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Savage SEAL’s Virgin: A Submissives’ Secrets Novel

Page 72

by Michelle Love

  As I lead Alex outside, I’m finding myself bursting with energy. It’s unexplainable to me. Am I so excited to start figuring out the problems on the damn spreadsheet? “Here we are, my smancy swimming pool, complete with a waterfall. Wish you could see it.”

  “You stole my word,” she says as I help her sit at the table.

  I pull up a chair close to her so she can see me.

  “I prefer to say I’m borrowing it, if you don’t mind.”

  She smiles and her eyes twinkle.

  “It’s okay you can borrow it. I like the way it sounds coming out of your lips.”

  My lips? She’s thinking about my lips just as I was thinking about her perfect smile and how her lips are perfectly proportioned all on their own with no collagen!

  “We should take a dip in the pool after we have our lunch,” I say and can’t believe I just asked her to do that.

  Her eyes grow wide and she begins to stammer, “I, uh, I don’t have, um a…”

  I hold up my hand, stopping the stammering that she seems to be so good at. “There are lots of bathing suits to choose from in the pool house. No worries, come on, it’ll be fun.”

  She squints at the pool. “Is there a diving board?”

  “Naw, I didn’t want one. I like to jump off the boulders I had brought in.”

  Her eyes light up and she smiles again. “When I was a kid, we’d go to this river every summer. There was a giant rock we’d jump off of. I loved it.”

  “So your answer is yes?”

  “No. This is embarrassing to admit, but I haven’t shaved in a while.”

  Though I don’t really want to know, I ask out of morbid curiosity, “How long has it been?”

  Her narrow shoulders shrug. “Don’t remember. So you see, it’d be better if I didn’t.”

  “The bathroom in the pool house is stocked with everything. You can de-fur yourself before if you’d like.”

  Her hand flies up and slaps my arm. “It’s not that bad you need to use the term, ‘de-fur’, for the love of Pete.”

  “So that’s a yes then?”

  “I’d like to jump off that rock.” She squints out at it. “So yeah, it does sound fun.”

  “Alex, do you have another pair of glasses or contacts maybe?”

  “I have some contacts, but they’re at home.”

  “How about I take you to get them after lunch? While in town, I’ll pick up some beer and I’ll get Hilda to make us a pizza later and you can hang out for the evening. I’ll take you back home tonight.”

  “You don’t have to spend the whole day with me, Max.” She leans back. “I mean you have to have better things to do.”

  “I’d like to be honest with you, Alex. You’re fun and easy to get along with and I’m really enjoying your company. It’s not often I find someone who’s so easy to be around.”

  She makes this half smile, half frown thing with her face and I find it adorable. “That’s nice to hear. To be honest with you, I’ve never been told that before. So the answer is yeah, I’ll hang out with you this evening, Max, it sounds like a lot of fun.”


  A bright red convertible sits in the drive of Max’s house. He took me to get my contacts, and we picked up some beer and apparently he considers me funny and fun to be around.

  With my contacts in, I can see the mansion and it’s awesome.

  “Now that everything’s not a big blur, may I say, this place is beautiful?”

  “Thanks. I like it.” He looks agitated as he parks and looks at me. “That girl who called me earlier when we were in the restaurant is here. That’s her car. She’s quite the bitch so don’t get offended by anything that comes out of her fake mouth. I’ll get rid of her as soon as I can. I’m going to tell her we have to get to work right away, so don’t mention swimming, okay?”

  “So she’s your girlfriend then?”

  He shakes his head. “No, but she isn’t aware of that yet. She doesn’t want the same things I do. I’m going to break it off with her, but I just decided that last night. Today’s not the day to do it, I’ll most likely do it tomorrow.”

  “K,” I say and hop out of the car.

  Max walks around the car and grabs my hand, pulling me along with him. As we enter the house, a shrill noise hurts my ears. “Where’s my Maxi baby?”

  Max rolls his eyes and whispers, “I’m so sorry for what’s about to happen.”

  A tall, thinner than necessary creature comes into view as we enter the large living area. From far away she’s gorgeous, but as we get closer I can see the obvious fake breasts, lips, and cheek implants.

  Max lets my hand go and moves forward as she throws out one of her tentacle like arms and wraps it around him in the most awkward hug I’ve ever seen. Her bony finger extends out at me as she asks, “Who are you?”

  I give her a smile and find myself happy to know Max is dumping her. He can do so much better. “Hi,” I say extending my hand to shake hers. “I’m Alex, I work for Max.”

  She looks at me like I’ve thrown dog feces at her, so I drop my hand to my side as it’s obvious she’ll not be shaking it. The disgust for me infiltrates her voice as she says, “Okay, and what are you?”

  Max takes her by her very bony shoulders and looks her in the eye. “No, Lauren. I can’t allow you to talk to her like that.”

  The woman’s eyes fall on me again. “It’s a girl?”

  I roll my eyes instead of saying some snappy comeback. Max takes care of her though. “She and I need to get to work. It may take us all night to figure out what the mistake is in this spreadsheet.”

  One side of her lips move up as she says from the corner of her mouth, “A math nerd, I knew it. Does it have a girlfriend?”

  My eyebrows raise and I smile at her. “I’m not a lesbian, but thanks for assuming that, I’m flattered.”

  Her attention turns back to Max as she strokes his cheek with a long, red fingernail. “I’ll stop by after the club tonight and slip into your bed, lover.”

  “Not tonight, Lauren. I have to work. I just told you that.”

  Somehow she makes her bottom lip jut out more than it already does, which seems impossible. “Boo, hiss, darlin’ what shall I ever do with myself?”

  Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he begins walking her to the door. “Tomorrow I’ll pick you up for lunch so we can talk, okay?”

  Not watching them as the sight of him touching her makes my skin crawl, I hear her say, “That sounds like fun.”

  He walks her out and I find myself smiling evilly as I’m pretty sure the lunch won’t be fun at all. I wonder if she’ll shed actual tears or manufactured ones when he tells her it’s over.

  The sound of him running up behind me makes me turn around, and he grabs my hand, making me run along with him out to the pool. “I’m sorry you had to deal with her,” he says over his shoulder as he pulls me along. “She’s a horrible person. Why did I ever entertain the thought she might be the right girl for me? Hell, she’s not even pretty, long legs or not.”

  I giggle at his rambling as he pulls up short in front of an ornate wooden door near the pool. He opens the door and gestures for me to go in before him. “Marble floors?” I ask as I admire the gorgeous floor.

  “Of course,” he says, then points to a door off the large room which has a pool table in the middle of it. “Go in there and shave what you need to, then find yourself a bathing suit in one of the drawers. There’s all sizes.” He looks at me. “No big ones though. I only have up to a size three I think.”

  My shoulders slump. “Man! I’m a size five.”

  A short burst of laughter comes out of his mouth. “You may be wearing a size five, but I assure you, you’re not that size. Those clothes you have on are swallowing you. Put on a three and see if all your stuff doesn’t fit in it just fine.”

  “My stuff?”

  He pats my butt and pushes me towards the door. “You know what I mean, scoot.”

  I rummage
through the drawers and all he has in them are bikinis. I never wear them because my body is so abnormally long and drawn out. My legs are long, my arms are long, even my torso is long. I’m built like a scarecrow. But he’s so excited, almost like a little kid, so I shave and moisturize, and place my boobs in a tiny top and my butt in skimpy bottoms and check to make sure that I had got rid of all the hair I needed to. I’m horrified by what I observe in the mirror, so I grab a towel and wrap it around me.

  As I walk out, I find him changed out of his suit and into a pair of board shorts and lounging in the sun already.

  “Hey!” I call out as I make my way to him and try not to stare at his completely gorgeous body.

  He has to have chiseled abs, doesn’t he? He’s out of my league in every single way possible.

  “Really?” he asks as he peers over his Ray-Bans at me.


  “You still have your hair in a bun, Alex. No one can have fun while wearing a bun. It rhymes so it’s a fact.” He grabs something off the table next to him and tosses it to me.

  “Put those on, they’re for you.”

  I look down at what I’ve caught and see a pair of Ray-Bans in my hand. “I don’t feel comfortable wearing these, Max. I mean I might break them and I can’t afford to replace them.”

  “Why would you need to replace something I’m giving you? Just put them on, take that stupid bun out and drop the towel so then we can swim.”

  “Bossy much?” I mumble as I pull the pins from my hair, then put the glasses on and place my towel over the chair near me.

  What do I care what he thinks about my scarecrow body anyway? It’s not like he’s interested in me like that, he probably won’t even look at me.


  One second I’m looking at easily the most nerdy-looking girl I’ve ever laid eyes on, but she’s sweet and funny so she’s growing on me. The next glance I take at her makes my mind stop.

  Time stands still as she shakes out her long, wavy, shiny, blonde hair. The towel flies off her stunning body as she puts the sunglasses on and she’s drop dead gorgeous. Not a bit of make-up on and she’s taking my breath away.

  “I wanna take you on my yacht.” The words come out of my mouth without me thinking of them.

  “You have a yacht?” she asks, but I can’t form more words so I just nod.

  She walks to the edge of the pool and I can’t quit looking at her legs. They’re long, lean, tan, and I need to touch them.

  I wonder if I can get her to wrap them around my waist!

  One toe she dips into the water and my eyes move up her long legs to her perfectly rounded ass, and I want to touch it really badly.

  I wonder if she’ll let me do that!

  She turns around and waves at me and her perky, one hundred percent natural, breasts move slightly and I want to bury my face in them.

  You think she’ll let me?

  “Come on,” she shouts.

  I grab the beer sitting next to me and chug it. I need to act cool, not like a horny teenage boy. Finally able to speak I say, “I’m coming, Lexi.”

  Where’d that come from?

  “Lexi?” she asks with a little laugh. “Okay.”

  Okay, she said I can call her that. Good cause she ain’t no Alex. Not anymore. I take her hand as I get to her and lead her around to the boulders. “You first,” I say as I stop at the back of the rocks and gesture for her to walk up the stairs in front of me. She smiles and walks past me. Her ass is a sight to behold and now I completely understand why men started this gentlemanly practice so long ago.

  She turns and looks back at me as I’ve frozen in place at the bottom stair. “Come on, Max! I wanna jump together. It’s more fun when you do it that way.”

  I shake my head to clear it and make the gears move again. As I get to the top, I grab her hand. “Okay, let’s do this,” I say then jump.

  As I push my head up out of the water, her giggle hits my ears like magic bubbles and I must be staring at her without realizing it because she splashes me in the face. “You didn’t even count to three. Everyone knows you have to count to three before you jump.”

  “Come on, baby. Let’s go again and this time I’ll count to three,” I say as I pull her along with me and swim to the side of the pool.

  Pulling myself up on the edge of the pool I reach down to help her out. She takes my hand and I pull her up, finding her light as a feather. “Thanks,” she says as she shivers a little. “Now this time we need to do cannon balls when we jump in.”

  She’s unlike any woman I’ve ever known. Not one of my previous girlfriends would’ve ever done this. I watch her climb the stairs in front of me and she looks back, catching me checking out her bodacious bottom. She shakes her head and laughs. As I get to the top I turn to her, about to make my move since she’s caught me looking anyway.

  Her arms come out to wrap around me. She pushes her palms against my chest and I’m falling backwards into the water. As I come up for air, I catch her coming into the water, holding her knees to her chest and a wave of water washes over me, knocking me back under.

  I swim to the side and pull myself up on the ladder and look around to find her lounging on the Baja bench area of the pool. I swim over and smile. “What was that for?”

  “I saw you, Max.” She pulls the sunglasses down and her eyes are wide. “I know I’ve got a wacky shape, and I hoped you wouldn’t make me feel stupid for wearing this tiny thing my butt’s hanging out of. Obviously you were about to come up with a clever joke so I pushed you in before I had to hear it.”

  I was going to kiss her, and she thinks I was going to make fun of her. Now that’s just really sad.

  As I slide up on the bench next to her I ask, “Why do you think you have a wacky-shaped body, Lexi?”

  Her head tilts, and she says, “Come on, I’m not blind. I’m shaped like some kinda scarecrow with floppy boobs and a lumpy bottom.” Her hand goes to her perfectly flat stomach and runs over it. “And my big gut makes this an all the way round wacky body.”

  What does she see when she looks in the mirror?

  I just stare at her and blink as she’s clearly nuts. Finally, I manage to say, “You should let me take you to my stylist. She can fix what little needs fixed. We can put you in the right-sized clothes then I’ll take you out and you can watch the men fight like wild animals for your attention.”

  With a snort, she laughs and I have to laugh too at the ridiculous sound.

  “Right! Why do people think it’s funny to be so mean? I know I’m unattractive. I get it, okay?”

  “I’m not kidding, I’m being absolutely serious,” I say as I stand up and grab her hand, pulling her up. “That’s it. I’m taking you to her today and I’m going to show you how completely gorgeous you can be.”

  I pull her with me out of the pool as she protests, “You’re crazy, Max. I don’t have the money for that and it’s stupid anyway.”

  “I’m paying and you’re going to see a new you by the end of the day,” I say as I open the door to the pool house and usher her inside. I grab a sundress out of the closet. I can’t allow her to put those awful clothes back on. I kick out a pair of flip flops that look to be her size and turn to her. “Put this on and do not put your hair up in a damn bun. You need this, Lexi. You need to know what you’re missing.”

  “What about the spreadsheet?” she asks as I push her into the bathroom. “We should be working on that.”

  “Tomorrow, I promise we’ll do it tomorrow.”

  “I’ll let you do this, Max. You’ll see, you can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear,” she says and her eyes droop a little at the edges. “I’m a plain Jane with a horrible shape.”

  “You’re wrong, now get dressed.”

  How could such a beautiful girl think so little about herself?


  My eyebrows sting. My feet are in a tub of some kind of water that’s burning them some and a certain amount of heat is building
in my cheeks as my new BFF, Max, argues with his stylist about adding some highlights to my hair. He’s against it and she’s for it.

  I’ve apparently become his project. He thinks he’s magic and can make me into a beautiful woman.

  The stylist looks at me in the long mirror. “I’ll just let her decide.”

  Max makes a sound like a buzzer and shakes his head.

  “She can’t. She has the most terrible taste known to man.”


  The stylist whose name is Cake - I know, striper name - but she said it’s the real name her parents gave her, says, “Max, you’ve embarrassed her.”

  “No, he’s right. Do whatever he says. I want him to do all the deciding so he can’t make me do this again when I’m still plain and clothes don’t fit me right.”

  Cake’s long, elegant hands flow over my face as she says, “Plain? My dear your bone structure is exquisite. Your hair is naturally gorgeous.”

  Max interrupts, “Ha, I told you!”

  She casts a glare at him then turns sweet eyes back to me.

  “As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted; your skin seems to have never seen a blemish.”

  “I’ve never worn make-up and I wash my face twice a day with ivory soap.”

  Cake’s eyes go wide.

  “No make-up ever? Surely when you went to your high school prom you wore some.”

  I laugh. “I didn’t go to the prom or any dance. I never got asked.”

  Cake looks over her shoulder at Max then back at me. She leans in to whisper, “You have had a boyfriend, haven’t you?” I shake my head, and she leans in closer. “Do you still hold your, ‘V’ card?”

  I squint at her because I have no idea what she’s talking about. “A what card?”

  She asks so quietly I barely hear her, “Are you a virgin?”

  My face turns beat red and I stammer, “Uh, umm, I, well, yeah.”


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