Nashville Nights

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Nashville Nights Page 4

by Lexi Archer

  “Come on baby,” I said. “You know that’s not the case. You know you’re just as hot as any of those girls in there.”

  “Well I know I’m just as hot as any of those girls in there,” she said. “But the question is whether or not my husband thinks I’m as hot as any of the girls in there. Because it really sounds like you don’t think I’m as hot as any of those girls in there, and I’m about to be really upset that you feel that way.”

  I wanted to growl in frustration, but I knew that would be bad. I knew growling in frustration would simply upset her more, probably, and the last thing I wanted was to upset my wife more.

  “That’s not what I’m saying at all,” I said, trying to think of something that would get me out of this and knowing I wasn’t doing a very good job of it so far. I felt her hand brushing up and down the length of my cock, and I figured that meant I wasn’t in as much trouble as I could be. If she was feeling me up then she was still interested.

  If she was really pissed off then she might make a scene that would be seen by everyone out there. I didn’t think she’d do something like that in a public place like this, but I was also willing to admit that you just never knew.

  “What I’m saying is you’re a married woman,” I said.

  She kept right on moving her hand up and down the length of my cock. I figured that was a good thing. Or at the very least it wasn’t a bad thing. She arched an eyebrow at me, and that was as good as saying she was listening.

  “I mean there are going to be a lot of hot women out there, to be sure, but the thing is most of those women are going to be unattached, y’know?”

  I was really working up a good head of steam now. This was the kind of bullshit that would’ve been Grade A stuff back when I was in school and had to come up with some BS when I was writing a book report or something.

  “So you’re saying that the reason he wouldn’t be interested in me is because I have a ring on my finger, he knows it, and you don’t think he’s the kind of guy who would go after a married woman? That’s what you’re trying to tell me?”

  It was actually kind of a relief to hear her laying it all out like that. Sure it’s what I’d been thinking, but at the same time I’d been worried that maybe she wouldn’t pick up on it, or that I’d just say something that pissed her off even more.

  And there was something about her laying it all out like that that had me getting really hot and bothered. I glanced around to make sure there wasn’t anyone spying on us who might see what I was about to do, but there was no one in evidence.

  I got the feeling this was the kind of party where there’d be a lot of people who went off to little alcoves like this to have a little bit of fun with each other, and that most of the other guests who were at this shindig were the kind of people who would give everyone else a little bit of discretion.

  So I pushed on my wife. Like I didn’t push her. I’m not talking I was being abusive or anything. I just wrapped my arms around her and pushed back on her until she was pressed against the other side of the hallway. Which incidentally also had my cock lodged firmly between her legs that she parted ever so slightly.

  I was painfully aware of how close we were. It was difficult to be this up close and personal with my wife and not to be aware of how up close and personal things were getting here. God she was so fucking hot, and I wanted to fuck her for all she was worth right here and I didn’t give a damn if someone came along and found us.

  Yeah, that would be hot. To slide my cock in her while she was still in her dress. To feel her legs wrapping around me as she…

  I shook my head. What was I thinking? We were at a party at Ray Bob Donovan’s house, and something told me getting caught fucking my wife in some out of the way alcove was the kind of thing that would get me kicked off of his label before I even had a chance to join the damned thing. I wasn’t going to do anything here that would jeopardize my future career, damn it.

  But I was going to let my wife know just how I felt about her, and just how hot she was.

  “You’re the hottest fucking thing here tonight darling,” I whispered in her ear as I leaned in close. “And I think you know it. I think you’re having a little fun at my expense here tonight acting like you don’t know you’re the hottest fucking thing here.”

  I pulled away and looked down at her. She bit her lip as she looked up at me. Oh yeah, she’d been playing games and she knew it. Not that I minded her playing her games. No, she could twist me around her finger all she wanted and I’d beg for more!

  “So what if I am cowboy?” she asked. “What are you going to do about it?”

  “I’m not going to do anything about it,” I said, an idea suddenly occurring to me. “But I’ll tell you what. If Ray Bob Donovan does put the moves on you tonight then you do what you have to do and make sure you get me a nice fat record contract.”

  Her eyes went wide as I said it. Oh yeah. I could tell she wasn’t expecting me to say something like that. Her hands moved down between my legs again and her fingers danced up and down the length of my cock.

  “Are you sure about that?” she asked. “What if getting you a nice fat record contract means taking his nice fat…”

  I groaned as she said it. Oh fuck that was hot thinking about her getting it on with some strange dude she hardly knew, and I think she knew it. When I opened my eyes she’d cocked her head to the side and she was hitting me with a weird look.

  “You like this, don’t you?” she asked, sounding genuinely surprised that I’d be into this.

  “So what if I do?” I asked, maybe a touch defensive.

  “So nothing,” she said. “I guess I’m just a little surprised, but if you’re into this then I’m definitely not going to disappoint.”

  And with that she pulled away from me. I wanted to groan. I wanted to call after her and tell her that we were playing with fire here. That what she was thinking of doing tonight could be so dangerous.

  But she was right. There was a part of me that was so turned on thinking about her getting with Ray Bob Donovan, and that part of me wasn’t going to rest until I’d seen just how far she was going to take this. I knew it wasn’t the kind of thing I was supposed to do. I was supposed to tell her that there wasn’t a chance she was going to do anything with anyone, but looking at her I think we both knew that wasn’t going to happen.

  I shivered. I wasn’t sure where this was going tonight, but I did know that I had to follow through and see where my wife would take it!



  I wasn’t quite sure why I was doing this. All I knew was I couldn’t stop thinking about Tommy’s bulge between my legs. How hot he’d been. How his cock had been twitching like he was on the verge of coming, and it’d all been because he was thinking about me getting with another guy.

  There was a part of me that was kind of pissed off that he would even act like that. I mean of course he’d be willing to throw me to the wolves if it meant a chance at him actually getting his big break. This was a town where those big breaks could come any time, or they could never come at all, and so if one came along then you had to seize it when you saw it right there in front of you.

  He’d given me that speech often enough that I knew he’d be willing to do just about anything to get one of those big breaks. It was enough to make me wonder if that anything he was willing to do included using his wife as a bargaining chip to get one of those big fat juicy record contracts he was always going on about.

  It was enough to get me good and pissed off as I made my way back towards the party proper. I was sure Tommy was back there behind me somewhere, and I was also sure that he was no doubt trying to adjust those tight pants of his and maybe trying to think about whether or not he’d actually just agreed to what he’d agreed to.

  It was how hot he’d been that let me know this wasn’t only about him wanting that fat record contract. I mean sure that was probably part of it. I’m sure he was thinking about how this was the k
ind of opportunity that might only come once. About how it could change our lives in an instant if it turns out he got a record contract. That was the kind of thing that could take us from living in a small apartment barely scraping by with what I made at the bank and the tips he brought in to maybe living in a place like this within a year.

  It was enough to send a shiver running through me. I mean I wasn’t the kind of girl who got hung up on material things, but to be totally secure in our lives would be nice, and that Ray Bob guy was pretty hot for all that he was an older dude. Hell, maybe the fact that he was an older dude was only adding to the hotness.

  I shook my head. I was thinking like a crazy woman. I was getting distracted by the bulge I’d felt between Tommy’s legs. A bulge that was there because he was thinking of me with another man. The kind of thing that was supposed to piss him off and send him flying into a rage as he beat the shit out of whatever guy was trying to fuck me.

  Only that wasn’t going to happen here.

  I followed the crowd that was streaming deeper into the house. Again I didn’t bother to turn and see if Tommy was following behind me. I thought I saw a couple of people I almost recognized, and I figured that had to mean that they were pretty big in the country music scene.

  It wasn’t really my thing, for all that Tommy lived and breathed the stuff. Which meant that if I was seeing someone out here that I recognized then it was probably someone who was a pretty fucking big star if they could pierce my haze of not giving a fuck about the genre as a whole.

  I smiled at people as I walked past, and I got more than a few appraising looks. From guys and girls alike, which was a little bit of a surprise. I mean it’s not like this town was a backwards hick town or anything like that. It was a city for all that it had a reputation as the center of country music.

  It’s just that the whole reputation meant that the place wasn’t quite as understanding about people who swung the other way. Though apparently if it was a little good old fashioned red-blooded girl on girl action the people here were willing to look the other way.

  I grinned. It was nice to know that I had what it took to distract the good people streaming through here. I took it as a sort of a compliment. These were no doubt some of the hottest people in the town considering that seemed to be what old Ray Bob was all about, and not only was I holding my own with these people, but more than a few of them were hitting me with appraising looks that said they wouldn’t mind having a roll in the hay.

  I didn’t doubt that it’d be possible to have a roll in the hay around here either. Ray Bob struck me as the kind of guy who probably had a stable or something somewhere on the grounds where there’d be plenty of the stuff to go rolling in, for all that it’s not like going for a roll in the hay would be all that comfortable.

  I’d learned that one the hard way with a boyfriend back home who lived on a farm. Turns out that stuff sticks in all the wrong places and I was slightly allergic to it, and let’s just say it was an experience I wasn’t all that eager to repeat.

  Finally the streaming crowd let out in a massive outdoor area that was clearly set up for a party. It was lit by torches which provided a nice ambiance, and there were stairs that ran down to the first level of the place where there was a pool that people were already splashing around in.

  I frowned. Tommy hadn’t mentioned anything about a pool. Then again it’s not like he had any way of knowing any more about these parties than I did. Though I definitely was a little annoyed that I wasn’t going to have the opportunity to show off just a little bit.

  I looked damn good in my bikini, thank you very much, and I would’ve liked the opportunity to show off just a little bit. Especially if that showing off was enough to draw Ray Bob Donovan’s attention.

  I’m not sure what it was about attracting that guy’s attention that was getting me all hot and bothered, but the more I thought about it the more I couldn’t wait to see if I was enough to actually get his attention. It was like I was in competition with all the other pretties who were out here tonight looking so fucking hot, and suddenly it was a competition I wanted to win now that I knew how much it turned on my husband!

  Luckily for me it wasn’t all that difficult to find the man. It turns out a guy like Ray Bob Donovan sort of held court at gatherings like this, which made sense. It’s not like someone was going to get all that far in this town if they didn’t have the ability to schmooze. I mean maybe there was someone who was such an amazing musician that people fell all over themselves to suck that person’s dick.

  Though wasn’t that what I was doing right now? I was about to fall all over myself for the privilege of sucking his dick. At least I was going to try and get him to hit on me while my husband watched, and talk about sentences I never thought I’d utter before tonight!

  Whatever. I was on a mission tonight, and nothing was going to stop me. Not the women all around him. Or some of the men. Though I noted some of the men looking at me as I stepped through the crowd.

  Ray Bob looked up and his eyes flashed as he saw me. Oh yeah. That was the look of a man who was interested. I’m not trying to be egotistical or toot my own horn here, but it was a look I’d seen from men plenty of times before over the years. Men liked it when they looked at me.

  It wasn’t something I’d ever let go to my head. If anything it was other bitches at school who weren’t quite as good looking who were trouble growing up because they were jealous of me, but whatever.

  The point is he was staring at me, and he looked at me as though I was suddenly the only woman in the world. It was enough to make me feel a little hot and bothered. We’re talking the kind of hot and bothered that I usually only got when I was looking at Tommy, but here we were and I was staring at probably the biggest country music star of the last decade and he was looking me up and down with such intensity that I felt like I was going to need a cigarette when he finished with that look.

  He also irritated some of the women hanging on all around him by putting an arm out and pushing them to the side. They looked surprised and indignant at first, and then pissed off when they turned to see me walking through a crowd that was parting around me like this was fated or something.

  Oh yeah. That was a look I was more than familiar with too. The look of a woman who was hella jealous because she was suddenly being confronted by a woman who could have the man these girls were going for.

  What the fuck ever. That was their problem that he wasn’t interested in them. It was Tommy’s problem that this guy was clearly so interested in me, for that matter.

  “Well hello there darling,” Ray Bob said when he got close to me, holding an arm out. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you here tonight.”

  I looked him up and down. After all, I had a pretty good idea of just how happy he was to see me here tonight from the way he was staring at me.

  “You’d be surprised,” I said.

  “Why don’t you and I have a little chat darling?” he asked.

  A shiver ran through me. I guess it was one thing to have a sneaking suspicion that this guy was interested in me, but it was another thing entirely to have him say something like that. Something that made it so clear that he was just as interested in me as I thought he was. I licked my lips and looked through the crowd to see if Tommy was out there somewhere, and there he was.

  He was hanging back and he had a drink in his hand, but it was clear from the way he was looking at me that the drink was forgotten. Well, not entirely forgotten. As he made eye contact with me he threw the bottle back and took a couple of deep gulps from the thing that told me he was nervous about this, but he also nodded which told me he was willing to go along with this for now.

  I turned back to Ray Bob and realized that he was staring at Tommy just as intently as he’d been staring at me a moment ago. It was enough to make me wonder if maybe there was something else going on here and we’d totally misread the situation. What if he was interested in me and Tommy equally?

  Again this was a town that was at the northern end of the South which meant that attitudes about that sort of thing weren’t exactly the greatest, especially when it came to a couple of dudes, but it wouldn’t exactly be the first time that some big and famous singing artist had been secretly in the closet the entire time.

  “Why don’t you invite your husband along too?” he asked. “Looks like he’s interested in what’s going on here, after all.”

  I licked my lips. I suddenly wasn’t sure what to do, but I did know that I wanted to get with this man more than anything. So I turned to Tommy and nodded for him to come this way.

  I wasn’t sure why I wanted to get with this man more than anything. Sure there was a part of me that couldn’t stop thinking about the way our lives would change if we ended up getting a record contract, but there was more to it than that.

  I think there was something about knowing I’d caught the attention of one of the richest and most successful, and most good looking, dudes in this city that was really getting me going. That and the knowledge that him being one of the most successful men in this town also made him one of the most successful men in the country and in the world.

  There was also something about getting with a guy who was a star that I knew nothing about. I don’t know what it was, but it got me hot and bothered.

  And finally there was the forbidden pleasure of knowing that my husband was so turned on thinking about me doing something with this guy. It was the pleasure of knowing that I was turning Tommy on in a way I never would’ve thought possible when we were saying our wedding vows to each other, but here we were.

  “Yeah, let’s get out of here and talk,” I said. “Because I have an offer you’re not going to be able to refuse.”

  Ray Bob’s eyebrows shot up at that. I wasn’t sure if that was because he knew the score and he was surprised that someone else would be going along with it so easily, or if he maybe hadn’t been doing the whole indecent proposal thing at all and I was totally wrong.


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