Earl In Trouble: Bluestockings Defying Rogues 4

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Earl In Trouble: Bluestockings Defying Rogues 4 Page 6

by Brower, Dawn

  “And a duchess one day,” the duke added. “Though not for many years to come.”

  Lucas managed to not roll his eyes. “Of course. Tell me, when did you meet Miss Benson? I didn’t realize she would have traveled in the same circles as you do.”

  “Miss Benson?” His father tilted his head to the side. “I’m not acquainted with a woman with that name. Should I know who she is?”

  It took everything he had not to burst out laughing. Lucas remained stoic and nodded. “My fiancée,” he added. “The woman I’m going to marry. You did say you sent her here.”

  His father opened and closed his mouth several times. This was the best moment of Lucas’s life. He’d never managed to stump the duke before and make him completely speechless. Then he managed to pull himself together and stomped his foot. “I do not approve. You will not marry this Miss Benson. It’s Lady Anne I’ve secured for you, and she is the only woman I’ll allow you to marry.”

  It was a good thing he didn’t need his father’s approval. He might disown him, but that hadn’t mattered to Lucas in a very long time. His title wasn’t a courtesy one and was his no matter what his father had to say. It came from his maternal grandfather and couldn’t be taken away on a whim. His father hadn’t bothered to give him one of his many titles to use, and Lucas had always been all right with that. There were many heirs to a dukedom that had a marquess title to use. Lucas had never had that privilege. “It’s too late for you to disapprove, Father. It’s going to happen, and sooner rather than later.” As soon as he could get Lia to Scotland anyway…

  He came to his feet then nodded at his father. “Good day. I have some errands to see to.” And a lady to kidnap… He couldn’t wait to drag Lia to the Scotland border. At the very least, it would give them time to talk. Something they desperately needed. He’d never force her to marry him, but he would demand she explain herself along the way. It also gave him the added benefit he needed to thwart his father.

  Chapter 8

  The afternoon sun spilled into the sitting room. Natalia stared at the stream washing over the chaise. It was the only seat left in the room, and she’d be blinded if she decided to sit there. She should turn and leave, but where would she go? To her room? There wasn’t a chance in hell she’d be able to escape so easily. Lady Anne would demand she stay and act as the paid companion she was supposed to be—after the morning from hell she had no desire for any repeat performances, from Lady Anne or Lucas, though the latter she did need to speak with at some point. Lady Anne could rot in hell as far as she was concerned. Natalia didn’t know how much more of insipidness she could take. The urge to slap Lady Anne silly nearly overtook her every time she opened her mouth.

  Natalia moved slowly into the room, hoping with each step someone would vacate one of the other seats to make them available. The door behind her opened and banged against the wall. She jerked as a boom echoed through the room and raised her hand to her chest. “What..?”

  “Where is Miss Benson,” a male demanded. His tone held a hint of irritation mixed with unbreakable determination. Like he was going to give her hell for something she had no idea she’d done.

  Natalia slowly turned and met the gaze of an elderly gentleman. He held himself with a regal air and was immaculately dressed. His hair was light brown with sliver streaks running through it, and his eyes were the color of angry waves crashing the shoreline. His anger nearly reverberated off of him, and she was almost afraid to inform him of her identity. She’d never seen the man in her life and didn’t like the way he’d asked for her.

  Lady Anne came to her feet and moved toward him. “Your Grace,” she greeted him. “I didn’t realize you would be attending the house party.”

  Natalia turned toward Lady Anne and frowned. This man was a duke… Not that she cared about his title, but the fact that he was one must mean he was Lucas’s father. Lady Anne wouldn’t be so excited to see him otherwise. What did the Duke of Montford want with her?

  The duke glanced at Lady Anne. “Where is this Miss Benson? I must speak with her at once.”

  Lady Anne jerked slightly at his harsh tone. “Whatever for? She’s not of any import…”

  “Stop placating me and give me her direction immediately.” The duke’s face had turned a mottled red.

  Lady Anne pursed her lips and was on the brink of a monumental pout. She hated being overshadowed for any reason. It didn’t seem to matter that the duke was brimming with anger. The fact that he didn’t want anything to do with Lady Anne was the only thing Natalia found illuminating. “I don’t understand why you want to speak with her. She’s nothing, Your Grace.” Well, I adore you too Lady Anne… Sarcasm would probably elude the likes of her employer.

  The duke clenched his fingers together into a fist. Natalia might not particularly like Lady Anne, but that didn’t mean anyone should hit her. Natalia had lived with an abusive father, and it left her scarred in ways she would never recover from. The duke shouldn’t feel as if he had the right to hit a woman—even Lady Anne.

  “Pardon me, Your Grace,” Natalia stepped toward him. “I’m Miss Benson. You wished to speak with me?”

  “You can come with me.” He reached out and wrapped his hand around her wrist and squeezed. Pain shot through her, and she tried to yank free of his grip.

  “Let me go,” she demanded.

  “You will not marry my son.” His voice was hard and condescending. Lady Anne let out an affronted gasp. Either she didn’t like how the Duke was treating her or she hated the idea that Natalia might marry Lucas. Something told Natalia her feelings leaned toward the latter. “You’re not good enough for him.”

  She’d never thought she was worthy of Lucas, but she’d be damned before she admitted as much aloud. Especially, to him... “That’s not for you to decide.” Natalia didn’t have a clue why she was arguing with him about it. She had no intention of marrying Lucas, but since the duke decreed her inferior, she decided to dig her feet and give him hell.

  “I can make your life difficult, girl. Don’t make an enemy of me.”

  “I’ve dealt with men far more evil than you, Your Grace. You don’t frighten me.” Instead of pulling on her wrist to break free she stepped closer to him and met his gaze. “Let your son decide who he wishes to marry. It’s his life.”

  “You’re a pretty girl, and I can see why he might be taken with you.” He finally let go of her wrist, and she had to resist the urge to rub the pain away. “But he’ll never make you his wife. I’ll see you thrown in Newgate first.”

  Natalia didn’t like him or his threats. If he found out who her father was, he might have the power to destroy her. She had to leave Weston Manor much sooner than she desired. It had been her hope to wait until the morning, to see Lucas one last time; however, she had to run before the duke made good on his word. She laughed almost maniacally. “You can certainly try.”

  He narrowed his gaze. “Something about you is familiar.”

  She would not give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d scared her. Even the tiniest bit… Natalia raised her chin and stared at him with as much defiance as she could muster. “I’ve never had the pleasure of being introduced to you, Your Grace. I doubt we travel in the same circles.”

  “Still,” he began. “I’m going to have a runner investigate you. I have to look out for my family.”

  The commotion in the sitting room had left everyone stunned. Lady Anne shrank away and then sat back down. Natalia wasn’t acquainted with the other two ladies in the room. They had stared at the duke with their mouths gaped open through the entire exchange. Useless, the lot of them… It was a good thing she didn’t need them to protect herself. “As I said,” Natalia began. “Do what you think is best. I’m going to retire. I find this conversation fatiguing.” She didn’t glance back as she exited. Somehow she managed not to run the entire way to her chambers. She didn’t get far before she was yanked backward and her head bounced across a muscled male chest. Natalia glanced up into th
e blue depths of Lucas’s eyes. Drat. She wasn’t leaving anytime soon…

  * * *

  Lucas had heard the entire exchange in the sitting room. He’d been about to storm into the room when Lia had escaped on her own. His father certainly knew how to make an entrance. He couldn’t believe he’d berated Lia and told her she wasn’t worthy for so many members of the ton to see. That was rather gauche of him. Lady Anne might have come from a good family, but that didn’t make her better than Lia. In Lucas’s opinion she was a far better woman than Lady Anne ever would be.

  “What are you doing?” Lia attempted to push away from him. At least she hadn’t contradicted the pronouncement of their betrothal. Lucas took that as a sign she wanted to marry him too. It gave him something to work with either way.“I need to retire to my chambers.” Her voice softened as she said, “Please let me go.”

  “I wish I could.” He pulled her closer. “You and I are taking a trip together.”

  After he’d left the library, he spoke to a maid and convinced her to pack Lia’s belongings. He’d thrown all of his clothes into his trunk and had a footman load it onto a carriage. Lia’s valise had been brought down before the incident in the sitting room. All he needed was her and they could start their journey to Scotland.

  “I’m not going anywhere other than to my chambers.” She started to struggle in his arms. He picked her up and carried her out of the manor. She pounded her fists on his chest and when she opened her mouth presumable to scream he kissed her quickly. That seemed to leave her momentarily stunned, at least long enough to exit the house. When he reached the carriage he opened the door and sat her inside. He joined her and then rapped the top of the roof. “We’re ready to be on our way.” He turned his attention back to her and smiled. She had a adorable disheveled appearance. Some of her dark hair had fallen from the pins and framed her face in midnight curls. Her cheeks were a lovely pink and her lips plump from their brief hard kiss.

  The carriage started to move not long after that. Lucas leaned back on his seat and stared at Lia. She was a ball of fury curled up on the opposite seat, apparently she’d found her composure—that hadn’t taken long. He couldn’t blame her, considering he’d abducted her. “Now that we’re alone, what shall we discuss?”

  Silence greeted him. He would have to find a way to induce her to talk. What would work though? Maybe he should leave her be for a while, and she’d start talking on her own. At moments like this, he couldn’t help realizing how little he really knew about her. She’d seemed so sweet and innocent all those years ago. He’d believed he’d loved her in a matter of hours, and he’d have done anything for her all those years ago.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  That hadn’t taken long. How much should he reveal? He’d wanted to see if his feelings for her were real this time. If they were, and if she’d felt the same, he would like to marry her. Somehow, he believed it would take quite a bit to convince her to be with him though. For him to do that, he would need all the information. He had to understand why she’d run from him nearly a decade ago. “Where would you like to go?”

  “Lucas…” Her frustration was infused in the way she’d uttered his name. She pressed her hands to her face and shook her head.

  “Do you like Paris?”

  She lowered her hands and glared at him. Disbelief was etched over her features. “Are you taking me to France?”

  “Have you ever been there?” He realized he hadn’t actually answered her question. It would be interesting to see how long it took for her to figure it out as well. “I haven’t been there. I’ve heard it’s a nice city to visit.”

  She sighed and leaned her head back against the carriage. Lia was back to being silent. He didn’t think she’d remain that way for long. He could almost feel her annoyance, and perhaps it made him a bit sadistic, but he enjoyed it a little bit. When she’d left him all those years ago, he’d felt that way himself. He still couldn’t believe she’d disappeared and he was no longer as angry at her as he’d been when he’d first encountered her again after so many years.. “Your cousin, Lady Marin, stayed in Paris during the war. Did you know she was a spy for Wellington?”

  “I did,” she answered. “She wrote to me often.” Sadness permeated her voice.

  “You loved her.” A part of him was jealous because he wanted Lia to love him. Not in the way she loved her cousin, but still… “Is what you said earlier true? You didn’t know you were related until you met in Canterbury?”

  She sighed. “Callista thought we might be. After a pointed conversation, and me showing her my mother’s miniature, we discerned the truth. My mother and hers were twin sisters.” Lia smiled softly. “She helped me escape my father and find a place to live in France. If not for her, I might not have survived. My cousin meant the world to me.”

  Lucas hated to admit it, but her words stabbed him in the heart. If she’d have let him, he’d have taken care of her. He would have ensured no one ever hurt her ever again. She hadn’t given him the chance to help her though. “I didn’t know Lady Marin well. Edward adored her, and she was devastated when he died. Other than that, I can’t offer you any information about her.”

  “That’s all right,” she answered. “Lord and Lady Seabrook told me all I needed. I can mourn the loss and move on with my life. It’s what she would have wanted for me. Besides, I’m nothing like her.” She glanced out the window. “I could never become a spy and seek justice for someone I loved.”

  “Couldn’t you?” he asked. “Do you not believe you’re strong enough or have the fortitude to demand answers?” He lifted a brow. “Isn’t that exactly what you did?”

  “I don’t understand.” She frowned. “All I did was ask a few questions. That’s nothing like what Callista did.”

  He chuckled lightly. “That’s what spies do, my dear. They listen and probe for answers. Sometimes it has a little danger mixed in.” He flipped his hand palm side up. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but did you not have an altercation with the Duke of Montford not too long ago? That’s no easy feat.”

  “It’s not the same thing, but thank you for trying to make me feel as if I make a difference.” She wrapped her arms around herself. “I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I don’t need you to placate me. Can you please take me back to the manor now?”

  “I’m afraid not,” he answered. “As I told you earlier. We’re taking a trip together. You might as well settle in because it’s going to take a while.”

  “And you’re not going to tell me where?” She narrowed her gaze. “Why are you doing this?”

  “It’s necessary,” he explained “That’s all I’m saying for now.”

  They’d made a little progress in a short time. He had hope that they could start to understand each other before they made it to Scotland. If his luck held, he might even convince her they belonged together before they arrived. For the first time in a really long time, Lucas believed he might actually find a bit of happiness. All he needed was for Lia to want that too.

  Chapter 9

  Natalia couldn’t discern Lucas’s motives. They had been traveling for several hours, and he continued to act elusive. What would induce him to abduct her and take her…? Well, that was the conundrum in itself. She had no idea where they were going. A part of her was glad he had absconded with her. She wanted to spend more time with him, and this gave her the opportunity to come to understand him better. There was also the added benefit that it also helped her escape the duke’s scrutiny and Lady Anne’s insipidness.

  “You still have not informed me of our destination.” She stared out the window, trying to ascertain their direction on her own, but she didn’t recognize anything. “It would be wonderful of you to inform me what you have planned for me.”

  “That’s part of the fun,” he replied drolly. “At least it is for me.”

  She turned to him and lifted a brow. “You find this entertaining?”

  “Do you not enjoy a surprise
from time to time?” He leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees as if he were about to share a secret. “Because, at least for now, I have no intention of revealing anything.”

  “You’re rotten.” If she were the type given to temper tantrums, she’d be on the brink of throwing a monumental one. She hated surprises. “My life has never been one inductive toward unplanned activity of any sort. For my peace of mind, please give me something.”

  “I would,” he replied amicably. “But nothing I say will ease you. Even the truth might make you more anxious. So why don’t you accept you’re with me for the unforeseeable future and let fate direct us on our path.”

  She wouldn’t hit him. Natalia wanted to, but she was a dignified person and didn’t act out even when the urge became overwhelming. If she were that impetuous, she’d have slapped Lady Anne the moment they’d met. “What does fate have to do with any of this? I don’t believe in something as random as destiny. If that were the case, I’d be married to an evil man and quite miserable.” She was grateful every day she’d run away and hadn’t been forced to marry the comte.

  “Semantics,” he said as he waved his hand dismissively. “Let’s agree we both see destiny a little differently. I’m choosing to believe that our paths were always meant to cross, but perhaps they crossed somewhat sooner than they were supposed to the first time. We weren’t meant to be together then, but now, is different. If we choose to, we can explore what it is we have.” He leaned forward on the seat. “Try to relax a little, my dear. What do you have to lose?” He lifted a brow.

  Natalia rolled her eyes. She’d not be able to rest easy any time soon. He might be right on one thing though. Maybe they could have a chance now. One that couldn’t be afforded to them all those years earlier... She wasn’t about to admit that to him at the moment. He was being all too smug about his high handedness. “Will we at least be stopping soon?” She would love to stretch her legs since the carriage had become uncomfortable. It also gave her a reason to change their topic of conversation. “Surely the horses will need to rest.”


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