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Lane (Grim Sinners MC Book 1)

Page 3

by LeAnn Ashers

  “Don’t I fucking know it.”

  She laughs louder and holds her stomach. I feel eyes on me, and I turn my head to see the same damn waiter staring at her. My temper rises and I glare at him. His eyes widen and his tray hits the floor with a thud.

  “What can I get you guys to drink?”

  “I will take a water with lemon, thank you.”

  “I will have water.”

  My eyes gravitate back to Amelia, and I admire her body once again. She is my ultimate woman, and her fucking pin-up body—which should be a crime—will fucking be all mine soon.

  “You’re staring.” She doesn’t look up from the menu, and her hair has fallen over her face. I reach forward and tuck it behind her ear.

  “Can you fucking blame me? You are drop-dead gorgeous, Doll.”

  She blushes and smiles at me shyly. Fuck me mad, my dick hardens and I shift in my seat. “Thank you, Lane, you’re very sweet.” She reaches over and takes my hand.

  “Sweet? Nah, I am a fucking beast.”

  She laughs again and gives me a sly smile. “Yeah, keep telling yourself that.” She winks and lets my hand go, but I capture it again and bring the back of her hand up to my mouth.

  Her mouth opens and she stares at me wide eyed. “You are a very dangerous man, Lane.”

  “Doll, you are a walking bomb, you are very dangerous to a man like me.”

  “Seems we are both fucked, aren’t we?”

  “Well, not yet.”

  She snorts and places the side of her face against my shoulder as she laughs hysterically.


  He constantly makes me laugh through dinner, and I am starting to really like him.

  This man is not someone you can judge at first sight. He looks like he can eat your soul but, underneath that, he is a marshmallow. But I am sensing another side of him, and that side is very dangerous. You can feel that power radiating off of him.

  “You ready, Doll?” he asks.

  I nod and he scoots out of the booth. He stands by the table waiting for me as I get up and fix my clothes. I flip my hair over my shoulder and walk in front of him through the restaurant.

  “What are we doing next?” My eyes almost fall out of my head at the sight before me. Lane is holding a man’s face into his plate. I stare in utter shock. “Lane, what are you doing?”

  Lane lets go and widens the distance between us. “Nothing.” He hurries us out of the steakhouse. We don’t talk until we reach his bike.

  “What happened?”

  “He pissed me off.” Lane shrugs and digs my leather jacket out of the saddlebag.

  “How did he do that?”

  “He stared at your ass.”

  Shut the fuck up.

  “Are you serious?” I burst out laughing. This guy is such a caveman. I clutch my stomach and lean over the bike. When I feel him standing behind me, I wipe my eyes. “Why are you standing there?” I say, still laughing at the incredibility of it all.

  “Someone else was staring.”

  Oh my god. I laugh even harder.

  He pulls me up off the bike and I compose myself.

  “I do believe you are a bit possessive.”

  “Fuck yeah, you have to have an ass that could kill a fucking man, don’t you?” He holds up my jacket, and I slip my arms in the sleeves. I am getting the idea this guy is a bit crazy.

  “Well, it’s not going anywhere.” I bring my hair over my shoulder and give him a saucy smile.

  He puts the helmet on my head and whispers under his breath, “I am so fucked.”

  Me too, Lane. Me too.

  He climbs on in front of me and starts the bike. We are off and I notice we are heading back to my car at the office, and I can’t help but feel disappointed. I move closer to him and enjoy the last few moments I have with him.

  We pull up beside my car, and I swing my leg off the bike. I take off the helmet and shake my hair, because helmet hair is not cute.

  After I put my leather jacket inside the car, I turn to Lane. “When do you…” His lips stop me from talking anymore. My eyes flutter closed as Lane kisses me, and my stomach flips over and over as he continues to kiss me. Butterflies are attacking my stomach, and my legs are shaking.

  His hands are cupping my jaw and I shudder. This kiss is different than any I have ever had before. It’s soul consuming, intense, and so much more. My hands drift up and I clutch his arms as he holds my face. My back touches the car door. I kiss him back harder and pull him harder against me as it gets more intense.

  I stand up on tippy toes to get closer to him, and I sink my fingers into his hair. I tug on the tips of his hair as I suck his bottom lip into my mouth. One hand leaves my jaw, and he drags it down my body until it’s cupping my ass, pulling me harder into him.

  After minutes, seconds—I don’t even know—we manage to break away from each other. His forehead touches mine as we try to catch our breaths.

  “Holy fuck,” I gasp out and he laughs. I have never gone crazy like that before. That was so intense—and that was just a kiss. He stands up straight and pulls me into him. My face touches his chest, and I wrap my arms around him. He wraps his arms around me tightly, his chin resting on top of my head.

  “I will see you soon,” he tells me and I nod, but I don’t move. I feel so safe right now and feel like I am walking on cloud nine.

  “Okay.” I pull back reluctantly and climb in the driver’s side. I start my car and roll down my window. Lane leans toward me and his lips rest on my forehead. “Be safe, Doll.”

  I am so fucked.



  I arrive home around an hour later from my first date with Amelia, and I need to talk to Tiffany. I want to make sure it’s okay if I have someone in my life. It may be fucking soon with Amelia, but she is mine.

  She was the moment I walked into the vet’s office and her dark blue-green eyes looked at me. I want her, and I want to know everything about her.

  I open my front door and my dad pops around the corner. “How was it?”

  “I am so fucked,” I admit, and he bursts out laughing and nods his head.

  “When I met Adeline, I was so beyond fucked it wasn’t even sane, but when have we ever been sane?”

  I walk over to the bar and pull out a stool; then I give my dad a death glare. “Yeah, I figured out how fucking insane I actually was.”

  His eyes widen and he gives me that shit-eating grin he is known for. My dad, Smiley, got his name because he will beat your fucking ass and do it smiling. My sister, Shaylin, got that from him, but I never had that problem until tonight.

  “Yeah, some fucker was staring at her ass, so I grabbed his face and smashed it into his plate. Amelia turned around, and that’s when I realized I was fucking grinning ear to ear,” I deadpan, sitting farther back in my seat.

  He throws his head back laughing; my dad is nuts. He was so thrilled when he saw my sister beating a kid’s ass on the playground and she did it smiling.

  We grew up as MC kids; our fathers are badass fuckers, and that was instilled in all of us. Shaylin is the only girl in the entire club.

  We hit the teen years, and every single one of us turned out exactly like our fathers. We aren’t the kind of fucking men to murder without reason, but we do it without mercy when it comes to someone we care about or a cause that gets us riled—like the trafficking ring, for example.

  Some fucking people should not be allowed to breathe the same air as we do, and I don’t mind blowing their brains out in a split second.

  “That’s my son.” Dad chuckles and smacks me on the shoulder.

  “Where’s my daughter?”

  “She is in her room watching TV. I am going to head out and see my woman.” He winks.

  I shake my head and walk up the stairs to Tiffany’s bedroom. She is lying on her stomach in the middle of her bed, her face resting on her palms, staring at the TV.

  “Hi, Baby Girl.”

  Her gaze shoots o
ver in my direction, her eyes light up, and she sits up. “Daddy!”

  I smile and sit on the edge of the bed. She crawls over and wraps her arms around my neck. I kiss the top of her head and hug her a bit tighter.

  I still can’t fucking fathom not having her in my life, and my biggest regret in life is not watching her grow up.

  “What are you watching, Angel?”

  She lets me go and crawls to the top of the bed to lie against the pillows. I kick off my boots and move to the other side of her.

  “I am watching Moana.” She leans over and rests her head on my arm.

  “Angel, how would you feel if Daddy had a girlfriend?” I look down at her face waiting for her reaction.

  She doesn’t make a peep for a few seconds, and she raises her head to look at me. “I want you to be happy, Daddy, I want a mom also. A real one.” Her eyes mist with tears and my heart shatters. I would do fucking anything not to have her shed another one.

  “Don’t cry, Angel.” I pull her to my chest and hug her to me.

  “I didn’t mean to, sometimes it happens.” She sighs and snuggles closer to my chest.

  “I know, Baby, but I don’t want you upset.” I tickle her sides and she squeals with laughter. She wiggles trying to get away, but I just tickle her more.

  “I give up!” she screams between laughing.

  I laugh along with her and give up, letting her rest. She glares at me and moves farther away from me. “That was not fair.” She pouts and looks away.

  “Angel.” I laugh and reach for her.

  She rolls her eyes and moves back to me. “Love you, Daddy.”

  I kiss her on the forehead, because it’s time for her to go to bed. “Goodnight my angel, love you more than life itself.”

  I slide off the bed and grab her blanket from the foot of the bed. I bring it up to her neck then turn off the TV. She closes her eyes and I walk out of the room, leaving the door cracked so it’s not completely dark.

  I walk into my bedroom and shut the door behind me. That’s when I remember my phone in my back pocket. I take it out and notice a text from Amelia telling me she made it home.

  I reply to the text.

  Me: Glad you made it home safe, I will see you Friday night.

  She replies instantly

  Amelia: What’s Friday?

  Me: Me and a bunch of friends are going to the bar.

  Amelia: Okay, you picking me up or am I driving?

  Me: I will be there at eight.

  Amelia: Okay.

  Me: If I can stay away for two days. ;)

  Amelia: That kiss drove me wild.

  I grin.

  Me: You haven’t seen wild yet.

  Amelia: Oh boy. Goodnight Lane, see you soon.

  Me: Goodnight Doll.


  I am so beyond fucked. Like beyond that level of fucked-upness. This guy is already driving me crazy and, to be honest, I don’t even remember the drive home. My mind is overwhelmed by him and that kiss.

  Oh boy, that kiss. That kiss is something I will never, ever get over, because it set my world on fire.

  I set my phone on the nightstand and plug it in to charge. I really like Lane, and it’s a different like from any other guy because I can see myself with this person.

  My whole life I have never had someone to be protective of me or stand up for me. My dad wasn’t a huge part of my life—he just didn’t care, and my mom didn’t either. They just weren’t invested. I practically raised myself.

  I have wanted someone who I can feel protected by, feel safe around, and give my entire soul to. I have craved that my whole life. I have dated and dated, but nothing has come out of it, because I will not waste my time on someone who I know it won’t last with.

  I want someone to be affectionate—that has been lacking my whole life. I want someone to touch me, love me. I just want someone to give myself to and love with my whole being.

  Most of all I want a family. I just want to be wanted and needed. I want to be a soccer mom who runs her kids to games every evening and spends my days baking cookies and rocking a sweet angel to sleep. I want to fall asleep tired but unconditionally happy.

  I have craved affection my whole life, and when I was younger, I looked for it in the wrong places and was devastated when those people didn’t want me. Those people made me think I was everything to them, and come to find out I was just someone to pass the time.

  For a very long time, I was depressed and filled with major anxiety. I was so withdrawn into myself I didn’t even want to leave the house except to go to college.

  Then, little by little, I came out of my shell. I would find things that I loved about myself every single day—then, a year or so later, I became a boss-ass bitch who can kick some major ass.

  I am a woman who is happy being alone and can make herself happy and doesn’t need a man to do that. A relationship is to make your life better, but not be your life.

  Do not get me wrong. I want that someone, but I am a woman who knows her worth and won’t settle for less than her best or being anything besides extremely happy. If haven’t found what I deserve, I am more than fine being alone.

  Enough with the heavy, Amelia. I always think deep shit at night for some reason. I reach over and turn off the nightstand light and snuggle into bed.

  My best friend throws open my office door, “Yo, bitch! I’ve seen you riding around town on the back of that bike!”

  I grin ear to ear as she charges into the room. She stops in front of my desk, her hands on her hips, with a shit-eating grin on her face.

  I throw my hands up in the air as a show of defeat. “I gave in. The tattoos got me.”

  She laughs and pulls out a chair to sit in front of me. “I don’t know how you lasted this long. That is one fine man.” She fans herself and pulls out some burgers.

  Do I have the greatest friend in the whole wide world?

  I reach forward and wiggle my fingers. “Give me.”

  She places two burgers in my hand and slides a bottle of water across the desk. I pull back the wrapper and take a huge bite.

  “Dear goodness, I have craved a burger for days.” I groan and take another bite.

  “When are you seeing him again?” Danielle asks.

  “Friday.” I smile shyly.

  She grins at me happily. “We need to go out tonight for some drinks to celebrate.”

  I furrow my brow at her. “Why are you so happy?”

  She continues to smile happily. “Because it takes a special person to put that smile on your face.”

  That’s when I realize that I have been smiling the whole time. “Sounds good to me, what time do you want to meet?”

  She taps her chin, looking up at the ceiling, “Eight o’clock okay with you?”

  I throw my wrapper into the garbage. “Fine with me.” I wink and her grin widens.

  My phone vibrates, and I see I have a text from Lane. We have been texting all day long.

  Lane: What are you doing tonight?

  Me: Danielle and I are going out to a bar tonight.

  Lane: What bar?

  Me: Charley’s

  Lane: I will see you tonight.

  My mouth pops open and I look up at Danielle. Her eyes widen at my expression.

  “Lane says he will see me tonight.”

  She claps her hands in excitement. “Great! I can’t wait to meet him tonight.”

  What did I just get myself into?



  Throwing back my second shot, I check the clock and it’s ten o’clock. I guess Lane isn’t coming. I am not much of a drinker; I drink enough to get buzzed. Danielle gets shit faced and I end up carrying her butt home.

  “Let’s go dance!” Danielle squeals and pulls me from my chair. I laugh and follow her.

  The music changes to an upbeat song, and together we dance like we used to back in college. I laugh and throw my hands up in the air, shaking my butt to the music, whic
h is the only thing I can do since I am uncoordinated.

  Hands touch my hips and I spin around. I half expect it to be Lane, but it’s the dude that’s been eyeing us from the corner.

  I pull his hand off my hip, stepping back.

  “I just want a dance.” He mock pouts and steps closer.

  I shake my head. “No, I am sorry. Maybe some other time?” I am trying to be as polite as possible. Danielle moves up beside me.

  “Just one dance, please Baby?” he begs and I cringe. Who does he think he is?

  I shake my head once again, my hands raised in front of me. “No. Some other time.” I turn around and dismiss him.

  A hand touches my forearm and I whip around again, ready to beat his ass, and I see the man go flying across the floor. My mouth pops open. “You heard the lady, fuck off.” Lane passes me and stalks over to the man.

  My jaw drops even more and I look at Danielle, who is eating everything up. The man gets off the floor, glaring at me, completely ignoring Lane.

  “Fucking look at me.” Lane completely blocks me from the man’s view.

  I peer around Lane and see the guy is already across the bar, moving away from us. Why do I have such shitty luck? Why can’t they just take rejection and move on?

  “Well, if it isn’t my hero,” I tell Lane, who turns around grinning at me. My heart skips a beat at the sight of that smile.

  I hear chuckles, and I look behind me to see a shit ton of very large men. Danielle is currently in heaven. I practically see her drooling.

  Lane moves to my side, pulling me close, his hand resting on my hip. “Guys, this is my woman, Amelia. Amelia, these are my brothers.”

  Wait what? I am his? Did he literally just claim me? Shaking my head, I clear my mind and decide to worry about that later. I smile at every one of them, and the last one on the right clutches his chest. “This magnificent woman is yours?”

  Lane pulls me harder into his side. “Damn right.”

  I laugh out loud and the men join me. He is such a caveman, I swear. I point at Danielle. “This is my best friend, Danielle.” The one on the right moves forward and grabs Danielle’s hand. “Nice to meet you, beautiful.” I can see her legs give out a little, and I laugh again. Lane chuckles and I grab my beer.


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