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His for Now (The Byrne Brothers Book 1)

Page 7

by Sofia Tate

Tears began to fall down her cheeks. She couldn’t stop smiling.

  So this is what it feels like.

  Ronan pulled back to look at Blakely’s face. He was floored to see her crying.

  He gripped her upper arms. “Oh my God, did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head. She was glowing like a brilliant sun. “No, Ronan. Actually, the complete opposite.”

  He pursed his lips together. “Um, okay, please don’t get mad if I’m going to sound like a total guy here, but what the hell does that mean?”

  Blakely paused, then burst out laughing.

  Ronan smiled, relieved he hadn’t pissed her off.

  She exhaled and stared into his shining blue eyes. “That was my first real one.”

  “Real one what?”

  She swallowed deep in her throat and paused before she said it. “Orgasm.”

  Ronan’s mouth dropped. “Are you serious?”

  Blakely nodded her head.

  “You mean until now…”

  She finished his thought. “No man has been able to do that to me. I’ve never felt that connection with anyone. I’ve always had to DIY if I wanted an orgasm.”


  “Do It Yourself.”

  “For real?”

  Blakely nodded, biting her lower lip in fear.

  Ronan’s eyes softened as he pulled her into his arms. “Oh, Blakely.”

  Blakely began to cry even more now.

  He soothed her. “It’s all good, baby. I’m here. You won’t have to DIY anymore.”

  Blakely laughed through her tears, holding Ronan tighter. “After what just happened, I have no reason to doubt you.”

  He smiled. “Just let it all go.”

  “Want me to really let go?”

  He wiped away her tears with his fingertips. “Definitely.”

  Blakely tilted her head back and yelled up to the heavens, letting out a primal scream that shook the trees.

  Ronan laughed as he held her even tighter, but she began to squirm trying to get out of his arms. His heart dropped, thinking she was going to leave him again.

  “Blakely, what are you doing?”

  She pointed down towards her cleft. “Ronan, could you…um…”

  He shook his head. “No way. Not until you tell me why.”

  She looked at him aghast. “Wait a second. You’re going to have your cock hold me hostage until I tell you?”

  “Yeah, pretty much.”

  Blakely kissed the tip of his nose. “Trust me.”

  The innocence of her kiss intrigued him. “Okay…”

  His cock retreated from her pussy and he took off the condom, tying it at the end and wrapping it into a paper napkin.

  Blakely jumped to her feet and pulled him up with her. She kissed him full on the lips, but before he could return the kiss properly, she smacked him on the ass and yelled, “Follow me.”

  Ronan turned and watched Blakely run straight for the water, her gorgeous ass wiggling behind her like a rabbit’s tail. He could hear her laughing the whole time. She took a few steps to steady herself, and then dove right under. She came back up a few seconds later, her body rising from the water like a goddess.

  If he thought she was sexy before, that was nothing compared to this moment. Her eyes were ablaze with a life force, and the voice that beckoned him enchanted him. He was under her spell.

  “Come on, chicken!” she shouted to him.

  He grinned mischievously. “‘Chicken?’ I’ll show you who’s chicken! Watch out, baby, here I come!”

  Ronan rushed to the water, impervious to the cold that shocked him at first. He grabbed Blakely in his arms and brought his mouth down on hers, awakening his cock again as they played, laughed, and loved in the water like two mystical sea creatures.


  Blakely couldn’t stop staring at Ronan’s hand that was clamped to her left thigh. She admired its shape, the soft fleece of dark hair sprinkled across the top of it, the way its temperature transferred its warmth throughout her entire body, how firmly it gripped her, only leaving it when the gearstick needed to be shifted, and then just as quickly returning to the place it had staked out on her leg.

  She glanced over at Ronan, who was smiling just as widely as she was. She tilted her head back and let the sun fall across her face, her wet hair drying naturally in its light.

  Ronan gently pinched Blakely’s skin. “Hey, beautiful. What’s going through that blonde head of yours?”

  She grinned slyly. “Nothing.”

  He gave out a hearty laugh. “Baby, don’t even try to lay that bullshit on me. You’ve got a terrible poker face. Just answer the question.”

  She paused for full effect. “Well…”

  He gave her thigh another pinch, this time with a bit more pressure. “Come on, woman.”

  She took a swig of water from a bottle she was holding in her right hand, and swatted his hand away. “Okay, okay! I was only thinking…”


  “How life can just surprise the hell out of you sometimes when you least expect it.”

  Ronan looked over at Blakely and burst out laughing. “Wow, that’s deep, baby.”

  She slapped his hand that had returned to its place on her leg, laying claim to its territory.

  “Sorry, Ronan. I can’t help it. I’m not a romantic at heart. I hated reading Shakespeare in high school, and I barely survived my literature prereqs at Yale.”


  “So tell me, Mr. Deep. What did you study in college?”

  He looked her straight in the eye. “English, with a focus on poetry.”

  Blakely began to cough, with water gushing out of her mouth like Niagara Falls until she almost choked. “Are you kidding me?”

  “No, I’m not kidding. Hey, I’m Irish. We’re natural romantics and storytellers. It’s in our blood.”

  “Well, I can’t argue with that.”

  “Wow, that’s a first.”

  She smacked him on his shoulder. “Shut up.”

  Once they reached the cabins, Blakely hopped out and Ronan quickly rounded the Jeep to reach her.

  “Can I still see you tonight?” he whispered.

  Blakely nuzzled Ronan’s nose with hers. “What do you think?”

  I need to get out of here. Now.

  Sean’s bachelor party was in full swing in the dining hall. All of the men were there. The whiskey was flowing, the Guinness kegs were tapped and pumping, cigar smoke filled the air, Frank Sinatra was playing over the speakers. Yet all Ronan could think about was the bachelorette bonfire happening mere yards from him because that’s where Blakely was at that exact moment.

  He was desperate to see her. To smell her, to touch her. He was craving her.

  A slap on his back returned Ronan to the present.

  “Having fun, best man?” Sean asked, holding a Guinness in his hand.

  Ronan plastered a smile on his face. “Umm, yeah, of course. You?”

  “The best. Come on, we have to kick our dads’ asses at poker.”

  Ronan couldn’t wait another minute. “Save me a seat, okay? I’m going to take a leak. I’ll be right back.”

  “No sweat, man.”

  Ronan practically ran out of the dining hall and down to the fire pit. He hid behind a tree and searched desperately for Blakely among the crowd of women. The sound system was blasting classic Madonna and everyone was drinking out of tall plastic cups. He saw Gigi, Fiona, Rosaleen, Gigi’s mother, Gigi’s cousins…

  Then he saw Blakely, and he went instantly hard.

  She was wearing a white gauzy peasant blouse that accentuated the fullness of her breasts, a miniskirt that showed off her creamy legs and tight ass, and those fuck-me black stiletto boots. Her hair was flying around her face as she danced with Gigi to “Holiday.”

  Now he needed to figure out how the hell he was going to get her away from those women so he could satisfy his craving.

  Luckily, his mother unknow
ingly came to his rescue. She peeked into the large cooler that sat on one of the stone benches. “Oh dear. We’re out of ice. I’ll go get some,” he heard her announce over the music.

  Out of breath, Blakely had stopped dancing when she heard Rosaleen’s comment. “No, you stay, Rosaleen. I’ll go. I need to clear my head anyway.”

  “Oh, bless you, love. Just ask Malachy for some. He’ll get it for you.”

  “No problem.”

  Blakely began to walk slowly toward the dining hall along the wooded path where there was no lighting, taking each step carefully in her tall boots. Just as she passed Ronan, he grabbed her from behind and clamped his hand over her mouth as she began to scream and bite down on his fingers.

  “Ow! Blakely, it’s me! Stop biting!”

  He could hear her say “Ronan?” through her muffled voice.


  She spun around and glared at him. “Are you crazy? You should know better than to grab a woman like that! I’ll be back in a sec. I have to go get ice for—”

  Ronan couldn’t restrain himself any longer. He pulled her hips toward him to spin her around, pressing her against the tree, and slammed his lips over hers, seeking her sweet tongue.

  She responded instantly, widening her lips and plunging her tongue into his mouth, where it curled around his own, desperate to taste him.

  As one of his hands held her head, the other travelled down to the opening of her skirt. He reached up to the split between her thighs and felt around.

  Suddenly, he stopped. “Fuck, baby. You’re not…”

  The corners of Blakely’s mouth turned up slowly. “I know.”

  Fucking hell, this woman…

  A low moan emanated from Ronan’s mouth. Releasing a growl that shook his entire body, Ronan fell to his knees and pushed up her skirt. Holding her around her ass, he sank his tongue into her wet pussy. He couldn’t take the time to be gentle, to caress or explore her soft folds. He needed to taste her.

  One of Blakely’s hands ran through his hair, fisting it when his tongue swirled inside her. The sensation made his cock harden even more. Then her leg coiled around him, her boot heel digging into his lower back, but Ronan couldn’t have cared less about the pain. The smell of the fecund soil underneath his knees and the scent from Blakely’s slit filled his nose. The sounds coming from the bonfire and the dining hall were muted to him. All he heard were the moans Blakely made, pushing him further to the brink.

  He found her clit and teased it with his tongue, tasting her succulent nub. Blakely’s body began to shake.

  “Ronan…Ronan, please,” she begged him just above a whisper.

  As he continued to suck her, Ronan released one of his hands from around her ass and sank two fingers into her cleft.

  Within seconds, he could taste the liquid sugar that spilled from her core. He knew that Blakely was biting her lower lip to keep her from screaming aloud, but the sounds she made were ones of sweet release.

  Ronan pulled Blakely’s skirt down and sat back on his ass. Looking up at Blakely’s glowing face, he licked his lips, enjoying the taste of Blakely.

  She looked down at him. “Hey.”

  “Hey yourself, baby.”

  She held out her hands to help him to his feet. She took him in her arms and held onto him like a life preserver, nestling her head in the crook of his shoulder.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Oh baby, that was all for you. My place or yours?”

  “Mine. I think it’s closer. At least I think so since I have no idea where you live.”

  Ronan smiled. “I have a cottage next to my parents’ house across the road from the main entrance.”

  “We’ll go there tomorrow. Right now, I want you to fuck me in my bed.”

  Without a moment’s hesitation, Ronan tightened his grip on her hand, deftly navigating the dark woods. He carefully avoided the main paths, taking the wooded area instead so they wouldn’t be spotted.

  Blakely tugged on his hand. “Shit, Ronan, what about the ice?”

  “Baby, is that what you’re thinking about right now?”

  “But your mom…she’ll be mad.”

  “Blakely, trust me. She won’t care. In fact, she would’ve probably insisted.”

  “Oh God, how am I going to face her tomorrow?”

  Ronan turned around to face her. “Okay, we really need to stop talking about my mother right now.”


  He kissed her softly on the lips. “You are too sweet.”

  They finally reached her cabin. As they stood outside, Ronan stayed silent as his eyes travelled hungrily over Blakely’s body. He swooped her up in his arms and carried her up the wooden stairs. Blakely slid her key in the lock and turned the doorknob, with Ronan loudly slamming the door behind him with his right foot, still cradling Blakely in his arms.


  Something fluttered against Blakely’s face. She opened her eyes to see a pair of blazing sapphire eyes and a wide smile staring back at her, Ronan’s head propped by his left hand. He was twirling a strand of her blonde hair curled up against her cheek.

  “Morning, beautiful.”

  “Morning, yourself,” she sighed.

  “Sleep well?”

  “I did.”

  “I stayed up for a while watching you. You were so peaceful.”

  “Probably because that’s the only time I’m not complaining…”

  “Or biting my head off.”

  “Speaking of which…”

  Ronan watched in curiosity as Blakely rolled onto his front and stretched out languorously across his body.

  He moaned. “Mmmm…I wish I could start every day like this.”

  She pulled herself up so she could look into his eyes. She folded her arms around his head, nuzzling his hair and his ears, leaving a trail of soft angel kisses.

  Ronan’s hands massaged her lower back. Reaching her ass, he slowly kneaded the soft flesh between his fingers.

  She pushed herself up his body a fraction further so her breasts could hang over his face, teasing him with their proximity.

  He bobbed his head, attempting to reach the sweet fruits that were hanging just out of reach. “Damn it, woman, will you just bring them closer?”

  Blakely shook her head. “Nah. This is more fun.”

  Ronan let out a frustrated growl. He let go of her ass and pressed her breasts together, trying to lick both in vain. Blakely watched from above as his face reddened and his heart beat like a jackrabbit’s. She tilted her head up in ecstasy, radiating in his ardor.

  Without warning, Ronan brought her down roughly to him as he clamped his mouth over hers. She let him indulge for a few minutes, then pulled away and slid down his body, her tongue licking him the entire way.

  “Umm, where are you going?”

  Blakely grinned to herself at his obvious concern. “Shh. Patience.”

  She finally reached her destination. Blakely sat back and took his hard cock in her hands. She looked up at Ronan, who gave her a brief smile before laying his head back down and letting her proceed.

  She caressed his dick lovingly, admiring its deep color, the thick veins that roped along its exterior.

  A work of fucking art.

  Blakely could already see the pre-cum at the tip as she took him into her mouth. She stroked it with her tongue along its sides, licking it like a lollipop. She savored its taste, humming in enjoyment, which only spurred Ronan on, his moans increasing in volume with each lick.

  Ronan rasped in pleasure. “Oh baby, you are so good…”

  Blakely continued her ministrations, now toying with his balls in her mouth. She returned to his cock, now applying both of her hands around it, moving her mouth up and down, increasing her speed.

  His body started tightening from the pressure, with his thighs clamping on both sides of her knees.

  “Oh fuck, I’m going to come…Blakely!”

  Ronan exploded into her m
outh, spurting his seed down her throat. She didn’t choke. She welcomed his salty taste as it kept gushing until he finally stopped.

  She shut her eyes and smiled.

  I did this. To him. Me.

  Blakely laid her head down on Ronan’s belly, where she stayed for a few minutes to catch her breath, his hands tangled in her hair.

  Ronan gently tugged at her. “Get up here, woman.”

  Blakely crawled up to him, taking him in her arms, as he brought her mouth down to his.

  “You’re incredible, baby. That was…I just…”

  “You don’t have to say anything.”

  “I just want to hold you.”

  Blakely nodded and put her head down in the crook of his shoulder as Ronan embraced her.

  They remained silent for a long time, just enjoying the feel of each other’s bodies against one another.

  “What are you doing today, baby?”

  “Just hanging with Gigi and the girls to take care of last minute details.”

  “So I’ll see you tonight at the rehearsal?”

  “Of course. Where else would I be?”

  Ronan glanced over at the clock on the dresser. “Shit, I gotta go soon. I promised my dad I’d check some fences on the trail path.”

  “How much time do you have?”

  “About twenty minutes.”

  She slid off Ronan’s body and onto her feet, then pulled Ronan by the hand. “Come with me,” she purred.

  Blakely led him to the bathroom and turned on the shower. “I can’t have you smelling like sex around the other ranch hands, can I?”

  Ronan grinned, watching as she pushed back the shower curtain and stepped in, pulling him in with her. They took turns massaging lavender body wash over each other, luxuriating in the feel of each other’s naked skin. Blakely melted at the sight of water sluicing down Ronan’s body, the liquid rolling off his broad shoulders and chiseled biceps, forming one fluid drip off the crown of his cock.

  “Do you know what I love about your body?” he asked, rubbing the body wash over her skin.

  She tilted her head back to look at Ronan. “Tell me.”

  “You’re so soft. You’re not bony. Do you know what I mean?”

  “I think so, but keep going.”


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