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Mine Furever

Page 14

by Bolryder, Terry

  “What’s wrong with this?”

  “Not too much,” Grayson said, looking over the beat-up trailer and old camp chairs. “

  Being outdoors is fine and all, but you can’t beat creature comforts sometimes. Besides, I think I recall seeing some listings for some good houses on the other side of the valley not too far from here. Definitely fixer-uppers, though.” He put an arm around April, pulling her close.

  Talking about making plans with her made his heart feel light in his chest. He’d never thought this would be happening, that he would be this fortunate, to have a mate.

  She turned into him, putting her arms around his waist.

  “Well, I think I know of someone who’s really good at fixing things.” There was a grin at the corner of her mouth that showed off a little dimple on her cheek.

  “Really?” He ran his hands up and down her back, loving the curve of it as he spoke. “And what’s this person like who happens to be so good at fixing things?”

  “Stubborn. I don’t think you’d like him. Cocky sometimes, too.” The air felt warmer, as the clouds had dispersed, letting the sun cascade it’s light through the trees around them. “But he has a heart of gold. He’s also excellent in the sack.” She giggled a little at the end.

  “Hm, better than me?” His hands were at her ass now, squeezing her into him possessively. She gasped, and he lifted her off the ground, her legs straddling him as he carried her effortlessly.

  “I don’t know. Maybe you’ll just have to show me.” Her voice was husky, sounding as desperate for him as he was her.

  Grayson growled, burying his mouth at the base of her neck and kissing roughly. She moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding on as he ravished her from ear to shoulder and back again, pulling gently on her tiny lobe with his tongue and teeth.

  “More, Grayson. More.” It was barely audible, a whisper.

  “Yes,” he said between kisses.

  He carried her toward the tent trailer and opened the door with one hand, ducking low so as to not bump their heads on the way in. To his dismay, the area inside was even smaller than it looked from the outside.

  All the more reason he was going to find his mate a real home right after this.

  He laid April on the foldable cot that was barely big enough for two people, praying the thing would support their weight. He knelt slowly over it, and to his surprise, aside from a few creaks and groans, it held up just fine.

  “Ooh, suspenseful,” April joked as the bed finally stopped whining about having two grown adults on it.

  Grayson just chuckled nervously. It better hold, dammit.

  Before he could resume where he left off, though, April looked up at him thoughtfully, mouth half open.

  “So mating, that’s what shifters call marriage? How do we mate?”

  Grayson tried to ignore the jealous rage in him at the memory of how casually the pack had suggested she mate someone other than him. But he would have to forgive them for now, knowing Brett would be doing his best to run things differently. All that mattered was Grayson still had April, which he did.

  “Sort of. It’s also deeper than that. A soul-deep, unbreakable commitment that we just know almost the second we first lay eyes on our mate. At least, I knew, even if it took me some time to come to terms with it.”


  “Like the universe just knows better than we do who is right for us, who will make us happy, and who we, in turn, can make happy.”

  “Fascinating.” She nodded, looking so beautiful, the light of the sun making the green in her eyes brighter than any leaves in the forest.

  “And as for how we mate…” Grayson exclaimed, surprised at the warmth on his cheeks as he tried to explain it in the simplest of terms. “We just have to have unprotected sex.”

  Her gaze lit up in excitement. “Well then, what are you waiting for?”

  “I… I just wanted to make sure. April, will you be my mate?” This was it. She could still say no to him now. And even though, logically, he knew they’d come far enough to know what her answer would be, the slightest possibility she could say no made his chest tighten.

  “Of course I will,” she said eagerly, hands clasping at his flannel shirt and pulling him forward. “Now kiss me like you mean it, you silly wolf.”

  At that, his lips crashed over hers, an answer and a promise at the same time. And when she opened her mouth, bidding him to enter, he slid in with his tongue, slowly entwining his with hers. April’s body pressed into his, fingers still clutching Grayson’s collar as her grip tensed with each flick, each thrust.

  Very soon, she would be his forever.

  But first…

  While he kept their kiss held tightly, his hands went to work undoing the buttons of her shirt, pulling it aside and then reaching behind to unclasp her bra. Just as he ran his tongue along the roof of her mouth, he reached his hands beneath her loosened bra and pressed his thumbs into April’s nipples.

  She moaned against him, the sound muffled but still music to his ears. Their kiss intensified, and as it did, he squeezed her breasts in his hands, letting the roughness of his palms stimulate her and increase the intensity of her experience.

  Then finally, he broke the contact with their mouths, and April gasped in a long breath of air, as though she’d been underwater the entire time and only now had surfaced. But Grayson didn’t let up, shrugging her out of her clothes and pulling off her jeans, leaving her just in her satiny green panties.

  Fuck, she was gorgeous.

  A blush of arousal had crept from her cheeks and was spreading down her body, and he lowered himself to her belly, kissing gently down to her hips.

  “I honestly never thought I’d have sex in a tent trailer. But it’s kind of hot.”

  “Well, maybe Ol’ Bessie can come with us when we move into a proper home. Keep it for fun times.” He finished with a lick of his tongue along the inside of her belly button, making her squirm. When he looked up at April, though, her eyebrows screwed in bewilderment down at him.

  “Ol’ Bessie? Did you just name my trailer?”

  “Well, you didn’t, so I had to.” He knelt back on his heels, looking down at her for a moment.

  “That’s a horrible name for a trailer!” She threw her hands up in mock offense, oblivious to how much she was turning him on with every movement.

  “I think it’s just right.” Grayson put his arms down on the cot on each side of her, lowering himself and surrounding her. As he did, he watched with amusement as April’s eyes darted to the side in arousal.

  “I’m… I’m not ever going to call it that.” Her breath was racing in anticipation, fire in her gaze as she did her best to avoid his.

  “Just be mine, forever, and I’ll be happy.” He was whispering directly into her ear now. The tension in the air was so thick a blade of grass could cut it.

  “Yes,” she uttered.

  Then Grayson’s hand was over her center, stroking over the thin material of her panties and on her clit. Her hips bucked against him, but he kept her trapped with his thighs on her. And as he let his finger caress her in a heated rhythm, his mouth was at her other ear, licking up the soft shell and back down to her lobe.

  But she was already close to coming, hands grasping him desperately to hold off a tsunami of his making. As he pressed her small nub, her entire body jolted with energy, even the slightest friction more than enough to take her all the way.

  Then, with one last kiss at her neck, he held her sex with his entire hand, and April came. The trailer rocked as she screamed out his name in release, and she pulled her body into him, arms and legs everywhere as she flailed desperately.

  All of Grayson’s senses soaked in the experience of his mate’s orgasm. The feel of her soft body against him, trembling from the intensity of the overwhelming sensations going through her. The aroma of forest and pine permeated by his mate’s unique scent that was as familiar to him as his own hand. The taste of
her skin, her lips, still on his mouth.

  April gradually came down from her release, gaze fixed on him eagerly.

  He slid her panties off and lowered himself to the base of the cot, spreading her thighs as he did. Thankfully, the trailer was just big enough for him to be between her legs, and he licked at her clit voraciously as her limbs began to thrash.

  But he took his time, kissing her lightly and alternating using the tip of his tongue, then the entire length of it up her slit. Her hands gripped the side of the trailer and a leg of the cot beneath her, anything to hold on to as he pushed her body to its very limit.

  Grayson looked forward to doing that every day for the rest of their lives together.

  Then with one last, delicious lick, she came again, and Grayson held her close, leaving her nowhere to run but into the storm of wonderful release and satisfaction.

  By the time she was done, he could tell his mate was already starting to tire. Which made sense, given the number of things that had happened today.

  Mate! His wolf demanded insistently, one last time, unable to wait any longer to claim April.

  And from the hungry look in April’s eyes, he wasn’t the only one.

  Grayson shed his clothes, letting them pile on the floor beside him as he crawled on top of her, positioning himself between her legs. Outside the trailer, the forest continued lazily with its afternoon as wildlife hummed around them.

  But inside, Grayson could focus on nothing but his mate. The way the light kissed her face and made her look like an angel. The way her hair fell over the edge of the cot in brunette waves. The way her lips pursed, ready to share the next moment with him.

  Then, with a slow, slick motion, Grayson thrust into April. Her eyes closed, upper teeth biting her lower lip as she braced, then relaxed into heady pleasure. Grayson’s own body, tense from a very long day of ups and downs and incredibly aware of his mate’s pleasure and only further aroused by it, was already poised to come at her command.

  But he was going to wait as long as it took to make April come one more time.

  His rhythm was fiery, metered so that with each withdrawal, he thrust into her a little quicker. April seemed to go wild with pleasure, mewling and moaning louder with each second. Her hands raked up and down his back, settling onto his shoulders, the bite of her nails in his skin an erotic contrast to the tight, wet friction between them.

  The hinges and joints of the trailer groaned from their motion, but it thankfully held steady as Grayson felt his entire body start to go numb, his toes and fingers buzzing and so hot he could barely feel them anymore. April, too, struggled for breath between each thrust, so overwhelmed with pleasure it didn’t look like she’d hold on much longer.

  Then, with one final motion, he sheathed himself completely inside his mate, hip to hip, skin to skin, soul to soul, and April came. And as she cried out his name over and over into the quiet woods, Grayson felt his control slip out of his hands, pumping into April while the feel of molten metal coursed through his veins and lit him ablaze.

  In his mind’s eye, his wolf howled, long and possessive, announcing April as their mate forever. But the image was fleeting, the sight of April’s body rocking beneath him in ecstasy, chest heaving as his member jerked inside her over and over, wringing every bit of pleasure possible from his muscles.

  Even when his body had finished, his mind was still with April, watching her as little aftershocks tickled at her, pleasuring her even after the curtains had been drawn on the main event. Then he slowly withdrew, lying beside her on the bed, both of them exhausted and still catching their breath.

  “That was amazing…” April said, licking her lips as he curled himself around her. “Can we do it again later?”

  Grayson chuckled, stress seeping out of him as days of wondering and worrying and years of loneliness were slowly left behind. “Of course. Mate.”

  “Mate… I like how that sounds. So primal, almost feral,” she said, analyzing it while he just enjoyed the feel of their bodies together.

  A cool breeze blew through the tent, and he pulled a sheet that had been bunched up at the base of the bed over them.

  “April works, too, of course.” She nestled into his body, relaxing against him.

  “I love you, April.”

  “I love you, too, Grayson,” she whispered, already drifting with a relaxed yawn into a much-needed nap.

  Grayson just propped his head up with his arm, his other arm around her while he kept watch for them.

  Mine, his wolf still insisted. It would probably be saying it forever, and that was just fine with Grayson, because it was true.

  * * *

  * * *

  I hope you enjoyed Grayson and April’s story! If you did, I hope you’ll give it a review to help other readers find it. I’m still enjoying this series and should have the next out very soon!

  Make sure you’re signed up for my newsletter so you can be first to know when the next one releases!

  Did you miss the first book in the series? If so, get it here:

  Love at Furst Sight (Built Fur Love 1)

  Also, if you haven’t tried my Nightmare Dragons series, I suggest you give the first one a try!

  Midnight (Nightmare Dragons Book 1)

  Elusive billionaire Nathan Lancaster knows two things when he meets Lillian Goss. First, he wants her badly. Second, without his help, she's doomed to die.

  Now he isn't willing to let her out of his sight. Not until he's sure she is safe, and he has had time to figure out why a small human means so much to a monster like him.

  Lillian Goss suspects the powerful Lancaster family is hiding something. When she finds Nathan, media golden boy and everyone's favorite bachelor, in the background of crime scene photos, she's determined to get the scoop. Now if only she can keep from falling for Nathan when he promises her the exclusive of a lifetime, but only on his terms, and in his mansion.

  The more Lillian gets to know Nathan, the more complicated her feelings get for a man who's much lonelier than anyone knows. But as attraction burns hot between them, and an unknown stalker enters the picture, one question arises for Lillian... Where does Nathan go after midnight?

  Midnight is the first book in the Nightmare Dragons series. These books contain intense themes, mystery and sexy, tortured shifter heroes who do more than go bump in the night.

  MY BOOKS WILL NEVER CONTAIN: Cheating, unfaithful heroes, or an ending that is anything but happy.

  Midnight (Nightmare Dragons Book 1)

  Sample of Midnight

  Nathan Lancaster could hardly believe this was happening. Not this year. Not again.

  “She’s not coming, is she?” Nathan’s brother Dare leaned back on his lawn chair and looked up at the sky where vivid lights sparkled in contrast to the pure darkness all around them.

  The large boat rocked slightly, and the three men waiting on the roof simply waited in silence for another few moments.

  “The stars are bright tonight,” Theo said.

  Nathan was pensive as the weight of their situation slowly settled around them.

  In his heart, he’d known this could be a possibility, but he’d never truly considered it. The thought that after all of this—the waiting, the work—it could be for nothing made him feel colder than the water sloshing around them.

  It was fall, a time when most wouldn’t bring a houseboat onto the lake, but Nathan and his brothers didn’t really have a flexible time frame.

  In fact, it was a time frame that should have expired. Two years ago, if Nathan’s calculations were correct. That first night, after so much waiting, had been intense with shock and agony. Loss. Hopelessness. And then he and his brothers had regrouped. Perhaps they had miscounted. It had been many years, after all. Perhaps they had lost track. It was a very small possibility but better than the alternative.

  That they had been forgotten. That it had all been for nothing.

  Then wha
t was the point of remaining in this world?

  Dare’s shoulder-length blond hair whipped in the wind as the night air stirred. His boyish good looks belied a heart that was darker than either Nathan’s or Theo’s. Just like Theo’s calm composure hid a heart that was icy cold.

  As for Nathan’s heart, he didn’t know much about it. He’d been told he was soulless, that all of them were. Abominations. Never meant to be in existence. Meant to be destroyed. Yet there had been a chance… and they’d worked and worked and…

  His hand slid over the small ledger in his pocket. Over the many years, it had changed as methods of recording things in writing had changed. But the records were the same. The information just as pertinent. And he was finally at the point where he knew their creator couldn’t deny him.

  But now, two years after the date they’d agreed on, Nathan realized deep in his soul that she wasn’t coming.

  He tilted his head to look over at Dare, measuring his words carefully because Dare had been known to go off at the slightest provocation. “No, I don’t think she is. I don’t think she will. Maybe it’s time for all of us to move on.”

  Theo was quiet, but a muscle at the side of his mouth tightened and he kept his muscled arms folded as he stared at the sky. On his wrist was a nice watch, the kind humans admired. They all had access to unlimited wealth if they wanted it. That came from living as long as they had.

  Dare didn’t have any interest in that kind of thing, and if he did, he always knew he could come to Nathan.

  Nathan had somehow accumulated wealth in abundance. He’d been the first to figure out physical force wasn’t the only way to save humans, and money, applied properly, could have the same effect as well.

  He’d worked hard and accumulated a score that their creator couldn’t have argued with.

  Not that it mattered anymore.

  Theo’s icy stare glittered, his light-blue gaze a contrast to his pitch-black, very short hair. He was a well-known surgeon, choosing to save lives that way, as well as other ways when the darkness took over. But at this moment, he simply looked like a desolate monster.


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