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Guardian Domination

Page 14

by Breanna Hayse

  “Whatcha got in mind, Jace?”

  “I will let Cara tell you. It was her suggestion.” Jace handed the phone back to my poor friend.

  “Umm, Daddy, I was wondering if, well, maybe if you would let Jace punish me. This way I can stay,” she gulped visibly.

  “Punish you? And what would that consist of?”

  “Um, well…” Her face was beet red as humiliation set in. “He could, well, um, he could spank me. Like he does to Celeste.”

  “He could what?! Let me talk to him. Jace, what’s this?”

  “She wants a spanking, Charlie. A good, old fashioned spanking.”

  “Really? I thought she was too old for that now. You still spank Celeste? Isn’t she nineteen now?”

  “Celeste would have found herself bare-bottomed over my knee with an added dose of the hairbrush in this circumstance. I don’t put up with this type of behavior for a moment and my girl knows it. And she knows I will continue to spank that bare bottom as long as I feel she needs it. I don’t care how old she is. “

  I hung my head as Cara’s eyes widened as she discovered the embarrassing fact that Jace exposed my bottom for view when I was punished.

  “You go ahead and do what you think is best and please let me know how it goes,” Mr. Monroe said. “And tell my daughter that if it happens again, I will also blister that back-end.”

  “Shall do, Charlie. Sorry about having to bother you.”

  “Nah, I appreciate the call. Give me a holler later when you get the chance, okay?”

  Jace looked at Cara after hanging up. “Are you sure you want to do this? I can get you on the next flight out.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Cara nodded, eyes downcast. “But, do you have to, well…”

  “Oh, yes, Ma’am. Those panties will be down and you will be across my knee. You will also taste the hairbrush. I want to make sure you know you were punished and also that the slate is clean,” Jace said, his voice very, very firm.

  He sent Cara up to her room and asked me to retrieve the brush from his dresser drawer. Silently, I ascended the stairs with my friend and she followed me into Jace’s room while I picked up that nasty, menacing wooden hairbrush. We returned to her room where she sat down on her bed, nervously wringing her hands on her blouse.

  “I warned you. Be careful what you wish for,” I said sympathetically.

  “Is it gonna hurt that bad?” She was really scared now.

  I nodded honestly. “Yeah, and you are going to want to run like the wind. And he’s way too strong to let you. But, after it’s over, he’ll make it better. He always makes it better. I gotta go before he comes up here. Good luck.” I kissed her cheek and scurried back downstairs where Jace was pacing the floor.

  He finally stopped and looked at me. “Since when have I become the Dom for wayward teenage girls? Please tell me.” He looked upset.

  I patted the couch and wrapped my arm around his, leaning my head against his shoulder.

  “Didn’t you tell me that the need for structure and boundaries doesn’t stop once you turn eighteen?” I asked, kissing his shoulder. “She’s really scared, but she’s also curious. I told you that she has been asking questions since the moment she found out that you spanked me. I don’t think this was her exact plan on finding out what it was like, though,” I chuckled.

  “Hopefully it will discourage her from further curiosity,” Jace sighed. “Do all the girls in my life end up subbys? Is that my doing?”

  “No, I think they are drawn to you because, deep inside, that’s what they are. I mean, that’s how I feel. I’m just discovering how right you were about women with strong personalities needing to have a partner who is just as strong, and even more confident and decisive. I can’t respect an inconsistent or vacillating man, thanks to you and Mark. Not if I really want balance.”

  “You are becoming so wise, my sweet, little submissive,” he praised, touching my lower lip with his thumb. “I hope you’re right. Okay. Would you please stay down here while I take care of this?”

  “Yes, Sir. Jace?”

  “What is it, Baby?”

  “Don’t be too harsh. It’s her first time.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” Jace smiled, kissing my lips briefly. I grabbed his head and pressed his mouth against mine.

  He slowly drew back, touched my cheek with a smile, and turned to leave.

  My heart ached as I clearly heard the event taking place. Her muffled crying… Jace’s low firm tone… the sounds of his hand slapping against bare flesh… her pleas to stop punctuated with promises to be good and never fight again. I heard the crack of the hairbrush and her squawks of pain mingled with more begging, pleading and apologies.

  It was over in less than five minutes of actual punishment, but I was willing to bet that it felt like a lifetime to her.

  The sound of her sobbing and Jace’s gentle cooing traveled to my ears. I knew he was now comforting her and freeing her of guilt, and easily pictured her being held tightly in his strong arms and having her hair tenderly stroked by his heavy hands. I wondered if she felt the same amazement that I did by those hands and arms, a contrast of a tool and a weapon to be both loved and feared. They were capable of giving so much pain, yet able to soothe away any pain or hurt of the body or mind.

  When Jace came down, I asked him how he was. He squeezed my hand. “I’m fine, Baby. This is my gig and you’re my primary sub, so I know you understand it. Did you hear anything?”

  “Almost everything, sorry.”

  He kissed my forehead and walked to the kitchen. I beamed. He truly named me as his primary for the first time! I trotted up to find Cara on her stomach, still crying softly.

  “Hey, how're you doing?” I touched her shoulder.

  “It HURT! It was nothing like I thought it would be. I never want to go through that again,” she began sobbing again.

  I rubbed her back gently, “It’s over and forgotten. Did he hold you?”

  “Yeah, and it made me cry all over again. I-I can’t remember the last time Daddy even held me like that…”

  “Felt good, didn’t it? Safe?”

  “Like nothing in the world could ever hurt me. You’re so lucky, Celeste. I’m embarrassed to admit it, but, well… You know.”

  “It’s worth the pain to have the forgiveness. I do know. Are you ready to come downstairs? Jace’s probably scarfing down all the ice cream.”

  “I don’t want to face him. I’m so embarrassed.”

  “It’s hard the first time, but trust me, he’ll make you comfortable about it. Come on, wash your face and fix your hair. You look like you’ve been hanging upside down.”

  She started laughing, shuddering as she picked up Jace’s hairbrush and placed it far away from her on the bed. She pulled her blond hair into a ponytail and was in a sundress by the time I returned from putting the brush away. I couldn’t resist as I lifted up the back and saw she had no panties on. She slapped my hand and blushed. I laughed, assuring her I had done the same on many, many occasions.

  Jace was his charming self when we came down, presenting us with loaded bowls of ice cream and inviting us outside to watch the sunset. He gently offered Cara the soft-cushioned lounger and kissed her forehead as she gingerly settled onto it. When it was time for bed, I heard them down the hall.

  “Good night, Jace. And thank you. I know it was hard for you to spank me. I deserved it.”

  “You’re welcome. How’s your bottom?”

  “Sore, but happy. I just hope Daddy doesn’t get any ideas. I’d rather be grounded.”

  “Just remember that, okay?”

  When my turn came, his embrace was warm and his scent flooded my nostrils. Jace laid down next to me on the bed, propping his head on his left hand while stroking my long hair with his right. “Am I doing okay, Kid?” he asked.

  I grabbed his hand and kissed his palm, “More than okay. I’m so proud of you.”

  His eyes gleamed with pleasure from my praise.

  “I wi
sh there were more men like you out there. I think there would be less kids like me.”

  “There is nothing wrong with kids like you. I love you, trouble and all. Look how much you’ve grown, my darling girl. I have some major plans for you in the future if you and I chose to continue this path.”

  “I want nothing more. Jace… you know I love you,” I admitted with unashamed boldness. He pulled my lips gently to his, not answering with words. But I knew that he loved me in return.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “You had no business touching my stuff!” Gayle yelled at me after I had borrowed a pair of her earrings to match the blouse I was wearing. I just forgot to put them back. Gayle was funny about things like that, and made it clear that she never liked anyone, not even Mark, messing with her things.

  Usually she and I got along real well, but lately, we had been frequently fighting and, admittedly, it was my fault for instigating. Mark had a strict no-snitch policy, so Gayle couldn’t even go and tell either him or Jace what I’d been up to.

  This time, however, I made a big mistake and got into the shouting match with her when Jace and Mark were home to hear it. We were hollering back and forth when the two of them came in from different rooms.

  “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!” both demanded at once.

  Gayle and I froze as Mark pointed to the Royal Lounge and Jace just stood there, his eyes boring into me. He heard some of the colorful phrases I had used regarding my opinion of Gayle’s attitude.

  “I am waiting for an explanation,” Mark growled.

  “It’s nothing, Darling. I’m sorry we bothered you,” Gayle said quietly.

  Mark put his hands on his hips, glasses in hand. “The racket I heard was not ‘nothing’, so if you want to add lying to this, feel free.”

  Gayle inhaled and reluctantly explained to him what we were fighting about and how things had been very strained between us lately due to my attitude with her.

  I sunk into the couch, feeling both Jace and Mark glare at me.

  “Is this true, Celeste?” Jace asked, very quietly.

  I nodded, arms still crossed, and not about to add lying to my list of infractions, either. Jace called Mark into a corner to talk while Gayle and I faced the floor.

  “Gayle, I’m sorry. I’ve been a brat and really disrespectful. I forget sometimes that you’re not really a sister.”

  “I’m sorry, too. I’m really controlling and freak out on stupid things. And you are my sister. Hugs.”

  We were hugging when the boys returned. Clearing his throat, Mark began to lecture. “First, I’m glad to see you girls have decided to make up. Gayle, you are a mature adult and my wife. I expect you to act as such and that does not include getting into a screaming match with someone seven years your junior. I will deal with your behavior privately.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Gayle said bravely. “I’m sorry I disappointed you.”

  “You will be, I’ll promise you that. Celeste, after conferring with Jace, he suggested that a large part of your transgressions were against Gayle, not us. She will be disciplining you for your behavior.”

  “What?!” both Gayle and I exclaimed.

  Jace spoke. “I am seriously considering administering an additional session with me for, once again, disobeying my orders regarding stealing, respecting adults and your language. Push me, Young Lady, and it will happen. Am I understood?”

  “Jace, please…” Gayle elbowed me. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Gayle, you are to go up to my room and retrieve whatever implement you would like to apply. I’m warning you, if you do not please us regarding the effectiveness of the punishment you deliver, you will start over until we are satisfied. Even if it takes all night.”

  I looked at Jace in horror. What does this man do? Spend all his free times thinking of new methods of torture? He was stone-faced with no expression other than the fire in his eyes.

  My terror increased as Gayle returned, carrying a cane. She knelt before Mark and asked his permission to speak. If I wasn’t so petrified, I’d be fascinated. She asked if she was allowed their opinion regarding the number of strokes to administer, and was quickly told no and that part of the punishment was being responsible for thoroughly teaching the lesson.

  I looked for a ways of escape as she sadly ordered me over the arm of the couch with my panties down, legs straight behind me, and my elbows on the cushions. I remembered when she had once told me that hurtful words can never be taken back and would always be a permanent part of your memory. Remorse for the way I had treated her, and the terrible things I called her, gave me the strength to position myself as instructed. I felt her adjust me and saw Jace walk over to make additional modifications. He then further instructed her how to properly apply the cane and what to look for, treating my punishment as a training exercise.

  OW! The first stroke landed squarely across the middle of my bottom. I hopped up, only to be pushed back down. Jace warned me that if I moved, I could be injured. I burst into tears, disbelieving of how he could allow this. I felt so betrayed as Mark praised the stroke. A second came down, a little lower, and I yelled again, my hands flying back to protect myself. With a sigh, Jace sat in front of me and held my wrists tightly so I couldn’t reach back or jump away.

  I lost count after ten strokes, sobbing and screaming with my wrists gripped tightly in Jace’s hand and my body racked with pain. The strokes continued even after I stopped fighting, and I just wept and lay limply over the couch. When she finally stopped, Gayle threw herself across my back, crying out apologies for her harshness and begging my forgiveness.

  Oddly, enough, I wasn’t angry… at her or the boys. Jace released my wrists, his fingers imprinted in my skin, and kissed my nose before joining Mark to inspect Gayle’s handiwork.

  “Got a little break here. That’s comes from striking the same area. Angle more,” Jace instructed her indifferently.

  “This is a good pattern,” Mark added, tracing the welts with his finger, “You did well.”

  “Thank you sir,” Gayle sniffed. “Was it adequate?”

  “How many strokes did you give?” Jace asked, resting his hand on my quivering bottom. The warmth and familiarity felt soothing and protective.

  “25, sir. Even I can’t take much more than that yet.”

  “I think that will suffice, if Mark agrees.” Mark nodded. “Very well, I expect no repeats of this behavior from either of you. Agreed?”

  “Yes, Jace.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Come with me, Gayle. May I borrow this?” Mark asked Jace, holding the cane. Gayle paled as Jace nodded. “25? Let’s see if we can double that.”

  “No, Mark, please…” Gayle begged as Mark led her out. Jace gently helped me up and wiped my face. Without hesitating, he lifted me into his arms and carried me upstairs to his room to place me face-down on his bed. I gasped as I felt something cold against my bottom. Ever so gently, Jace rubbed a numbing cream over my throbbing bottom and thighs.

  “My poor bottom,” he said compassionately. “Why can’t you learn? Don’t worry. I won’t be punishing you after this, it is more than sufficient.”

  As grateful for those words as I could be, I could only think about how he failed to protect me. I could tell by the sound of Mark’s voice that she had gone overboard, intentionally or not, and this was confirmed by Jace’s actions.

  How could I trust him if he wouldn’t intervene in something like this? Mark, too? I didn’t blame Gayle. She had to protect her own skin and was just trying to obey them. To be a good subby. Fuck that! I was becoming angry.

  “Get your damn hands off me. I don’t want you to ever touch me again,” I snarled, pulling away as much as my screaming body would let me.

  Jace didn’t look surprised. “I’m not going anywhere. I am going to take care of you and that’s that. I know you’re angry. You should be. But not at me, Mark or Gayle. I just hope the things you said to Gayle haven’t seriously h
urt your relationship with her or Mark.”

  I honestly didn’t exactly remember everything I had screamed at her, but none of the insults had been true and were simply mean nasty things to win an argument.

  “How many strokes would you have given me?” I asked, realizing I could not summon up the energy to be angry with him as much as I wanted to be.

  Despite wanting to believe that I had been abandoned and unprotected, Jace was with me the entire time. He had felt everything as he held my wrists, and the bruises from his fingers were not all from my struggling to escape.

  “Not this many,” Jace said, applying another layer of lotion to me. “But close. And never in anger. Is it feeling any better?”

  “It’s getting numb,” I said, my face in his pillow. He pulled the sheet over me and continued to rub my back. “Can I sleep with you tonight?”

  “Yes. You might need me if you have to get up. Please promise me this will never happen again.”

  “I promise.” And I meant it.

  He held me against his chest, singing softly and continued to stroke my hair and back as he planted tender kisses over my eyelids and face. He was warm and smelled so good. I don’t know how, but I managed to fall asleep. I woke during the night, still wrapped tightly in his arms. Before I could say anything, he was awake and tenderly applying more lotion. I excused myself to the bathroom, assuring him I did not require his assistance, and took a peek.

  Trembling, I touched my backend, understanding his concern. My skin looked close to splitting in some areas and the stripes went clear around my hips. My face was puffy and my eyes swollen from crying, and I had a couple of visible bruises on my wrists.

  If I felt this terrible, I could only imagine how Gayle felt after receiving double… and from an experienced disciplinarian. I returned to the bed and shook Jace gently.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, cupping my face and looking at me with tired eyes.

  I shook my head. “I need to check on Gayle. May I?”


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