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Dirty Sexy Furry (Southern Shifters Book 1)

Page 4

by Eliza Gayle

  Not a cure, but it usually at least made the torture bearable. Today it would be Lara and her ineptitude that would pay the price.

  Damn that woman. Will she never fucking listen?

  He’d warned her his brother was clever and cunning beyond her comprehension. She’d insisted her magic would hold him.

  He slammed his fist on the desk. Good thing he’d anticipated something like this would happen and took proper measures in advance.

  In the meantime, when that bitch got here, she’d have to beg for his forgiveness and pray he let her live.

  Malcolm squeezed the edge of his desk, ignoring the wood shattering in his hands as more pain seized him. The beast would be free one way or another.

  The fact he was already hard just from thinking about punishing her gave him hope. Releasing his rage on someone else might subdue the beast for a while.

  He would have to beat her of course. Punish her for her continued failures, and if she could take it without begging for him to stop, he’d reward her by stuffing his cock in her wanting mouth. Or she could take it another way. He might let her choose this time.

  His body tingled with the anticipation of pleasure those images conjured as he began taking his belt off.

  Whatever it took to regain control...


  Lucas was in shock. He couldn’t believe the woman from his dreams sat beside him. Now, as they traveled down the highway, he struggled to figure out what the hell to do next. Her hands gripped the steering wheel a little too tight, and her mouth pursed in a thin, straight line. Her silence left him unsure whether she was frightened or pissed. He scented a little of both, but couldn’t tell which emotion controlled her at the moment.

  “Where to?” she asked.

  Back at the base, he’d managed to snag her shirt as she ran and wrestle her to the ground just before she reached her car. Their brief tussle ended with a carefully placed claw to remind her who was in charge, then her handing over her gun, which now sat on the floorboard as far away from her as possible. That she carried such a sweet weapon impressed and intrigued him.

  “Keep going east on ­40 and I’ll let you know.” He stretched and shifted his legs, trying to get comfortable in her tiny car. Who in their right mind spent good money on a vehicle with no legroom?

  “Are you going to make me drive all the way back to North Carolina?”

  He opened his eyes and gazed at her curiously. Fuck. She knew where he was from? What else did she know? And what kind of game was she trying to play now?

  Giving up on comfort, he straightened to an upright position on the seat and leaned forward.

  “Where do you think I’m leading you to?” he demanded. It was all he could do to concentrate on his plan when it was her lips that captured much of his attention.

  Plump and slightly parted, she alternately licked them or bit at them with her teeth. Both actions made his dick ache. He was definitely on a slippery slope.

  The ache to kiss her again overwhelmed him, made the need to discover exactly how urgent and real his dreams had been. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “What do you want from me, Akira MacDonald of the U.S. Marines?”

  Her shuddering response brought a smile to his face. Nice to see he didn’t suffer alone and the attraction went both ways.

  “What makes you think I want anything? Well, other than my freedom, of course.”

  “There is that...” He relaxed back in the seat, putting some space between them, and began formulating a plan to get back home. He was far enough away from his captors he could likely ditch her and get there on his own, but something about her nagged at him, something suspiciously like...nah, that couldn’t be.

  His gaze wandered back to her, drinking in her appearance through hooded eyes. He admired the strong lines of her face, the petite nose above full, lush lips he already knew were kissable. It made him wonder.

  Why this woman and why now? Why would he have dreams about a stranger who wanted to not only use him, but also likely kill him?

  He could close his eyes and will her image out of his head, but there was nothing to save him from her scent. The fresh and sweet smell wouldn’t leave him. This was one of those rare times he cursed his abilities.

  So instead he watched her.

  Her breasts rose gently with each breath she took, and he wondered if her nipples would pucker and swell as he’d dreamt. Or turn instantly hard when he kissed her?

  Damn, his agony worsened as his cock tightened beyond anything he had experienced before. No, he wouldn’t be letting her go yet. Not until he tasted more of her, savoring every inch as he went. Then he’d slide inside her and feel her slick heat tighten around him.

  Yeah, he was a bastard. But he needed her and, one way or another, it would be soon.


  Kira felt his gaze on her body, studying her as surely as if his hands roamed her curves. She didn’t want to admit just how hot she burned for him, but with the nagging thought of going mad without him touching her, she couldn’t exactly deny it.

  Heat burned inside her while she struggled to think of something else. How could she feel this way about an arrogant jerk that made no secret of both his dislike for as well as his willingness to fuck her?

  She tried to nudge herself into his thoughts, but his new barriers against her were impossible to penetrate.

  Who the hell is he? And why the hell can’t I get in?

  Despite the tension between them, her stomach rumbled like a starved bear.

  “Akira, when was the last time you ate something? You’re growling at me.”

  “It’s just Kira. Nobody calls me Akira. And yes, I’m famished,” she mumbled.

  For more than just food, though.

  “We should stop soon. You’ve been driving for hours. There’s an exit coming up with restaurants and hotels. We’ll stop there for the night.”

  Her stomach flipped. A hotel? Since he was still under the misguided impression he’d kidnapped her, he’d probably insist on only one room.

  Wicked thoughts of being alone with her dream man filled her head, all of which featured one or both of them naked. If he took off any more clothes, no way could she be held responsible for what happened.

  Can I possibly resist him? Do I want to?

  “Sounds like a plan. I’m definitely ready for a break and some food.”

  She pulled the car on the exit ramp and followed the signs to a Denny’s, which happened to be the closest stop. She had to get out of the car as quickly as possible. She needed space between them before she did something she knew she’d regret.

  Once parked, she climbed from the car and raised to her tiptoes to stretch and move her stiffened limbs. The long ride cramped her muscles and it felt so good to move.

  Mid­stretch, she glanced at Lucas and found him staring at her. Her skin tingled under the examination and a steady throb quickened her sex. She doubted even space would keep them apart at this rate.

  “You ready?” His question came out gruff and unsteady.

  Kira bit her top lip to hold back the smile at his surliness. Guess Mr. Macho Alpha man has a weakness, too. She nodded and headed for the entrance. Now she only had to decide whether she could risk letting him get any closer.

  At the door she stopped to let a family of four pass by. His arm brushed against her back, sending a sudden streak of pleasure zipping through her. She sucked in a sharp, deep breath as her skin tingled and heated.

  Oh Goddess, this is going to be a long night.


  Lucas studied Kira’s backside as she followed the waitress to a table. He couldn’t ever remember seeing a finer ass wrapped in tight denim. Her skirt rose up when she slid sideways into the booth first, giving him a quick flash of tempting black lace.

  Forcing himself to turn away from her bare thighs, he took the spot across from her and caught her watching him with interest. She gave him a small smile, and for one brief unguarded moment he saw a different wom

  Not the one of his dreams or the trained soldier, but instead a softer side he longed to discover. His gaze focused on her soft, pink lips and the straight, white teeth nibbling on the corner of her lower lip every time she sucked it in.

  He picked up his menu and tried to concentrate on the words printed in front of him and not the lush mouth he wanted to devour.

  “What can I get you?” The waitress looked between them expectantly.

  “I’ll take the French toast platter with three slices of extra bacon and some hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, please.”

  He looked at her in surprise.

  “What? I’m hungry,” she said.

  Shaking his head, he laughed, charmed beyond belief by the smile she kept flashing. After he ordered his own hearty breakfast, he waited until the waitress walked off before he lifted his eyes to Kira again.

  He turned her way and their gazes locked onto each other. This time there was no cute smile. Instead, a look of pure heat and curiosity. Her tongue darted out to lick her bottom lip and the urge to swipe his own tongue across her slammed into him. The simple fact of her proximity threatened his ability to stay aloof. His cock twitched in his pants and he gripped the edge of the seat he sat on to keep from dragging her across the table and kissing her senseless.

  “Why were you being held captive?”

  She didn’t mince words when she wanted to know something. A trait he had a hard time not admiring.

  “You really don’t know? Seriously, don’t they tell you people anything?”

  She opened her mouth to say something and must have changed her mind as she shut it and remained quiet.

  Her expression changed, closed down, and he felt bad for being a smart ass, even though he had no reason to feel that way.

  “Why don’t we talk about something else?” Something safe maybe.

  “Like what?”

  Her question brought to mind every dirty thought he’d tried to push away. What would she say if he told her all he really wanted to do right now was lay her out in front of him, spread her legs wide, and feast on her instead of the food they’d ordered?

  He imagined she tasted even sweeter than the scent of her arousal that continued to torment him. He shifted uncomfortably on the bench, grateful for the cover of the table.

  “What about the—”

  “Here ya go, sugar. Your French toast and hot chocolate, and your omelet and coffee.” The waitress set the plates of steaming food in front of them and flashed an extra friendly smile to him. “Can I get you anything else?”

  She didn’t even bother to look at Kira this time, but he did. “Need anything else?” he asked her.

  She shook her head, casting her eyes on her food.

  “I guess we’re all set then.” With his thoughts consumed by the urge to touch her, he reached across the table and covered Kira’s hand with his own, dismissing the waitress. When their skin touched, he forgot about everything except her. Her heat reignited his barely cooled lust until his body burned to claim her.

  “Lucas, I—I need my hand to eat.” Her whisper caught his attention and he realized he’d been holding her too tight. He loosened his fingers and pulled back. She appeared calm, but he heard the acceleration of her heartbeat as she picked up her fork and worked at cutting her breakfast into small bites.

  Her movements mesmerized him. When she lifted her fork to sample the food, her mouth formed the perfect O as she took it all inside and clamped her lips around the utensil. Withdrawing the fork, she left behind a dusting of powdered sugar and a few drops of sugary syrup on her bottom lip. All of which he wanted to lick clean for her.

  Blood roared in his ears as she repeated the process over and over. Since he couldn’t take his eyes off of her, his own food laid untouched.

  “You not hungry anymore?” she asked.

  “Not really.”

  “That’s too bad. It’s really good.” She licked the last of the sugar from her lips, picked up her cocoa and lapped at the whipped cream. The damn woman tempted him to his core, which here in public was not the best of ideas.

  A low growl sounded from his throat before he could think to stop it, and her gaze shot to his. Questioning him.

  “It’s time to go.” He couldn’t hide the deep rumble of need in his voice.

  “Why? What’s wrong?” Lucas flipped through his wallet, grabbed some bills and threw more than enough on the table to cover their meal and tip before grabbing her hand and dragging her from the restaurant.

  “But I wasn’t finished!”

  He simply growled in response.

  When they stepped outside the diner, Lucas dragged the cool night air into his lungs searching for his control. Only two things could happen right now: shift or fuck. Neither option seemed viable until he noticed the woods across the road. The urge to change and go for a run crawled up his body, taking over and making his skin too tight. He inhaled the clean scent of pine trees, the musky earth and various small wildlife.

  He yearned to run free again. To be at home in his mountains where he didn’t have to watch his back with every move and worry as much about exposing secrets. It had been too long. He crossed the street and headed for the cover of trees and shrubs, away from the busy restaurant and cars.

  Without considering the consequences, he allowed the familiar prickling of his skin as the changes rushed across him, fur quickly covering his arms. It had been too long.

  A branch snapping behind him reverberated through him like a gunshot, startling him back from his selfish thoughts as he realized what he’d almost done. He’d been about to change in front of the enemy. The very thing he’d fought against all these weeks. After taking a few moments to regain control over his traitorous body, he turned to face Kira.

  Her eyes were wide and full of questions, yet she said nothing. Did she already know what he was or would it shock her to see him turn into a wild beast?

  While carefully watching her responses, Lucas motioned behind him. “There’s a pathway across the street. Do you feel up to a short walk in the woods?” Surprisingly, he didn’t smell fear on her at his request, and her heartbeat had only increased a few beats per minute.

  “Yes, please. I’m not ready to get back into that car again or go inside anytime soon. I’d love some fresh air. And then I’d like to know what the hell happened back there.”

  He snorted. “You like the woods?”

  “Grew up in them. There were miles and miles of unspoiled beauty back home I could roam and play in. Loved getting lost so much I took to disappearing for days. Drove my mother berserk.”

  His chest clenched at the genuine smile of happiness her memory created. “Where at?” Kira’s smile faded and he realized he’d pushed too far.

  “A long way from here.”

  He waited for her to reveal more, but her face remained closed. Stepping forward, he gripped her hand and led the way deep into the woods. The instant he touched her a connection sizzled between them, sending heat throughout his limbs.

  His body reacted, growing taut with desire. Once again the urge to take her in every possible way consumed his thoughts. Time or place no longer mattered. Pure, primal need for her coursed through him.

  What is wrong with me? Since when can’t I control myself with a woman? Especially this one.

  He knew she’d been sent to draw information from him. Just how far would she go to succeed in her mission?

  She was obviously telepathic, what other abilities did she possess? He wanted to focus on the anger those thoughts created, but the animal clawed into his gut to get out when he did. Something he couldn’t allow.

  So he’d focus on the woman—the sassy woman he’d glimpsed in the diner, the one who spoke of spending her childhood in the woods. Kira abruptly stopped and whirled around to face him.

  “You’re wrong about me you know,” she blurted out. “I’m not who you think I am.” Despite the nervous way she bounced from foot to foot, her eyes bla
zed, daring him to challenge her.

  Her lush mouth mesmerized him. Lucas couldn’t focus on what she’d been saying over the roaring rush of blood in his sensitive ears.

  Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips. The memory of that tongue pressed to his skin flashed through his mind and his entire body tightened further. He fought the urges until lust seeped from every pore and he snapped.

  He grabbed her shoulders and crushed her against his chest.

  “What—” Before she could finish, he took her mouth with a rough, demanding kiss. He thrust his tongue past her teeth and devoured her taste, reveling in the silken warmth. Stroking into her heat, he gave up fighting the need any longer.

  His beast wouldn’t be denied. Lucas wanted her more than his next breath and, by damn, he was going to have her.



  Kira’s brain scrambled as the hardness of his chest pushed up against her breasts and his heat burned straight through to her skin. She wanted him buried deep inside her.


  She grabbed his hair and tried to pull him closer as their kiss became frantic. He bit at her lips then stroked her with his rough, textured tongue.

  She thought about trying to stop—this was too soon, too fast—but when Lucas lifted her skirt and ripped her panties away from her trembling body, she lost the last of her doubts.

  “The scent of your arousal is enough to make a grown man weep and beg. Tell me to stop. Just say anything to make me believe your pussy isn’t dripping wet with need.”

  She trembled in his arms. Words couldn’t form so she shook her head instead. Here with the heat of his body pressed against her, a wicked lust visible on his face, she could forget about the future. She needed this pleasure, and when it was over she’d exorcise him from her dreams and be done with him.

  Helplessly, with no control to stop herself, she arched her back, urging him on.

  “This time it’s not a dream. Are you ready for that?” He moved closer, his teeth grazing her jaw line in the direction of her ear. “You smell wild and sweet, like the mountain forest after a soaking rain. I love the rain.”


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