Nashville Nights

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Nashville Nights Page 5

by Lexi Archer

  Either way at this point this was happening. I didn’t give a fuck if I was going to be way too forward. I didn’t give a fuck if I was doing something that went against all the promises I’d made to Tommy when we promised to have and to hold as long as we both shall live.

  All I cared about was finishing this night out and getting my indecent proposal, damn it.



  I wasn’t sure what the hell was going on here, but I did know that I liked where things were going. Gina nodded for me to follow her, and I sighed and decided I’d better go along with it.

  At least I was still by the drink table, which meant it was easy enough for me to pick something up so I’d have a little bit of extra liquid courage while we were doing whatever the hell it was we were about to be doing. I shook my head. Our first big party we’d been invited to with anyone who mattered, and we were doing the whole indecent proposal thing.

  I’m sure that was what Gina was thinking of it as. She thought of a lot of things in terms of cheesy movies from the ‘90s that she’d grown up watching because her divorced dad had replaced love with getting her all the cable movie channels you could hope for back when that was still a big deal.

  So I followed them. I was distracted by the sight of my wife’s ass as she made her way through the crowd, but then again who wouldn’t be distracted by an ass like that? There were a lot of perfect asses in the world, but my wife happened to have one of them and I loved it.

  She turned to glance at me a few times as she made her way through the crowd. She hit me with the kind of smile that said she was enjoying the shit out of this. I grinned right back at her. I was enjoying the shit out of it too, to be honest, and my cock was rock hard.

  I wasn’t sure why my cock was reacting like that. I was’t sure why I was getting so hot and bothered thinking about my wife getting naughty with another man. I just knew that it was happening and I fucking loved it.

  Not to mention the thought of a fat record contract at the end of this was also getting me hot and bothered in a completely different way. I wasn’t sure if it was wrong or oh so right that I was willing to basically throw my wife to the wolves, metaphorically speaking, to get that record contract. I did know that it was something that was happening though.

  Ray Bob led us around to a small entrance where there was a tiny red light that I figured meant the door there was nice and locked. The kind of place a person couldn’t get to if they didn’t have the right key, but of course Ray Bob had the right key because this was his place.

  The door beeped and there was a clicking sound as the door unlocked in front of us. He gestured for us to join him and so I stepped inside.

  “This is the pool house,” he said. “You wouldn’t believe some of the future celebrities who hung out in here once upon a time. A lot of current celebrities too, for that matter.”

  I looked around the place and let out a low whistle. The place was impressive, that was for damn sure. Like we’re talking it was bigger than the apartment I shared with Gina.

  Then again it’s not like that should be all that surprising. We didn’t have much in the way of money to begin with. She was the bread winner and we had enough to keep that roof over our heads and provide the necessaries, but seeing someone who had a pool house that was way bigger than any of the apartments in our complex was humbling.

  “Nice digs,” Gina said, walking over to a couch that was set in a depression in front of a fireplace with a massive television above it. “So what did those future celebrities do to become future celebrities when they were hanging out here?”

  She turned around and arched an eyebrow at Ray Bob, and holy shit did she look like pure sex standing there in that dress and looking amazing as always.

  Ray Bob looked her up and down and swallowed. He seemed to be having a little bit of trouble finding his voice as he looked her up and down.

  I figured that could only be a good thing. If a guy like Ray Bob was having trouble finding his voice while he was looking at my wife, and we’re talking a guy who could literally have any woman he wanted at this party except for maybe the ones who weren’t into dudes, then I figured that meant we were in.

  “Well now that depends,” he said, looking between the two of us. “I have something of a proposal to make for the two of you, but something about the way you came to me first is telling me you know all about what I’m about to ask you.”

  Gina didn’t respond in so many words. No, she simply slinked across the room, still looking like pure sex as she did so, and wrapped her arms around Ray Bob.

  My cock twitched watching her do her thing. She pressed her body against him, and it was probably one of the single most erotic things I think I’d ever seen my wife doing.

  I mean there were a lot of erotic things I’d seen my wife doing over the years, but getting to watch it from this angle was different. There was something about getting to see my love from this point of view that was really doing it for me. My cock strained, and I really wanted to let it out.

  Of course that wasn’t something I was going to do. Not when I still had no clue what was going on here. Not when I still wasn’t at least one hundred percent certain that this was going where I thought it was going.

  I mean I was pretty sure this was going where I thought it was going, but I wasn’t going to whip my dick out and ruin the moment.

  “So here’s what I think’s going on here,” Gina said. “You want to hear it?”

  Ray Bob stared down at her, then slowly nodded. He was clearly under her spell, and he was clearly enjoying the fuck out of having her staring up at him with her arms wrapped around his neck and her body pressed against him.

  I could only imagine what that must feel like for him. I mean I’d felt Gina pressing against me plenty of times. That was sort of what you did when you were husband and wife. But here was this man who couldn’t have been sure the night was going to go this way when it started, and he was staring down at Gina like he couldn’t wait to have the kind of fun I’d been imagining Gina having ever since she first started talking about this in that little alcove.

  “What I think is your image as being family friendly and wanting to make sure the people you sign are good people is bullshit,” Gina said, locking eyes with him.

  I noticed some movement down below. A slight churning of her hips that I wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn’t been staring at her and watching for any sign of movement that told me this was going well.

  He groaned as she started pressing against him. I imagined my wife’s hot pussy pressing against his hard cock, and holy shit was that hot. It was enough that I had to lean against a wall, because I was suddenly going all weak in the knees watching this performance.

  I never in a thousand years would’ve thought I’d see something like this when the day started, but now that it was out in front of me I sure as shit loved it!

  “There you are,” she said. “I feel how hard you are. Do you have any idea how many guys stare at me like you do? How many guys look at me and want to fuck me? How many guys stare at Tommy over there with pure jealousy because they know he gets to fuck me and they don’t?”

  My cock was throbbing at this point. I fucking loved everything she was doing to me, and as she said it she turned to stare at me with the kind of look that said she knew exactly what the fuck she was doing and she loved the ever loving shit out of it.

  Oh fuck she was good. So fucking good. So fucking naughty. And I couldn’t wait to see where this was going, even as I had a pretty fucking good idea of where this was going.

  “Yeah, that’s right,” she said, turning back to Ray Bob. “So you’ve got a lot of money and you seem like you can make things happen for people, but I haven’t heard you tell me one reason why I should be impressed enough to let you fuck me. I’d be breakin a pretty big vow if I did something like that, after all.”

  Ray Bob stared down at her, and it was clear he was surprised by what my wife just said. H
is mouth moved a couple of times as he clearly tried to get something, anything, out.

  “What are you talking about?” he finally asked. “It’s like you just said. I’m the richest guy in this town!”

  “That don’t impress me much,” Gina said.

  Of course it was the way she said it more than anything that was getting me all hot and bothered. She leaned up and sort of pressed the edge of her lips against Ray Bob. He closed his eyes and shivered again as he looked down at her. Oh yeah. He was getting really turned on.

  I also totally noticed how she was quoting a little bit of Shania at him. I would’ve been impressed, but that was the kind of crossover music that everyone knew about. Not that I was one of those snobs who looked down on someone because they didn’t like the same kind of music I did or the same kind of music I played.

  “So what could I offer you that’d make it worth your while to break that vow?”

  “Well first you need to answer a question for me,” Gina said. “And if I don’t like the answer you give me, or if I think you’re trying to lie to me to get in my pants, then you bet your ass this is all over.”

  “Ask whatever you want,” he said. “I promise I’ll answer it as honestly as I can, or I hope to lose everything I have.”

  “Well you’re not going to lose everything you have,” Gina whispered, running her lips along his cheek and down to his neck where she left a trail of kisses. “But you bet your rich ass this is going to end the moment I think you’re trying to pull one over on me.”

  Again he shivered. Again I was so fucking turned on watching her do this. I’d seen her pull the whole seductive routine with me before, of course, but this was the first time that I’d seen it from this angle and I was fucking loving it!

  “So did you really like my husband’s music at the bar?” she asked. “Or were you just cruising the bar and you got a good look at me and decided dangling his biggest dream in front of him would be a good way for you to get at his wife?”

  Ray Bob pulled away and stared at her in astonishment. It was clear that whatever question he’d been expecting, that was pretty low on the list. His mouth worked like he was trying to get something out, then he sighed.

  “Why would I do something like that?” he asked.

  Again she didn’t respond in so many words. No, she just pressed her body against him again. Which was enough to have him groaning in pleasure and his eyes rolling in the back of his head as he got a chance to enjoy the pleasures that were my wife.

  “Yeah, that’s what you stand to get out of it,” she said. “I’m not an idiot. It’s not like you’re the first guy who thought he could dangle something to get me to sleep with him. You are the first guy who tried to dangle something in front of my husband, I’ll give you that, but still.”

  “I don’t ever offer to sign someone I don’t think I can make a star,” he said, his voice suddenly firm. Maybe just a little bit angry, too. Like he was annoyed she would even accuse him of doing something like that.

  “Are you serious?” she asked.

  “Deadly serious,” he said. “I’ve never signed someone who didn’t go on to become a huge star, and part of the reason I’m so good at it is because I make sure I pick someone who’s worth signing at the outset.”

  I licked my lips. We were getting a hell of a lot closer to something that interested me. Basically we were getting closer to the reason we were here at this party in the first place. I’d gotten so distracted by my wife doing her femme fatale routine that I guess it’d slipped my mind, but now that she was doing the contract negotiations right in front of me you bet your ass I was interested in what she had to say!

  “He’s telling the truth Gina,” I said. “He’s never signed anyone who hasn’t become a huge star. That’s part of the reason why it’s such a big deal for him to be interested.”

  Gina looked to me and then back to Ray Bob. Her hand snaked down between his legs and I was treated to the sight of her hand pressing against his cock. His eyes rolled into the back of his head again and het let out a low guttural groan as she pressed into him.

  “Is that so?” she said. “Well I guess if my fella over there is telling me you’re telling the truth then that has to be the truth, doesn’t it?”

  “I swear on my hope to bed you tonight,” Ray Bob said, grinning down at her as her hand moved up and down the length of his cock.

  “I bet that’s a pretty big hope, isn’t it?” she asked.

  “You bet your sexy ass it is,” he replied.

  “And the whole reason you have couples come out here to meet with you is because you also pick guys who can be stars who have sexy wives?” she asked, a touch of mischievous delight coming to her voice as she said it.

  “I don’t know that I’d put it that way,” he said. “I’ve signed plenty of guys who didn’t have hot wives I wanted to fuck, but it certainly is something I’m interested in if the opportunity comes along.”

  “And if the women aren’t interested in what you’re offering?” she asked.

  “Then they still get to sign and I don’t say a damn thing to them ever again,” he said.

  She cocked an eyebrow. Maybe she was thinking about how the power dynamic between this man and the people he was signing meant they might not have as much of a choice in the matter as he thought they did.

  Then again maybe not. He also sounded like he was totally serious about not bothering people too much.

  “Last question,” she said.

  “Shoot,” he said, then turned to me. “You’ve got yourself a real firebrand here, y’know. Can she sing?”

  I laughed, and Gina hit me with a dirty look. She could carry a tune about as well as she could carry an elephant. That never stopped her from singing at the top of her lungs in her car or in the shower, but she was also well aware of my opinion of her singing abilities and it looked like she was hitting me with a daggers look that was telling me to shut the fuck up if I knew what was good for me.

  “He’s the singer in the relationship,” she said. “I’m the one doing the negotiating.”

  “So what was your question darling?” he asked.

  “Are we doing this, or what?”

  Again my cock twitched at her words. She had no idea what she was doing to me acting like this dirty seductress, though from the way she smiled at me as she turned to look in my direction she was enjoying what she was doing to me, at least.



  I’d like to say that I couldn’t believe I was doing this, but who was I kidding? From the moment I got a good look at this Ray Bob dude and figured out what the score was here tonight I knew that I was going to be doing this eventually.

  Assuming I was right about what it is he wanted from us. From the way he was grinning at me as I pressed against him he was totally into this.

  Not that there were many guys who weren’t into the idea of fucking me. It’s just that Tommy was the only one who’d succeeded in following through on the fantasy of fucking me for about five years now, and even before that I’d been going through a bit of a dry spell because I wanted to take some time for myself.

  God his cock was so hard. And it was big, too. I mean it’s not like my husband was a slouch in the cock department. He was big enough to fill me without being so big that he was bruising my cervix every time he went to down. Big dick problems were a real thing and I’d dated at least one guy who had that problem.

  But this Ray Bob guy felt like he was really going to be giving me the business tonight. He felt a little bigger than Tommy, and I couldn’t wait to see what it looked like. I couldn’t wait to feel him pressing deep inside me.

  From the way he was looking at me nd licking his lips as he stared at where our bodies were coming together he couldn’t wait to fill me either.

  Hell, I was on the verge of coming just from feeling his cock grinding against me. Like if I kept going for just another couple of minutes then we’d be going someplace special.
br />   Only I stopped. I was close, but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of pushing me over the edge just yet. It’d be pretty fucking obvious what was going on, and I wasn’t ready for that. Not yet.

  I wanted to enjoy this. To savor it. If I was going to have a night to do the whole indecent proposal thing then I was going to enjoy the fuck out of that night!

  Besides. He’d been good so far. He’d answered all my questions and he hadn’t gotten too impatient or too handsy while he was answering those questions. I figured that meant it was time for a little reward.

  A little reward for him, maybe, but it was going to be a big reward for me! I sank to my knees and I was suddenly glad that this place had some sort of shag carpeting that should’ve looked like a reject from the worst home fashion trends of the ‘70s, but there was something about the way it looked that made it look stylish in here.

  I looked up at him and locked eyes. He stared down at me from underneath his big wide cowboy hat, and his eyes were full of lust.

  “So what do you say?” I asked. “Want me to suck your cock?”

  He licked his lips. Glanced over to Tommy. I wondered if the thought of fucking another man’s wife while that other man watched added a little something to the fantasy for him.

  If that was the case then he was about to have one hell of a night!

  “What do you think baby?” I asked. “Do you want to see your wife down on her knees sucking on another man’s cock?”

  Tommy closed his eyes and let out a little involuntary shiver. It was the kind of shiver that said he was loving the shit out of this. It was the kind of shiver that said he was more than okay with doing exactly what I’d just said.

  “You know it baby,” he said. “You can do whatever you want tonight. This is your night.”


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