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Big Girls Don't Cry 2

Page 2

by Gretchen Lane

  “Ok, ok, stop!” I yell, with hips twitching. “Come here,” I speak, panting deeply. Tugging on his hair, I pull him up, until his heavy body blankets mine, cocooning me beneath… “Make love to me, Billy.”

  “I’ve waited a long time to hear you say, that,” he sighs, breathing heavily. His hips move gently, sending the tip of his cock searching rigidly between my thighs.

  “Not as long as me, Buster,” I smile.

  Billy smiles also, understanding I’m still a virgin. ‘Yes. I waited for you, Billy.’

  I tingle when the head of Billy’s cock presses against my clitoris. I moan long, closing my eyes, enjoying the sweet sensation of the swollen head as it rubs over me.

  “Spread your legs wider,” Billy directs, holding his dick at the base, and lightly taping it down on me. I do as I’m told, grabbing my knees, spreading my legs wide, exposing my wetness for him. “I’m going to spank your pussy,” he informs, massaging my clit by running up and down the opening with the underside of his length.

  “Okay,” I pant, with a full body shiver. I smile through lazy eyes, entranced by the man and his sexual prowess. If he even as much as touches me with his cock again, I’m going to squirt all over him.

  And, he does.

  Billy’s cock hovers momentarily over my wet pussy, before launching down, landing in the center of my cunt, covering my lips and clit with a loud smack.

  “Oh, fuck, yes!” I scream, my hips lurching forward to meet the oncoming blows.

  My body shakes through multiple orgasms as Billy repeatedly beats his fleshy club over my buzzing clitoris.

  “No more! No more, Billy!” I scream, pulling my legs in tight, and reaching to block any further strokes on my overly stimulated pussy. A light layer of perspiration covers my body as I twitch, and shudder in ecstasy.

  “Okay, Baby,” he pants, excitedly, hovering over me, stroking himself.

  Grabbing him by his muscular arms I pull him closer. “Now, Billy. I’m ready,” I coo nervously, my heart racing. I’ve waited twenty seven years for this, and I’m feeling very emotional. “Tell me you love me.”

  “I love you, Gretchen. More than you’ll ever know,” he says, nipping my lip with a small kiss.

  Taking his girth, I guide him to my hole and rub myself up and down, while slowly, pulling him inside.

  “Ooooh, yes,” I moan, as he enters. The pleasure— the pain. ‘Oh my God, he feels so big!’ With my eyes open, I watch Billy’s face as he stares at me, smiling while pushing further inside. “Billy, oh, Gaaaawd,” I moan loudly as I’m filled. My walls stretch with the thickness of his cock and my pussy burns with desire, wanting more inside. And, more I got.

  “Oh, Baby,” Billy moans. “That feels soooo good,” he continues, with a long stroke that buries his dick to the hilt.

  “Stop. Don’t move. Just hold me,” I say, wrapping my legs around him and holding him against me. “I just want to feel you.” Billy’s cock throbs inside, as I gently rock my hips up and down, squeezing and releasing on him

  Slowly, Billy withdraws, until only the head is left inside— waiting, teasing, before pushing back in. OMG, the sensation of that long, thick cock slowly pushing inside, and slowly pulling out is driving me insane.

  Digging my nails into Billy’s arms, I signal him I want more by thrusting my pelvis up to meet his quickening strokes. Bringing my hand down, I fan my clit, as Billy grabs my tits squeezing roughly. He tweaks my nipples, twisting hard and fucking me deeper.

  “Fuck me harder, Billy! Harder!” I scream, nearing orgasm and wanting every inch of that beautiful dick inside of me.

  “Harder! You want it harder!” Billy grunts, ramming deeper, and tugging on my nipples.

  “Yes, Billy! Yes, Billy! Oh God yes!” I yell, feeling myself squirting on Billy as I orgasm.

  With lightning strokes Billy pumps until his body tenses, becoming ridged. Pulling his dick free, he strokes the shaft as semen shoots out, covering my stomach and tits.

  Continuing with slow tugs, he pulls the last drops out; dripping them onto my pussy. Billy spreads it around before slapping his dick down lightly on my cunt, until my body stops shaking for him.

  Lying on top on me he, pushes back inside and with long slow strokes, begins to gently make love to me again.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Oh, Billy,” I sigh, weeping softly.

  “It’s ok, Baby, don’t cry,” he soothes, caressing my face as he pulls away a small strand of hair.

  “I’m ok,” I smile. “These are happy tears,” I assure with a sniffle.

  “Good. I want you to be happy,” he replies, pulling me closer.

  “That was amazing. I never even imagined.” I snuggle up next to his large frame as he wraps his arm around me holding me tight. I can’t believe this is where I am— it truly has to be a dream. “Am I dreaming, Billy?” I ask, looking up as he continues playing with my hair. “Are you really here?”

  “No, you’re not dreaming, and yes, I’m really here, Miss Gretchen Lane,” he assures, chuckling lightly.

  “How the hell did you find me?” I ask, sitting up, waiting curiously for the answer.

  Billy smiles; taking a deep breath followed by a little pause. He finally responds to my question, “Well… I’m not going to lie to you.”

  “Okaaaaay. That’s good, because I wouldn’t expect you would.”

  “Nope. I never would. That’s why I have to say… Michelle, told me.”

  “My, Michelle!” I reply— not angry, but totally surprised. “When? How? I don’t understand. I just spoke to her, and she didn’t say anything.”

  “I’ll tell you, but you can’t get mad. Ok?”

  “Ok,” I agree.


  “I promise!”

  “She contacted me.”


  “Calm down. It’s all good. She was just trying to help. She was looking out for you.”

  “What the hell do you mean?”

  “She told me about, your boyfriend… She thought you had found someone good. And, from what I heard. Well… it sounded like it to me, also. She asked me if I would come and see you— to give you closure. So you could move on with your life.”

  I don’t respond to Billy. I just listen.

  “I agreed I would come to see you. I didn’t know what would happen. But I thought we both deserved an opportunity to at least say good bye… Is it good bye, Gretchen?” he asks, softly. There’s no tone of desperation or neediness to his voice. Only want, and desire.

  “I don’t know, Billy,” I sigh, loosening his arm and moving towards the edge of the bed. My mind is racing with guilt and confusion. I know I love Billy. And, I know I don’t love Renee. Not really— but, Renee doesn’t deserve to be treated like this. Nobody does. “I guess— it should’ve happened differently… Maybe, after I had told him about you, or something.” I’m starting to feel sick to my stomach. “Oh, God. What did I do,” I sob, lowering my face to my hands.

  “Hey, now. Come on,” Billy offers, sliding across the bed and sitting naked next to me. “Don’t do this to yourself… any way, I knew you first!” he jokes, trying to lighten the mood, while running the tips of his fingers over my skin. I smile, letting him off the hook, and loving his touch.

  “I just need a little time to think… to sort everything out.”

  “You take as much time as you need. But, before you make any kind of decisions I want you to at least spend the day with me, tomorrow… we’ll go to… I don’t know…,” he pauses, thinking. “The Louvre! I’ll take you to the Louvre! How about it?”

  “I don’t know, Billy,” I state, thinking I just need some time to be alone.

  “Aw, come on! We’ve never even been on a date before! We can look at statues of naked dudes,” he states, dropping into the pose of the Thinker, bringing a smile to my face. Classic, Billy.

  “God. You’re right,” I agree, looking up.

  “Then it’s a date!” he exclaims, s
tanding tall. ‘Oh my God. Look at that man.’ My heart beats rapidly.

  I pause before speaking. “What if it doesn’t work out for… us?” I whisper.

  “Then, I’ll always remember you as, the beautiful, Gretchen Lane… the one that got away.” He smiled and his eyes sparkled, as he squinted. I remember thinking how magnificently blue they looked at that moment. I never realized until I wrote this… they were filled with tears.


  It’s 5 am when the cab arrives in front of my apartment. The streets are wet, and a light mist lingers as the sun rises, warming the morning air.

  Swinging my legs out of the cab, all I’m thinking about is how thankful I am I don’t have to work today— I’m emotionally worn out. It’s early enough to shower and get a few hours of sleep, before meeting Billy at the Louvre. And, then, there’s Renee. ‘What am I going to tell, him?’ “Oh, fuck,” I think out loud, slamming the cab door.

  “Bad night, ma chérie?” I hear Renee ask, with a French accent.

  “Oh, Jesus!” I scream, startled. Turning swiftly I see Renee stepping from under the covered doorway to my small apartment. He’s dressed impeccably in a black camel hair blazer with tan slacks and a white shirt. The shirt is unbuttoned over his chest and a gold cravat is tied neatly around his neck.

  “You look like you’ve been out all night,” he comments, smiling as he saunters towards me with his hands in the pockets of his coat. He’s looking in a way that tells me, shit is about to hit the fan. “I thought you were sick, sweetheart?” he continues, speaking in perfect English. Renee is a full blooded French man, but raised and schooled in the US. He lives, acts, and entertains, in France, but he’s all American. And, using his All-American voice lets me know, the jig is up— I still try lying.

  “I just went to the store to get some cough syrup,” I answer, feigning a few coughs, avoiding eye contact. “I must have caught a bug last night,” I offer, slipping past, Renee, shielding him from a blast of phony coughs. He doesn’t flinch at the fake round of sputum being thrown at him, and turns following me to the door.

  He watches without speaking while I fumble through my clutch finding my keys. Pulling them loose, I try sliding one into the lock.

  “Did he fuck you?” he asks abruptly.

  “Excuse me?” I respond, dropping the keys that land with a metallic crash.

  “Did he fuck you? Do you have semen running out of your cunt right now?” he continues, coming in close.

  “Renee, you’re scaring me,” I say, backing against the glass door. Looking inside, I see the small lobby is empty, and my heart beats rapidly. Renee has never actually been mean to me. But, I’ve seen him get very upset before when dealing with people in business. They call him The Raptor, and there’s a reason why. He tears people up in business.

  “You think this is scary!” he yells, slapping me across the face.

  “Oh God!” I yelp covering myself, and cowering away from the hand being raised to deliver another blow. “Renee, please don’t.”

  He pauses, lowering his hand slowly to my neck, wrapping his long fingers tightly around my throat. Roughly, the other hand shoves under my dress to my still wet, pantyless crotch. ‘I’m keeping these,’ Billy had told me, before I left. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

  “Nice, job, ma Chérie,” he compliments, ramming his middle finger inside of me stealing my breath as it penetrates inside. Sighing deeply, I close my eyes not wanting to watch him as he sneers looking down at me. His finger probes hard, stabbing in and out, roughly fucking me while still holding my throat. “No more, Virgin, for me, huh?” he ask, pressing his thumb down on my clit, and deepening his finger.

  “I’m sorry, Renee,” I sob, fighting the ecstasy surging through my body from the rough fingering.

  “I’m sorry too,” he pants. “I was thinking we had something special. But, now, I know you’re just like the rest,” he comments, quickening the pace of his frigging. “At least you were a good butt fucking,” he yells, pulling his finger free of my pussy, and attempting to turn me around. “Did he get that hole too?” he hisses, roughly fingering at my ass.

  “You son of a bitch!” I yell, spinning around and slapping his face. He backs up, smiling. “I’m going inside, Renee, and I’m going to forget about everything that just happened. Because, I know you’re freaking out right now, and I don’t blame you… But, don’t ever hit me again…EVER!” I pull down the front of my dress, flattening the wrinkles, before continuing. “I’ll be at the party tonight. You can send your driver, because I have no idea how to get to your boat.”

  “It’s a yacht, Chérie,” he snickers, rudely.

  “Whatever. It floats right? Then, it’s a boat.”

  “Okay…Okay,” he responds, arrogantly. I know he wants to slap the shit out of me. And, if I was him, I would want to do the same. But, he doesn’t. I can see the wheels spinning, though. “And, you’ll wear the gown I told you to wear?”

  “No. I’ll wear the gown you ASKED me to wear,” I answer, pushing the door open, and entering the building. Without looking back, I let the door swing closed, and I walk confidently through the lobby with my head held high and my tits pushed out— Just like Billy taught me.

  I can feel Renee’s eyes burning into the back of my head as I walk.

  ‘What the hell was that all about!’ I think, as I disappear up the stairs out of sight.

  Once Renee can no longer see me, I stop. I’m scared, and, I want to tell Billy… But I know I can’t. Leaning against the wall, I hold my hands to my chest and with my eyes closed tightly I cry.

  I don’t know what to do. I had just spent the last four hours being made love to by the person I considered to be the man of my dreams, and it should be the happiest day of my life. But, instead, I’m scared and confused. And, I don’t know what to do. I love Billy, with all of my heart. I really do. I only have one fear. When will he leave me alone— again?

  I deserve to be happy… in another life, I guess.

  ~ ~ ~


  The day has turned out to be very beautiful and the sun shines brightly off of the glass pyramid, sending light rays shooting into the sky. I shade my eyes, looking for Billy in the surrounding crowd. It doesn’t take me long before I spot him. He’s standing in the middle of a small group, and it looks like he’s… signing autographs.

  I’m confused as I approach, and, Billy, seeing my face, holds his hands up, “I know,” he says, seemingly as surprised as me. He definitely is signing autographs, and I smile, shaking my head in disbelief.

  “Good luck in your fight, Billy. Kick ass for the US!” a man states after receiving his pen back. I stand in awe as he finishes taking pictures with the last few people. When done, he walks to me smiling like the Cheshire cat.

  “Mister, Billy Badass… you made it,” I state shaking my head. And, all of the angst I’ve been feeling suddenly disappears. ‘He made it. Thank you, Lord.’

  “Yup. Thanks to you,” he says, staring intensely. I can see the look of admiration and desire in his eyes as they travel over me. I know Billy loves my curvy body and I chose a black nylon sweater today, making my boobs stick out like torpedoes. My waist isn’t thin by any means, but a tight belt with my wide hips give me that hour glass look with my full length skirt flowing down over me. Standing in my high heel boots I’m almost at eye level with Billy. He places a hand at my waist, and the other under my chin, looking into my eyes. “Hard training, and thoughts of you,” he adds.

  “Me… What are you talking about?” I laugh nervously shying away from his gaze.

  “I thought about you the whole time,” he states, searching my eyes. Just having him so close makes my heart beat faster. He’s the most beautiful man I have ever seen. “During training,” he continues. “When I was tired and wanted to quit— I thought about all of the stuff you told me. The things you’ve endured during your life. Then, I thought about how beautiful you are. And how awesome
it would be to stand before you, like I am now, and tell you I made it into the big show.” He pauses looking around. “I just didn’t imagine I would be signing autographs when I did!” He laughs at the thought of it, and I can see the happiness in his face.

  “Yeah. What’s that all about?” I ask, totally impressed. Not surprised, but impressed.

  “Trust me, it’s not ALL me,” he states modestly. “I’m here with the UFC. We’re doing a European tour, with fights in England, Germany, France, ending with a big finale in the States. I’m part of it— with my fight happening at home, in Denver, in two weeks. I wanted you to be there, Gretchen.”

  “Oh my God, I’m so happy for you! But, wait a minute— I thought you said you didn’t allow women to go to your fights anymore,” I state, questioningly. Billy had told me when we first met that as an amateur, the only fight he had ever lost, he was showboating for a woman in the crowd that he had invited. He got knocked out, and that was it. ‘No more broads at my fights.’

  “No— I said, broads,” he reminds, with a wink. “Anyway, that was before I met you. And, I’d be honored, and consider it good luck, to have you there.” He finishes with a light kiss before backing away, smiling. Taking my hand, he leads us across the plaza towards the entrance to the main building. “Just think about it. That’s all I’m asking.” Again he smiles, pulling us through a crowd.

  He looks good from behind with his faded jeans hugging his butt tightly. With a white button up shirt tucked in at the waist, his broad shoulders accent his muscular physique even more and he definitely stands out amongst the other men in the crowd. He’s so handsome and I walk proudly knowing I’m with him.

  Shuffling slightly to keep pace, I’m thinking about the first time I followed him to the restaurant by the gym. It seems like yesterday.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Ruben,” I chuckle. “That explains, a lot,” I exclaim, staring at the wonderful painting.


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