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The Talisman (Heart of the Highlander Series Book 2)

Page 31

by Gafford, Deborah

  With a blood-curdling yell, Gavin raised his broadsword and charged into the room. He ran straight at Murdoch, ready to strike the bastard down.

  But the sound alerted Ailis' attacker. He grabbed her by the shoulders and whirling around, thrust her in front of him as a human shield. One of his large, pock marked hands held Ailis captive against his body, his fingers digging cruelly into her breast. With the other hand, he pressed his dirk against her throat.

  Ailis' breasts rose and fell rapidly as she gasped for breath.

  Murdoch's cowardly move immediately halted Gavin's advance as he hurtled across the hut. He came to a halt only two feet from Ailis. Gavin's hands gripped the hilt of his broadsword as he held it high, waiting and praying for a clear path to swing out and strike down his brother's murderer and the bloody bastard who threatened the woman he loved.

  His eyes narrowed and he shouted in helpless fury. "Let her go, damn you! Are you such a coward you would you hide behind a helpless woman? Or do you know only how to attack innocent people from the back, as you did Logan when you murdered him? Fight me, you bloody bastard!"

  Murdoch's fingers dug into Ailis' breast, twisting it, causing her to cry out in pain. He sneered at Gavin. "Nay, ye bloody whoreson. I will do as I please an' ye will nay swing yer sword fer fear o' harmin' the bitch. Now, back away an' drop it or I will delight in spilling her blood as I did Logan's. Only this time ye will watch."

  Gavin hesitated, seeking a way to draw Murdoch out. "You will not escape. Even you cannot hide behind a woman's skirts forever. Sooner or later you will have to let her go and fight."

  Murdoch snorted in derision. "'Nay, ye are wrong. Ye see, I have naught to lose an' the death o' one more by me hand doesna worry me. I am a mon who takes whate'er he likes. Right now, I have a mind to take this bitch's life while ye watch, so dinna push me. Drop yer sword an' back o'er to the wall. She an' I are leavin'. Together."

  To emphasize his meaning, Murdoch moved his dirk slightly, pressing it tighter against her neck. A thin trickle of blood oozed out from under the blade.

  "No!" Gavin lowered his sword to the ground and backed up. "For God's sake, Murdoch, let her go! Your fight is not with her."

  "Aye, 'tis." He took a step toward the doorway, dragging Ailis with him. "She found the talisman I lost. Her silence will keep others from lookin' fer me."


  The horrifying knowledge struck Ailis like a blow. Only the person who attacked Jenny could have lost that talisman. This was the animal who had murdered her father and sister! Dear God, had she heard him aright? Had he said he'd killed Logan?

  He must pay!

  It did not matter what happened to her. She would gladly give her life to slay the man who had murdered her family. And Logan. But how? Murdoch's tight hold was beyond her strength to break. Perhaps she could turn his hand in another way.

  She forced herself to go limp and slumped back in his arms, her body sagging, unsupported. He stopped and shifted his knife hand to grasp her more securely.

  'Twas all she needed. She clamped her teeth around his knife hand and bit down with all her strength.

  Murdoch cursed and struck her with his free hand, knocking her to the floor.

  Gavin leaped across the fire ring and smashed his fist into Murdoch's face. The impact sent him pitching backward, crashing into the table and smashing it into several pieces. Gavin landed on top of him, his fist landing another blow.

  Ailis dragged herself out of the way, grabbed the dirk Murdoch had dropped and rose shakily to her feet.

  Gavin and Murdoch rolled about on the floor, punching and grabbing to gain a deadly grip on each other. They slammed up against the cot, sending it flying into the fire ring. With a whoosh, the straw burst into flame consuming the cot and sending flames skyward. Sparks flew into the straw and branches hanging down from the broken roof. Suddenly, the roof erupted into flame.

  Smoke began to fill the hut as the fire raged. Bits of flaming straw and twigs began to rain down from the roof as it burned out of control.

  Ailis jumped out of the way as Gavin and Murdoch rolled near her, their fists striking each other with the force of battering rams.

  For a moment Gavin was on top, and then just as quickly, Murdoch broke free of his hold and rolled above him, slamming his fist into Gavin's face.

  Ailis drew her arm back and then stabbed downward with all her strength toward Murdoch's back. "This is for Da and Jenny!"

  At the same moment, Gavin caught Murdoch's fist in his open hand and forced him backward, rolling over him. The dirk meant for Murdoch missed him by a hair's breadth and clattered to the floor. Startled by the knife falling at his side, Gavin looked up at her for a split second.

  Murdoch drew back his ham-like fist and slammed it into the side of Gavin's face, knocking him backward.

  Before Gavin could recover, Murdoch rolled out from under him, ran forward and grabbed the broadsword. He turned back toward Gavin, lifted the sword and brought it down with a mighty slash.

  Gavin rolled out of the way of the vicious blade, and in one fluid motion, grabbed the dirk from his boot and threw it.

  It arced through the air and sank deep in Murdoch's shoulder.

  Murdoch bellowed in pain but managed to raise the broadsword with his other arm. Its blade flashed in the light of the fire.

  Suddenly, a roar cut through the hut as the roof collapsed, sending a heavy beam crashing down on top of Murdoch and burying him under burning branches and straw. His screams filled the room as he writhed about trying unsuccessfully to crawl free.

  Gavin surged to his feet as more burning debris rained down, swept Ailis into his arms and ran from the hut just before it collapsed in a raging inferno.

  Ailis looked at the smoking rubble from the safety of Gavin's arms. Try as she might to feel sorrow for Murdoch dying in such a way, she could not help but feel it was justice served. Never again would he cause another family to grieve the loss of their loved ones. Now they could put vengeance behind them and start their lives anew. She looked at Gavin with all the love she possessed and prayed for a miracle.


  As Gavin pulled her closer into the shelter of his arms, he sent a silent prayer heavenward, thankful beyond words that Ailis was safe and they would have the chance to build a life together.

  Suddenly, he heard the sound of approaching horses. He whirled around praying he would not need his weapons that lay within the burning ruins.

  With relief, he recognized Calum and his clansmen. He nodded as they halted a short distance from him.

  Calum called for the men to put out the fire then dismounted quickly and joined him. "God be praised. I feared we wouldna find ye until 'twas too late. Lass, how fare ye?"

  Ailis mutely tucked herself tighter into Gavin's chest, pulling the pieces of her torn dress closer together.

  Calum looked past her to Gavin with a telling look. "My sleepin' tartan is tied behind my saddle. If ye wish, ye may use it to cool the bruise on Ailis' face. The men an' I will finish here."

  Nodding his thanks, Gavin carried Ailis away from the grim scene of death.

  The men's horses were tethered together several yards from the hut's smoldering remains. Gavin gently carried Ailis there, removed Calum's tartan and continued on to the nearby burn. He helped her sit by the water's edge, tore off a narrow strip of plaid and set it aside. Then he draped the rest of the tartan over her tattered dress and tied it at her shoulders.

  He picked up the small strip of plaid and folded it into a thick pad. After dipping it into the cool water, he began to carefully sponge the bruise on her face. He smiled at her and bathed it gently for several minutes. "Does that help, love?"

  "Aye, but what of you?" She reached out and tenderly touched his face.

  He kissed the tips of her fingers. "Having you beside me is all I need."

  He continued to bathe her face, whispering calm words to offer relief from her horrifying experience. When her eyes began to droop, he
gently lifted her onto his lap, pressed her head to his shoulder and wrapped his arms around her. "I will watch over you, love. Rest and be at peace."

  She fell asleep in his arms. Gavin watched her as she slept, grateful beyond words that he could do so. He stroked a lock of hair back from her face, thankful to see that sleep had erased the fear and pain from her features. Vowing silently to do all in his power to see that she never again knew fear or pain, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and whispered, "Sleep well, my love."


  Gavin opened his eyes as a cool breeze drifted over him. He shook his head to rid himself of the last bit of sleep. The battle with Murdoch and fear for Ailis had taken more from him than he had thought. He pulled Ailis closer into the shelter of his arms and looked over to where the hut had been.

  Calum stood near a blackened pile of rubble partially covered in fresh rock holding Gavin's broadsword and dirk. He pointed to where more rocks were needed and then helped finish covering what was left of the hut and its grim contents.

  After there was no visual reminder of the horror that taken place there, the men walked to their horses, pulled flasks from their saddle bags and then sat beneath the trees talking quietly among themselves. 'Twas obvious they meant to stay until he and Ailis were ready to leave but would give them as much privacy as they could.

  In time, one of Gavin's men climbed the hill and rode Tairneanach back around the ridge then tethered the horse to a nearby tree. With a silent nod, the man rejoined Calum and the rest of the men.

  An owl hooted nearby, waking Ailis. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and smiled up at Gavin.

  He stroked his hand over her hair. "How do you fare my love? Does your face pain you?"

  His words seemed to remind Ailis of what had happened for her smile vanished leaving a look of such desolation on her face that it tore at his heart. She scrambled to her feet as if she meant to flee.

  Gavin stood quickly and took her hands in his. "What is it, Ailis?"

  Tears welled up in her eyes. "'Twas Murdoch… He was the one. I… I would have killed him." A tear slowly ran down her cheek. "I could not let him go unpunished. He had to pay for Da and Jenny's deaths. And for your brother." Her tears began to flow and she looked away as if fearing his rejection. "Please do not think me evil for trying to take his life."

  Gavin lifted her tear stained face to meet his gaze. Seeing the need for love and acceptance in her eyes brought the words to his lips he had longed to say. "God, no, Ailis. You are my life! Any happiness I will ever know for the rest of my days will be because of you. I once vowed never to marry, never to let my heart be controlled by love. Then you came into my life and I realized it was empty without you."

  He stepped back, dropped to one knee and raised her hands to his lips for a kiss. "I fear I am not skilled at expressing my feelings in flowery ways a lass likes to hear, but I vow I love you, Ailis. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my days with you. Will you forgive me for not telling you of my love and do me the honor of becoming my bride?"

  Ailis smiled through her tears.

  "Oh, aye, Gavin! Aye with all my heart."

  Gavin stood, pulled her into his arms and kissed her, trying to show with the kiss what his words might have lacked. When breathing forced them apart, he drew a shaky breath and smiled down at her. "I love you, mo cridhe, and I am not sure one lifetime will be long enough to tell you so." He bent his head and kissed her tenderly. "I vow that is but the first of thousands I will give you." Then he swept her up into her arms and walked toward Tairneanach. "Let us go home, my love."


  Kirkholm Castle, Scotland 1509

  "Will ye look at them now? Barely past their first natal day and strong and handsome as their sires!" Calum beamed at his son, Logan, and nephew, Connor, as they wobbled about on the great hall floor, having just learned to walk.

  "Aye," Gavin said, smiling proudly. "Braw lads they are. But do not forget my bonnie wee Jenny. She is the image of her lovely mother." He leaned over and kissed Ailis' cheek as she sat beside him nursing their twin daughter. "I am a lucky man."

  Calum chuckled. "I ne'er thought to see the day ye would find a lass to wed ye, what with your sour humors. An' here ye are, wed to a fine lass with bairns of your own! 'Tis a miracle to be sure!"

  Gavin reached over, took Ailis' hand in his and kissed it, remembering when she had told him of her love and how she had prayed for a miracle. "Aye, 'tis a miracle indeed."

  The sound of a child's laughter filled the air as Nelli and Megan walked into the great hall.

  "Ah, there ye are. How fare my wee lassies?" Calum asked as he pulled up two chairs near the hearth.

  Megan sat and smiled at the babe in her arms. "Mary is sleeping, thank the saints."

  "Aye," Nelli said as she shoved a bit of gray hair back from her face with one hand and held the hand of a rambunctious little girl with the other. "'Tis a shame her wee sister will nay as well."

  Calum smiled, bent down and held out both arms. "Come see your da, Betha." Nelli let go of the child's hand and sank down in the chair with a sigh.

  Calum picked Betha up, grinned in Gavin's direction and held up three fingers, one by one.

  Gavin looked at him and then at Ailis. "I believe we have been challenged, my love. We will never hear the last of it if we do not best it. What say you?"

  Ailis nodded. "'Tis a good thing Jenny has fallen asleep. Hand her to Nelli so we may retire to our chamber. I am sure with practice, we can best it!"

  Gavin handed his sleeping daughter to Nelli then walked over to Ailis and swept her up in his arms. "Aye, my love, I feel sure we can!"

  Ailis' laughter trilled across the great hall as Gavin carried her from the room.


  If you enjoyed The Talisman, please look for Deborah Gafford's books in this or other series.

  Deborah Gafford is known for writing thrilling historical romance set in the Highlands of Scotland. If you love books with handsome Scottish lairds, hot passion, danger and true love, then her historical romances are for you!

  Two historical romances in her HEART OF THE HIGHLANDER SERIES, Highlander's Bride Book 1, and The Talisman Book 2, are available online. Highland Betrayal Book 3, is due out in the winter of 2012. For more information, to read book excerpts, or to view video book trailers click on the author's website below.

  If you enjoy contemporary romantic comedy, you are in for a delightful treat with You're In Good Hands With Al Tate. Another heart-warming romantic comedy, Nest Egg Cowboy, will be available in the fall of 2012.

  Deborah's books are available online at and fine ebook retailers everywhere.

  Deborah Gafford


  *For deeper enjoyment and the occasional word a reader may not know, a glossary of Gaelic, olde English and French words used in the HEART OF THE HIGHLANDER SERIES books is listed on the author's website.




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