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Guardian Domination

Page 16

by Breanna Hayse

  Mark was quiet for a moment. “Just be careful. You want people to care about you for who you are, not who you know or what you can give them. You know what real friendship looks like— Jace and me, Cara, Gayle…. Just watch yourself, okay?”

  “Yes, sir. Mark?”

  “What is it, Honey?” He pulled into the driveway, smiling as Gayle trotted over to greet him, surrounded by the puppies.

  “Geometry. I don’t get it.”

  “I’ll come over after dinner and help you. Now get inside so I can give my wife a proper hello,” Mark requested, opening the car door for me before turning to gather Gayle in his arms to hug her tightly then smack her rump.

  Jace came from downstairs, grinning as he smothered me with hugs and kisses. “I missed you so much today! It was way too quiet,” he said, taking my hand and sitting me at the kitchen bar. He pulled out some cherries and a bottle of water for me. “Tell me about your day.”

  I left out no details about the goings on. Jace frowned, sitting across from me. He issued the same warning as Mark, adding, “Don’t let them con you into anything, Baby. I don’t trust people like that.”

  “Jace, you just don’t trust people. Don’t worry, neither do I. I really want to make you proud of me.”

  “I am proud of you. You’ve changed so much, know that?” He looked at me with a soft expression.

  “I’m… Well, I’m really sorry about how I acted this morning,” I said quietly, looking down and feeling ashamed. “I won’t do that again.”

  “Oh, I know you won’t. At least, not about this subject,” Jace laughed, patting my hand and standing. “Why don’t you take a quick dip with the puppies, and get started on your homework. You have practice to do as well.”

  Sighing, I nodded and stood. Jace suddenly hugged me tightly and kissed the top of my head. He muttered, “Love you,” and scurried away, leaving a fluttering inside my stomach that traveled down to my groin. With a sigh, I stripped and dove into the pool.

  Jace’s reaction was unexpected, especially since he had seen me half-naked who-knows-how-many times. He froze in place before he turned his head and ordered me out. I reluctantly obeyed and wrapped a towel around myself.

  “Why are you upset with me?”

  “You are not to go around parading nude where people can see you, young lady. You are smarter than that.”

  “Give me a break, no one can see me up here. Why are you being so uptight?” I really didn’t understand his concern; we were higher than anyone down on the beach could see, and only Mark or Gayle would just walk in.

  “Just go get some clothes on and start your homework.”

  I made a face and started stomping away. Yeah, he saw. He chased me halfway up the stairs before catching me and lifting my towel, he painfully swatted me twice on my wet backside.

  Instead of yelping, I turned to face him, dropping my towel to the floor.

  “Pick that up, Celeste.”

  “No, Jace. If you want to cover me, then do it yourself.”

  His face reddened slightly as his eyes raked over my naked body. He swallowed hard. “Please don’t do this to me. It’s difficult enough…”

  “What’s difficult, Jace? I want you. I’m not exactly hideous and…”

  “No, you are beautiful. And sexy and yes, very appealing. But I have a responsibility towards you that I intend to keep. And to distract from that to satisfy my own needs is wrong and unfair to you.”

  “It’s my choice, Jace. I’m an adult.”

  “What you don’t understand is that I am under obligation to treat you as though you aren’t. How would it look if I took advantage of you in this situation? I can’t risk the court revoking my rights to you. It’s too soon. Please, cover yourself.”

  “I want to go further with you, Jace. Take me to the next level.”

  He picked up the towel and slowly wrapped it around my body. He touched my face with his fingertips, “Not yet, Baby. But soon, I promise. I need to know you are mature enough to handle the responsibility of what you are asking for.”

  With a sigh, I relented, determined to prove to him that I was, indeed, mature enough to pursue training as his submissive.

  Unfortunately, my maturity was challenged when I was accused of passing a ridiculous picture around in class. Jeannie Parker had sketched a very unflattering likeness of Mr. Porter, the history teacher, and printed my initials on the bottom. As it was handed to me, Mr. Porter turned from the blackboard.

  “What is in your hand, Miss Bronston?” he asked. I glanced at it before handing it to him. His face turned every shade of red. “Did you draw this?”

  “No! It was just passed to me from someone.”

  “Are there any students here with the initials CJB?” he looked around, then back at me. I shook my head, hearing giggling behind me. “If you did not draw this, then would you like to suggest who did?” he demanded.

  I had a choice. I could make the assumption and earn the rep as a snitch; or I could pretend I knew nothing. “I have no idea, Mr. Porter.”

  “I have no idea, Mr. Porter,” he mimicked me, waddling his short, round body across to where I sat. He slammed his pointer on my desk and glared into my face.

  That old feeling of rage started to well up… I don’t handle being cornered well.

  “Do you have any ideas, Miss Bronston? Do you think you can just do whatever you want and your brother will ignore it? You think you can just come here and change this fine establishment to whatever you like, don’t you, Miss Bronston?”

  This was one of those moments that an answer to the question was not appropriate. Of course, I ignored that little voice that said to keep quiet. “Actually, I have several ideas. The first is you should seriously get a breath mint. The second is to drop a few pounds so your hairy gut doesn’t hang over for us to look at. The third is you might want to consider retirement since you probably witnessed most of the history you’re teaching.” By then, I was shouting.

  “You can march right over to Mr. Coleman’s office now, young woman! I will not have this conduct in my class!”

  “Fuck you, old man!” I yelled, grabbing my stuff and stomping out.

  I went down to the stables and saddled up my jumper for a run. The wind on my face felt wonderful as she raced across the grounds, and bounded over fences and stacks like they were mere stepping stones.

  On an impulse, I took her onto the road and headed west towards the beach where we trotted quietly along the shoreline and let the fresh air clear my mind and calm my enraged heart. I hung on tightly as her hooves pounded the surf. She flung her neck with the joy of being free, and whinnied happily as she slowed to a canter, then a walk, occasionally splashing up some spray.

  We stayed there long after the sun went down and the tide started changing. I tied her to the post near the entrance so she could drink and sat to listen to the ocean. I knew Jace and Mark would be worried, but I was too angry to care.

  I also knew that I would eventually have to go home and face them. I began to worry, realizing that this school infraction would cost me more than just a serious punishment. Hot tears dripped silently down my face. I felt so lost and didn’t know what to do. I was in too deep.

  “Excuse me, miss. Are you Celeste Bronston?” a gravelly voice asked from behind me. Slowly I turned to the police officer on the stairs and nodded, wiping my eyes as I stood. “You need to come with me please. This horse is stolen property.”

  “I was just riding her, she’s my assigned mare.”

  “The stable master at Fulton reported her missing. We will wait for animal control to come to take her back, and then I will take you home. Your family is worried sick. They reported that you ran away from school.”

  I nodded, blurting out everything that had happened to this total stranger… about the set up and being used as a scapegoat. I then admitted to losing my temper and taking the mare to clear my head.

  “I have a daughter around your age,” the officer said kind
ly, handing me a tissue. “I wouldn’t have been as upset with her if she just came to me right away. Everyone gets provoked, but we choose how far we let the provocation push us. You made some bad choices today, little lady.”

  I could only nod, nuzzling the mare’s muzzle. After animal control came, I silently entered the patrol car and stared blankly out the window. I had committed Jace’s worse nightmare— I ran away. How could I be so selfish? We arrived at the house in fifteen minutes where the office politely walked me to the door. Mark went outside to speak with him while Jace just held me tightly.

  “Are you okay?” Mark asked, assessing me.

  I looked worse for wear—my hair wind-blown, face and clothes filthy and cheeks streaked with tears.

  “Just thirsty. Mark, I’m so sorry. He pushed me to the point of snapping.”

  “You terrified me,” Jace whispered, not letting me go. “I thought I lost you. What would possess you to do such a thing?”

  I tried to explain how the rage just took over and, with that, the need to escape no matter the cost. They listened to every word. I wasn’t trying to weasel or manipulate; I was being totally honest and straightforward with them. Mark touched Jace’s arm.

  “J, this guy is a major problem at the school. She’s not the first student he’s provoked to rage. And she’s right, he’s pissed at me. He called me ‘boy’ and ‘child’ during our staff meeting when I reprimanded him for his methods of discipline. Apparently, he had taken it upon himself to strike the kids with his pointer.”

  “Mark, that thing is made of metal!” I said in horror.

  Jace’s eyes narrowed and he began to bristle.

  “I wrote him up and threatened administrative action if I heard of any more incidents. Now, her backtalk, although provoked, was inappropriate. Celeste, you will have detention for the next week, understand?”

  “But Mark, that means you have to stay to take me home. That’s not fair to you.”

  “No, but you are my responsibility. Well?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “J, you are awfully quiet. What are you thinking?”

  “I’m seriously considering a trip to The Room.”

  My heart stopped. I looked at Mark with pure fear. He was considering Jace’s words, and then with a loud sigh, he nodded. “I understand. I just want you to know that the school won’t be pressing charges for stealing the horse. One advantage of my position,” he said, stroking my hair as he spoke with Jace.

  Jace just stared at me. I could see the struggle in his eyes. It wasn’t that he was concerned about harming me, or even about taking me to The Room; he was trying to decide what was an appropriate lesson for my brain.

  “Celeste, go upstairs, get cleaned up and changed for bed. I want to speak with Mark alone.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said sadly, turning to obey.

  My feet felt heavy as I walked upstairs. I stepped into the hot shower and let it wash away my fear and anger— if only for a couple of minutes.

  “Yeah, J? Whatcha need?” Mark asked, plopping on the couch.

  Jace joined him. “I’m just so grateful she’s okay. I can’t believe how much like me she is. I would have knocked that asshole out, and then walked out forever.”

  “Uh huh, and where would that have gotten you?”

  “Jail,” Jace answered, leaning back with his eyes closed. “I don’t want her thinking it’s okay to run away every time something gets out of hand. I don’t think her intent was to steal, just to escape. She should have come straight to you instead of taking off. That’s what I’m mostly pissed about.”

  “If I hadn’t heard from the kids what had happened, I would have been more worried. We know her well enough to know she would have bolted if she felt trapped. That’s her M.O.”

  “Yes, I know. I need to think for a while. Thanks for being here.”

  “No problem, Buddy. I’m going back to the cottage. Call if you need me, okay?”

  “I’ll be fine. Night.” Jace sat for a while, his eyes closed, thinking. His decision made, he ventured upstairs.

  I heard Jace’s heavy steps coming down the hall to my room. I held my breath, hearing him walk pass my bedroom. Oh shit, he’s heading for the second drawer. My heart pounded loudly in my ears, dreading to see what lay in store for me. Several minutes later, Jace entered my room, carrying in his left hand the large, heavy frat paddle with holes and the razor strap. Part of me was relieved— no cane; but I didn’t like the look in his eye as he sat down next to me on the bed.

  “I don’t know what I need to do to get through to you. Every single time you’ve gotten yourself into something, things would have been easier if you just came to one of us right away. Instead, you handle it yourself, always poorly, and then try to escape. You either run or try to pass the blame. It needs to stop here and now. With your past record, this could have easily landed you in jail and I would have lost you for good. Don’t you get it? You are still on parole for the fire incident— that won’t be lifted until you're 21. Please, tell me, what more can I do to get you to understand that you are on thin ice?”

  “It’s always because I don’t think before I do or say something. I’m really sorry, Jace. I swear I never meant to hurt or scare you.”

  “You need to learn how to respond instead of react. Believe me, I understand. But it crosses the line when you do things like you did today. I was scared to death something terrible had happened to you when Mark came home with the report you had run away.”

  “I know. It was stupid. I could have just ridden on the grounds then gone in to see Mark.”

  “Yes, you could have. Or you could have gone in to see Mark and told him you needed to work off some steam. He would have let you.”

  “I know. You’re right,” I whispered.

  Jace took a deep breath, stood and reached for my hand. Silently, he led me down the stairs and towards the end of the hall. I stopped dead in my tracks, fear taking over.

  Jace’s grip tightened. “You told me you wanted to raise things to the next level. This is your chance. Tonight, you will be treated as a submissive in training. You are not going to run. Instead, you're going to face the consequences of your choices. Come on, don’t make me carry you,” Jace commanded.

  Trembling, my hand still gripped firmly in his, Jace led me into The Room and shut the door loudly behind us. “Take off your clothes. Every piece and don’t dally.”

  I stared, shocked at his hard command. Flushing with embarrassment, I obeyed. He had seen me naked that one other time, yet now, it was so degrading. He pointed to this leather-covered bench that he had moved to the center of the room—both the front and back facing the mirror-covered walls.

  “Over it. Now,” he growled. Without a word, he began to strap me in place; my wrists, around my waist, the back of my thighs and my ankles, checking my circulation carefully and with a degree of care that surprised me, given the situation. The position allowed me to kneel comfortably with my torso and head resting on padding, but I was totally defenseless. And exposed. With my thighs apart, I knew he could see every inch of my pussy and bottom hole, and this fear was confirmed as I glanced up to see everything as it reflected in the mirror. My pale bottom, the restraints, the large paddle in Jace’s hand. He touched it against my shaking backside.

  “Next time you come in here, you will leave your clothes by the door without being told. I expect you to keep your head up and watch what is happening to your bottom for the choices you made. There is no escape for you, so you have to think about this punishment and the reason you are receiving it. I will hold you later, but not while we are in this room. You will receive five strokes with this paddle for taking the horse and twenty-five with the strap for running away. You will then receive a hand spanking- as many as I feel are necessary to drive home this lesson once and for all. Now, ask me to punish you.”

  I couldn’t choke out the words and he shook his head as he weighed the heavy paddle in his hands. Horrified, I watched him lif
t that dreadful instrument and pull his arm back before it crashed heavily across both cheeks and I screamed. His hand brushed over my blanched skin, skinning my exposed pucker. The second stroke cracked a little lower, leaving a burn that made me try desperately to escape. I felt his finger trace down the center of my cheeks and graze my pussy. The third stroke landed on the peak on my bottom and a sob broke from me. With the fourth and fifth strokes across the sit spot, a torrent of tears left a puddle beneath my face. My blurry vision caught a glimpse of bruises forming and Jace’s hand gently running over my flesh.

  I wish I could say his touch was comforting and arousing, but it frightened me. Not knowing what he was going to do, and completely restrained from protecting myself, I understood about the need to completely trust in the Dom.

  When Jace opened a jar of ointment, I began to question my trust.

  “What are you doing?” I cried, unable to see.

  “I am teaching you, Celeste. That paddling was for taking the horse. This,” he fingered my bottom hole, “is to remind you that you belong to me.”

  I gasped as his finger plunged into my bottom; an assault to my person that wasn’t altogether unpleasant as he slowly moved it in and out.

  Slowly, heat began to build. “What is that? Ow! It hurts! Jaaaaaace!”

  “Ginger liniment. Great stuff for these bruises,” he rubbed some ointment on the paddle marks, “but not so much for in here.”

  My eyes widened as the burning grew, now intensified by the growing heat to the scorched flesh of my bottom. I wiggled and squirmed to try to relieve the agonizing pain without success, completely focused on the pain to my bottom hole.

  I was completely unprepared for the sharp sting of the razor strap as it wrapped around my burning, throbbing rump and realized that the ointment magnified the pain and the rapid pace he used prevented me from doing anything other than wail. Being unable to defend myself made this punishment the worst thing I had ever experienced. My poor bottom was a mass of purple and blue blotches, with white splotches amidst the dark red, and compounded by the hot/cold burn of the ginger balm; both on the inside and the outside.


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