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Guardian Domination

Page 5

by Breanna Hayse

  “Mark has a point, Kiddo,” Jace said.

  “When are you going to realize I’m eighteen? There is nothing my ‘peers’ have to offer me. I swear, you send me to school and I’ll be back home the same day. And I don’t care if it’s with a police escort!” I promised, threatening him with a repeat of the last incident of expulsion.

  Jace raised an eyebrow, his eyes taking on that familiar, dangerous glint. Without moving, he appeared to grow taller. “Was that a threat, young lady?”

  “No, that was a promise!” I answered and met his eye without wavering. He was going to see that I was serious.

  “Really, now?” His voice turned to that low, cold tone that always meant the chopping block for me. “I am giving you one chance to rephrase your comment and adjust the attitude. I don’t like it.”

  “Well, I don’t like you!” I yelled, suddenly running out of the room. “I hate you!”

  Jace looked at Mark, who had suddenly broken into hysterics. He gave him a punch to his shoulder. “I don’t see what’s so funny. I’m going to blister her.”

  Mark wiped his eyes with one hand and rubbed at his shoulder with the other. “You should’ve seen the look on your face, J. She managed to change the subject and totally threw you off guard. She also managed to cut class short. You do know this is typical, normal behavior for her age group, right? It’s probably the first time she has felt comfortable enough to honestly challenge you. That means she really trusts you. Get it? It’s a good thing.”

  Jace looked at his friend like he’d grown another head, saying nothing. Mark continued, flexing his arm, “J, you can really pack a punch. It’s Child Psychology 101. Listen to me. She knows you aren’t going to send her away. This time, she informed you that she wasn’t planning on leaving. “

  “Stop whining about the arm, you’ll get over it,” Jace grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest, thinking. “She doesn’t think she’ll get away with the tantrum, does she?”

  “Nah, she’s too smart for that. In fact, she’ll be expecting you to go after her, reassure her and then spank the living daylights out of her to drive your point home. She’s acting totally normal. Probably for the first time in her life. Trust me, it’s all good.”

  “Not for her bottom, it isn’t!” Jace added. “Do you think we should let her have a vacation?”

  “You know, we have that recording session in New York in three weeks. How about if we take her with us? We can get one of my friends to watch the puppies.”

  “I don’t know…”

  “It’s only for three days. It’ll be fun. She can stay with my folks while we’re out.”

  “I’ll think about it. I just don’t want her free to terrorize the East Coast like our own version of Godzilla…” Jace said grimly, but then silenced as he fell into deep thought for a moment. “Alright, she can go. You tell her later,” he cracked his knuckles. “Right now it’s time to find my wayward ward and put an end to the temper tantrum.”

  Mark grinned, shuffling some paper. “Have fun.”

  Jace reached over to knuckle Mark on the head. “Thanks, Bro. You know more about kids than I do. I really appreciate the advice.”

  “Ow! Then stop beating me up!” Mark rubbed his head.

  Jace cracked his knuckles again and left the office with an evil grin.

  I hid in the dog house, fuming. The puppies covered me with happy kisses and promptly exposed my hiding place. Jace leaned over to look inside. “You are really in the dog house, Young Lady,” he said. “Figuratively and literally. Get out.”

  “I don’t wanna.” I suddenly felt like I was five.

  Jace’s stern face didn’t soften. “You know the consequences for disobeying me. You are already in enough trouble for your tantrum. You have until three. One—Two—Thr…”

  “I’m coming!” I yelled, squeezing myself out the little door.

  Jace sighed, hugging me before taking my hand to lead me back to the house. “Why do you do these things? You know I’m not going to ignore this behavior.”

  “'Cuz I’m stupid.” I shrugged.

  Jace stopped and turned me to look at him. “No, that’s one thing you aren’t. In fact, you’re too smart for your own good. Now, out with it,” he ordered, escorting me to my room. “Why the fit? I’m not going to send you away nor do I feel that you’re ready to leave my sight yet. I’m a bit over-protective, Darling. You know that.”

  “Mark wants to get rid of me. He’s tired of me,” I pouted.

  “Come on, Celeste, you can’t fool me,” Jace said, sitting me on the bed and pulling out my vanity chair to look at me. “Do you really think you are going to find sympathy from me for that tantrum?”

  Oh, I was hoping to! I shook my head. “No, of course not.”

  “Then I want an explanation. Now,” he leaned back, crossing his arms. The truth be told, I didn’t have one. I was just being a brat. “I’m waiting, and I’m not hearing anything,” Jace reminded.

  “I don’t hate you. I finally feel safe and I’m scared to go out in the real world and screw up again. I’m happy here and don’t want to leave,” I mumbled my confession, holding my breath and waiting to be teased.

  “Really? You’re happy? Even though we spank you?” he sounded amused.

  I blushed, looking down, avoiding the knowing look in his beautiful blue eyes.

  Leaning forward, he lifted my chin to look at him. “Because you know that we love you enough to take the time for you? Because, no matter what, we will stop what we are doing because guiding and focusing you in the proper direction is more important than anything? Because you also know that neither of us will ever let you suffer what you have in the past? And finally because, once your punishment is over, it’s really over and all is forgiven? Is this why you’re happy?”

  Jace pulled me into his arms, holding me close and kissing my cheek as tears slowly dripped down. He reached over to my dressing table and picked up my plastic hairbrush. “Come on, let’s get this over with. I need to show you how much I love you. Then you will go down and apologize to Mark for being so bratty. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry,” I mumbled.

  “I know you are,” Jace replied, placing me in that all-too-familiar position over his lap.

  I didn’t fight him this time as he pushed my sundress up and pulled my panties down to my knees. I held my breath and whimpered when the first stroke of the brush found its soft target. I admit, it was not the worse spanking I’ve even gotten. The brush found my bottom at least fifteen times and was followed by his rock-hard hand.

  When he finished, he stood me in front of him and wiped my face with a tissue. “Here, blow your nose. Now give me a kiss and go see Mark.”

  I threw my arms around his neck, and told him that I loved him. The embrace felt so warm and genuine that I didn’t want to let go. In fact, I found myself longing to press my lips into his and wanting to feel his hands on my body. Without realizing it, Jace was awakening a passion inside of me that I didn’t know how to control.

  Once I regained some composure, I ventured downstairs to find Mark who was on the deck, toasting in the sunshine. “Mark? I’m sorry I was so mean,” I said in a small voice.

  Mark shaded his eyes to look at me. “You okay? Wanna talk?” he asked with concern, pointing to a hard redwood deck chair.

  I opted for the cushioned lounge. “I suppose I need to test my boundaries with you guys. I know you don’t want to send me away. You have a pretty good gig going here,” I added.

  Mark grimaced. “Will you ever stop trying to be a smart ass? Yes, I do, and I am really happy doing it. To be honest, I have the amazing opportunity to teach anything I need to without restriction by an institution. It’s a real challenge and when you do well, that means I’m also doing well. It’s very satisfying.”

  “Is that why you became a teacher?”

  “One reason. Another is because I sucked as a student. Always trying to get out of assignments, skipping cl
ass, talking back. Like someone else I know and love.” He handed me his water bottle.

  “Oh,” I said quietly. “So does this mean I still don’t get a vacation?”

  “No, you don’t get a vacation,” he said patiently. “But we are taking you to New York with us in July.”

  “Really?! Thank you! I LOVE you!” I ran to hug him.

  “Of course you do, you got your way,” he said, hugging me back. “Now, a serious question. How’s your bottom?”

  “Hot and sore,” I admitted, blushing. Would I never get used to this? These guys were so flippant about it.

  Mark nodded, slipping his sunglasses back on and lounging back in the sun. “Good, maybe you’ll think twice before getting mouthy again.”

  “Yeah, right…” I muttered.

  He peeked at me from under his glasses. “You said something?”

  I shook my head, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and scrambled away. New York? That was gonna be fun!

  Chapter Five

  New York, New York

  “Will you please calm down? Jace’s gonna get pissed,” Mark whispered, putting his lips close to my ear as we walked through the airport terminal at LAX.

  I couldn’t help being so excited. Not only was I getting to go to New York, but I was also going to get to hang out with my guys the entire time. Jace came back from checking the luggage and led us towards the waiting area.

  Jace eyeballed me with disapproval. “Did you give her caffeine or something this morning?” he asked Mark.

  “Nope, I already warned her to chill. Don’t worry, she’ll settle down soon. This is the first big trip for her.”

  Jace took a deep breath, his patience already worn thin. “She'd better. I can’t stand fidgety kids on planes. Celeste, get over here.”

  I quickly obeyed, looking up at him sweetly with the biggest blue puppy-dog eyes that I could draw up.

  He softened a bit. “Will you please try to relax? You know I don’t like attention, and you are way too loud. And it’s way too early.”

  “And she’s way too cute,” Mark added.

  “Yes, Sir.” I swung my arms up around Jace’s neck and hugged him, kissing his chin. “Thank you both again for taking me.”

  Jace smiled and hugged me back, not seeing Mark leaving in hysterics again. It didn’t take much to set him off, especially when he witnessed my infamous weasel moves. He returned several minutes later, once again calm and serious.

  “Where’d you go?” Jace asked, looking around suspiciously for evidence that his friend was hitting on girls at the coffee bar. Mark was a notorious flirt, sometimes even landing in hot water when he would set up blind dates for Jace. Mark was thirty, with dark hair, brown eyes, tall and slender. He was cute with a mischievous, irresistible smile that could win him a million bucks, and generally had a laid back, easy going, deep-south disposition. Mark was also very social and boisterous, and loved being the life of the party and the center of attention.

  Because he frequently tried to be the voice of reason, I often teased him about being the “mother” I never had. It astonished me how the two men could be such close friends since they were so incredibly opposite. Jace was not necessarily uptight, but definitely more serious and focused; quiet and fairly shy around strangers. He would rather stay home and watch movies than go out and party, and he never, ever liked to draw attention to himself.

  “I had to get out of here before she piled it on any deeper,” Mark snickered, catching my eye. “J, she’s got you so wrapped around her little finger.”

  Jace frowned. He NEVER liked hearing things like that—true or not—and punched Mark in the arm with his knuckles.

  I giggled, watching Mark rub the area and wondering if the two of them were going to start wrestling in the middle of the terminal like they did at home.

  “I have no idea what you are talking about. Do you have your ticket?” he asked me, irritated with Mark’s playfulness. I nodded, and then stuck my tongue out at Mark from behind Jace’s back. Mark returned the gesture and then smiled innocently when Jace looked at him.

  “Cut it out, you two. I hate flying and you aren’t making this any easier. Mark, try to act like a mature, responsible adult. Just for a few hours, please,” Jace grumbled, leading the way. Mark ignored his request and smashed me against the wall as we raced down the ramp, grinning as Jace turned to investigate the obnoxious ruckus behind him. He scowled at his friend, who merely shrugged.

  “Can you at least try to act your age?” Jace grumbled, plopping in the lounger that he had reserved for himself.

  Mark shoved me into my seat on the aisle, ordered me to buckle in, and then turned to respond.

  Jace had already fallen asleep.

  “How does he do that?” Mark whispered, climbing over me. I didn’t respond as I filled out Jace’s meal and drink request card for Shrimp and Lobster grill and an Amaretto. I slipped it to the attendant along with mine, making sure I wasn’t noticed as I slid the little bottle from Jace’s table into my carry bag.

  Jace woke once during the flight to eat, then went back for his extended nap. Mark, tired of reading and not interested in the movie, also slept.

  Bored and not interested in occupying myself with either reading or video games, I rose from my seat to nose around. The liquor cart sat unattended in the cabin so I quickly slipped three bottles into my jacket's pocket before casually continuing to roam around the cabin. Fooling only the idiot section of my beady little brain, I convinced myself that I would never get caught as the bottles were transferred to my carryon. Still bored, I snuggled against Mark’s arm and took a nap.

  A waiting limo swiftly took us to the Plaza Hotel across from Central Park. I wrinkled my nose, not in the least bit impressed and viewed it as worn and ugly with an odd, musty smell misted with heavy perfume. The boys, lacking any sense, thought it was wonderful.

  We were escorted to the 12th floor, with Mark letting out a familiar whistle as we entered the suite. “I’ll say this much, J. You sure know how to travel. You sure it’s okay I stay here tonight?”

  Jace grunted, pointing at me. “You think I want to be responsible for that all by myself?”

  THAT earned him a pout.

  “Hmm, got the message. Besides, I’ll be taking the runt to stay with my folks during recording tomorrow and will probably stay the night there.”

  “Hey, I thought I was hanging with you guys the whole trip,” I protested. My pouting increased when I was informed that I was not permitted to go to the studio because I was under twenty-one.

  Jace ignored me as he went into the master bedroom and checked out the TV while Mark headed into the living room and did the same. I was left to my own devices, which included stewing over their plans to leave me alone or with strangers like I was some stupid, irresponsible little child.

  After our luggage was delivered and dinner was ordered, Jace informed me that he and Mark were going to check out the equipment delivery to the gig. Ignoring my pouting once again, he planted a quick kiss to the cheek and told me not to leave the hotel while they were gone.

  Fuming once again at being treated so poorly, I pulled the little bottles of liquor from my carry-on bag, unscrewed the top of the vodka and took a deep swig. After choking on the nasty, burning taste, I added the orange juice I found in the refrigerator, and quickly finished off that and the other two bottles. I had never had the opportunity to drink hard liquor before and enjoyed the wonderful, numb warmth traveling through my body and the sense of being absolutely invincible.

  The effects of the alcohol grew stronger as I left our room to venture down the hall and explore the hotel. People and places became blurry as I roamed about and several people inquired about my health as they led me to the big lobby and sat me in the overstuffed, oversized chair. With a purr, I closed my eyes and promptly fell asleep.

  “Excuse me, young woman,” a man with a strong British accent asked, “are you a guest here?”

  “Yeah,” I open
ed one eye to glare at him. How dare he awaken me? Where were people’s manners nowadays?

  He frowned, beckoning to another man in a suit. “This child seems to be inebriated. Do you know to whom she belongs?”

  “I belong to Master Jordon,” I giggled uncontrollably.

  “Please call her father…”

  “He’s my guardian and he’s out doing more important things than being with me,” I remarked crankily. “Lemme go back to sleep.”

  “Girard, would you please escort our guest to her suite and make certain she remains there until her guardian returns?”

  With some coaxing, I reluctantly rose to follow the butler, grabbing his arm as the room started spinning. He carefully steadied me, tsking all the way up.

  I groaned, grabbing my head. What was wrong with me? The boys would never leave me alone after this. I felt anger rising in me. This was THEIR fault. They should have taken me with them!

  When Jace and Mark returned, I was sitting on the couch with a washcloth over my eyes and groaning loudly. The butler stood respectfully, explained the situation and his instructions, and left quickly as Jace’s eyes grew dark and menacing. Mark stood over me with his hands on his hips, waiting for Jace to join him.

  “Don’t look at me so loudly,” I begged. The spinning had finally stopped and just left me feeling exhausted.

  “Where did you get the alcohol, young lady?” Jace asked. I squinted at him, not about to add another transgression for lying to the list of crimes committed against Jace’s sensibilities. Spilling forth the truth, including the information that there was another unopened bottle in my bag, I prayed my honesty would earn some leniency.

  Mark looked sick. “J, this is my fault. I had a Jack and soda earlier. I shouldn’t…”

  “Cut the shit, you know it’s not your fault,” Jace snapped. “She stole the liquor with the intent to drink it once we left. I can’t believe you would be so foolish. You are way too smart for this,” he directed towards me. I looked shamefully at the floor.


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