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Chart Toppers (Star Maker Book 3)

Page 5

by J. M. Nevins

  They were returning from a week at Kit’s grandmother’s estate in Lake Forest. While he loved connecting with her grandmother, Tilly, a bevy of doubts had erupted in his mind. There were so many unanswered questions about Kit’s past that dwelled in his swirling mind. Some of the statements Tilly made during their visit only served to magnify the issue.

  He knew how Kit worked. If he confronted her directly, she would shut down, but his curiosity was too much to bear. Tilly had mentioned things that Kit had alluded to in the past that didn’t rattle his cage. Items that sounded vaguely familiar that she didn’t want to elaborate, like her mother’s constant urging for her to be a pageant girl and a model.

  But what disturbed him was the surfacing of ex-boyfriends that, according to Tilly, had dramatically shaped Kit into who she was for better and for worse. He learned about the ex that drove her away from music because of creative differences, and Sully suspected that contributed to her hesitation of fully putting herself out there with music.

  He wanted the backstory and knew he could get to that fairly easily if he prompted her in the right way. He felt confident in his strategy there. He knew he could find an in.

  It was the other ex that Tilly mentioned that he knew would be harder to access. And this was no ex-boyfriend who she dated for a while and then parted with. This was supposedly her first love and someone she had planned to marry at one point—a guy named Kirby. Sully never got the chance to learn why they ended their relationship, but the fact that Kit was once engaged and elected to keep that information concealed didn’t make him feel all that great.

  He shook his head recalling the smattering of details Tilly provided, which wasn’t much to go on. He knew that Kirby was best friends with Joe, and they all went high school together. More than ever, he wished Joe was there so he could ask him. Joe was always a straight shooter that had no problem sharing the truth, even if it stung a little.

  The blank page on the notebook in front of him brought a sudden solace. He decided to work through it the best way he knew how, on paper.

  Kit awoke as the jet started its final approach into Santa Monica airport. She glanced over and noticed Sully had disappeared. She stood up and looked at the back of the cabin, noticing him tucked on the sofa, writing away.

  She grinned and started to approach. “Making any headway? Any new songs cooking?”

  He looked up and chuckled. “I dunno yet. Just jotting down some thoughts. Did you sleep well, babe?”

  She leaned forward and kissed him. “Yes. Much needed. As much as I loved seeing my grandmother and your parents, I’m pretty tired. I just hope that wasn’t the last time I’ll see her, y’know? She was pretty frail.”

  He held out his arms to her, and she took a seat with him, falling into his embrace. “I know. She’s a fighter though. Who knows what will happen? Maybe she’ll beat this. I still cannot believe she and my mom are so close.”

  Kit giggled. “Isn’t that great? Your mom is friends with Abigail now too. The three of them hang out all the time. I’m glad she spends so much time with my grandmother. I know she loves the social interaction. Abigail has always been a constant, but she does travel quite a bit with Joe’s dad, and they spend a great deal of time in France too. Your mom is much more consistent, and I think that’s what Nana needs, especially now.” She gazed up into his eyes. “I’m grateful for that. I made sure your mom had known before we left. She’s got that beautiful spirit shining through just like you.”

  He grinned and kissed her. “Thank you. Nana was telling me all kinds of things about you on our walks.”

  Kit stared straight ahead and felt invisible knots in her stomach tightening. “Oh really. Like what?” She swallowed hard, not wanting to know the answer to the question she just posed.

  He was about to start his line of questioning when the jet came to its final stop on the tarmac. Kit wriggled out of his embrace and stood up, looking out the window. “We’re here, babe. Better get a move on. We’re meeting Spence and his new girl of the month for din-din tonight. Shake a tail feather.”

  She made a beeline for her belongings and started collecting them. Sully leisurely followed along, displeased with her avoidance of questioning. As he climbed into the limousine with her, he glanced over, waiting for her to look at him.

  She stared at her beeper reviewing the calls that had come in while they were in flight. When she refused to look at him, he spoke. “Kit.”

  She glanced over. “Hmm?”

  He shook his head. “We were having a conversation. I’d really like to finish it.”

  She grinned and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “I know, babe. And we will… later.”

  He sighed and looked away, shaking his head. He glanced over at her again. “I’m gonna hold you to that.”

  She was dialing a phone number and balanced the phone on her shoulder while she exchanged a look with him. She could see his annoyance. She smiled wide. “I know you will, but for now, can we just let it go, sweetie? Thank you.”

  She started speaking to the person on the line, and he stewed, staring out the window. He despised the times when she dismissed him. Her avoidance made him more determined to find a way to get the answers he wanted.


  Spencer stood up and waved to Kit and Sully as they entered the restaurant. Sully snickered, noticing the beautiful, buxom blonde sitting at the table. He whispered in Kit’s ear. “How old do you think she is?”

  Kit rolled her eyes. “I don’t know if I want to know. Clearly a trophy for Spence to have on his arm.” She approached her brother and gave him a hug before they took their seats.

  Sully did the same and made a comment that made Spencer smile from ear to ear. Kit shook her head in disgust and kindly introduced herself to Spencer’s date, Donna.

  The attentive waiter promptly took their drink order, and as Sully opened the menu, Kit went in for the kill. She locked eyes with Spencer. “So, where are we? I need to know the latest.”

  Sully shot her a look. “Kit, we haven’t even ordered yet.”

  She looked at him. “Ok. Then order something for us. You know what I like, and I trust your judgment.” She grinned. He exchanged an annoyed glance with Spencer.

  “Kit, can we just ease into this?” Spencer attempted to back her off. “Jeez, you’ve been back for what, ten minutes or something crazy like that? Let’s talk about Nana. I do want to know how she is and no, I’m not trying to deflect the conversation. We can get to business later. That’s why we’re here. We have this table all night if we want it. So, talk.”

  She paused for a moment and then pushed her chair back. “I’ll be back. I just realized I need to make a call.”

  As she left the table, Spencer leaned forward and looked at Sully. “What is up with her?”

  He sighed and shook his head. “She’s bummed we had to come back. And she’s worried about Nana. You know how she is, man. When something’s bugging her, she’ll dive right into work. That’s her coping mechanism.” Sully gave Donna a compassionate look, knowing the whole scene was probably making her feel awkward. He grinned. “So, tell me about you, Donna.”

  She smiled as a giggle escaped in awe of Sully’s supernova presence. She then launched into the nutshell version of her life story with him and Spencer as her captive audience. As she was finishing up, Kit took her seat at the table.

  Sully grinned at Donna. “Thanks for sharing that.”

  Kit forced a grin. “Sorry, I missed it. Had a fire to put out.” She looked at Spencer. “So, we were talking about KMK.”

  He rolled his eyes. “No, we were not. We were going to talk about your visit to see Nana. I want to know how she is.”

  Kit sat back, defeated she was unable to deflect the conversation effectively. She sighed and shook her head. “She’s putting on a front, but she’s not doing well. I think the clock is ticking down.”

  Spencer looked saddened, and Kit noticed Donna gently put her hand on top of his fo
r support. He met Kit’s eyes. “In other words, I need to get my ass on a plane and get out there.”

  She nodded. “She misses you, Spence. She hasn’t seen you in a few months. You’ve been much better about your visits than me. I hated leaving. I did. Yes, make the effort.”

  Sully interjected. “She’s certainly fighting the good fight, but it is best if you get out there as soon as you can.”

  Kit sipped her drink and nodded. “I’ll run KMK while you’re out unless you come up with a more effective strategy.”

  He stared at her. “Ok, so here we are back to KMK. I guess there isn’t much more I should know about Nan except that I need to get my ass out there?” Sully and Kit nodded in unison. He nodded. “Ok, done. I’ll book my flight tonight.”

  Satisfied, Kit nodded. “Good. Now, can we please talk about my company?”

  Spencer raised his eyebrows. “Your company?” He snorted “Oh, that’s choice. Try our company, Kit. Sully, Wes, you and me. We’re the ones that have the lion share invested. Back the fuck down.”

  She met eyes with Sully looking for empathy, but he shook his head slowly, not giving her what she wanted. She shifted her gaze to Spencer. “Ok. Sorry. Our company.”

  Before Kit could continue, the maître’d approached the table and nodded. “I’m so sorry to interrupt. Ms. McKenna, there is a call for you.”

  She grinned politely and stood up. “Ok, thank you.” She glanced at everyone around the table. “I’ll be back.”

  Donna forced a grin. “I’m going to step out for a smoke, guys. I’ll be back.”

  As she left the table, Sully leaned forward. “Ok, so I need you to be straight with me.”

  Spencer nodded. “Sure, just as long as you tell me what the hell is up with my sister? Why is she so bitchy today? Were you two fighting earlier?”

  He shook his head. “No, but she’s been on edge. There was something bugging her when we were there and now that we’re back, she feels bad leaving Nana. I get that, but I don’t understand why she’s so on edge.”

  Spencer sat back and thought about it for a second. He nodded. “I get it. It’s the first time she’s been in Lake Forest for an extended period. Probably brought up some old memories that she doesn’t like much. You didn’t see Dad, did you?”

  Sully chuckled. “Hell no! We hung out with Abigail and Étienne on more than one occasion, but we didn’t go near your dad’s house. Kit ran into some girl named Julie. Said they went to high school together. She wasn’t too thrilled about it.”

  Spencer let out a long sigh. “I don’t remember Julie, but I know Kit didn’t like her life in Lake Forest. That’s why she was so desperate to get the hell out for college. I remember she ran away when I was like ten or eleven once. Probably lots of memories that are bittersweet, Sull.”

  He stared intently. “Ok, wait. Let me see if I can fill this in. Let me give you a name and see if you know anything.”

  Spencer nodded. “Ok.”

  “Kirby Nelson.” He sipped his drink and awaited Spencer’s reaction.

  He stared for a moment, frozen, realizing Kit had never told Sully about Kirby or else he wouldn’t be asking. He knew he needed to back out of this one gracefully or have hell to pay from Kit. He also knew he couldn’t lie to his brother in law. He sighed. “What about Kirby Nelson?”

  Sully’s eyes widened. “You know who this guy is? Tell me. I know I’ll have a hell of a time getting this out of your sister.”

  He surveyed Sully closely. “How did you hear about him in the first place?”

  Sully was losing his patience. “Nana. She mentioned that Kirby was your sister’s first love and something about an impending marriage way back when?”

  “You mean engagement.” Spencer grimaced and immediately gulped his drink knowing he had already said too much.

  Sully leaned forward. “Kit was engaged to this Kirby guy? How old was she? Like seventeen or something crazy like that?”

  He closed his eyes and sighed. “Sull, if you know what’s good for you, stop your line of questioning. If Kit wants to tell you the nature of everything that transpired, she will.” He finally opened his eyes and met Sully’s. “This is in her past and the past is the past. She chose you, man. She married you, and I know she’s totally in love with you so stop being so paranoid.”

  Kit resumed her seat at the table and looked at both of them. “Who’s paranoid?” She looked at Sully. “Are you paranoid? Why?” She reached for his hand and squeezed. “Don’t worry, babe, we’ll make this new album bigger and better than ever.” She smiled.

  He chuckled and exchanged a look of discretion with Spencer, deciding this was the best angle to take to keep Kit from knowing the details of their conversation. He nodded. “Thanks, baby. You’re right.”

  Spencer chuckled and looked at Kit. “Ok, let’s get down to it. Bombard me with questions about KMK. Go.”

  She smiled wide, finally happy she was getting her way. “How are we doing? Noticed I said, we?” She exchanged looks with both Spencer and Sully. “I’m sorry about the ‘my company’ thing earlier. Bad habit I need to break. Probably why Dante hated me enough to create this mess in the first place.”

  Spencer grinned. “No worries, sis. KMK is doing well. We’re ahead of our revenue projections for the year. The team is cranking with a high run rate. Sean Finley is one bad ass. We may need to consider promoting that guy in the new year. He’s brought in a ton of business, and he is one hell of a director. Would make a great COO. He’s been my right-hand man. Well, he and Danny.”

  Kit exchanged a look with Sully and the shifted her gaze back to Spencer. “I’m glad they’re doing well, but we want them on the road with our tours. If we promote one or both of them, we need to have a contingency plan in place to back them when they’re out of the office on a world tour.”

  Spencer chuckled. “Already working on that. One step ahead of you.” He pointed to Sully. “And this guy here has brought in a few million on his own. He’s our top biz dev producer. No one can touch him.”

  Kit’s eyes widened as she looked at Sully. He grinned and snickered, shaking his head as he looked at Spencer. “I thought we were keeping that one off the table. Apparently not.”

  Spencer laughed. “Couldn’t help it, man. You’re the biggest revenue generator in the company. We’ve had five bands sign because you reached out to them, and we’ve acquired eight artists for renegotiation. You have one hell of a pitch that people want to buy into.” Spencer looked at Kit. “And I may add that he is quite the negotiator. When Sean, Danny and I got a hold of what Sully had put together as deals on his own, we were pretty impressed.”

  She giggled and hugged Sully tightly, giving him a long kiss on the lips. “I knew it! Always been a closet business tycoon! You’re a suit in rocker’s clothing!”

  Sully laughed loudly and shook his head as Donna returned to the table. He glanced at Kit and shook his head. “Hardly. I’m an apprentice in training. I’ve learned what I know from you, Spence and Wes.”

  Spencer took a sip of his drink and chuckled. “Well, you’re a damn quick study for sure.” He grinned. “Not too surprised. Seems anything you put your mind to turns into money.”

  Sully snickered and shook his head. “Not always.” He exchanged a knowing glance with Kit. “Just ask your sister, here. She remembers the lean days all too well.”

  She grinned. “I do, but I agree with Spence. Always knew you had it in you.” She shifted her attention to Spencer. “Ok, so revenues are up. That’s good. Do you want me to step in while you’re out visiting Nana or do you think Sean and Danny are up to it?”

  He shrugged his shoulders. “They’re good. Although, I think you should pop by now that you have some extra time on your hands. What’s going on with Diamond?”

  She sighed. “I’m not sure. Hopefully I’ll know something soon. Right now, my focus is on GT and the new album.”

  Spencer nodded sensing Kit’s situation with Diamond influx was not
sitting well with her. “Ok. So, are we done with business? Can we get to social hour?”

  She chuckled and raised her drink. “Yes. Let’s.”

  The conversation and general sentiment of the table turned fun and jovial in a matter of minutes. When the evening finally concluded, Kit and Sully waved to Spencer and his date as they headed off in his car. She glanced over at Sully as the valet pulled up in his red Ferrari.

  She whispered breathlessly into his ear. “Hearing about you bringing all that business into KMK got me a little riled up.”

  He snickered and glanced over at her. “Oh really? Wanna show me how much when we get home?”

  She leaned in and kissed his neck slowly. “Uh-huh. I think it’s well deserving of at least a strip tease.”

  He laughed evilly as they started walking toward his car that sat idling. “So glad that valet was quick.”

  They got into the car and sped off toward their home in the hills.

  A week had passed slowly, and Kit was feeling increasingly apprehensive since she still had no feedback from Diamond on her new post or duties. The band was in the beginning stages of writing for the new album. She thought now was as good a time as any to address some questions that Sully had presented earlier in the week spurred from their visit to her hometown.

  He plopped down next to her on the sofa where she was reading a magazine—something she rarely could slow down enough to do. “Ok, so you said you wanted to talk.”

  She nodded and glanced over at him. “Yes. You had some questions for me. I’m willing to answer them. I have a feeling this has to do with music. You were talking to Nana and probably conspiring, right?”

  He chuckled. “You know her well, don’t you? Yes, I did learn some information and it lined up with what I’ve always believed.”

  She was uninterested now. She turned her attention back to the magazine. “Which is?”

  He grinned and gently guided her face to his. “You could be an amazing multi-platinum songwriter and producer.” He stroked her cheek and gazed into her eyes. He could see the fear instantly come alive in her emerald eyes at his declaration. “Baby, why are you resisting this so much? Just go with it.”


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