Make Him Tremble: an mm opposites attract romance (Alternate Worlds Book 2)

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Make Him Tremble: an mm opposites attract romance (Alternate Worlds Book 2) Page 10

by P. W. Davies

  Victor waivered over whether he should say something and almost did, until Christian kissed him hard, bruising, and unapologetically ran his hands the length of Victor’s torso, up and down once on the front and again on his back. The touch left trails of heat in their wake, making Victor shiver.

  Christian only pulled away enough to whisper in Victor’s ear, “You bastard. You work out.” To which, Victor would have laughed but just as the sound was about to bubble out Christian nipped at his chest with his teeth. The laugh disappeared into a moan as all that heat rushed southward, making Victor’s cock strain in his pants.

  That, he knew without any doubt or uncertainty, he had liked.

  Taking the queue from Christian, Victor slid his hands beneath Christian’s shirt. He received a kiss in encouragement as he began to lift. Christian did him the favor of helping remove it completely. When their eyes met again, Victor saw something other than heat in Christian’s eyes. Not quite a dare. Why –?

  The reason was obvious as his eyes drifted downward.

  He should have been startled. Victor’s brows furrowed in concern, but smoothed out the longer he looked. The dragon tattoo that had teased at him since the first night on the street was a spectacular piece of art. I wonder if he’d let me trace it with my tongue. It wasn’t the only ink that covered Christian’s torso, but it was clearly a favorite. Up and down his arms were other pieces of art, glimpses into the heart and mind of the man in front of him.

  None of them could distract from the patchwork of scars that littered Christian’s body, though. It wouldn’t have been possible for him to count all of them without more time, and he knew that the longer he looked, the more Christian doubted. He lifted his eyes. Victor wrapped an arm around Christian’s torso and pulled them flush again. Skin to skin this time, he had one of his internal questions answered while he silently told Christian he saw the scars and understood they were significant but was currently more interested the feel of them pressed together.

  Men weren’t as soft as women, Victor discovered, but they could be just as evocative. Christian had a way of flexing, moving, that was distinctly male but had its own artfulness. Victor made note of it for later, enjoying the feel of them together while exchanging heavy kisses that let them both breathless. Christian was back in the moment with him, which he was glad for, so he focused everything on stealing Christian’s breath away.

  It also helped delay the fact that Victor had no real idea what to do next.

  He could tell that Christian was waiting for him to initiate their next moves, however. Taking a deep breath to give himself a moment of calm, Victor reached for the zipper on Christian’s fly. His eyes were on Christian’s as he dragged it down, trying to be careful about it catching. When it reached the bottom, the expression on Christian’s face looked like he was daring him toward what to do next.

  So, Victor inched his fingertips beneath the edge of Christian’s boxers. Leaning forward, his lips touched on Christian’s throat at the same time he slid his hand lower, inside the fabric. Pulse thudding in his ears with anticipation, he slid his hand between Christian’s legs. Finding Christian’s length, Victor first pressed his palm against it before wrapping his fingers around the shaft. After a moment gauging his grip, he tried something new. Victor stroked downward.

  Christian moaned. Victor licked up the column of Christian’s throat and did it again, smirking when the other man’s hands gripped onto him. He’s stronger than he looks. I like that. Reveling in this new experience, Victor began jerking Christian off. His eyes studied every reaction; the sounds that Christian made and the shivers that afflicted him. He knew he’d gotten it exactly right when Christian’s hips began moving, telling him what pace to set.

  After a few moments, Christian’s hand gripped onto Victor’s wrist. Their eyes found each other again and Victor was treated to such a hungry look from Christian that his cock jumped in anticipation. It should have been impossible for him to know that, but Christian smirked as he nudged Victor’s hand away. Then he stepped to one side, keeping his hand around Victor’s wrist, and started tugging them toward the bed.

  Victor had no way of knowing what showed in his expression, but Christian never stopped or slowed. It seemed like an encouragement, which Victor was grateful for. At least, until they got next to the bed and Christian stepped back.

  The lack of touch was enough to make Victor tremble. It also convinced him that although he might still be nervous, there was a world of possibilities in front of him. His mind raced, wondering what Christian might suggest.

  He was taken by surprise when Christian stepped back once more, the backs of his knees almost hitting the bed. He withdrew something from one of his pockets and casually tossed it onto the bed. Then, smirking at Victor, Christian bent over to shove his boxers and pants all the way down to his ankles. When he stood back up, he toed his feet out of the clothes, standing completely naked with the light of the city shining through the window and leaving sections of light and shadow across the planes of his body.

  Victor was transfixed. Christian closed the distance between them, this time to undo Victor’s belt. A flight of nerves made his pulse skitter as Christian drew the zipper down. Blue eyes half-lidded, Christian hooked the fingers of both hands into Victor’s underwear. When he yanked down, Victor felt his cock spring back up into nothing but air. The moment Christian’s hands were satisfied with what how far they’d gotten his pants down, Victor felt fingertips run upwards along his thigh.

  His eyes closed just as Christian wrapped his fingers around Victor’s cock, and the urge to moan was barely stifled as he began to stroke.

  Victor lost himself in sensation. Wanting at least to touch Christian back, he ran his hands over Christian’s arms, his shoulders, fingers tangling in soft brown hair. Suddenly, Christian stopped. Victor’s eyes drifted open, his body leaning in Christian’s direction as all contact disappeared, inspiring a hot wave of need to sear across his skin.

  What he saw once he could focus again was Christian, bent on his knees, ass in the air as he took hold of a tube and opened it in haste. Lube, Victor realized belatedly.

  He watched in fascination as Christian squirted some into his palms, slicking his fingers. Victor stepped closer, thinking that he’d like to be closer, to press their bodies together again, when Christian bent forward and shoved two fingers into his own ass.

  If Victor’s cock hadn’t already been hard, that would have done it.

  “Might need your help, love. Not the easiest thing to get oneself ready.” There was something unspoken that added itself to that statement, and Victor wondered what it might be.

  “Help?” He said, as soon as his mind processed what was being told to him.

  “Put on your condom. Then grab the lube.” Christian jerked his chin toward the items on the bed, slowly moving his fingers.

  Victor kept staring at what Christian was doing but did as he was told. He glanced at Christian once and thought he saw him lick his lips. There was something else, too. His eyes, his expression, when their gazes met, looked vulnerable. It was gone before Victor could be certain.

  “Good,” Christian said, seeing him wrapped. “Now put a liberal amount of that on you.” It took Victor a moment to realize that he was talking about the lube, but again he followed the instruction. Uncertain what a ‘liberal’ amount looked like, he didn’t know if he used too much or the right amount, but having his hand gliding over his own cock started tension mounting.

  “God, you look amazing, doing that.”

  Victor’s eyes snapped to Christian’s. A fledgling sense of exhibition found its root at that moment, and Victor stroked himself again, slow, deliberate, with his eyes on Christian’s face the entire time.

  He would have sworn he heard a whimper.

  “Next lesson,” Christian said, “Your fingers in me.”

  That made him pause. He was certain Christian heard the questions that clattered around his mind because his next w
ords were an answer to most of them. “Trust me,” Christian said. “You’ll want the practice.”

  Moving further up onto the bed, Christian bent his head, almost looking like a man in prayer. Victor squeezed more lube onto his fingers and lined them up near Christian’s hole, peering toward him while waiting for confirmation. Butterflies circled in his stomach, but he ignored them.

  “Start with one,” Christian said. “Move on to two. I don’t much care for the entire fist, but feel free to explore. I’ll tell you when you’re teasing me too much.”

  Victor had no idea what about this could be considered teasing. He did know he looked forward to finding out.

  He pushed his first digit inside. Christian drew a sharp breath inward, and while Victor remembered the times when he’d slipped his fingers inside a woman, this felt substantially different – tighter and with more resistance, both a certain road map and entirely foreign ground. As Christian relaxed into it, though, he seemed to be enjoying himself, so one finger became two and, eventually, three.

  Victor’s sense of wonder got the better of him and he began rotating his fingers, realizing that while there was still resistance it was now much easier to slide in and out. He tried a different angle, imagining the path his cock would travel, and something he touched made Christian moan so loudly Victor would have bet the neighbors down the hall could have heard him.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked.

  “No.” Christian took deep, measured breaths. “Do that, though. Christ, please do that with your cock.”

  While he didn’t entirely understand – Prostate? Or just something that Christian really likes? – Victor nodded, not apt to argue when he himself had become desperate to feel what being inside Christian would be like. Gone were the nerves, the uncertainty. What he wanted was right in front of him.

  Settling himself behind Christian, knees in between the other man’s, he lined himself up and began to push. He was met with resistance, but not as much as he expected. He kept pushing, feeling warmth, pressure, and a fledgling curiosity about what Christian must be feeling.

  “Did...?” Christian paused, trying to slow his breaths. “Didn’t the women you were with ever let you do this to them?”

  The statement seemed like half a distraction, half a plea to drag this out. But Victor was done waiting. “No. You’ll have to show me what I was missing,” Victor said. And with that, he pushed himself the remainder of the way inside Christian.

  Christian was tight and panting and gripping onto the pillow while Victor slid back and pushed inward again. He tried to focus on everything, but only scattered snapshots made their way into his awareness. The light reflecting off Christian’s shoulders. The way he shuddered when Victor bottomed out. Victor lifted more onto his knees, canting at a different angle and found something they both liked. From here, he could touch Christian’s sides, the backs of his shoulders, run his hands down to the small of Christian’s back. And he could see when Christian got worked up, what exactly it was that made him quiver and shake.

  Each movement and sensation made the knot in Victor’s groin tighten. Each thrust forward made Christian wobble or grip on tighter or call out with that delicious accent for more. For Victor to go faster. Push harder. Fuck him with reckless abandon until they both descended into grunts and swearing and heavy breathing. It became impossible to hold back, although he tried, keeping his eyes on Christian, counting his moans, wondering if he was thinking about him the same way Victor was focused on Christian.

  “I need...” Christian’s voice strangled, and instead he opted for showing. His hand found Victor’s wrist, pulling Victor’s hand across Christian’s stomach. Lost in sensation, understanding dawned only when Christian guided Victor’s hand to his cock. Fingers quickly wrapped around Christian’s length, stroking. “Yes, that...” Victor thrust forward and Christian shuddered, calling out a wordless shout. At the same time, the first spurt of cum caught in Victor’s fingers, and somehow Christian’s ass became even tighter than it already was. Victor thrust once, twice more, and while he continued stroking Christian, his own orgasm impacted. As the first spasms of release hit him, all he could think of was tethering Christian with him in this moment, this feeling. His lips found the back of Christian’s shoulder, teeth nipping possessively on instinct as he emptied into him with erratic thrusts.

  Victor hadn’t realized just what it would be like, knowing he’d made another man come. Truth was, he wouldn’t be able to deconstruct it until later when his mind was clearer. Here and now, what Victor knew was that they were both lost and yet not alone, and that he liked the fact he’d made Christian unravel.

  He had definitely been right about liking men. Victor understood, as bliss washed over them, that he’d been missing something in his life never having experienced this before. And now that he had, he wanted to discover more, to find out everything about being intimate with men.

  Or at least, that’s what he would have been thinking if his mind wasn’t so far submerged in what his body was experiencing.

  It took a long moment for the finer details to sift their way back into the world. Victor pulled out but bent to give Christian’s shoulder another kiss, allowing the other man to collapse into a heap while Victor deposited the used condom into a trashcan and used a tissue to wipe off his hand. Temptation wormed its way into his thoughts, making him wonder what it would be like to taste Christian’s cum. He resisted, but the curiosity didn’t entirely leave even after he threw the tissues away.

  A smirk touched Christian’s mouth. “I should care that I’m all sticky,” he said.

  It made Victor laugh, bringing him back into the here and now. Seeing Christian curled onto his side, peering up at Victor, made him seem softer, more exposed, prompting Victor to lie facing him and gather him close. When Christian let him, a smile lazed across Victor’s lips.

  “What did you think of your first time?” Christian asked, his voice partially muffled.

  “I have a new appreciation of all the things I’ve been attracted to in men,” Victor said, running his fingers through the locks of Christian’s hair. “And some new ones I hadn’t realized I would appreciate.”

  “So, I’ve converted you?”

  Victor chuckled. “I wouldn’t say it’s sworn me off women, but if anyone was going to, you came close.” He tried not to notice how much Christian was enjoying having his hair played with. “Is there a reason you prefer being on your stomach?”

  “I don’t. It simply seemed like the right thing to do.” There was no lie in that statement, which pleased Victor.

  “What would it be like with you facing me?”

  Christian looked up at him. Another mental war raged in his expression, but as he lifted to tease Victor’s lips with his, Victor felt him surrender to a smile. “Next time,” Christian said, dragging Victor into a long, luxurious series of kisses before settling against him again.

  Christian fell asleep with Victor’s head on his shoulder. It inspired Victor to smile at peaceful Christian looked, burdens of the day no longer plaguing him during rest.

  Victor’s mind drifted as fatigue settled over him like a blanket. He listened to Christian’s pulse and breathed deep against his skin. A glance at his smartwatch told him the night was still relatively young, but he wasn’t going to fight against the perfection of this moment.

  What he did see, however, was a message from Nathan.

  ‘Need you in the office tomorrow. Sorry for interrupting your weekend.’

  With a large amount of regret, Victor set an alarm to vibrate at seven a.m.

  Next time, he promised himself, I’m going to wake Christian up with kisses on his skin.

  Victor rested his cheek on top of Christian’s head. His heart light, it was a mercy that sleep came quickly. It saved him from having to face something he wasn’t ready to admit.


  By normal standards, sleeping in an unfamiliar bed usually meant Christian would’ve been awake with
in an hour, putting his pants on two minutes later, and sliding out the door before his bedmate was any the wiser. Granted, he knew there might be the chance Victor would stir. If he did, though, Christian counted on a few kisses and promises of more fun another time to grant him his escape. Half-asleep and sated men rarely said no.

  What he didn’t imagine was that he’d be the one waking up alone in bed.

  As Christian opened one eye, then begrudgingly agreed to open the second, the light streaming through the windows forced him to realize that he’d slept through the night for a change. Rolling onto his back provided him with a less jarring view of the sterile white ceiling and while he got his bearings, he relived part of what had happened the night before. God, the sex had been phenomenal. Even as a rookie, Victor had a level of instinct and intuition that had made Christian light on fire. Sleep-muddled memories of Victor sliding out of bed and placing a kiss on his cheek drifted through Christian’s mind, a soft voice whispering, “I have a meeting to attend.”

  Whatever Christian had said in response must have been favorable. As he touched the pillow beside him, he felt a piece of paper and, holding it up, saw a message scrawled out in immaculate penmanship.

  Text me later. You promised me a next time.

  Christian’s stomach sank. In the same moment, his chest swelled, too, and setting the paper down did nothing to remove the fact that a part of him savored that thought. “Keep your head,” he said with a deep breath, not bothering to ask himself why he needed to in the first place. Great sex and great chemistry didn’t need to mean anything more, he reminded himself. So, keep it that way, he thought while scrubbing his face with both hands.

  Kicking off the covers, he sat upright and eventually came to a stand. Producing his phone from his discarded jeans, he looked at the time and felt relieved that he’d at least not slept beyond check-out. Within minutes, he had immersed himself within a hot stream of water and after that, padded back into the room and collected the remainder of the clothing. His vest hung open this time, hat perched on top of his head, and with his jacket draped over one arm, he tugged the door shut and exited the borrowed room.


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