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The Talisman (Heart of the Highlander Series Book 2)

Page 21

by Gafford, Deborah

  Perhaps 'twas Logan and he had come back early from his time with the herds to help prepare for the celebration. 'Twould please his family well. She waved at him and walked on.

  Arriving at the lower meadow a few minutes later, she spotted Gavin some distance away and called to him.


  Gavin waved and walked over, calling out as he approached. "Meggie, what brings you out here? Oh, 'tis you, Ailis. From a distance, with that blue shawl about you, you look like Meggie." He rubbed his hands together briskly. "'Tis a wee bit chilly for a walk."

  "Aye," she nodded, "it is." She smiled and held out a basket toward him.

  He gazed down at her as his fingers touched hers when he took the basket. Her eyes sparkled in the sunlight and the nip of the wind had turned her cheeks a bright pink.

  He watched her grip the shawl a little tighter against the wind and leaned closer to hear her words.

  "I brought you a bit to eat since you did not break your fast this morn. Megan said you would be getting hungry and 'tis a few hours yet till the midday meal."

  Gavin caught a scent of her freshly washed hair. It smelled of the lavender soap Meggie made, but he had never appreciated it before. He lifted a lock of Ailis' hair that had blown free in the breeze and rubbed it between his fingers. Suddenly a hunger filled him for more than food. Mesmerized, he stared down at her. My God, she is lovely. If she were mine, I would–

  The loud bellow of a bull in the next meadow broke into Gavin's thoughts. Och, man, 'tis too soon. Give her time to recover from her experience at the alehouse. He gripped the basket firmly and returned her smile. "Thank you, lass. That was very kind of you." He nodded to his left. "'Tis much warmer under the cover of those trees. Would you join me and share it?"

  "Thank you, but nay. I have already eaten. This is for you."

  He opened the basket and glanced at its contents. "It looks delicious. Come, after such a long walk, you should at least rest a few moments before you return. Sit with me, lass. I would enjoy your company."

  His heart warmed at the sight of her brilliant smile as she said, "I'd like that too."

  He led her to a secluded spot among a dense copse of trees, still thick with autumn foliage. The circle of close trees cut off most of the wind and gave a sense of privacy. He sat beside her, opened the basket and pulled out a red currant scone. He ate it hungrily, as if by consuming it, he were tasting Ailis' red lips instead.

  He gazed at her as he finished the tasty morsel. Although he had eaten nothing since the night before, the food did not appease his hunger. 'Twas not food he yearned for. 'Twas for the woman beside him and naught more. Just having her near him was enough to send his senses reeling.

  Had it only been a few short weeks since she had burst into his life and turned everything tapsal teerie? Never would he have thought he could come to care so much for a woman in such a short time. The realization hit him like a blow from a blacksmith's hammer.

  'Twas not just the physical attraction to her that he felt, or the simple wish to be with her to listen to her lilting voice and gaze at her lovely face and form. Nay, 'twas much more. In truth, his desire to make love to her seemed to build with each new day, but 'twas more than that as well. He yearned to be with her for all time, to protect and cherish her, to spend the rest of his days with her. Och, now he understood the addled anxious feeling Calum talked of when he spoke of Meggie.

  Bemused, Gavin looked down at the ale in the basket. A sudden memory of forgotten words she had spoken came back to him. She had talked of leaving Kirkholm after she agreed to help improve Paddy's brew. How could he let her go when it would rip his heart out if she left him? He grimaced at the thought. Glancing back at her, he saw her staring at him with a look of obvious concern on her lovely face.

  She reached out and touched his face tenderly. "Does it still hurt?"

  Her touch was his undoing. He thrust the food away and took her in his arms, holding her close. He breathed in her scent and whispered into her hair. "Ailis, you entice me. Your touch makes me think of naught but you. Being so close to you, 'tis hard to control my passion."

  Gavin felt her tremble in his arms. "Please, lass, do not be afraid. I would never hurt you. I swear it." Gently, he touched his lips to hers. The moment their lips met, an overwhelming spark of passion kindled inside him.

  Ailis wrapped her arms around his neck and he drew her closer. Then, bending lower without breaking the kiss, he lifted her to his lap, secure in his embrace. He ran one hand through her hair and slowly pushed the shawl from her shoulders. Continuing downward, his fingers brushed against the ripe fullness of her breast as he cupped it in his palm. Her warm softness filled his hand as he caressed it. Heat spiraled through him and he fought to control his lust. 'Twas a battle he was not sure he would win.

  Hesitantly, he pulled his lips from hers then kissed his way slowly down her neck to her shoulder. He nuzzled against her there, painting a hot spiral on her flesh with his tongue. As a sigh escaped her lips, he captured her earlobe between his teeth. Tugging gently, he nipped and licked at it, his breath stirring the tendrils of hair that curled about her ear.

  Desire raced through his veins like a river torrent overflowing its banks. He felt himself grow hard when a soft sigh escaped her lips. Leaning back, he gently pulled her down with him to the mossy ground. With a steadiness he did not feel, he slowly pulled open the laces at the neck of her gown. He would not rush her even though his body demanded he make her his.

  When the fabric parted revealing the creamy flesh of her firm rounded breasts, he pressed his lips to her bosom and inhaled the sweet scent that was all her own. His hunger for her grew into a raging inferno, heightening his passion. His manhood throbbed with need as he gazed down at her.

  Inch by inch, he kissed her lush breasts. First one, then the other, savoring their velvet softness. Then he captured one of her nipples in his mouth. He suckled her until the petal soft nipple tightened to a precious pink pearl between his lips. Her breasts rose and fell rapidly cushioning his face, enfolding him in their supple embrace.

  He needed her. God, how he needed her. Gavin leaned back on his elbows and looked down into her beautiful face. "Ailis, your beauty tempts me beyond reason. I can think of naught but you. Lay with me. Let me love you."

  Her eyes widened and a delicate flush spread over her face. She lay there silently looking at him then she nodded, raised her arms and pulled him down to her.

  'Twas all the encouragement he needed. With shaking fingers, he loosened the laces to the front of her gown as far as they would go, opening the neck all the way. Then he ran his fingers over her breasts, teasing and cupping them in his hands. The firm fullness of their beauty entranced him. He gently squeezed them in his palms. How beautiful they would look swollen with milk when she nursed their children.

  Bending closer, he suckled her once more, twirling his tongue over her rose colored nipples. He sucked them into his mouth, nipping them ever so gently with his teeth. Her breathless moan set his pulses racing faster. God, he wanted to thrust himself inside her. To lose himself in her embrace, in her love.

  Deep, hard, fast.

  But she was a maid and deserved better. He would bring her pleasure before he took his own. She was too precious to him to think otherwise. Aye, he would take her slowly the first time with all the skill he possessed.

  Hesitantly, he pulled his fingers from her lush breasts and slid them down her rib cage to her tiny waist. Wrapping his hands about her waist, he lowered his face to her stomach and nuzzled against her.

  Gradually, he moved his hands lower caressing her body through the fullness of her skirt. He followed his hands downward, pressing slow kisses everywhere his hands had touched. Bending lower still, he ran his hands down her thighs and shapely calves and trailed more kisses along the path his fingers had blazed. Then, he slowly lifted the hem of her skirt and ever so gently slid his hands beneath the fabric. His fingers sought the warmth of her inner thighs, touc
hing and rubbing her velvet skin.

  Rising to his knees, he gazed down at her. Forcing back his sense of urgency, he raised her skirt inch by inch till he pulled her gown over her head and dropped it to the grass beside them.

  Stunned, he sank back on his heels and gazed at her loveliness. God, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever beheld! That she would give herself to him with the same love he felt for her was near more than his poor mind could comprehend.

  A slight breeze blew across them and she shivered covering her breasts with her arms. "Ah, lass, do not hide your beauty from me, I beg you. Here, let me warm you."

  As quickly as he was able, he removed his work shirt and trews and dropped them beside her dress.

  He watched her eyes widen at the sight of him. Gently, he nudged her legs apart and lowered himself between them until his hot flesh pressed against her. He nuzzled her breasts and then kissed his way back up her neck toward her mouth as his hands roamed over her bare skin, caressing and fondling.

  Pressing his lips to hers, he kissed her with all the love he possessed. He toyed with her bottom lip, nipping and licking it before he pulled it gently between his teeth and pressed his tongue against her lips urging her to open to him. When she did, he slid his tongue inside her mouth. Again and again, he entered and withdrew from her sweet lips, his tongue mating with hers.

  As he deepened the kiss, his hands traveled over her body, touching and caressing every creamy portion of her flesh. Then he pulled his lips from hers and slid lower and lower still, until his face hovered above her woman's curls. Slowly, he bent his head until he captured her moist folds between his lips. She gasped and then began to writhe beneath him as he licked and nuzzled her moist womanhood.

  Without stopping, he gently spread her legs wider with his hands, stroking her inner thighs. He licked and suckled her until he felt her body begin to tremble and then pressed his thumb to her folds rubbing in fast circles over her slick flesh. Drawing her deeper into his mouth, he laved her womanhood with his tongue.

  Suddenly, Ailis began to moan and buck against him. He pulled her closer, slid two fingers into her moist opening until he felt her maidenhead, and then withdrew them, over and over again. Gasping, she writhed and tugged at his shoulders, pulling him closer as he continued the frenzied motion of his tongue and touch of his fingers. Suddenly, she arched against him and cried out his name, then sank back to the ground.

  For a long moment, Gavin gazed at her beautiful face and then rose to his knees. He sought to say something; to reassure her that the pain she would feel would be fleeting, that if it were within his power she would never know pain. But he knew no grand words to convince her of his love, of how much she meant to him. So he would love her as gently as he could and let his body speak for him.

  Bending forward he touched the tip of his manhood to her moist swollen folds and slowly pressed forward. The feel of her hot flesh near drove him mad. Everything in him called out for him to surge forward and sink himself within her, hard and fast. He clenched his jaw and forced himself to go slowly. For several heart stopping moments, he gradually eased into her until he felt the barrier he would have to pass.

  He looked down at her, praying his expression would prove his feelings. "Lass, thank you for your great gift." Then he thrust forward quickly, piercing her maidenhead, making her his for all time.

  At her sharp cry of pain, he stilled for a moment to ease her discomfort, then slowly surged forward over and over, as her hot flesh molded around tightly him, setting him aflame. He could feel himself swell within her until he felt he would burst from the wondrous ecstasy. God, he could not hold out much longer. The very air around them seemed to crackle like the blaze of a Beltaine fire.

  Suddenly, Ailis writhed beneath him, her fingers biting into his skin. When she cried out his name again, he thrust forward once more and felt himself explode, his seed shooting deep inside her. Shuddering with his release, he drew a panting breath and slowly sank down to lie across her quivering body.

  God, never had he known such a wondrous feeling. A breeze whispered across him, cooling his heated flesh as Ailis' softness cradled him. Gavin lifted his head and smiled at her, too weary and content for speech.

  Ailis stared up at him in silence, as if she waited for something. He toyed with a lock of her hair and kissed her forehead. She began to chew her lip in that fashed way of hers. Och, had he done something wrong or not done something he should? He had been as gentle as he knew how. Perhaps she waited for grand words, but he was not good at flowery speeches. He preferred to let his actions speak for him.

  After a few minutes, he rolled to his side, kissed the dimple of her shoulder and drew her to him. She stiffened in his arms. What was wrong? Did she regret giving herself to him? Had he not just shown her how much he cared?

  The breeze began to gust, blowing her hair about her lovely face. Smiling, he leaned over and kissed the tip of her nose. "Lass, we best dress before the wind takes our clothes back to the keep for us and we have to return the way God graced us at our births."

  She stared up at him silently and nodded but did not return his smile. He got up and gently pulled her to her feet. Then he handed her gown to her, helping her don it. As he started to pull the laces together over her breasts, she shook her head and took a step back. Perhaps her breasts were tender from their lovemaking. Och, he should have thought of that.

  He gathered his clothes and quickly donned them. Then he reached for her and carefully pulled her down to sit beside him. He curled a lock of her hair around his finger but did not take her in his arms as he longed to do. 'Twould only cause her more discomfort and that he meant never to do again.

  She sat rigid and silent beside him and did not meet his gaze. Her silence worried him. Had he truly hurt her? "Lass, are you well? Did I hurt you?"

  She looked at him for a long moment, her wide eyes seemed to question, to seek something from him, then simply shook her head and stared at the trees.

  By thunder, what was it? If she would just tell him, he would do aught that he could to please her and bring back that bonny smile to her lips. He sighed. Megan would probably tell him 'twas one of those things only another woman would understand. But he would not ask his sister about it and embarrass Ailis. Nay, once they were wed, and she was accustomed to him, surely then she would speak more openly of their lovemaking. Mayhap she was as unsure of how to speak of her feelings as he was. Aye, the lass had been a virgin. What did he expect her to say?

  Hoping to lighten her somber mood, he lifted her chin and touched his finger to her lips. "Have the faeries stolen your tongue, lass?"

  She pinched her lips tightly together and turned her gaze from him without a word.

  He tried once more. "Ailis, have you naught to say to me?"

  Wind pulled at her hair. She smoothed it away from her face then pulled it over her shoulder and began to plait it into a long braid, keeping her eyes downcast.

  With each drawn out torturous moment of her silence, he felt something inside him begin to shrivel and die. He fought against his fear. Could he have been wrong about them? Despite his vow never to fall in love, he loved her. She would never have given herself to him if she did not love him. Would she?

  Several minutes passed. Finally, she looked at him and shook her head as if to deny him.

  His heart hardened itself against the pain he knew was to come. God, how could he have been so wrong? Was he so smitten with her he had become no better than a besotted fool who could nay see things for what they truly were?

  She smoothed her dress over her lap and lifted her chin almost as if she defied him to oppose her words. "I had planned to remain at Kirkholm to… to find whoever killed my da and sister and avenge their deaths. In truth, I feared you were the murderer."


  She held up her hand, stopping him. "Then I… I realized you could not be the one I sought, nor, it seems, anyone in your clan. I cannot remain here if I am to repay the bloo
d debt of my family and I will not ask you to be part of that." Her voice trembled, but she continued, her words cutting him as painfully as a dirk. "I will not remain here and lay with you knowing you only feel for me what… what that man felt in the ale house. No matter what you think, I am nay–"

  Gavin sat upright, anger and pain burning in his gut as he thrust himself away from her. "By God, woman. How dare you accuse me of treating you like a slut from a common house! I am no thief of a maiden's honor like that swine. Did you truly expect me to make love to you and not share your burden, your blood debt, as you call it?"

  "But, but… you–"

  "Nay. I should have known better. The way you behaved on our journey was just an act. Aye? Well, you have had your say. I will not force you to remain in my unworthy presence since you find it so distasteful." He surged to his feet and scowled down at her. "Just remember, I took naught that you did not offer freely." Gavin spun on his heel and stalked back across the field without another word.

  Stunned, Ailis could do no more than sit and stare after him. His harsh words shattered her heart. Cold wind whipped about her, chilling her. Just moments ago he had touched her with his sweet words and surrounded her in his warmth and strength. But no more. Her emotions whirled in turmoil as she numbly reached for the blue shawl.

  Could she have been wrong? Gavin had seemed sincere. But not once had he actually said he loved her. Nay, and never had he asked her to wed him. Never that.

  A tear slid down her cheek as she gathered up the basket. She wiped it away bitterly then turned back toward the castle. Jenny's lover had spoken much the same sweet words to her before he left her alone and pregnant with nary even a word of farewell.


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