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Bear-ly Human (Bear Claw Security Book 4)

Page 13

by Terry Bolryder

  Then he walked over to her, shedding his robe as he approached.

  His nakedness didn’t shock her. She’d seen him that way so many times before. She shed her robe as well. She looked over his body for scratches and was surprised by how little he was hurt from the fight. Bentley hadn’t been some easy pushover. She was a strong bear, but she wouldn’t have been able to take him.

  Hercules had taken him and Adam and made them look like a bunch of wusses.

  She was so proud of him she could barely stand. She walked to him and wrapped her arms around him and just enjoyed the feel of them being together, totally naked. Her human was in love with his human. Her bear only wanted his bear. And this time, there was no reason to keep anything between them.

  She felt wild just at the thought of it. She ran her fingers over his back and jumped when he winced. She ran around and gasped at the angry red stripes there.

  Where Adam had been.

  Hercules scowled. “It’s nothing.”

  She shook her head. “We should wash you off,” she said, trying to head past him into the bathroom. But he caught her around the waist and easily brought her back in against him. Then he hefted her into the air and tossed her onto the bed like she weighed three pounds.

  She blinked up at him.

  “I don’t have to be afraid of hurting you, so I’m not waiting another second to make you mine,” he said, spreading her legs in front of him. She was instantly wet at the thought of it and closed her eyes and leaned into the pillow as his mouth came down at her center.

  “I thought you couldn’t wait a second,” she gasped out.

  “There’s always time for foreplay,” he said, licking deliciously over her. “Besides, this is a part of making you mine.” His hand took the place of his mouth as he kissed his way over her thigh, up along her hip, let his tongue play along the rim of her belly button and then come up to suck on her breast. When he was done there, he moved up to her shoulder, nipping and kissing his way up her neck. Making her his everywhere.

  “You don’t have to kiss everything.” She gasped as he kissed his way over her forehead, down to her mouth, then the back of her neck, setting off little sparks all over her. He came down the other side, kissing her shoulder, her arm down to her fingertips, her side, her belly button again. Leaving nothing unmarked.

  He turned her over in his hands and kissed down her spine, making her arch, alive with his touch.

  Then his hands trailed over her legs, and he kissed his way down to one knee and then one ankle. She was already close to going as he made his way up the other leg, starting back gently kissing her toes.

  By the time he was back up to her wet, aching apex, she was wound tight as a spring, ready to come at any moment, hard.

  He held her hips in his hands as he bent to place a long, passionate kiss over her center, and she broke apart in his arms, burying her hands in his soft hair as she held on for dear life while her orgasm ripped through her.

  She opened her eyes to see him staring at her with heated, satisfied eyes. Lion eyes. She blinked again, and it was the Hercules she’d always known. Her gentle yet ferocious bear.

  It didn’t really matter what he was. She’d take every aspect of him as long as he was inside her.

  She put both hands in his hair and forced him to look up at her. Her whole body was trembling with need for him, her face flushed and sweaty, her skin tingling all over from his attention.

  “I need you now,” she said. “Inside me.”

  He was stunned for a moment, and then a grin spread over his face. He took her hands in his, carefully intertwining their fingers and resting them next to her head, bringing them face to face, him straddling her. His thick thighs encased her.

  “Now I know why you were always so careful with protection,” she said.

  He nodded. “But I know what I am now. I won’t hurt you.” He let out a pent-up breath. “I think I’ve always known that, in my heart. But it’s nice for my brain to catch up.”

  She nodded. “It’s nice.” Then she wriggled against him, because if he put this off any longer, she was going to explode, go all alpha and just do it for him. Tie him to the bed and take him on her own. She grinned. Actually, that sounded like a fun thing to do sometime anyway.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked. “Trouble?”

  She nodded. “Later.” She squeezed her hands around his. “For now, just this.”

  He nodded and gently moved back to spread her legs with his knees. Then her legs were over his, and she was propped up against him with him poised at her entrance.

  In a minute, they’d be together, wholly one with nothing between them for the first time.

  She gasped as he moved toward her, the soft feel of his tip sliding against her before he went all the way in, filling her completely.

  For a moment, they just stared at each other in wonder. As well as they’d always fit before, there was something so much stronger about this. Powerful and cosmic and right. Like they were always meant to be together like this.

  She let out her breath and felt the tension already building inside her. With his girth, just being in her was already stroking the right spots.

  Then, with a tender look, he began to move, and lightning flashed inside her.

  The sensation was so strong, so intense, she could barely breathe. She heard him let out a hoarse gasp and knew it was affecting him as well. It wasn’t just the physical sensation. It was everything it meant to them. Everything they’d wanted for so long. Everything they’d been denied. All of that wrapped up in the feelings that had been held inside for years and years.

  She wrapped her legs around him and urged him in every time he began to pull out. It was a tight, slick fit, but every inch was heaven. Ecstasy. She felt his hands trembling against her, could tell it was moving him closer to the edge just like it was her.

  “I just… Let’s go quickly, together,” she said.

  “I wanted it longer,” he said, stroking again. “This is our mating. I wanted…” He gritted his teeth. “You’re so incredible, Hera.” He paused in his movement. “I love you. You know that?”

  “I know that,” she gasped out. “Of course I do.” She bit down on her lip as more lightning shot through her. She felt her legs clamp down, so close to the edge. She held her breath, trying to keep it back, to wait for him.

  They stayed there, perched on the edge of the precipice, each unwilling to go on without the other.

  “Together, then,” he said, reaching between them to gently tweak her as he slid fully in, bringing them wholly together. Her whole body kicked over, waves of unbelievable pleasure rushing through her, making it hard to do anything but breathe.

  She could feel him above her, hear him gasping out his own release. And beyond that, she could feel the forest. Moonlight. Their animals. And something else. Something special. Maybe it was that part of him they hadn’t known about until now.

  She opened her eyes and looked at him as pleasure continued to fill her and overflow. She saw him looking right back, hair streaming over his shoulders, brown eyes warm and loving. And she reached up and pulled him down flat against her.

  She felt the last of the convulsions between them, heard their heartbeats in sync, quickly beating.

  “You’re mine now,” she said. “Mine.”

  “That’s my line.” He gasped, holding her tight, covering her with his body while keeping most of his weight off of her. She was amazed at his strength. He’d managed to fight off two bears, make incredible love to her, and even now was just worried about letting his weight bother her in any way.

  She pulled him harder onto her, taking more of his weight. “Come on, big guy. I can take it.”

  He shook his head. “No.” He buried his face in her shoulder and placed a kiss there. “And I’d rather do this anyway.” He rolled over and brought her on top of him, trapping her there with both hands.

  He placed a kiss on her lips and then pulled back with
a grin. She’d never seen him so happy.

  “So you won’t regret anything?” she asked.

  He let out a breath. “Are you kidding?” he said. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted. You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”

  “Wait,” she said. “I’ve got something for you.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Something that can’t wait?”

  She flushed. Her body felt so warm and lazy on top of him, but if she didn’t remember the ring now, how would she be able to later? “You’re going to laugh at me…”

  “Never,” he said. “Not unless you’re telling a joke.”

  She bit her lip. “I sort of… bought you a ring.”

  He sat up, letting her fall back onto his lap. “Woman. That’s my job.”

  She giggled. “It didn’t look like you were going to get around to it.”

  He put a hand over his face. “I’ve been such an idiot.” He stared into her eyes. “Though it might interest you to know I did buy one. When we were together before.”

  “You did?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Just a small gold one, in a foreign market. I guess I just had an idealistic moment. I still have it, in a desk at home.”

  She frowned. “So you didn’t bring it.”

  He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I never thought I’d be good enough.”

  She rested her head against his chest. “You were always good enough.”

  “I get that now,” he said. “I’m sorry you have the stubbornest man in the universe.”

  “I’m just glad you fought for us,” she said.

  “I think I would have found you, at some point,” he said, brushing her hair back. “But I’m glad you found me first. I guess I’m lucky to have such a strong woman. But then, I always knew you were strong.”

  She nodded.

  “Strong enough to have tiny Hercules minis running around?”

  She grinned. “Of course. Or tiny Heras.”

  He smiled. “I like the thought of it.” He sighed. “I like the thought of all of it. You. Me. A home.”

  She nodded and lay down next to him, curled into his side. He pulled a sheet over them and looked out of the bedroom window, half covered by curtains.

  His eyes were calm and peaceful, full of hope. It made her smile and relax as she leaned in against him.

  She knew it couldn’t always be happy, warm moments. Even now that he was facing his past, things would sometimes be hard. The ghosts would come out of the darkness.

  But from now on, she’d be here to fight back with him. Most importantly, he’d never be alone.

  They were bonded together forever. As long as they had that, they could get through anything.

  She closed her eyes and fell asleep in his arms.


  “Go out on a mission, come back engaged, is that how it is?” Limes asked, leaning on the windowsill as Hercules faced his friends and business partners with his news.

  Outside, the girls were gathered around Hera and her new ring that Hercules had picked up as soon as they landed back in New York.

  “I guess so,” Hercules said. “When it’s a mission with a woman you love.”

  “Sly dog,” Limes said, running a hand over his shaved head. “Man, you’d almost think this was some kind of matchmaking agency given the rate of matings around here being connected with missions.”

  “Well, how else are we going to meet girls?” Bronson asked. “We’re always working. I guess we just got lucky.”

  Cage shrugged. “I met mine on my own, more or less.”

  Limes rolled his eyes. “That’s because you two were basically born together. Jamie didn’t even want to hire me. If she hadn’t come here, I had a cotton ball’s chance in acid that she’d marry me.”

  Bronson laughed out loud at that and Limes just scowled, seemingly remembering how much his mate had been afraid of him when they first met. Hercules had to admit Limes’s bad attitude, bright green eyes, and love of punk apparel wasn’t much help with the ladies.

  Not that he needed help anymore.

  They could hear the happy squeals of the women congratulating Hera and Hercules smiled, excited for when they could just go back to his place and be alone again.

  “Uh oh, that’s the honeymoon look,” Mark said, from his usual quiet spot in the corner.

  “How goes bodyguard training?” Hercules asked, eager to draw the attention away from himself.

  Mark shrugged. “I’m not ex-military like all of you, so I’m really better suited to numbers, but—”

  “Nonsense,” Bronson scoffed, walking over to throw a hand over his more fastidious twin. “He’s got my size and reflexes. He’ll make some women he has to guard very, very happy.”

  “I don’t intend to mix work and pleasure,” Mark said, adjusting his tie.

  Bronson cocked his head. “Yeah. We’ll see. Women can’t resist a hot bodyguard.”

  Mark cocked his blond head back. “Are you trying to give me a job, or just hoping to set me up? I can’t tell.”

  Bronson rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I don’t know. Both?” He laughed. “All right Hercules, we should let you get back to your mate. How long are you going to want off with her?”

  “We’ll need some time to find a place together and get her stuff moved in. Probably a couple of weeks.”

  “See?” Bronson asked Mark. “Perfect time to move you up. We have an open space for a bodyguard.”

  “And I’m still better at watching numbers than people,” Mark said, sliding a pencil behind his ear and standing up to stretch. “I’m headed out to lunch, so it’s a good time for you to make your escape, Herc.”

  Hercules grinned and gave his friends one-armed hugs. He was just in a good mood, now that he had Hera back on his side.

  Cage and Mark walked out with him while Bronson talked with Limes about business.

  When he walked out into the main greeting area, Hera turned to him with a sparkling smile. Carrie, Cage’s mate, was still holding her hand, which sparkled almost as much.


  “Wow dude, you don’t do anything halfway,” Carrie said, finally releasing Hera’s hand so she could come over to Hercules.

  “I have some friends that did well with investing my army money. Nothing compared to Hera’s family, though,” Hercules said.

  Hera just shrugged. “No comparison. I’d rather have Hercules. Plus, I have my own money from my time in the service, we’re going to live on that while we’re here. Worry about the rest later.”

  “I think that’ll be a good adjustment,” Jamie, Limes’s mate, said.

  “Well, it was nice to meet all of you. I hope to see you again soon,” Hera said.

  Hercules waved at them as well, and then tucked Hera’s arm into his so he could lead her outside.

  “Did you tell them that your family would probably be visiting?”

  Hercules blanched. “You know, I completely forgot.” He looked back at the building. That had been one of the main reasons he’d wanted to talk to the guys, but once he’d gotten on the subject of his engagement to Hera, everything else had slipped his mind.

  “Oh well,” she said, soothing him by running a hand over his arm. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure the first one won’t visit for a few weeks. Should give you time to clear things with Bronson.”

  “I just want to meet them on less personal turf, you know?” he asked, walking her to his Jeep and opening the door for her. He handed her in, closed the door and then walked around to his side.

  “Thanks,” she said. “And yeah, I can see that. Especially since several of them are so intimidating.”

  “Yeah,” Hercules said. “I can’t believe I’m going to be related to them.”

  “Lions are something else when it comes to high profile,” Hera said. “Really helpful that they can hide their shifter status.”

  “Sorry I’m only half lion,” Hercules said.

  Hera snorted. “You aren’t half
anything to me. And if you didn’t have bear in you, I doubt my bear would have given you a second look. Rock star or not.”

  Hercules hadn’t started the car yet, so he leaned over and gave her a kiss, treasuring the soft feel of her mouth and the way her whole body melted toward him.

  “Thank you for being supportive of me meeting my family.”

  “I’m supportive of whatever you want. Thanks for agreeing to go see mine on occasion.”

  “Of course,” he said. “Honestly, you’re my family. Everyone else is just a bonus. You’re the most important thing to me.”

  “And you to me,” she said, leaning in against him. “You’re all the family to me. Not that I don’t love my parents, but…”

  “But we’re a unit now,” he said, looking down at her.

  She nodded, rubbing a hand absentmindedly over her midsection.

  “Hera?” Hercules asked, looking suspicious.

  “Oh no,” she said. “It’d be too early to tell. I was just thinking how nice it will be when we do. Just thinking I’d love a little you.”

  “I’d rather have a little you.”

  She snorted. “Then why don’t you start the car, so we can get in and get working on it.”

  Hercules threw back his head and laughed. “Yes ma’am.”

  Thank you so much for reading Hercules and Hera’s story! This was a special one and I was happy to write it. I hope if you enjoyed it, you’ll leave a review on the page to help others find it! It really helps us authors.

  Make sure you’re on my newsletter at so you can know when the next book in the series is out and hear about any giveaways I do! I love giving back to fans.

  If you missed any other books in the series, you can get them here, still at .99 for a limited time.

  Bear to the Bone (Cage’s story)

  Bear-ly a Hero (Limes’s story)

  Bear to the Rescue (Bronson’s story)

  Do you want to read some more sexy bears while waiting for the next book? Try my Bear Haven series, about three sexy bear brothers who need to find mates to save their family ranch. In a boxed set now for .99 or in KU for a limited time!


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