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Wait for Me

Page 25

by Elisabeth Naughton

  “What do you mean, ‘with Mitch’?” Ryan crossed his arms over his chest. “It was the last time I went period.”

  Angela leaned over and kissed her son’s cheek. “I prefer both your feet on the ground anyway, sweetie.”

  “Dad?” Julia walked back into the dining room with the cordless phone. “It’s Uncle Mitch.”

  “Speak of the devil,” Ryan muttered, tossing his napkin on the table and rising.

  Conversation continued behind him. “Hey,” Ryan said into the phone. “Where are you?”

  “Simone and I are in Vancouver.”

  Ryan clenched his jaw, looked over at Kate, then turned back toward the kitchen. He rounded the corner toward his office and shut the door. “I thought I told her not to go up there.”

  “Ryan, she barely listens to anything I tell her. What makes you think she’ll listen to you?”

  As he sank into the chair behind his desk, he heard Simone’s voice in the background and Mitch’s sharp intake of breath. “Tell her to quit hitting on you so you can explain why you’re there.”

  They exchanged muffled words, and Mitch’s voice came back stronger. “We found Walter Alexander. Medical examiner thinks he’s been dead about three days.”

  “Son of a bitch.” This was all Ryan needed to hear. He glanced up sharply when the office doors opened.

  Kate stepped in, closing the double doors at her back. “Put him on speaker phone.”

  Shit. He didn’t want her hearing this right now. She was just starting to lose that haunted look. When he only let out a breath, she walked toward him and reached for the phone.

  Reluctantly, he pushed the button. “Mitch, I’m putting you on speaker. Katie’s here.”

  “What’s going on?” She leaned back against Ryan’s desk.

  “We found Walter Alexander,” Mitch said again.


  “And he’s dead.”

  Her eyes darkened. The color drained from her face.

  Ryan squeezed her thigh. “Cops have any idea what happened?”

  “No.” Mitch said. “Looks like he was whacked over the head with something, but they haven’t said what cause of death is yet. Autopsy won’t be until tomorrow.”

  Kate dropped her head in her hands.

  “Also looks like he’d only been in Vancouver a few days. Suitcase was still packed, passport showed he went through customs not long ago.” Mitch paused. “Ryan, he had a copy of a Seattle newspaper with a picture from your press conference on the front page.”

  “Shit,” Ryan muttered.

  “He also had some papers about a pharmaceutical company here in Canada. Gray-something or other. Simone’s trying to con the detectives into sharing some of their info with her. The woman is a bloodhound.”

  Pinching the bridge of his nose, Ryan fought back the frustration. And the fear. “I want you guys out of Vancouver.”

  “We should be on a flight home tonight. Police have a few more questions for us, but I wanted to give you a heads up.”

  “Thanks,” Ryan said. “Stay safe coming back.”

  “Will do. I’ll call you when we know more.”

  The line clicked dead. Without waiting for a response, Ryan stood and drew Kate into his arms. Tension radiated from her body. Her face pressed into his chest, her hands against his biceps. His skin tingled under her touch, and he itched to take away all her worries.

  He knew he couldn’t.

  Resting his chin on the top of her head, he closed his eyes. How could he explain any of this to her when he still didn’t know what was really happening? When he didn’t know yet who was behind it? If she knew what he suspected, he was afraid she’d bolt. And he couldn’t let her do that. Not until he knew how she felt about him.

  They were growing closer. She felt something for him. Something he hoped was love. He needed to tell her what he knew—soon—but he couldn’t risk it yet. And he wanted to find some answers first.

  “I don’t want to know anymore.”

  Her muffled voice tore at him. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  She pushed out of his arms. “I never liked him. Walter was never nice to Reed. I didn’t understand why. Now I know it’s because he knew Reed wasn’t his grandson. But even knowing he was somehow involved in all of this, I wouldn’t want him dead.” Her voice broke. “I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.”

  “I know.” He reached for her hand. “It’s not your fault.” In his heart, he hoped to God it wasn’t his fault, either.

  “I need to leave.”

  He tightened his grasp. “No way.”

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you, or the kids because of me.”

  The muscles in his chest tightened. She had no idea what losing her would do to him. “You walk out on me now and I’ll just track you down and bring you back.”

  Her eyes slid closed. “This is never going to work, Ryan.”

  “Don’t pull that on me again, either.”

  “I don’t know what to think or feel about you. When I’m with you, I feel like I’ve known you forever. Then reality sets in, and I realize how crazy this whole thing is. A few days ago, you couldn’t even stand to be in the same room with me.”

  He grasped her other hand, lacing his fingers with hers, drawing her attention back to his face. “That’s not true. I wanted to be close to you so much it hurt, and I didn’t know how to get there.”

  When her eyes softened, he drew her nearer. “And you do know me. Your body does. Your heart does. It’s just your head that’s being stubborn. It always was,” he added playfully. “That’s nothing new.”

  Her body shivered under his touch. He trailed his lips across her temple. She had no idea what he’d do for her.

  “This is happening way too fast for me. I don’t know how to control it. I’m scared,” she whispered.

  Scared was good. It meant what she was feeling was real. That there was hope. He slid his arms around her waist, felt her breasts press against his chest, felt the soft sway of her hips against his own. “You’ve never been able to control it. Neither have I. What’s happening between us started a long time ago. You can’t stop it anymore than I can.”

  When her fingers tightened on his shoulders, he bent and brushed his lips over hers. Her soft moan made his stomach muscles clench, sent his heart soaring. He wasn’t about to let her walk away until he knew she loved him even a fraction as much as he loved her.

  And by then, he hoped she’d never want to leave. No matter what.


  The first rays of dawn slanted through the open window. Sheer, pale blue curtains blew in the gentle breeze. Kate wiped her sleepy eyes and squinted toward the clock. Seeing the numbers, she sat straight up, blinked twice, and scrambled over Ryan for the robe she’d dropped on his side of the bed late last night.

  Ryan rolled, trapping her under his muscular arm. “Don’t go,” he groaned.

  She pried her way out from under his arm and thrust the red silk robe over her shoulder. “You said you’d wake me before morning.”

  A wicked smile twisted his mouth. “You looked too peaceful to wake.” He eased up on his elbows. “Come back to bed.”

  “Not a chance, you idiot.” She pulled the robe tight around her waist.

  He sat up and tossed his legs over the side of the bed, then grabbed her by the hips before she could get away. Nuzzling her abdomen, he loosened the tie with his teeth.

  “Cut that out. I need to get back to my room before anyone wakes up.”

  “Our parents aren’t going to care.”

  She pushed out of his arms. Why on earth he’d ever suggested both of their parents stay with him was beyond her. She’d been a complete lust-driven fool to sneak into his room in the middle of the night with the house so full. “I don’t need either of our parents thinking I’m easy.”

  Laughing, he followed and braced a hand on the door when she tried to open it. “You’re not easy. You’re my wife.”<
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  Her skin tingled, and she turned, trapped between his tantalizing male—very naked—body at her front and the hardwood at her back. Her muscles quivered as his lips brushed her ear. Electrifying sensations ran through her whole body.

  There was no reasoning with him when he had that look in his eye. She swallowed hard, fighting back the arousal. “Okay, then, I don’t need Julia knowing I was in here all night. She already doesn’t like me. This won’t make it better.”

  His arm came around her waist, and he pressed her back against the door. She felt his erection where he pushed against her. Felt her whole body tighten with anticipation in response. “She’s just going to have to get used to it.”

  Her eyes slid shut when his mouth nibbled its way down her neck. Oh, man. If he kept that up, she’d never leave. All she wanted to do was let him drag her back to bed and repeat everything wicked, amazing, X-rated thing they’d done to each other last night.

  But she couldn’t. Because there was too much at stake in the daylight with the house so full.

  Taking one long, deep breath, she braced her hands against his chest and shoved. He stumbled back a step, and she yanked the door open before he could stop her. “Later, Harrison.”

  His sexy laughter followed her into the hall.

  The door at the end of the hall opened.

  Oh, crap. Kate looked right and left. Sweat broke out on her forehead. She was trapped with nowhere to go. She glanced back at Ryan’s closed bedroom door.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Angela stepped out of the door at the end of the hall. A pink terry robe was belted around her waist. Fuzzy bunny slippers sat perched on her feet. A knowing smile curled her mouth. “Oh, good morning, honey. You look…refreshed.”

  Heat flushed Kate’s cheeks. Crap. So much for hiding. She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Um, I was just—”

  Angela motioned toward the stairs. “Come on. Let’s get some coffee before the men wake up. We haven’t had any girl time yet.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit. Like Kate wanted that.

  With no other option, Kate followed Ryan’s mother down the stairs, the whole time trying to think up a pithy excuse to get out of the morning’s chitchat. Her brain was complete mush after a night of sex. For the life of her, she couldn’t come up with anything clever.

  She paused when she passed a mirror in the hall. Her mouth fell open at her reflection and she scrambled to fix her hair. Matted curls stuck out all over her head. Her mascara was smudged under her eyes, her lips swollen from Ryan’s kisses, her cheeks entirely too rosy first thing in the morning.

  “Don’t worry,” Angela said without turning. “You just look like a very well-loved woman. I wonder if Ryan has any bagels in that kitchen of his.” She disappeared around the corner.

  Kate closed her eyes. This was going from bad to worse faster than she could pray for an earthquake to hit and put her out of her misery.

  Swallowing the rising bile, she eased into the kitchen. Angela was already making coffee.

  “Look in the refrigerator for some cream cheese, would you, honey?”

  Kate was going to kill Ryan; that’s all there was to it. Biting back the curses she wanted to mutter, she made her way to the gigantic stainless steel refrigerator and fished out cream cheese. When the coffee was done, Angela poured two mugs, then brought them and a plate of bagels to the table.

  Kate sank into the chair beside her. The caffeine was the only thing that settled her nerves.

  “Ryan tells me you’ve been having some trouble with Julia,” Angela said, sipping her drink.

  Kate planned to have a chat with Ryan about the things he liked to tell. She shifted in her seat. “Some. This isn’t easy on her.”

  “No, I don’t imagine it is. She was very young when you left. It was hard on both of them.”

  Curiosity got the best of Kate, and she bit her lip, wrapping her foot around the leg of the chair. “Did Julia and I get along?”

  “Oh, of course you did.” Angela smiled. “You were very close. Julia isn’t upset with you, honey. You have to understand that. She’s just afraid of going through all that again.”

  “I would think most kids would be thrilled to have a parent back. But she’s fighting me every step of the way.”

  Angela patted her hand. “Things were very hard for her. Ryan didn’t handle your leaving well.”

  When Kate’s brow wrinkled, Angela eased back in her chair. “He loved you very much, more than he probably should have. Losing you broke him. He walked around in a daze for at least two years. I don’t honestly think he would have made it through without Julia.”

  Kate’s eyes slid shut. If she weren’t already falling for Ryan Harrison, that one statement would have pushed her right over the edge. Her chest tightened until she was sure she wouldn’t be able to breathe.

  “I think Julia’s afraid of what will happen to him if you decide not to stay,” Angela said softly.

  Kate looked down at her coffee. Wisps of steam poured off the hot liquid. “I don’t know what’s going to happen there. I can’t make any promises either way. Ryan and I…” She lifted a shoulder and dropped it in defeat. “We haven’t made any decisions. But I’ll always be around for Julia. That will never change.”

  Angela was silent for a minute, watching her speculatively. Finally, she reached for a bagel. “Ryan told you Michael’s not his real father, right?”

  “No, I didn’t know that.”

  Angela brushed her hair away from her face. “It’s not a surprise you two haven’t gotten around to family stories yet. Michael and I met in college. We fell madly in love, had this wild affair. But he joined the military, and we broke up. I met Kevin Harrison, Ryan’s real father, after Michael left. We got married, and a year later, Ryan was born.”

  Her voice softened as she looked down into her mug. “Kevin was a wonderful man. That’s where Ryan gets his blond hair and blue eyes. And he adored Ryan.” She sighed. “He died in a car accident when Ryan was two.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry.”

  Angela waved a hand. “It was awful when it happened. But then, a few months later, Michael came home. And it was as if we were still in college. Like no time had gone by at all. Wild chemistry, an unexplainable connection.” She smiled Kate’s way. “I’m sure you know what I mean.”

  Heat flushed Kate’s cheeks again.

  “Anyway,” Angela went on, “Kevin had only been gone a few months, and here I was, madly in love with another man again. I didn’t know what to do about it. I mean, back then especially, a widow was supposed to grieve for a respectable amount of time before moving on. Not me. No, ma’am. I jumped right into bed with the first man that came along.”

  Kate couldn’t stifle the laugh that bubbled out. She covered her mouth with her hand, realizing how insensitive she was being.

  Angela chuckled and set her mug down. “Exactly. Insane, right?”

  When Kate glanced over, Angela clasped her hand. “Not really. Not when you think about it. God gave Kevin to me so we could make Ryan. He was a gift, one that I cherish forever. And when it was time for him to go, God gave me Michael. He knew exactly what Ryan and I needed. It doesn’t mean I didn’t love Kevin any less, just in a different way. Sometimes we spend way too much time questioning the gifts we’re given instead of being thankful for them.”

  Kate closed her eyes. “This is a completely different situation.”

  “Maybe,” Angela said. “Maybe not. Fate’s a finicky thing to mess with. Somehow you made your way back here to Ryan and Julia. There’s a reason for that.”

  Angela’s words were still hanging in the air when Michael eased through the kitchen door wearing sweats and a Seahawks T-shirt. “What are you two doing up so early?” he asked as he headed toward the coffeepot.

  Angela lifted her mug. “Kate was thirsty after a night of wild sex with our son.”

  Heat shot up Kate’s face.

  “Mom, you’re embarrassing her.” Ryan stepp
ed into the room behind his father and flashed a quirky grin.

  Holy hell. It couldn’t get any worse. Kate rubbed the scar along the side of her head. On shaky legs, she rose. “I need to go take a shower before my parents get up.”

  “Don’t rush on their account,” Angela said after her. “Your parents’ room is right next to Ryan’s. We heard you all the way down the hall. I’m sure they did too.”

  Kate’s eyes widened. She shot Ryan a look. With cheeks she knew were the color of strawberries, she made her way to the stairs as fast as she could.

  Ryan caught up with her on the bottom step. He’d already showered; his hair was still damp, his body smelling clean and fresh. “Hold on a second.”

  “You did that on purpose.” She tried to wiggle out of his arms, but he held her too tightly. “You knew your mother would be awake when I got up this morning.”

  “Guilty. Maybe I’m tired of hiding this.”

  “That was sneaky. And I don’t like it.”

  “I agree. But you don’t have much of an excuse anymore. I’m going to have a chat with Julia later today.”

  She stopped fighting. “Don’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  Standing one step up, she was just about the same height as him. His sapphire eyes drilled into hers as Angela’s words ran back through her mind. “I don’t want her to get hurt again.”

  Those deep blue pools softened, tugging on Kate’s heart. “Then don’t give her any reason to get hurt. Move in with us.”

  Kate’s eyes widened. That wasn’t the response she’d expected. “What? Are you crazy?”

  A smile curled his mouth before he kissed her. She only stared at him. When he pulled back, those eyes were sparkling. “Yes. I am. Crazy in love with you. Julia needs time with you. Reed needs time with me. We all need a chance to get to know each other again. Driving back and forth between your place and mine won’t do that.”

  “You’re nuts. I can’t just move in with you. Ryan, my God, it’s only been a week.”

  “A week is like a lifetime to me. I want you in my house. I’ll even put up with you in the guest room for the time being if that’s what you want.”


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