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Savage Planet Caveman

Page 6

by Cheyenne Hart

  The wind started to blow and made her cold, even with the cozy furs she had was beneath. That's when she realized that Raxar was sleeping completely uncovered. His naked body was exposed, all the way down to that monster he was carrying around with him. Loraine couldn't see it from where she was, being so close to him. She wanted to look though, even if it was just to distract her from the pain of everything that she'd lost and left behind.

  Julius was a friend and a good one, but there were others that seemed dead now. Her parents were already in their sixties, and a lot of her other relatives were getting old. Even her "kid" brother would have to be … "Wait a second. No …" Loraine had been in shock, or so it seemed since they'd fought off those lizard bastards just in time to watch Julius take his last breath.

  There was no reason not to believe what the display in the escape pod had been telling her. It wasn't designed to trick its owners with inaccurate dates. She knew enough about space to realize that Earth was nowhere near any planets that had breathable atmospheres. The distance that a person would need to travel, it was too much to even speculate without making her head spin.

  One tear pooled over her vision at first, then another over the other eye. She didn't want to blink because doing so would collect the salty moisture and create real tears. Once that happened, there was no stopping the flood of waterworks. The caveman would probably wake up and decide that she couldn't possibly be a star woman, not if she was going to ball her eyes out like a little girl.

  You're all alone, she told herself. Everyone's gone. Your home might not even exist anymore, for all you know. It's time to get used that fact and move the hell on before you start wallowing in self-pity. It would have embarrassed the hell if the macho caveman woke up to find her making a wet patch on his bed with her tears. But if there was one way Loraine knew to get rid of the blues—it was by finding something enjoyable to take her mind off things. The chances of finding a fun club or bar in an alien jungle were non-existence. So, she shimmied up even closer to Raxar and moved her hand below the sleeping fur.

  He groaned as her fingertips stroked his steely muscles. Then, when she looked up at his stern, appealing face again, he had his eyes wide open. "Are you okay?" he asked immediately, without a thought for anything else, as though nothing else in the world concerned him but her safety and happiness. Despite his impressive effort to act like he did not notice her close, warm, naked body pressed right up close to his—Raxar could not hide the stiffness of his cock.

  "Hello," Loraine said as she smiled. It was dark, but the light from the moon cast enough light down for her to see him, and for him to see her, she assumed.

  "I think I know what you are thinking," he said.

  "Oh, what's that?"

  Raxar hesitated. "It is hard for me to say, to you at least. This is confusing."

  Had he always been so careful with his words around her? If Loraine didn't know any better, she would think that he was nervous. "Why is it confusing? Have you been with a woman before? Judging from the way you go around naked, and how you were so disinterested by the open sex in your village, I assumed that you must be getting it on with each other every night."

  "I am not a virgin, no. But you are a star woman."

  Lorain exhaled slowly, tasting the weight of decision as she sighed. "What if I told you that I'm not the person you think? And I'm only even willing to say this, because I trust that you wouldn't do anything to hurt me."

  Raxar nodded, the slight movement still enough to make his ripped upper torso contort in the most subtly delightful ways. It was too much to resist, so she just blurted out the truth as she saw it.

  "I'm not from the stars. Well, I actually am from another world, so I guess technically I did come from the stars." This was not going as she had planned, already.

  "If you're from another world, you are from the stars. You are a star person."

  Loraine huffed. "That's true. I'm not some divine goddess or magic person. Shit, I don't even know what the word is you'd use."

  "These are words I know, but they are more metaphoric than anything to us. We believe in the spirits, of the natural worlds that surround us and occupy this planet and the spirits of our ancestors."

  "And you believe those things are real like you could touch them almost?" Loraine questioned. She knew this must be hitting upon some sensitive subjects for him, and didn't want to say anything overtly blasphemous. Their warm bodies were now creating a great heat where they pressed up against each other. She pulled the sleeping furs so that he was underneath them with her.

  The way Raxar smiled at her when she did this, was nothing short of touching. "I feel that you are trying to explain something, but you're worried about how I might react. You will not say anything to offend me."

  "Really? Well, that's a relief. The thing is," Loraine started, not sure how she could explain herself without accidentally falling into a divide between their cultural understandings. "You see, the thing is, I don't think your spirit walker's 'altar' is contacting the spirits. It's a machine, a scanning machine. It uses steel, wires, computer chips, things made by mortals like you and me, to look inside people's bodies and minds and see what's going on in them."

  "Yes, that's exactly what it does," Raxar said plainly. He seemed confused, as though this was such an obvious observation that Loraine may as well have told him that water was wet. "The spirits of our ancestors do exist in our minds, our memories. We can commune with them as we look inside ourselves for answers. All things we have communed with, their spirits can live inside us too. Magical, spells, these are archaic ideas to me as well."

  Loraine was barely able to believe that this club-wielding caveman from a savage planet, who honestly looked like he'd more at home crushing skulls and living in the dirt, was laying out such a seemingly modern philosophy without batting an eyelid. "So you know that I came from another world just like yours? Well, not just like yours, but a regular place made of dirt and rock, trees and sky."

  "You are from the stars, the sky, another world. I know you can bleed, I am sad to say as I have seen it. But you are divine in every way I understand the word. I will never stop working to make you safe and happy, Loraine of the stars. I am your humble servant."

  "Wow, you don't say."

  "I do say," he confirmed.

  "Do you think you'd be willing to risk a little wrath from your leader?" Loraine traced her hand down his body and over a stomach that was harder than solid oak. She gasped.

  "It would be more than worth it. I'd be willing to fight Thukger, the entire tribe, and more. I know how foolish you must think me, but I can learn to be civilized."

  "What? I never said that. And let's not go fighting anyone just yet, huh? I do appreciate the thought though." Loraine was blushing, hoping that there wasn't enough light to show the deep, red hue her cheeks must have been. Something that she didn't mind Raxar taking note of was how wet her pussy had become since the moment she'd touched his rock-hard chest and stomach. She was hopeful that she wouldn't have to make the first move, especially with a savage man. But the whole "divine star woman" thing had obviously made him hesitant.

  Or had it???

  "Oh, okay," she said as Raxar slipped his arm lower beneath the sleeping fur and made a beeline for her tender area. His fingers were thick, rugged, hard from a life of physical exertion and living off the fat of the land. It took him barely a second to locate her sweetest spot, and he rubbed his finger up and down, so that he did not so much focus on her Loraine's clit, but tease it. She moaned from the physical pleasure, but also with surprise. It was strange that a man from such a savage culture would even know where to look for her most sensual zones.

  Raxar wasn't shy either. Once he realized that Loraine wanted to fuck, he didn't make a ceremony out of holding back. He kissed her on the mouth, showing primitive technique, which was no big shock, but the passion behind his lips and tongue were admirable.

  Kissing him back with eagerness, Loraine moved he
r tongue around his lips and beckoned him to give chase with his own. She wanted to teach him the many different ways that a woman could be kissed on the mouth, but that could take a lot longer than one night. For now, textbook Frenching would be more than okay. Their slight kissing movements worked to mold their lips around each other, into a single gyrating organism. Loraine found it easy to adapt to his technique, and he was intuitive at quickly understanding what she found most enjoyable. After some minutes, they were melded into a kiss that felt well practiced enough to have been shared between long time lovers.

  "What was that?" she said, breaking off the kiss. "Did I just hear something outside?"

  "Are you worried by what Thukger said?"

  "Of course I am. Maybe it was just an empty threat. Would they really punish us for being together like this?"

  Raxar went completely still, his eyes breaking away from Loraine's own. That was more than enough answer for her.

  "They seriously would, wouldn't they?"

  "We do not lie when the truth serves just as well. And a good leader must warn his people before bringing down punishment. Thukger is a great leader, but he also has little knowledge in the true ways of the spirits. Believe me when I say, this must remain a secret between you and I."

  "That will not be a problem. I don't think I'll be chatting with the others your tribe anytime soon." She didn't want to think about all that; this was meant to be about forgetting her troubles and taking some time for pleasure. Loraine moved back in to kiss the giant caveman.

  It was strange, but Raxar tasted like the very spirit of nature. He was earthy, even though he'd never even heard of Loraine's home planet. No, he wasn't dirty or unclean; simply pure and unspoiled by the things of modern society that were so fake and off-putting. Loraine didn't try to put her finger on what made his kiss so inviting and deliciously masculine because that would have meant using up her focus to figure it out. She was much happier just letting her body wash over with waves of tantalizing promise, of what was to come.

  And she could feel herself growing from warm and moist to hot and oh-so-wet between her thighs. The past days—which were in reality closer to a century—had been the most time she'd been naked in a row. However, there had been nothing at all sensual or fun about any of it.

  Now, it was time to make up for all that frustration and trial. "You're the hunkiest guy I've ever seen," she blurted out like a high school girl. "God, did I just say that?" It was hard to regret what she'd said, or anything, with the way that Raxar was making her feel with his fingertips up against the hood of her cunt.

  "How the hell could you know that's where it feels so good?" she whispered in short bursts, already finding it hard to breathe evenly.

  "It's a mystery to me, but we share many similar physical traits. Perhaps the Druazz race was once among the stars as well?"

  Loraine shrugged. She didn't see any point trying to change his mind about that sort of thing, but it was scientifically possible that they shared a common ancestor, she supposed. Reaching down and taking his monstrous cock in her hand, she ached to have it fill her up. But it wasn't time for that yet, not when they hadn't even explored each other's alien bodies properly. She slid down a little in the bed, From there, it was easy to admire and play, so Loraine began to slowly stroke his cock. As she did so, it appeared that he was missing a foreskin, but that couldn't be true. "Wow, your people don't, y'know. You're not circumcised are you?"

  The translation in his mind seemed to line up correctly. "No, I don't know of anyone who does that. It seems odd to take a blade to that area." Raxar shuddered a little. I am completely natural, as I was born.

  "Well then," said Loraine with admiration, "nature had been very kind to you." He did not have the typical hooded section of skin that an au natural man would usually have. Many women found that part to be a turn off; she knew this from talking to many girlfriends throughout the years about their sexual encounters with various guys. The head of his dick was perfectly exposed, and the shaft didn't have any excess skin covering it. But there was something she found a little worrying. Well, worrying wasn't the right word. "You're so fucking big," she said, talking to Raxar's cock more than to him. "It'll be a real challenge to fit you inside of me. She grinned and made a few quick strokes, causing the whole length to tighten and harden. As her hand came up to the tip, she felt it surge into a solid mass and throb as the shaft did.

  Suddenly, is almost shrank away, reduced a tiny bit in girth. It was the damnedest thing! "Shit," she said without thinking. It suddenly went back to normal and even slightly thicker than it had been in the first place. Thankfully, not much, or it would have been completely out of the question for Loraine to get inside her. "You're, throbbing?"

  "That is not usual among your people?" He sounded ashamed, as though he were some lowly animal who had offended a higher being.

  "Oh, no, no, don't be upset. I can only imagine how good that's going to feel. Fucking hell, Raxar, your dick's just like a sex toy I used to have in college. Oh, I sure had a lot of fun with that thing. And it always satisfied me better than any man could."

  "That sounds like a challenge," he replied, the smile coming back to his rugged and manly face.

  Loraine winked at him and started to jerk his cock faster, getting her face really close to inspect the sumptuous nature of its throbbing. She was almost positive that it went faster as she worked it with quicker motions. So, she licked the tip, sliding her tongue around so that it covered the bottom of the head. Hopefully, guys of the Druazz race liked getting attention on that little spot just as much as those of the human race.

  He groaned and shivered with delight, his rock hard body nearly turning to a quivering mass of jelly as his dick was taken inside of her slippery. "Taste me, star woman," he said.

  "Mmm, you taste so good, almost sweet." She ran her mouth over the head, and it was an effort to get her lips to expand around just that. She was only able to take a portion of his length past her lips before the end was pressing up against her uvula. Anymore was sure to make her gag, and Loraine had never gone in for that whole gagging, choking on cock thing that certain other girls had boasted about when they were in high school. It didn't seem like such a big deal, but she wanted to please Raxar so much. Feeling some kind of animalistic urge rising up in her, she pushed herself down and swallowed quite a lot of his shaft.

  Raxar grabbed her by the hair with one hand and clawed at the bed roll with the other. He had so much force in those hands but didn't use it to exert his will over her in the slightest. He simply let her work his cock with her mouth and just teasingly with her throat. The way that his dick throbbed in her mouth almost tickled, but worked like some sort of bizarre massage. Although, it made it very tricky to time things right for any successful deep throating.

  Coming back up to get a breath of air, Loraine gasped and felt quite pleased with herself. "Holy shit, your cock is amazing," she said.

  "I want to taste you for myself now. Will you do me the honor of climbing on top of me."

  "You mean like cowgirl position? Me on top of you?"

  "We do not have cows here, but our women would not herd them." Detecting that was diverting their topic of focus on a tangent, he shook his head. "Sit on my face, Loraine of the stars, of Earth. I want to lack for air from breathing nothing but your raw sexuality, to drown in your womanly juices and love every last second of it. I've never wanted anything more in my entire life, since the very first moment I saw you, and smelled your sweet scent on the air."

  "Damn it, you're a dirty boy, aren't you? But I have to say that I'm completely sold!" She got onto her knees and moved closer to his head. She then lifted her knee up, bringing herself down over his face. The instant her thighs were pressed up against his cheeks, that tongue started lashing, and Loraine was taken away to a beautiful place.

  His arms were underneath her legs, and he reached up to grab her ass, holding onto her the way he must have with a haunch of rare meat. Raxar moan
ed with enjoyment, as though he was the one getting some.

  Loraine couldn't do much to stop herself from groaning louder and louder. The homes in the village weren't close together, and the stone walls would surely block out a lot of noise. But the front was a wooden wall, and she certainly did not want to draw any attention. It took every ounce of her willpower, but Loraine managed to settle into a moan instead of screaming her lungs out—which is exactly what she wanted to do.

  "I'm gonna come," she said. Loraine had to physically catch her screams of pleasure using the palms of both hands. They smelled like Raxar's cock too, which only made her more excited. Her back spasmed and arched, while the rest of her body jerked in convulsions and she finally came hard on his face, her pussy juices saturating him.

  Loraine sat there with eyes wide, mouth open, unable to move or stop blinking and twitching. She rolled off of him and took her place beside him on the bedroll again, completely exposed to the night air now but not caring. Her body had never felt so hot.

  "Will you still want sex?" Raxar asked with a directness that was refreshing.

  Loraine slowly nodded her head, mouth still agape. "I wouldn't miss out on that for anything. How do you want me?" She wanted him to get on top of her and show just how savage he could get. Unfortunately, doing that would probably crush her.

  "Our people favor one way far more than any other. It allows for the best, penetration."

  "Doggy style?"

  Raxar chuckled. "We don't have this 'doggy' here, so I cannot say. Will you show me what you mean?"

  "I would be delighted to," Loraine said, "but really, you have to be gentle in this position." She got up and onto all four. "Is this how the woman goes?"


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