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Page 8

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Coming back after a few minutes, Sean saw Ida looking at the copper bar. Setting the tray on the table, he poured black tea for them both and handed her a cup, sitting back in his chair with his own.

  “Sean… about you giving me energy…Will it always feel like that?”

  “No!” Sean said abruptly, almost spitting out his tea. Coughing, he spoke a bit more calmly, “No. The first time or two, it’ll do that until it stabilizes. I don’t know why it’s that way, but it is.”

  “Oh,” Ida said, her cheeks pink. “Thank you. I had been a little worried about causing problems during any big project.”

  “Err, on that general topic… How old are you?”

  Ida’s cheeks went scarlet, her head turning away from his. “That is a very forward question.”

  “Sorry. Sorry, it’s just… I felt a little uncomfortable with what just happened. I mean, if you’re underage and I did that, then I should be taken out and shot, and—”

  “I reached my majority a few months ago,” Ida said, still not looking at him.

  “Right… good… majority…” Sean said.

  “I’m an adult,” Ida said, glancing at him, confused by his uncertainty. The sheer relief on his face made Ida smile. Licking her lips, she pressed for an answer of her own. “Sean, are you an Outsider?”

  Sean’s relief turned to wariness. “Is that a problem?”

  “Not at all, but it would explain the oddness. The way you treat people is far from normal. Your concern and care is… unusual, but I find that I like it.”

  “Well then, we should get along fine,” Sean said. “Now that you’ve had a bit of time to process the energy, how about we see if you can do a little more?”

  Setting her cup down, Ida smiled broadly. “Yes, please.”

  ~ * ~ * ~

  Sean was sitting in the main room when Myna and Fiona came in. Getting to his feet, he went to help them with the bags they carried. “What do you have?” Sean asked as he took a couple of bags from each of them.

  “Groceries,” Fiona said. “Take them into the kitchen, please?”

  The three of them got the bags into the kitchen, where Myna and Fiona got everything put away. Sean got out of the way, watching the two women work. “How was your day?”

  “We have arrangements in place for dairy to be delivered twice a tenday starting tomorrow. The butcher and poultryman have been advised that we’ll be coming by to get meat and eggs from them respectively. Likely tomorrow, since we’re almost out of meat,” Myna told him.

  “Sounds like you’ve had a busy day,” Sean said.

  “We also got Myna’s letter sent off and have started looking for a maid. We need you to go with us tomorrow to see about different clothing. You’ll need fancier clothes eventually, and I found a clothier who can do it for not too terribly much,” Fiona said.

  “We’ll do it after I’m done training Tackett tomorrow,” Sean replied.

  “How did your time with Ida go?” Fiona asked.

  “She’s sleeping at the moment,” Sean said. “She can feel the Talent and got to start the basics of Shaping. I need to arrange for coal so she can teach me some blacksmithing. I also want her to join our combat training. I’d like to move that to right after breakfast or before dinner, so it’s at a set time.”

  “We’ll keep it for right before dinner,” Myna said. “Are we teaching her blades or something different?”

  “I’m thinking hammer. She’ll likely have one or more of them on hand once she’s no longer with us.”

  “Neither of us is skilled in hammers,” Fiona pointed out.

  “True, but I might be, so I’ll be Shaping Dark Cutter to one and using it when we fight. Maybe that will help me understand them better. It also gives me some time, because you’ll have to start with her where you did with Ryann.”

  “Understood,” Myna nodded.

  “Sean, we’d like to take the wooden clips to the general market tomorrow,” Fiona said. “I think I can sell all we have and turn a decent profit. I can do it during the hours you’re teaching Tackett’s son, and bring Ida along. She’s known in the city, so she can be the face of the booth.”

  “Let’s ask her what she thinks,” Sean said. “She might have other ideas that will work.”

  “Very well,” Fiona smiled.

  “I’d like to see about getting Ryann some leathers. To do that, I’ll need to make some more metal clips and get them sold. Take a couple of the copper clips and maybe one bronze to the market... if we can sell them, that will help.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” Fiona nodded.

  “If we’re going to do that, we can make some other items besides just the clips,” Myna suggested. “Some cutlery, maybe a serving knife or two?”

  “A service pitcher and center bowl for a table,” Fiona nodded. “Yes, household items are the way to go.”

  “We can work on that before we do training,” Sean said. “I’ll go grab some copper and bronze.”

  “We’ll be in the main room waiting,” Fiona said, following him out of the kitchen.

  Chapter Eight

  Ida was upset when she walked in on them in the main room Shaping metal into various objects. “If you had told me, I would have come to work as well,” she told Sean.

  “You were napping because we exhausted your energy multiple times,” Sean told her. “As it is, we’re about to go do our weapon exercises and you’ll be joining us. You wouldn’t be able to do that if you were exhausted.”

  Ida bowed her head, frown still in place, “As you say, Sean.”

  “Today is only the first day of your apprenticeship, Ida,” Fiona said softly as she set aside the bronze bowl she had finished. “I know what it is to want to do everything that first day. You’ll have years ahead of you to Shape, so calm yourself. You can’t make a sword in an hour, can you?”

  Ida sighed deeply. “Your point is made, Fiona. I just want to learn and do so much.”

  “I remember that feeling, too,” Myna said. “Master, did you give her access to everything?”

  “Not Ryann’s Talent, but the others, yes,” Sean said. “She’s under Agreement to keep our secrets, so I didn’t see a reason not to.”

  “Fiona, why don’t we show her? Maybe she’ll take your wisdom more to heart once she knows,” Myna suggested.

  “I’m not sure—”

  “She’ll find out sooner or later, Sean,” Fiona cut him off. “As you said, she is sworn. Ida, come here please,” Fiona tapped the space next to her on the small sofa she was on.

  Ida took the seat, her frown replaced by a look of curiosity. Fiona smiled at her and stripped off her left glove, revealing her mithril skin. Gasping, Ida stared at the hand for a long moment. She looked up at Fiona, clearly wanting to ask, but unsure of how to do so politely.

  “I was once called Fiona Treeshaper. I became Fiona Silvershame, and now I’m known as Fiona Mithrilsoul. That is the name my beloved has given me, and it has been engraved on my very soul through our Bond.”

  “Silvershame…” Ida breathed out in a hushed voice. “You were a powerful Shaper of wood before your Shame… You Life Bonded to Sean MacDougal? Why?”

  “Because I love him. Sean helped me out of the pit of self-loathing I wallowed in for years. He helped me find my path again, then went further and led me to a new one. On that path, I found love for him, love that he returned to me.”

  “But… he Shapes metal, not wood,” Ida said after a long moment of silence.

  “We can all Shape both,” Myna replied as she picked up a wooden hair clip, “I made this one.” She tossed it to Ida, who looked it over.

  “Dual Shaping is so rare, but if Fiona gave him access—”

  Fiona laughed. “You misunderstand, Ida. Sean can Shape wood on his own, and he can Shape metal on his own. He is a dual Shaper in his own right. On top of that, he can summon water, and much, much more.”

  Mouth open, Ida’s eyes went to Sean, who was blushing and looking unc
omfortable. “You can do all of that? You never needed to let me apprentice to you.”

  “Possibly not, but I want to learn how smithing works. I kind of overheard how shitty the Shapers in town were being about apprenticing people. I decided I would needle them some and learn how to smith at the same time. The fact that your family has been as accepting of my lovers as they have only made my decision better.”

  “I can see why even Fiona would Life Bond to you,” Ida murmured. “You make Shaping seem so effortless, you’re humble, you care for those around you, and wish to see others flourish. Truly, you are an Outsider, but one that makes me wish there were more like you.”

  “Now,” Fiona said, pulling Ida’s gaze from Sean to her, “listen when we tell you there are reasons for the way we teach you.”

  Nodding her head vigorously, Ida agreed. “Yes, of course, Fiona. I’m sorry for my earlier outburst.”

  “I needed to ask, Ida,” Sean said slowly, “besides the coal, what else do we need to get the smithy up and running? Tongs, hammers, other items?”

  “There are odds and ends already here. Plus, I have my personal tools I brought with me. If we can repair some of the older items, then we’ll only need the coal,” Ida replied.

  “We’re done, Master. Should we go outside and start on our practice?” Myna asked, standing up.

  “Yeah. We want to improve, not get rusty,” Sean said. “Ida, today Myna will be teaching you the basics. Once she’s sure you have what she can drill into you, I’ll teach you how to wield a warhammer, since you’ll likely have hammers at your side all your life. We’ll also teach you other weapons, but unless one of them seems easier for you to use, we’ll keep the hammer as your primary weapon.”

  “I will do as you say. I’ll pour my heart into training,” Ida said, eagerly bouncing to her feet.

  “Go on,” Sean told Myna. “I’ll be out in a moment.”

  “As you wish, Master.”

  As the two left, Sean overheard Ida’s question, “Sean said you’re not just Life Bonded, but also his lover. Why do you call him ‘Master’ in the privacy of your home?”

  “Sean,” Fiona asked, “are you okay?”

  “A little stressed, but getting better,” Sean replied. “I kept waiting for her to react badly to what we’re telling her. I wasn’t expecting her to get excited over it.”

  Going to his side and taking the spot Myna had vacated, Fiona placed her hand on his knee. “I know you have trouble understanding our world. I love you for the way you are, and am scared and glad that you do things the way you do. We could have joined the Shapers and been amongst them, but instead, you chose to have us side with the smiths. I see now that you were right to do so; none of the Shapers would likely have welcomed us as the Bronzeshields have or the Tacketts seem likely to do.”

  “I’m sure I’ll be speaking with the Shapers again tonight. I have a feeling my foot is going to wind up wedged firmly in my mouth.”

  “Just try not to alienate them too much. It’s better to have them friendly than not. Put on your noble mask, if you need to. Know that no matter what comes, we’ll be here beside you, always.”

  Leaning against her, Sean let out a deep breath. “You’re my lifeline. You and Myna are what keeps me going forward. You two knew the right path for us; thank you for showing it to me.”

  “Of course. Is that not what I should do for the man I love?” Fiona asked, kissing his cheek. “Come now, if we wait too long, Myna will wonder if we’ve decided on a different type of exercise for the night.”

  “She’d never begrudge us that,” Sean said even as he got to his feet.

  “No, neither of us would,” Fiona agreed. “Still, what would the young lady think if we dallied too long while Myna tortures her?”

  Sean blushed, “Yeah.”

  Giggling, Fiona took his hand and led them toward the stairs. “You blush so easily. I hope you never change, except for the better.”

  When they reached the backyard, Myna was teaching Ida how to stand while Ryann was off to the side, going over the walkthrough for proper balance while moving.

  “Didn’t expect to see you, Ryann. Has your day been good?” Sean asked.

  “I’ve been able to accomplish a number of things I hoped to,” Ryann said, not looking at him while she focused on what she was doing. “I will go with you tonight.”

  “But today is your day off,” Sean said.

  “I have accomplished as much as I can for today,” Ryann shrugged. “I’d feel better if I was there for you.”

  Fiona’s eyebrow twitched up and she exchanged a quick look with Myna. Myna nodded very slightly, all of which Sean failed to see. “Sean, if she wishes to be the one to protect you, then you should let her,” Fiona said. “It’s her choice if she opts to give up some of the time you have graciously given her off.”

  “Okay,” Sean shrugged. “When I go to the inn tonight, you can come with me as my guard, Ryann.” Looking over to Ida, he raised his voice a little, “Ida, do the Shapers’ apprentices go to the inn after work?”

  “Some of them have done so in the past,” Ida replied, looking at Sean questioningly.

  A second later, Myna’s training wand slapped into Ida’s calf. “Even if distracted, you must not waver.”

  “She’s going to be busy,” Sean chuckled softly. “Guess we should get started.” Pulling Dark Cutter from its sheath, Sean Shaped it into a wooden warhammer, its handle holding the adamantine core.

  “I’ll be your first opponent,” Fiona smiled as she stepped away from him, her staff in her hand. “Are we using Talents?”

  “No. I need to get used to how a hammer works in combat,” Sean said as he faced Fiona.

  “I’ll match winner,” Ryann said, moving to the side to give them more room.

  Sean swung the hammer a few times to get a feel for the weight. It felt off to him, so he Shaped it again, shifting the adamantine core into the head and covering that with wood. Swinging it again, he nodded as the weapon finally felt right.

  “I’ll need to check my swings,” Sean said. “Hard to train without the weapon’s head being heavy.”

  “We’ll heal,” Fiona said simply, bringing her staff up. “Ready?”

  “As ready as I’m likely to be,” Sean said as he brought the hammer up. “I think a shield would complement this, but I’ll go without for now.”

  “Fight,” Ryann called out.

  Fiona darted forward, using her staff more as a spear to jab at him. Parrying some blows and sidestepping others, Sean was aware of the flow of combat. Fiona sprang back, then settled into a defensive position.

  “My turn,” Sean murmured as he slid his leading foot forward.

  Ryann watched them both. Ida got another swat from Myna, who told her to focus on her own balance and not their fight. Sean’s lips twisted into a smirk as he rushed at Fiona. Fiona caught his attack with her staff and pushed it out wide, slapping him across the face as she went past him.

  “Okay,” Sean said, rubbing his jaw. “That makes me way too vulnerable without a shield to back it up.”

  “It seems I’m up,” Ryann said as she stepped forward.

  “Yeah, if she had had a dagger, she would have gotten me easily,” Sean admitted, stepping aside. “This is going to take a bit to get used to.”

  Ryann settled into the stance Myna had drilled into her over the last few days. Fiona nodded as she looked at Ryann carefully, smiling while she moved into a similar stance. A tense moment of silence settled over the pair, each waiting for the other to attack.

  Sean could see Ryann’s legs flex, and the next moment she was closing on Fiona. Fiona brought her staff around, catching the first blade, then the second. Ryann didn’t stop when her attack was defeated, closing inside the reach of the staff and reversing the grip on one of her blades to slash upward toward Fiona’s chest. The attack didn’t land; Fiona pushed off Ryann’s chest with the middle of the staff, using the motion to open distance between them.
  Forced back a step from the shove, Ryann wasn’t able to follow up immediately, allowing Fiona to reset her defensive stance. The two women nodded at each other, again settling into a long moment of sizing each other up.

  “Focus,” Myna snapped, the slap of the correcting wand echoing in the silence. “You’ll never be there if you don’t focus.”

  Ryann’s eyes darted toward Myna and Ida. Fiona pounced on that lapse, moving before Ryann became aware of it. Ryann grimaced as she backpedaled, her blades flashing out to deflect the staff that was getting closer to her with each passing second.


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