Earl In Trouble: Bluestockings Defying Rogues 4

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Earl In Trouble: Bluestockings Defying Rogues 4 Page 2

by Brower, Dawn

  “I’m sure he’ll appreciate the attention you bestow upon him.” Natalia barely held back the urge to roll her eyes. “He sounds…wonderful.” Truthfully, she didn’t know anything about the man Lady Anne intended to snare in her well-laid trap. She did feel sorry for the poor sap though. It would be horrible to have to spend the rest of his days with Lady Anne as his wife.

  “Oh, he is. He’s handsome, charming, and well connected.” Lady Anne’s lips curled into a shrewd smile. “And, one day, he’ll inherit the dukedom and I’ll be a duchess.” She tilted her head to the side. “I wonder how long it will be before his father dies…”

  Natalia wouldn’t put it past her to help the current duke along to his demise. “The lord is privy to those sorts of details.” She had to escape Lady Anne’s company and find Lord Seabrook and his wife. Once she was able to speak to them and discover Callista’s whereabouts, then she could sneak away from Weston Manor. If she was lucky enough, she’d be able to avoid Lucas.

  She dreaded even the very idea of crossing his path. He must hate her. Natalia desperately wanted to run to him and beg for forgiveness. But she wasn’t out of danger, and she refused to let him take on her troubles. Her father was still searching for her. He’d nearly found her several times since she returned to England. Natalia had to disappear once and for all. That meant there was one place she could go where he would be unlikely to find her—America. “Perhaps you should say a few words and see if you can gain God’s ear. He might answer you when you least expect it.” Not that he’d listened to anything Natalia had to say over the years, and she fully expected any higher being would ignore the greedy wishes of Lady Anne.

  “I don’t believe in God,” Lady Anne announced. “But, if he does exist, I’m sure he’d want me to have everything I desire. I do deserve it.”

  What had she ever done to deserve horrible people always controlling aspects of her life? She did have a few wonderful years she wasn’t required to serve a horrid person, but then her employer had passed away and left her alone in the world once again. Natalia needed Callista more than ever. Her cousin had arranged for her to serve as Constance De Rossi’s companion. She was an English woman who had traveled the continent. While in her service, she had been able to see a lot of the world she’d otherwise not been able to experience. She’d found Italy especially lovely. Signor De Rossi, Constance’s deceased husband, owned an extravagant villa near Naples. Natalia had spent a lot of time there during the signora’s last days.

  She longed for the warmth of the Italian seashore and days free from anxiety. Now she had to placate the likes of Lady Anne. “I’m sure you’re right.” She took a deep breath. “Will you be requiring me any further? I’d like to see my own chambers and settle in if possible.” She wasn’t a servant, so she’d been given a room as well.

  “No,” Lady Anne said and wiggled her hand at her dismissively. “Go and do whatever it is you do when I don’t need you. I’m going to rest for a while. I look wretched, and I need some beauty sleep before I see my intended later.”

  “Thank you,” Natalia said and curtsied. Lady Anne expected to be treated as if she were royalty. There were no exceptions, and if Natalia failed to bend to her demands, she’d throw a hissy fit. “I’ll check on you later.” She didn’t need her being difficult or it would make escape more difficult.

  Lady Anne didn’t bother to acknowledge that Natalia spoke. She was all right with that. She slipped out of the room before Lady Anne thought of some task she wanted her to do. Undoubtedly, she would have a lot for her to accomplish later. She would probably want her to assist in trapping the gentleman she’d decided she wanted as her husband too. Natalia didn’t relish the idea of assisting in that particular duty.

  So far, Lady Anne hadn’t mentioned the poor gentleman by name, and Natalia found that odd. She couldn’t help wondering why she’d kept that particular detail a secret. There had been several times she considered asking her outright, but nixed the idea as soon as the thought entered her mind. If Lady Anne wanted her to have the information she’d have already offered it, and Natalia didn’t want to encourage her to ask questions about her own life in return. It still rankled her a little to have the name of the gentleman withheld though. What reason would Lady Anne have for keeping it to herself? Did she think Natalia would judge her? No, it couldn’t be that. Lady Anne didn’t consider her opinion worth noting. There was some other reason for her silence, but Natalia couldn’t concern herself with that. She had to find the Marquess and Marchioness of Seabrook.

  They were important in her search for Callista. Without their aid, she was at a loss on how to find her cousin, and once she spoke to them, she could leave. Then she wouldn’t have to worry about whatever Lady Anne had planned. She’d be far away from the vain girl and wouldn’t have to think about her ever again…

  * * *

  Lucas gestured for his horse to follow Seabrook and Weston as they galloped ahead. Riding had invigorated him, but hadn’t given him any insight. He still had no idea what he wanted to do or what direction he should take. Perhaps it was time to return to London and prepare to find a lady willing to become his bride. Lady Samantha would have been a good choice, but she was no longer an option. If Lucas wanted any kind of peace from his father’s constant rampages, he’d have to marry—the sooner the better.

  Seabrook and Weston came to a stop. They were roaming over to the edge of the cliffs on the Weston estate. Lucas had never particularly liked walking along them, and he didn’t see the appeal of sitting astride a horse as it traipsed along the edge. “No, thank you,” he muttered under his breath. He’d much rather turn around and head back to the stables. Lucas pulled on the reins and slowed his horse.

  Once the horse was completely stopped, he waited for Seabrook and Weston. They’d circle back toward him at some point. He debated dismounting and nixed the idea immediately. It would be much easier to stay as he was or go back. He’d like to return to the manor and relax with another drink or numerous glasses of brandy.

  After several minutes of him staying in place, Seabrook and Weston finally started back toward him. He waited for them to join him, and fortunately it didn’t take long. “I forgot you’re not much for heights,” Weston said once he reached Lucas. “Are you ready to go back?”

  “I am,” he answered. “And no, I’ve never really liked high places.”

  Seabrook chuckled. “It can be disconcerting.” Then he pressed his knee into his mount’s side. The horse took off on a gallop with a flick of the reins.

  Weston shook his head. “Seems he wants a race. Let’s see if we can beat him.” Soon the duke was racing after the marquess.

  Lucas sighed. A race may be a bit too much work, but at least he’d get back sooner. He gestured for the horse to follow after them, and soon the wind whipped around him. The breeze soothed his ravaged mind and made him, even for a brief moment, feel as if anything was possible. He needed that moment of peace more than he realized. Perhaps he should thank Seabrook and Weston for encouraging him to ride.

  They rounded the corner, Lucas trailing behind the duke and marquess. In the distance, a carriage rolled down the drive toward the manor. He didn’t think that anyone else was supposed to arrive. Many of the guests had left the house party several days ago. Who could possibly be paying a call on the manor? The carriage came to a stop in front of the house. Lucas was interested, but he had to take his horse back to the stable. He guided the horse in that direction and didn’t glance back. When he went back to the house he could appease his curiosity.

  When he reached the stable he pulled on the reins. When the horse came to a stop, he dismounted and let a groomer take him inside. Weston and Seabrook did the same. They handed their horses off and came to stand beside Lucas. “We have more guests,” Weston said. “I didn’t realize anyone else was expected.”

  “Are you sure your wife didn’t invite anyone else?” Seabrook asked. He nodded toward the carriage. “Because someone is defini
tely here.”

  A woman with dark hair stepped out of the carriage first. Lucas couldn’t make out her features. Her back was to him most of the time. She moved over so another lady could exit. This one had blonde hair that, from a distance, seemed almost white. “Do you recognize them?” Lucas asked.

  Weston shook his head. “I can’t say that I do. Maybe Alys knows them, but it’s hard to say.”

  “Should we greet them?” Seabrook asked.

  A part of Lucas wanted to do just that. Something inside of him was drawn to them, and he couldn’t explain what it was. The sensation was odd and his spine nearly tingled with it. He couldn’t shake it off and he’d tried as a shiver rolled over him. It didn’t matter and he didn’t want to dwell on it overly long. The ladies were of no import to him. Though there was another way to consider the new development. Two new females were now in attendance at the manor... It gave him a couple more possibilities in choosing a bride. That would mean he could stay at Weston Manor a little longer. Maybe one of them would end up his wife. It gave him a reason to remain, and that was all that mattered. If his father inquired, he could, in good faith, say he was courting…

  “I’m not so sure I want to get drawn into a conversation. If Alys invited them, she’ll be there to greet them.” The duke motioned toward the back of the house. “Let’s enter through the garden.”

  Lucas had no problem with that. He could meet the two ladies later when they were at dinner, or even beforehand if he was lucky enough. His life was full of upheaval, and he wanted to find some semblance of peace. He glanced back at the two ladies and froze. The dark-haired woman seemed so familiar. The way she moved and the color of her hair… He shook the thought away because he couldn’t possibly know her. She kept her head down and didn’t look up once. That indicated someone who often served others. It was unlikely she was an actual lady and more likely the maid.

  No, that couldn’t be right either. She was dressed far better than a maid would. She had on a bright yellow day dress probably made out of the finest fabric. Perhaps she was timid, and that was why she didn’t look up. Weston and Seabrook were already halfway to the garden while Lucas remained rooted in place. The dark-haired lady finally looked up and stilled. There was a really good reason why he thought she seemed familiar. No ordinary lady could make his heart beat heavily inside his chest. One woman affected him so much—Lia. She’d finally entered back into his life, and he had no idea what he should do about it. A mix of anger, anxiety, and apprehension filled him with that sudden knowledge. He would finally have a chance with her again—if he wanted to take it. At the very least he’d have answers to all the questions he’d carried with him over the years. There would be a reckoning, and only time would tell what direction it would take…

  Chapter 3

  Weston Manor was a large estate befitting the station of a duke. It had been built near the cliffs of Dover. Waves crashed on the shore below, filling the air with the salty spray. Natalia walked along the cliffs, staring down at the sea below. Nearly seven years ago, she’d crossed the channel to France. She’d been desperate to escape the plans her father had in store for her. She didn’t cross in Dover, but it was close to where she’d caught a ship making the journey. It had been a smuggler’s vessel, and someone her cousin Callista trusted to aid in her journey.

  Everything she’d done from that point had been with her cousin’s assistance and guidance. Without her, Natalia felt a little lost and uncertain what she should do. She had to find her. What if she never found Callista? Dread filled her, and her heart seemed to beat even harder inside of her chest. She would not leave Weston Manor without answers. Someone on this estate must know what happened to her cousin.

  She glanced up at the sky. The sun was beginning to set, and she’d have to go back inside soon. She’d left the manor in an attempt to avoid Lady Anne, but she couldn’t continue to do so any longer. The lady would want her to attend to her and maybe even help her dress. That wasn’t supposed to be one of her duties; however, Lady Anne hadn’t wanted to bring her maid along. She’d believed a maid would hamper her plans to snare a husband. Natalia didn’t understand why she thought she needed to trap one and as fast as possible. Maybe the lady wasn’t as pure as she let on and needed a husband to cover up her illicit transgressions. Honestly, Natalia didn’t care. She disliked Lady Anne and couldn’t wait to be free of her. After she found answers about Callista, she’d leave and never look back. The sooner the better now that she knew Lucas was in residence. If he realized she was on the estate, she didn’t know what she would do.

  Natalia sighed and headed back to the manor. The walk wasn’t too long and she enjoyed the brisk air. It helped her think and gave her the fortitude to continue on. If she was sneaky enough, she could avoid Lucas and still act as a companion to Lady Anne. Natalia wouldn’t be required to attend to her at dinner. She’d have something sent to her room or maybe even eat in the kitchen. Lady Anne wouldn’t miss her. She didn’t even really want her around except as to act as her occasional slave.

  Without Natalia, the lady could do whatever she pleased and had no one to answer to. Not that Natalia would hold her back, but she wouldn’t have to act a certain way or do what was expected if her paid companion was out of sight. Lady Anne fully intended to seduce her desired gentleman, and Natalia’s presence would hamper that.

  She reached the manor and slipped inside the entrance off of the library. No one seemed to be inside the room, and she breathed a sigh of relief upon that discovery. It wasn’t people in general she was avoiding. Just one man in particular, and she had to be careful to remain out of his line of sight. She didn’t want to renew their acquaintance. All right, that wasn’t entirely true. A part of her would always want to be with him. There were just too many awful feelings that separated them. The idea of any confrontation filled her with apprehension. Natalia hated conflict, and she didn’t want to be in a situation that would cause any. She’d had enough bad things in her life that she didn’t need to add to it. So far, she’d managed to avoid her father and the men he’d sent looking for her. She’d like to keep that streak up for as long as possible. All she needed was a few moments alone with the Marquess and Marchioness of Seabrook, and then she’d be on ship, far away from England. France wasn’t far enough away to escape her father’s reach. This time, she’d have to travel to America and never look back.

  She went up the servant’s stairs to the back of the house. It would be easier to avoid the guests and more importantly, Lucas, if she didn’t take the main staircase. Once up on the second level, she remained wary as she headed toward Lady Anne’s room. She knocked softly on her door but heard no response. Natalia opened the door and stepped inside. Lady Anne sat at the vanity, primping and apparently in a world of her own making. Natalia moved over to her side and placed her hand on her shoulder.

  Lady Anne jumped at her touch and pressed her hand against her chest. “Oh, dear lord, you startled me. Make a little more noise next time.”

  She had knocked… Perhaps she should rap a little harder next time. “I’ll endeavor to try. Do you need any assistance from me this evening? I’m not feeling well and would rather not attend dinner.”

  Natalia prayed Lady Anne wouldn’t need anything. She wanted to avoid most of the house’s inhabitants. It was more likely Lucas would be with one of them. She wasn’t sure how she could approach the marquess and marchioness and ask her questions. Natalia would talk to the servants. They were more likely to know the schedule of the people currently in residence. After that, she might have a better idea on when and where to approach them. For now though, she had to play the part of dutiful companion.

  Lady Anne turned and met Natalia’s gaze. “I will need you to help with the fastenings on my dress.” She was sitting at the vanity in her underthings and her corset still laced. At least Natalia wouldn’t have to help with that. Though she might need her assistance taking it off later… “And I need you to deliver a letter.”

>   Natalia held back the urge to groan. She didn’t want to play the part of errand girl. Whatever the letter contained and whomever she had it addressed to would not lead anywhere good. She certainly didn’t want to think about where she would have to take it. Why did she have to take a job with Lady Anne? She had to be the spawn of the devil. “Oh?” She lifted a brow. “Um… What letter?”

  Natalia did her best to act dumb. She had a sinking feeling she knew exactly who the letter would be addressed to. Well, not exactly. The elusive gentleman that Lady Anne had targeted for her marriage trap still remained a secret, but it had to be the person she wanted Natalia to deliver it to.

  “This one.” Lady Anne held up a sealed letter and wiggled it in front of Natalia. Her perfume must have been doused on the paper because the scent drifted toward her, and she nearly gagged on the smell. Natalia lifted her hand to cover her mouth and nose to block it out and regain the ability to breathe. She swallowed air in quick shallow breaths, and then slowly removed her hand and prayed the offensive scent dissipated a little. She wasn’t fool enough to believe it had gone away completely. “Ah…” Natalia cleared her throat. “To whom do you wish me to deliver it to?”

  “The who doesn’t matter.” Lady Anne waved her hand. “I asked which room is his, and all you need to do is go inside and set it on his bed. He’ll find it and come to me later.”

  Lady Anne had a high opinion of herself. Why would a respectable gentleman…? Natalia brushed that thought away before completing it. No decent male would go to a lady’s room, invited or not. That meant this particular man was a complete rogue. If she didn’t have to attend to Lady Anne at dinner, then she could deliver it while they were all occupied. That plan worked well for her since she wanted to avoid being seen. Lucas would be dining as well, and she wouldn’t have to see him. She could leave Lady Anne’s letter and then go speak with the servants. After that, she could retire to her chambers and make her plans. “Very well,” Natalia answered. “Let’s see to your dress first, and then you can give me directions to your intended’s chambers.”


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