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Chart Toppers (Star Maker Book 3)

Page 27

by J. M. Nevins

  Kit chuckled. “Both. You’re spot on. My body clock is still in Londontown and hasn’t been very kind to me in the last twenty-four hours.”

  “You left London early?”


  “Where are you now?”


  “Isn’t it like…” Kit heard her cover the phone and ask Wes what time it was in Rio de Janeiro. Getting the answer she wanted, she continued. “Two in the morning?”

  Kit giggled. “That was smooth. Is Wes your personal world clock?”

  She joined in the giggles. “Why yes he is. He knows most of them by heart because of the markets. That’s the sole reason I married him.”

  Kit smiled, feeling a sense of comfort in trivial banter with her best friend. “Yes, clearly.”

  She giggled again. “Ok, night owl. Let’s talk. Is Sully late from a show? Shouldn’t he be dwelling in the room by now? Or is he passed out already?”

  Kit let out a long sigh. “He’s in London, Lex. I’m here in Rio by myself.”

  She paused for a moment and chose her words carefully. “Ok. Did you go ahead for professional reasons—getting things squared away, so they have a soft landing when they arrive? Aren’t they due in Rio soon?”

  “Yeah. Tomorrow night. They have a show the day after tomorrow, but I’m not here for professional reasons. I’m here because I needed a day to myself on another continent away from my husband.”

  Alexa let out a long sigh. “Oh no. What happened now?”

  She shook her head and closed her eyes. “Can I just ask you a question? And please be completely truthful with me.”

  “Of course. What?”

  She took a sip of her water and posed the question, boldly. “Have you ever suspected Wes of having a fling on the side? Or has he ever?”

  “Excuse me?” Alexa’s inquiry was shrill, and Kit held the receiver from her ear before resuming.

  “Lex, just answer the damned question.”

  She dropped her voice level to a loud whisper. “Have you heard something? Oh my God, this my worst nightmare. I’ll kill him! What have you heard?”

  Kit rolled her eyes. “For goodness sake Alexa, I haven’t heard shit. I’m just asking, if during the course of your marriage, there have been concerns; that’s all.”

  Her tone shifted immediately. “No. Never. Wes is pretty predictable and a horrible liar. If anything were going on, I’d know pretty quickly. He’s not very mysterious, and he keeps nothing from me. The only thing I’m not privy to are his professional dealings with clients, understandably. Why are you asking me this?”

  Kit rubbed her eyes. “What if he had an indiscretion, Lex? What would you do?”

  She sighed. “I’m not sure. Now that we have kids, things are different. If it was one indiscretion that meant nothing and not an affair, I think I’d disregard it. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t give him hell for it and make him feel like shit for doing it, but I’d have to learn to forgive him and move our relationship forward. We want our babies to grow up in a happy home, and that would be my motivation.” She paused for a moment and approached her next question with complete compassion. “Kitty, did you find something out about your husband that you want to share with me?”

  Kit burst into tears. “A groupie, Lex. A fucking groupie and there may be more than one. And on top of all of that, I can’t stop thinking about Kirby and the band is not getting along. Sully is out of control on those steroids for his vocals. I’m about to lose it.”

  There was a long pause on the line, and Kit wondered if Alexa was still there. Before she could inquire, she received a response. “Honey, how do you know this? Did you catch him?”

  She sniffled. “No. I got it out of Sean. Long story. This is a recent thing. When I wouldn’t come back out on the road, he started partying harder and opened up to groupies again. It’s a slap in the face, Lex. I feel like a complete idiot.”

  Alexa sighed. “I’m so sorry to hear this, babe, but please don’t feel like an idiot. You are not the idiot, here. He is. And I swear to God when he sets foot in this country again, I’m going to chop his dick off!”

  “Lex, no. Stay out of it. I should have known better. I had doubts on my wedding day. Remember that?”

  “Yeah. And Max and I pushed you to do it. Kind of wish we wouldn’t have. Dammit, Kit. I bought into it just as much as you. I’m really disappointed in him. I’ll have a talk with him and…”

  Kit immediately interjected. “No. Don’t. I’m going to brush this under the rug for now. It’s not going to be addressed. There’s enough shit we’re dealing with between the band and his voice right now. I’m hoping that’s what drove him to it since I wasn’t out on the road. He was feeling very lonely. He told me that on more than one occasion.”

  “That’s no fucking excuse for him to cheat on his wife, Kit. Give me a break. Don’t go back down this road, hon. You did this with Darren, this whole unworthy thing…”

  Kit’s tone shifted to venom. “Do not ever say that name again.”

  She let out a long sigh. “Ok, ok. I’m sorry. I know that was a horrible time in your life, but I don’t want to see you go down that slippery slope again. You are an amazing woman, and you deserve a guy to be loyal to you and keep his damned word.”

  Kit sniffled. “I had that guy once upon a time and then I got together with Sully and thought he’d fit the bill regardless of my doubts.”

  “Baby, I’m so sorry you’re hurting. I can hear it in your voice. Did you want to talk about Kirby? I’m guessing that’s who you were referring to when you said you had the loyal guy once upon a time.”

  She sighed. “Yes. I was referring to him.”

  Alexa held back her tears, remembering Kirby fondly. “Ok. Let’s get something straight here, what you two had together was nothing short of a fairytale, and like I mentioned before, he was an amazing man who loved you dearly.”

  Kit interrupted before she could continue her thought. “Do you think we would have made it? If he wouldn’t have disappeared?”

  “Kitty, he didn’t disappear. He died. Please don’t tell me you’re opening this can of worms again. I thought you were over the conspiracy theory surrounding his death.”

  She sniffled. “I’m not rehashing that. Sometimes it’s just hard for me to believe he’s dead. It’s never felt like that to me. I can’t explain it. When Joe died, it was final. There are times when I feel like his presence is around. I’ve never felt that with Kirby.”

  “Ok. We’re dropping that whole conversation. Let’s get back to where we were. To answer your question, yes, if you two had gotten married as was planned, you two would have made it. No question. He wanted nothing more than take care of you and build a great life for the two of you, with you being the star of the marriage.

  “I never told you this, but when he was getting ready to talk to you about the possibility of getting engaged, he flew into Chicago and took me to dinner to discuss it. He wanted my blessing, and he wanted to make his intentions clear. He did love you, Kitty, very deeply. What you two had was special, and I’m sorry he was taken from us so young. He was such a wonderful, generous, selfless, caring person. He shined a very big light, and you two were a perfect match.”

  Kit was sobbing now, memories flooding her mind again. She shook her head. “Lex, I’m getting sick of taking care of everything. You just hit the nail on the head. I’ve had to run the show constantly. Sully and I aren’t getting along because of it. It’s like he resents me for directing his career, but it’s my job and always has been. So sick of it.”

  “You knew that going into this. It shouldn’t come as a big surprise.”

  “It doesn’t. I’m just tired. I just miss…”

  Alexa sighed. “You miss how Kirby did the heavy lifting. I get it now. You two had a very traditional relationship, Kitty. Wes and I have that kind of arrangement, and I love it, but it’s not for everyone. You and Sully are unconventional. You always have been, and it has been w
orking, for the most part. I love Sully, although I’m not happy with him at the moment, but he has been good to you. I’m not excusing his behavior by any means. I think you need to fight for this, Kit. You guys have been together six years and married for two. I know it’s not going to be easy.”

  She sobbed. “It’s not. I have no idea how I’m even going to sleep in the same bed with him without confronting him. I have to find a way to push this out of my mind and move forward. I needed a little space.”

  “Good, then take it. Work through it. He’ll be ok. He’ll have to be.”

  She sniffled. “I’ll have to be too. You’re right. I have to find a way to reconcile this. I realized something right before I called you.”

  Alexa chuckled. “What?”

  She shook her head, wanting to dismiss the thought that her intuition urged was true. “My body is reacting like it did when I was pregnant before, Lex.”

  Alexa gasped. “What? How far along do you think you are?”

  She swallowed hard. “Honestly, this is a very new development. Sull and I had a really steamy night when I arrived after the Grammy’s. In the last week, I haven’t been able to smoke without wanting to gag and last night after smoking a few cigs and drinking three glasses of scotch on the jet, I threw up profusely.”

  “Oh, Kitty. I think you may be onto something. You can always suck down scotch without getting sick. And you feel like you did when you were pregnant before?”

  The wheels started to spin in Kit’s head. “Yes. I can’t be sure until I get back home and go to the doctor. I certainly can’t find a pregnancy test here in Rio without someone in my camp finding out. I’d rather wait. I’m pretty sure.”

  Alexa sighed. “Well, I know you’ve wanted babies for a while now. Are you happy?”

  She cleared her throat. “I’m numb. I’m not sure how to feel.”

  “Let me rephrase. Pretend the groupie mess never happened.”

  Kit finally grinned. “I’d be ecstatic. I do want a baby; it’s just the timing. Our world is a train wreck right now.”

  Alexa giggled. “A baby never comes at the right time, honey. Let’s just get that straight. And once they come into your world, they won’t acquiesce to your schedule, you bend to meet theirs.”

  She let out a long sigh. “You’re right. Regardless of the circumstances, this baby will be a blessing. Please don’t say a word, ok? Not until I take a test or get confirmation from my doctor or both.”

  “Mum’s the word, honey. But I would love if it were truth. Taylor would have a new playmate. If you were pregnant, you’d probably be due around November, I think. They’d be a little over a year and a half apart. Wouldn’t that be amazing?”

  Kit giggled. “It would. How is baby Tay, by the way, and the lovely Kelse?”

  “They’re doing great. Tay is growing more and more each day. And Kelse is loving preschool. Precocious little thing.”

  “Just like her mom and dad?”

  Alexa laughed. “I guess. You’ll get through this, Kitty. Please do your best to work this out. It’s one groupie. I agree that it’s totally messed up and not fair, but take the high road. Pick yourself up, accept who you married, grow a thicker skin and move forward. You’re going to have to suck this one up unless you want the other alternative.”

  She shook her head and sipped her drink. “No. Separation or divorce is not an option at this point, nor is confrontation. And even more so if I am pregnant. He’s got a hall pass on this one. I won’t even take the time to slap his wrist. Moving on.”

  “Good, baby. Smart move on your part. You’re strong, and you’ll make it through. And know that I’m here for you. I won’t say a word to Wes. I’ll hold this in confidence. I’m hoping it’s a fluke.”

  She swallowed hard. “Me too.”

  “And I’m glad you’re allowing yourself to work through the Kirby stuff. It’s been a long time coming. Have you thought about talking to a therapist to deal with all this repressed grief?”

  She shook her head. “Like I have time to talk to a shrink. I dunno, Lex. I’ll muddle through it. It will be ok, all of it.”

  “Yes, it will be. I’m glad we can talk about him freely. I know you’re dealing with the loss all over again, but one day we’ll be able to honor some really wonderful, fun memories we had with him. He was one of my best friends too, remember. His death was like a cannonball through my heart. He was a good man.”

  Kit grinned. “He was. And you’re right. We should remember the good times. There were plenty of ‘em.”

  She giggled. “He and Joe used to crack my shit up all the time. They were like a walking comedy team. And I wouldn’t have won that national ballroom title in senior year if it weren’t for Kirby. He saved my ass. That guy was like the brother I never had but always wanted. I miss him too, Kitty.”

  She sighed. “I’ve taken enough of your time. Thank you. I know how to proceed now… With extreme caution. I do love Sully, and I just need to focus on all the good in our relationship and be grateful for it.”

  “Bingo! You’ve got it. And I’m here whenever you need me. Even if it’s in the middle of the night, which it is for you right now. Keep me posted, ok sweetie? I love you. You’ll get through this.”

  “Thanks, Lex. I love you too. Talk soon.” She hung up the phone and let out a long sigh.


  Giselle and Bryan sat at the back of the plane, holding hands, talking close, smiling at each other and giggling. Sully walked onto the plane and noticed them. He took a seat and stared out the window. Their flight attendant came down the aisle and took a headcount.

  Moments later, the door closed and the engines fired up. Once the plane was in the air, Sully glanced around the cabin, quick to notice Kit’s absence. He had to find out what was going on. If anyone knew where she was, it was Giselle. He made his way to the back of the plane where she and Bryan were still canoodling. “Hey, G.”

  She looked up at him and grinned. “Hey, Sull.”

  He stared at her blankly. “Where is Kit?”

  “She’s in Rio. She went ahead yesterday to get everything prepared for the band and meet with some local press.”

  His frowned. “She didn’t say anything to me about going to Rio a day ahead.”

  Giselle nodded. “That’s because it was a last-minute decision. She left yesterday afternoon. Didn’t she call when she got there?”

  He shook his head and turned around to head back to his seat, making a detour at the bar to make a stiff drink. He knew he was partially to blame for Kit’s abrupt departure to Rio. Although a part of him was still angry about their conversation, he figured it best to take advantage of the long flight. He hoped he could make headway on a resolution or at the very least, gain the ability to see things from her perspective.

  He took his seat across the table from Jimmy, who pushed a deck of cards to him. Sully looked at him, picked up a card and put it on his forehead. They both started laughing, and moments later they were playing a drinking game with the deck of cards. His idea of thinking things through on the plane suddenly evaporated as quickly as the jet fuel.

  Sully woke up groggy and hungover when the plane touched down in Rio de Janeiro. He groaned and then chuckled when he noticed Jimmy waking up in the same state. They exchanged a look and laughed again, giving each other a fist bump across the table.

  Jimmy stood up and grimaced. “Fuck, I feel like shit.”

  Sully chuckled. “So do I, but it was well worth it, buddy.” He smiled.

  Jimmy nodded and smiled back at him. “Yeah, it was.”

  Sully frowned when he peered out the window and noticed the army of limousines that all donned a Brazilian governmental seal on the doors. Police escorts awaited them as they debarked.

  He looked over at Giselle. “What is all this?”

  She looked relieved. “Brazil is a third world country, Sully-cakes. And Rio is tough. There are more bad areas than good. Lots of favelas, honey. Trust me, you ne
ed this kind of protection. Those are armored limos. We’ve got police escorts, secret service, and bodyguards everywhere we go. We’ll be safe. No one will get shot.”

  Jimmy’s eyes widened. “Shot?”

  She grinned. “Relax, guys. We’ll be fine. My family has pulled some strings. We’ve got governmental backing during our time here.” Giselle started confidently down the stairs.

  Bryan chased after her. “How did you swing that?”

  She stopped and turned around to look at him while the band stood behind in a bottleneck getting off the plane. She grinned sheepishly. “My father is a government official in this country.”

  Their mouths all dropped open at the same time. A huge smile appeared on Bryan’s face. He turned around to look at them. “Isn’t she great?”

  Sully chuckled. “Wow! Did you know that, Bry?”

  He laughed and shook his head. “No. I have a feeling Brazil is going to be fun.”

  Sully walked into his hotel suite instantly on guard and looking for Kit. He realized her things weren’t there and was confused. He promptly picked up the phone and dialed Giselle’s room. “Where is she? Is she staying in the same hotel as us?”

  “Yep. Let me see. She’s in suite 1408. I don’t think you can catch her right now. She’s doing follow up press with London. She’s on a call. Sull, do not get crazy. Do not go up there. You know how she hates to be disturbed during interviews or conference calls.”

  He didn’t let Giselle finish. He hung up the phone and headed to suite 1408. He noticed the ‘do not disturb’ sign and blatantly ignored it. He started pounding on the door. He kept pounding at regular intervals until she swung the door open.

  Her ear was fixed to the receiver that balanced on her shoulder as she tried to keep the door open with her foot using her other hand to hold the base of the phone. Her eyes glowed with a mixture of frustration and annoyance.

  He pushed past the door and stormed into her suite. She looked at him and shook her head as she continued talking in a pleasant tone, keeping the person on the other end of the line oblivious to her complete disdain for the situation unfolding in front of her. She knew there was no getting rid of Sully, so she let him stew and pace in her room while she calmly sat down and finished out the call.


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