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Paranormal Solved

Page 16

by Grace Fleming

  "Kind of you to come,” David said. The word dumbstruck went through his head. Now he knew the real meaning of that word, because that's exactly how he felt. Then his eyes moved to his drinking straw. The one Josh had placed in his water cup, about fifteen minutes earlier. Could that have been a nurse?

  "You going to be okay?" Jerry said. "I probably should have waited."

  "Jerry," David said. "Will you do me a favor?"


  "Will you come over here and pull back my blanket? See if there's a piece of paper there.”

  Jerry scooted around David's bed, sidestepping all the way, keeping two disquieted eyes on David. "Okayyy," he said. He reached David's far side and lifted the corner of his blanket. Just as David had suspected, there was a white piece of paper there, folded into quarters. Just where Josh had left it.

  "Can you read that out loud?” David asked.

  Jerry unfolded the paper and looked down at the scrawled message. His face scrunched up on one side, in apparent confusion. "It says, 'I had to do Crystal's damned job. She's such a slacker.'"

  David began to chuckle, and then his chuckle turned into a horrifically painful, excruciating, totally involuntary laugh.

  "I don't get it," Jerry said.

  "Jerry," David said. "Do you remember back at the conference, what Crystal was supposed to do? When we first made all these plans?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Jerry, dude," David tried his best to stop laughing, since it hurt like hell. "It was Crystal’s job to discover the truth about ghosts."


  The Convention Speakers

  Jerry realized this would be the largest group he'd ever addressed, in all his years of lecturing. After decades of speaking in front of university students, and after making dozens of conference presentations over the years, it was hard to believe that he could still get jittery speaking in front of a big crowd. But this crowd was different. Looking out from his table at the front of the enormous room, it seemed like there must have been a thousand people staring back at him. He'd had no idea that a paranormal convention could draw so many people. He laughed to himself. A year ago, he thought hooking up with David for the project would gain him some attention. He was right.

  The moderator was quieting the crowd. Jerry would be the first one of the panel to make his introduction. He cleared his throat.

  "Good morning, everyone." His voice boomed from the microphone and bounced off the walls of the enormous room. "My name is Jerry Price, and I'm happy to be back in Savannah." It was true. He still wanted to see that oyster shucking museum. "I will be speaking about my experience with a small creature—a demon, actually—that invaded my home and wreaked havoc on my personal life, as well as my sanity." That wasn't so bad. He got a small ripple of laughter. He winked at his son in the audience and handed the microphone to the man seated beside him.

  "Greetings," the man said. "My name is Johan Nilsson, and, among other things, I will be explaining the process we used to eliminate this creature from Jerry’s home. And, as always, I would like to caution you all. If, at any time during my presentation, you experience anything unusual, please let me know."

  Jerry squirmed in his seat, as Dr. Nilsson handed the microphone to David, who was seated on the far side of him.

  "Hello, everyone. My name is David, and after the year I've had, I have a drinking problem." The room erupted in laughter. Jerry was a little miffed that David had played the funny card. He was such a jerk.

  "I know I shouldn't joke about that," David continued, "but I am here to talk about the tragic and extraordinary expedition—and I'm sure I don't have to explain which expedition I'm talking about, since it was all over the news—and I'll be talking quite a bit about the coverup that ensued. I'll address the strange visitations I received, as well as the chaos that I experienced, after I got fired from my job. I'll also talk about the stress and self-hate that came with it, and yes, a lot of self-medication." David handed the mic to the person sitting on his right.

  "My name is Laura," the woman said. The audience broke out in applause. Laura smiled and waited for the adoring audience to calm down, like the show biz professional she was. "Today I welcome all questions, but I'd also like to talk specifically about my upcoming documentary, in which I focus on a special topic in the Sasquatch world, and that topic is compassion. As you may know, I am here with you today, only because I experienced compassion from an unexpected source. If it weren't for the mercy of one creature, a female with a small child of her own, I would not have survived the attack that took place during the infamous expedition. This creature came to my defense and protected me from the others in her clan. I believe—it is my theory—that these creatures, through DNA manipulation, are becoming more human-like, when it comes to emotions. I look forward to your questions."

  "May I interject?" Doctor Nilsson said?

  "Of course," Laura said, as she handed the microphone down the line.

  "It is also my theory, that many of the creatures that we will discuss at this conference have been created by design, but they have started to develop something unexpected. A few have taken on this very human trait of compassion. I am sure that this is a very unintended development, but it is one that has proven very fortuitous for Ms. London, and for the rest of humanity. Human compassion, as it turns out, is hereditary. It travels through DNA. And in my next book, I will argue that it has been the saving grace of the entire human population.

  After a few minutes of awed silence, the moderator addressed the audience again. "Are there any questions?" he said.

  "I have a question!" someone yelled from the audience. "When is the wedding?"

  In all his years, Jerry had never seen David Blystone blush so deeply. The bastard was always the center of attention.


  About the Author

  Grace Fleming is an emerging author of stories about monsters, madness, and murder. This is Grace’s third book.

  Also by Grace Fleming

  Celebrity Wedding in Flowery Branch

  It’s Only a Story

  (Free download)




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