figure stand beside the first. Amber eyes could be seen from beneath the hoods. She screamed Nicu’s name again as panic overwhelmed her.

  She tried the door again, and this time, the handle turned.


  She threw the door open and ran to the top of the stairs. She found Nicu standing at the bottom, his crimson eyes staring up at her. She tried to run down, but her body slammed into an invisible barrier.

  “Nicu!” She cried out for help, unable to break through the barrier. She threw her shoulder into the invisible wall, trying to push herself through it to get to Nicu. She could hear footsteps coming up from behind her.

  She had to get away. Images of her brother came to mind and her heart continued to race. These had to be the necromancers, the powerful beings that she had heard so much about when she was with the Rebels. They were the reason she would never see or hear Stefan’s voice again.

  Nicu continued to stare up at her, then a slow smirk formed on his face. Her body froze from shock. How dare he stand there and smirk, not trying to save her from the creatures there to take her.

  He had sworn that no harm would come to her or the babies. Doubt began to creep into her mind. Her babies would be half-vampire, and probably not as strong as full-fledged vampires. If something were to happen to her and the babies, he would be free to move on and mate with a pure vampire, securing his lineage with pure heirs.

  “No,” she whispered, unable to believe that he was taking pleasure in her fear. She was unable to tear her eyes off him as he rested his hands on his hips. “Nicu, please. Help me.”

  “Grab her,” the first voice demanded. She was grabbed from behind and pulled away from the stairs.

  “Let me go!” she hollered, trying to break free from the hold, but he was too strong for her.

  “King Sodan wants the mate of the vampire king’s heir.”

  “No, I’m not his mate,” she denied, as she continued to struggle to break free. She knew deep down in her heart that there was a connection between her and Nicu. “Please, let me go!”

  Her body was swung up over a strong set of shoulders as she was taken back into her bedroom toward the portal. She kicked with all her might, but was unable to break free.

  “Stop your wiggling, human,” the voice demanded. “Fighting is useless.”

  “Stop, please,” she pleaded. “Let me go,” she cried out, feeling herself growing weak as her sight faded to black.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Nicu’s body shook with the fury that threatened to burst forth from his body. The necromancers had taken Samara. Once again, the fucking necros were a step ahead of the Shadows. How much longer would the vampires suffer at the hands of the necros? Now they had taken Nicu’s mate, a human female pregnant with his heirs. There was no telling what Sodan would do to Samara.

  He had sworn that he would protect her and he had let her down.

  Nicu Olaru had failed at the most important mission of his life.

  He despised the fact that his mate was taken from him. A growl vibrated within his chest at the thought of her being frightened, left alone to protect their children until he could get to her.

  And he would get to her.

  If he had to burn down every building in the city to find her, he would.

  Sodan had been waiting to get his hands on Nicu, and Nicu knew what he had to do. He stalked down the hallway in search of his father, knowing that he would be in his office. His father had been working tirelessly since it had been announced that Samara carried his heirs.

  Loud, angry voices greeted Nicu as he reached the door to his father’s office. Nicu swung open the door to find his father in a shouting match with none other than Cesar Nasso. A red haze clouded Nicu’s vision as he flew across the room. Using his vampire speed, he grabbed the Greek Lord by the throat.

  “Nicu!” his father shouted. Nicu tightened his grip on the Lord’s throat. Cesar’s eyes bulged from their sockets as Nicu lifted him off his feet.

  “Let him go, Nicu,” the king commanded as he stood next to him. “Killing him will not bring her back.”

  “It’s his and the council’s fault that she was taken,” Nicu bit out around his fangs.

  Nicu’s eyes narrowed on the councilman, wanting to extinguish his life. It was because of the council that the Olaru’s couldn’t just live life, serve and protect their people as they have done for centuries. They wanted the royal family to produce heirs to secure the vampire nation, but it was because of their meddling that now, the true heirs to the throne were in danger.

  “I didn’t mean for this to happen,” Cesar’s strangled voice broke through Nicu’s thoughts.

  “Let. Him. Go!” the king commanded again, placing a strong hand on Nicu’s forearm.

  A growl resonated deep within Nicu’s chest. He slowly lowered the councilman to the floor. He ached to kill something, and Cesar would do. It wouldn’t get Samara back, but it would take the edge off.

  “It is because of my father that you will continue to breathe,” Nicu growled into his face before tossing him to the ground.

  Cesar laid on the floor, gasping for air, and stared up at Nicu with fear brimming in his eyes. Nicu folded his arms across his chest as he stared down at the councilman with disgust.

  “He was just here to apologize and offer us assistance, weren’t you?” Vladimir stated as Cesar stood up and slowly brushed his slacks off.

  “Yes,” Cesar answered, his voice strained. “The council wanted to offer anything you may need. We’re at your disposal to get your future mate and heirs back.”

  “You should have not broadcasted it for all the world to know. We are at war with the necros—” Nicu snapped, but was cut off by Cesar.

  “I know that now. In our defense, the council’s job is to represent the vampire nation and all that it needs. We are the voice for the people, and we felt at the time, it would not only comfort our race, but bring excitement to know that the future king had found his mate!”

  “What is done is done,” Vladimir intoned, raising his hand. “Next time, Cesar, it would be in your best interest to run whatever news you feel is worthy of our people by your king first.”

  “Yes, Your Grace.” He nodded his head.

  “Nicu, what had you barging into my office like the gates of hell had been opened?” the king asked while walking toward his desk.

  “I know what I must do to get Samara back,” he answered. He turned his attention away from Cesar and followed his father, stopping in front of his desk.

sp; “And what is that?” His father eyed him wearily as he sat down in his massive chair.

  “I’m going to surrender myself to Sodan.”


  * * *

  Samara sniffled as she glanced around the room that she had been locked away in. No windows, a cot and a toilet in the corner. She had awakened on the drab cot, cold and alone. She was unsure of how long she had been unconscious. She figured it couldn’t have been too many days.

  Twice a day, the door to her prison would open and a tray with food would slide across the floor. Whoever it was that brought her food would not step into the room.

  Four meals so far. Two days since she had opened her eyes. Two days she had waited to find out what would happen to her.

  She would never admit it aloud, but she was scared shitless. Was this how her life would end? Is this what happened to Stefan before he was turned into dead puppet? What would happen to her children?

  She rubbed her small mound, unsure that she would be able to protect her babies. Her heart broke with just the memory of Nicu standing at the base of the stairs in her home. She knew deep down that he was a hardened vampire, but she thought she had broken through that ice-cold heart of his, but she was a fool.

  She was truly alone in the world. Tears threatened to fall, but she’d be damned if she let them. She would figure out a way to save herself and her unborn children. Nicu could go fuck himself and any vampire bitch he wanted. If and when she got out of this predicament, she would leave Cleveland far behind. She would take her babies far away and start a new life.

  And she would get out of this. Somehow, someway, she would save herself.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Samara’s ears perked up at the sound of the lock turning on the door. She opened her eyes and leaned back against the wall as she waited to see who would enter. She had been unable to get a good night’s rest since her capture. She had taken to leaning back against the wall and taking catnaps throughout the day.

  Her breath caught in her throat as a tall man, clothed in a dark robe and hood entered the room. Only his golden eyes were visible beneath his hood.

  “King Sodan has called for your presence,” his deep voice rumbled. She sat there, frozen, as fear began to creep into her chest. Should she refuse to go? Would they force her physically if she did not abide by the demand?

  “Now!” he snapped, causing her to jump.

  She quickly stood from the small cot and made her way to the door. Two others, cloaked in long hoods, stood in the hallway, waiting for her. She tried to will her heart to slow down, but it was beating a mile a minute. They led her down a drab hallway with sconces lining the walls, providing little light.

  Shadows surrounded them as they followed the winding hallways. There were no windows for her to see outside, causing her fear to increase. What she wouldn’t give right now to wake up and find herself in her own bed, having realized she was having a nightmare. But, she knew that wouldn’t happen.

  This was real.

  Her eyes remained on the back of the necromancer in front her. She bit her lip as every emotion imaginable coursed through her body. They came to an abrupt halt and waited as the necromancer in the front pounded on a large set of metal double doors. A brash groan echoed in the air as the doors crept open.

  A hand nudged her from behind, pushing her over the threshold. She swallowed hard, trying to push down the lump in her throat.

  “Bring the girl to me,” a voice demanded. She looked ahead and found a figure seated on a throne at the head of the room, in front of a throng of hooded figures.

  The necromancer king.

  One of the hooded figures grabbed her by her arm and dragged her toward the king through the sea of hooded figures. The bodies parted, creating a path that led straight to the king. From what she could recall from the Rebels, the necromancers were powerful magical beings who loved to play with the mind.

  With that knowledge, she began to construct a barrier around her mind to try to protect herself. As children, Stefan and her would try to invade each other’s minds to see what the other was thinking. It took much practice, but by the time they were in their teens, they had perfected their barriers. She wasn’t sure if it would do anything against the necromancers, but she had to try to protect herself and her children.

  She straightened her back and came to a stop a few feet away from the necromancer king. Golden eyes glowed from beneath his hood. She froze in place as her necromancer escort backed away from her. All eyes in the room were on her. She continued to stare into his eyes, not wanting to seem weak.

  “Nicu Olaru took my son from me,” he began.

  A chill ran down her spine at his gravelly voice.

  “What does that have to do with me?” she asked.

  A smirk graced his lips. He pulled back his hood, revealing stark white hair cascading down his back, and pale gray skin.

  “You carry his children, do you not?” he asked. “It was announced to the world that you carry the twin heirs to the vampire throne.”

  She refused to answer. No, she couldn’t answer. Fear had taken hold of her and wiped away what little bravery she had. She unconsciously placed a protective hand over the swell of her abdomen. He stood from his chair and took a few steps toward her, then stopped. She could feel the light brushings against her walls. She refused to take her eyes off him.

  “Looks like someone has been keeping a secret.” She looked down at the floor, praying he had not discovered her secret.

  “We have an empath in our presence,” he announced. Murmurs echoed around the room.

  She silently cursed. She mentally prepared herself for a possible mental attack and reinforced the walls protecting her.

  “You’re not as powerful as me, but I can see that you have potential, and I can guide you in perfecting it.”

  “Never,” she whispered, slowly shaking her head. Never would she side with the necromancers.

  “Oh, don’t say never. Those babes that are growing inside of your belly are going to be powerful. Half-empath, half-vampire.

  “Leave my children alone,” she shouted, taking a step away from him.

  “I am not the monster they would have you believe me to be. I don’t go ripping babes from their mother’s wombs.” He advanced on her.

  “Let me go,” she whispered as dread filled her.

  “We are not monsters, are we?” he shouted to the room. Angry shouts filled the room in reply to their king.

  Samara shifted. She took in the amber eyes of the necromancers staring at her. She was at a loss of what she could do to save her and her unborn children.

  “There is no use in looking around, for there is nowhere for you to go,” Sodan said, grabbing her arm. The slight brushing sensation against her barriers grew more intense. She cried out as she tried to fight to keep her barriers in place, but they were weakening.

  “Stop,” she cried out as a power slammed against her barriers, this time causing her to fall to her knees.

  “You cannot fight it,” Sodan shouted. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to gain focus to strengthen her barriers, but the necromancer king was proving to be too strong for her. “I am a master of the mind. It is my playground. Side with me and you and your children shall live. I will provide everything that you have ever wanted and will need for your children. They will never want for anything.”

  The blinding pain grew until she finally felt her barriers crack.

  “Okay!” she shouted, holding her hand up in the air. She just couldn’t risk him taking control of her mind. She had no choice but to give in. What did she have to lose? For the safety of her children, she would do anything. “Stop! Just stop.”

  “I knew that you would see it my way.” Sodan let loose a deep chuckle as her body slowly rose from the ground. She felt weightless in space, causing her to quickly look around. She gasped, unable to believe that she was floating in the air. Her hands flailed, trying to gain
her balance as she was slowly lowered to her feet. “Smart girl.”

  “Please, don’t hurt me,” she begged, her voice ending in a sob as tears slowly trailed down her face.

  “Hurt you? Never. Those babes of yours will never be harmed by my hand. They are the future,” Sodan said, holding out his hand. “Come. We have much to do to prepare for the arrival of our future.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Nicu stalked into his office. The feeling of defeat had slowly crept into his chest. Two weeks. Two weeks since Samara had been taken from him. He, along with every Dark Shadow member, had been on the hunt to find Samara with no success. There was no telling what the necromancers would do with her or the babes. It was imperative that they find her.

  The ache in his chest grew stronger and caused him to stumble. He flopped down into the chair and gasped as a wave of sharp pinpricks encircled his heart. He gritted his teeth and forced the pain away as he tossed a few of his weapons onto his desk.

  No amount of bagged blood could curve the pain. His stomach would almost revolt with the thought of taking blood from one of the family’s slujitori de sânge, blood servants. His body needed Samara.

  The bonding curse.

  Bunule Dumnezeu! He released a curse in his native language. He had yet to take blood from her. She wouldn’t understand if he tried, since they hadn’t made it to that point in their relationship. He remembered the look of horror etched on her face when he bled that rogue dry. He would never want to be the cause of such disgust on her face again.

  But it wasn’t just because of the bonding curse that Nicu was desperate to find Samara. The past two weeks had made him realize he had true feelings for her. She was truly the other half of his heart, and only she could make him feel whole.

  His father shot down his idea of giving himself up to the necromancer king. Usually, his father and him saw eye to eye on everything, but this one idea the king refused to budge on. The king had issued a direct order to Nicu that under no circumstance would he give himself up. They would come up with another plan to save Samara.


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