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Drunk Olympics

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by Justin Langer

  Drunk Olympics

  An Original and epic drinking game

  By Justin Langer

  Copyright 2014


  This is a drinking game, not a politically correct tree hugging hippie drum circle. If not already, prepare to be slightly offended and very drunk.

  It is a competitive and inebriated Olympic Decathlon! The rules are simple and the events are fun. It is player versus player, full on war, with some social drinking contests. You will find it has elements of other games and drinking games. Play at your own risk.


  All characters, products and events appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


  Beer cans, bottle caps, beer bottles, marker, toilet paper, broom, trash can/basket, coins, tampons or anything else lying around. Most importantly, LOTS OF CANNED BEER!


  Best with 4 or more players. No teams, it is every player for themselves!


  Take all other players captive by winning Events (and get sloppy drunk while doing so). Once you have every player captive and they have each played once for their freedom only to lose, you win gold in the drunk Olympics!


  Captive: This is when a player has lost an event to another player. The losing player becomes captive, or subject to play versus their captor each round until they win.

  Freedom: Every player starts out free and loses their freedom only when they lose an event they were challenged to play by an opposing player.

  Events: These are the player versus player games that are played each round, there are many to choose from.

  Consequences: A crappy rule you must follow if you lose versus the same player too many times. The consequence is chosen by your captor.

  Handicaps: These are small but game changing advantages each player has with regards to the country of origin they choose to play from. See list below.

  World Events: These are beer social and game changing events that take place every 24 minutes OR at the end of every round of turns OR every 12 events.


  To start: Everyone chugs a beer and smashes the can! First done is the winner. The winner chooses the country they want to represent, same through last place. Winner also goes first. (Before choosing a country to represent, take note of special handicaps allocated to certain countries at the very bottom of the rules page.)

  Your turn:

  If it is your first turn or you are not captive to another player, you may choose any enemy and any event:

  If you win, your enemy becomes captive to you.

  If you lose, chug some beer!

  If you are captive to another player, you MUST play versus your captor for your freedom, any event of your choosing:

  If you win, you are free!

  If you lose, you remain captive and chug some beer!

  If you fail freedom 3 consecutive turns, you suffer ONE of the consequences. See below for consequences.

  For every 3 consecutive fails, suffer an ADDITIONAL consequence. Fail freedom 10 consecutive times and you're done playing.

  CONSEQUENCES: (Consequences are chosen by the captor.)

  -Wear a stupid hat made of foil, newspaper, or an empty beer case

  -Your captor draws on you with a marker to mark you anyway they want! Resistance results in having to shotgun a beer.

  -You speak in a foreign accent until you obtain freedom. Accent chosen by your captor. All failures to speak with accent, as called out by other players, results in a beer chug.

  If American: any dialect is ok (i.e. New Jersey guido, southern twang, Boston drawl, etc...)

  If Canadian: every sentence must end with "ay"

  -Your captor gives you a nick-name and you only respond by that name. Also, you answer to your captor according to the name he/she gives themself. Failure to respond to given name and to address captor by given name, as called out by other players, results in a beer chug.


  *Every event can only be played ONCE per round.

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