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Dirty Sexy Furry (Southern Shifters Book 1)

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by Eliza Gayle

  As she turned to scan the room, he caught a glimpse of a delectable, full ass that caused his groin to tighten. Compelled to learn more about this woman who kept appearing, he pushed himself from the wall where he lounged. He was determined to discover her identity, but every time he saw her he couldn't think past her scent teasing his senses. Or the need raging inside him. He'd never felt this out of control around a woman.

  Turning, she met his gaze, and her blue eyes sparkled with awareness. Neither attempted to break eye contact as he stalked toward her.

  When he got close he smiled, hoping it conveyed everything he needed her to know. “I’m glad you’re back.”

  She tilted her head and stared at him, her brows drawn together in confusion. “Do you know why I’m here? And where is here, by the way?”

  Her voice flowed like warm oil across his skin and Lucas wondered what it would take to keep her from turning around and walking out of his dream. He stepped closer, absorbing the heat radiating from her skin and inhaling her sweet scent. Thank fuck for the heightened senses of the cougar. The delicious smell of this aroused female made his body tighten.

  “You’re here because I called for you." His heart rate accelerated as he spoke. "But I’m not sure where here is either. Nothing looks familiar.”

  “Then tell me why?” she whispered.

  Her eyes glowed with a heady mix of confusion and desire, a look that stirred his blood, and one he’d become accustomed to during their visits. She wanted him, that was obvious, yet she held herself away from him.

  Her lips pursed together, so full and ripe his mind immediately wandered to thoughts of them wrapped around his erection while she knelt in front of him, her hands tightening on his thighs. The image was so vivid he could almost taste her submission.

  “Who the hell knows," he said. "Maybe we need each other. Or maybe some things aren’t meant to be questioned.” He leaned forward and touched his fingers to the mouth that fascinated him. She gasped at his touch. Although to her credit she didn't back away. Instead she faced him with eyes burning with unmistakable heat. His inner animal yowled for more.

  Brushing his lips against hers for a quick taste, Lucas found himself unable to stop from grazing those soft lips with his tongue. Somewhere in the back of his mind, a voice yelled for him to ask for her help, but for the life of him he couldn’t remember why. Not when his senses were on overload and a frenzy building inside him.

  Then she sighed, parting her lips enough to allow him inside the warm recess of her mouth where he stroked the tip of her tongue with his own. Tension rippled along his skin when she shuddered in response. He deepened the kiss and grasped her hips, dragging her against his body so she felt exactly what she did to him.

  He took her mouth in hard strokes, unleashing all the pent up passion he'd been holding since the moment he saw her. She tried to turn, maybe pull away and he slid a hand in her hair to hold her still. He had no idea why this woman got under his skin, but he sure as hell wasn't going to fight it.

  Sliding his hand from her hip, he skimmed up her torso and underneath the thin tank, reveling in all her soft, smooth skin. Pulling back from her lips, his gaze slowly traveled to the swell of her breasts rising and falling in choppy rhythm with her rough breathing.

  He closed a callused hand over one mound, growling into her mouth when the nipple hardened in his palm. Holy hell, everything about her fit him perfectly. Heat shot from her amazing body and straight into his. He wanted to be inside her so bad he ached.

  A low moan sounded in her throat as she arched toward him, pressing them body-to-body from waist to shoulder.

  Mmm. He liked knowing she enjoyed his touch. He rolled one nipple between his thumb and forefinger before giving a tight, testing pinch. His mystery woman twisted in his arms, gasping for breath.

  “What are we doing?” she asked.

  "What do you think we're doing?"

  For a few long heartbeats they stared each other down. He had no idea how to explain the unexplainable other than to admit what he felt went deep. Primal deep. Out of his control.

  "Screw it." She grabbed the bottom edge of her tank and yanked it over her head before he could blink. She wrapped her hands around his neck and drew him down to her mouth for another hard kiss. Tongue, teeth and lips mashed together as they fought each other for control.

  She had no idea yet who she was dealing with. His need to possess consumed him as he plundered the warm recess of her mouth.

  Several minutes later he paused long enough for them to breathe. “Who the hell are you and why can't I stop?"

  She shook her head in a confusing non answer a moment before she stole another kiss by thrusting her tongue between his lips for an exploration of her own. Tunneling her hands through his hair, she gripped the strands tight and tugged him closer. The pleasure of her kiss blew him away, licking at his skin until he believed it would burst into flame.

  He wanted her, and he wasn’t about to fight the connection another second. Thrusting against her, his cock begged for release. The fabric from his pants and hers connected to increase the friction against his sensitive skin, heating him further as a shudder coursed through his body. More skin. He needed to touch more of her skin. Now.

  He reached for the waistband of her shorts.

  “Wait." She jerked a few inches away. "At least tell me your name.”

  “Lucas,” he bit out, unable to focus.

  He clawed at her damn shorts, pushing them down along with her white cotton panties until they pooled at her feet. He trailed his tongue down her neck, his teeth nipping at the tender skin of her shoulder before closing his teeth around her firm nipple until she yelped. He licked and sucked until she melted against him. Everything about her filled his senses, her sweet taste and especially the heady scent of her arousal in the air between them.

  Her knees buckled and he grabbed her around the waist to steady her.

  “Oh, God," she whispered.

  The heat of her words gave him so much more pleasure than he expected. Watching her writhe and whimper as he worked her flesh made her impossible to resist. When she spread her legs a little further it was his turn to whimper. He swallowed each breathy sound as he slid a finger between the wet lips of her sex. He zeroed in on her most sensitive spot, smiling against her mouth when her hips rose to greet him.

  Moisture covered his finger, the evidence he craved that she wanted him as bad as he needed her. "So fucking hot," he spoke against her lips.

  Her eyes widened at his words.

  "Tell me this isn't crazy."

  She shook her hand frantically, fear flooding her eyes. "Maybe crazy. But. Please. Don't. Stop."

  He smiled and slid a finger inside her. Her eyes got impossibly wider as a low wail filled the room.

  "Goddess you're tight."

  She whimpered before reaching between them and pulling at the button on his jeans. He grabbed her wrists and stopped her. After a warning look, he slid down in front of her so his head was level with her bare belly. For a few agonizing seconds he simply stared at the indentation, teasing her, before he leaned forward and swirled his tongue inside the tiny button.

  “Not yet,” he said. Seconds later, he flipped her around and roughly pushed her against the nearby wall.

  “What are you—” Her voice trembled.

  “Shh. You have nothing to fear from me,” he interrupted. “I won’t hurt you... at least not more than you want.”

  His words must have excited her as her inner muscles tightened around his invading finger.

  "Like that, baby?" He slid in a second finger and pushed deep. He sure as fuck did. He was fighting against the instinct to shove his cock in her instead of his fingers and ride her rough. Lucas pushed against the driving need. He wanted to draw this out more than that. Her pleasure was paramount.

  But this position...

  She was facing the wall, which left her beautiful ass ripe for the taking. He couldn't pass up this opportunit
y to play. He traced his finger along the seam of her bottom, while his other hand worked his fingers in and out,

  "This is mine," he said. He leaned forward and scraped his teeth between her shoulder blades. She quivered underneath him while her heart beat wildly. The sound of her pulse pulled at him. The temptation she offered had Lucas panting for breath as he tried to focus on getting air in and out of his lungs while his body vibrated with need. He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back so he could bury his nose in her neck.

  Hot, sweet and slick. He wanted it wrapped around his dick. Her whimpers turned to cries as he gripped the skin of her neck between his teeth and moved his fingers faster. Her climax was coming.

  Her muscles tightened a moment before she screamed, flying apart underneath him. His body reacted, swelling to the point of pain. Lucas breathed through the violence rising inside him. He squeezed his eyes shut and savored the sensations surrounding him. When her wave peaked, he increased the speed of his thrusts, sending her over the edge into climax once again.

  Then he did it yet again.

  When her legs gave out, Lucas lifted her into his arms and cradled her against his chest. She clung to him as her breathing finally slowed and she went completely lax.

  “You’re so damned hot, I could watch you come all night. And your scent. Fuck, baby. I can practically taste your sweet juices coating my tongue.” She tensed slightly. “Relax. I'm not going to do anything you wouldn't like. This is all about feeling good.”

  “You don’t even know who I am.”

  “I know everything I need to at the moment. Your body fits perfectly in my hands and you’re so damned sweet. Let go and let me to show you just how far this pleasure can go.”

  He stood to his full height, drawing her naked body against his still fully clothed form. He should have taken his clothes off but there was no time or patience for that now. Not when all he could think about was getting inside her. He ripped at the front of his jeans until the button gave way and the zipper worked free. Small whimpers sounded in her throat as he jostled them in place. He distracted her by lightly scraping the curve of her neck with his teeth, further inflaming both their need.

  "Can you wrap your legs around my waist?"

  She didn't say a word, but the next thing he knew she was wrapped around him and he was burrowing into her scorching heat.

  "Fuck." He bellowed the word while pulling her down in one rough thrust. Buried to the hilt he felt scorched alive. He couldn't breath and he couldn't move.

  Mine. It was the only word that made sense.

  When his vision cleared and a semblance of strength returned, he was ready to move.

  Then she screamed.

  Lucas jolted awake.

  “What the fu—not again!” he roared, his chest slick with sweat, his breathing harsh and uneven.

  He stroked his throbbing cock, certain he was going to explode if he didn’t come soon.

  On a sigh, Lucas leaned back and wondered who the mysterious redhead he continued to dream about was. He had to find her, make it real. This shit was making him crazy.

  Despite knowing he was being watched, he continued to move his hand up and down his rigid shaft while considering how it would feel if his mystery woman rocked her backside against him as he pushed into her. Warm, wet flesh sucking him inside.

  Near completion, the familiar rush of sparks raced across his skin, along with the tickling of fur beginning to come out on his arms. He willed himself not to change, but couldn’t stop— didn’t want to stop—his orgasm. On the final image of her wicked smile, his release broke free, subduing the beast. Turning, he looked directly into the camera with a feral grin, knowing he’d once again prevented the change and thus disappointed his captors. He experienced a moment of relief, but it wouldn’t last for long. He needed to escape soon and find this woman who tormented his sleep.

  Everything about her called to him. His need to dominate and control grew with every night’s dream and the moment he was free there would be no stopping the beast.


  Kira startled awake the next morning when the sun slanted across her face from the open window, momentarily confused about her whereabouts and what had happened. As the fog of sleep faded away, she remembered checking into the motel.

  She lay there, reliving her dream from the night before of the sensual and exciting man who would be her mate. Standing in front of her, his broad, muscular body had eclipsed her athletic frame, and he must have easily reached six­four. Despite the tired expression she’d seen from her first vision, his gold and green eyes had sparked with energy and lust. Her core squeezed as she remembered the intense feelings she had experienced while dreaming. In reality she wasn't sure how much longer she could last without him touching her. I don’t want it to be this way. There should be a choice—not force. But the deep burn of need and desire wouldn’t let go just because her brain said so.

  “Lucas,” she whispered aloud. Remembering him as the man she’d seen in her vision just before her car crash, she became convinced, more than ever, her powers were fucked.

  With the heavy weight of responsibility pressing down on her shoulders, Kira rose to shower and dress before she hit the road again. She didn’t want these feelings or the obligation that came with them. She already had a life she needed to get back to. One that wouldn’t wait very long for her return.

  While brushing her teeth, Kira reexamined her vision from the day before. The cell Lucas had been in seemed familiar. It reminded her of the many military cells she'd had to visit during interrogations. She closed her eyes, summoning the exact image she’d seen. This is how the Tallan was supposed to be used. To help and discover, not hurt.

  Once there, she glanced around, hoping to find clues that would give her a possible location. Part of her training in Marine Corps intelligence had required her to become familiar with most military bases and their brig facilities. If he was in one of those, there was a damn good chance she’d seen it. She focused on a wall outside the cell door where the guard stood.

  Noticing some faint writing, she struggled to zoom in on the spot. Navajo inscriptions, she realized. Kira struggled harder to remember why they seemed so familiar. There were military installations all over the country but not many were that close to Native American reservations.

  Her brain sifted through the possibilities until it landed on an unlikely candidate.

  “Fort Wingate.” Impossible. Officially, Fort Wingate had been closed for almost fifteen years, but it was occasionally used for missile testing, and, if she recalled correctly, portions of it leased by a civilian contractor that did some work there for the government.

  However, there were no day-to-day military operations and certainly no policing activities took place. That information would have been on her radar.

  To Kira, this simply provided more damning evidence she really was losing her mind, and the rate of that loss was accelerating rapidly. Sexual dream walking with her potential mate she understood, but envisioning the same man being held prisoner by the military and hidden away in a deserted facility was a little over the top, even for her.

  She had to get a grip and figure out how to regain control. It wouldn’t be long before the council hunted her down, and she didn’t want to stand before them and plead her case. Having a group of elders who knew little about her decide whether she was fit to live or die was unacceptable. She’d always found their system of determining when a clan member was a threat to the safety and secrets within rather archaic. However, their rules were crystal clear in regards to the onset of the female mating call and they provided only one way to escape death. Find a secondary mate and perform the bonding ritual.

  It was believed the mental connection between a bonded pair stopped the degradation of the Tallan and strengthened it instead. What wasn’t fully understood was the effect of a non true mate exerting their will onto the other. But she'd seen first hand how her stepfather treated her mother and even if she
couldn't prove it, she was certain he had taken control.

  She picked up her bag and slammed her belongings inside. Time to get back on the road, back to work and put as much distance between her and home as possible. Until she found an alternative solution she wouldn’t make it easy for anyone to know exactly what she went through.

  “I choose to live on my terms, and nobody else gets to say different.” She spoke the words forcefully to her empty room, determined that saying them out loud made them stronger.

  Now if she could just keep her mother out of her head...


  Kira knew better than to stop, but seeing the exit sign with the faded letters of Fort Wingate as she traveled along I­40, made it impossible to resist. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how she chose to look at it, the sun would set soon, giving her the cover of darkness to poke around if she needed it. Since she wasn’t prepared to be caught trespassing on government property, she might.

  But if she kept driving, she wouldn't know for sure and the doubts would plague her. It wouldn't hurt much to nose around enough to prove there’s nothing here. Then she’d get back in her car and turn toward California once and for all.

  At the unmanned front gate, a sign was posted that all visitors must report to Building 204 to register. Since her presence on any base would be questioned and verified, she opted to bypass check in and take the back service road that circled behind the facility where the brig would be located. Explaining to clueless security why she needed to be here in the first place could prove a little awkward. And if they flagged her ID she'd have to answer to her commander as well. Even she wouldn’t believe some lame ass story about a dream.

  About a mile into the base, she spotted the sign indicating the Brig straight ahead. She slowed her car and slipped into a parking lot several buildings away. She’d approach the building on foot.


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