Earl In Trouble: Bluestockings Defying Rogues 4

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Earl In Trouble: Bluestockings Defying Rogues 4 Page 5

by Brower, Dawn

  “I’m not…” She sighed. “When you’re not three sheets to the wind, come find me. Maybe then we can have a reasonable conversation.”

  “Don’t count on it, my dear. The brandy has improved my mood.” Lucas mockingly saluted her and then left. He didn’t bother to look back. There was too much rolling around inside his head for him to bother with her. He had to work through all the tumultuous emotions inside of him first. Maybe then he could find some sort of resolution and handle the lies she’d told him.

  Lucas managed to walk up the stairs without tripping. That alone was a miracle. If he made it back to his room unscathed, maybe he’d become a praying man. No, that was unlikely to happen… If a higher power existed, it had never bothered to make any kind of real impact on Lucas’s life.

  Finally, he reached his bedroom and pushed open the door. He tripped over his own feet and fell to his knees. Somehow he managed to keep a grip on the decanter of brandy, but the glass in his other hand hit the floor and spilled out its contents. At least he had most of the brandy left. There hadn’t been much left in his glass.

  “That’s my luck,” he muttered under his breath.

  He set the decanter on a nearby chair and crawled over to the glass, then closed his fingers over the side of it. Lucas rolled over and sat on the floor. Damn, he was a mess. How could he have allowed a woman to make such a huge impact on his life? He wished he’d told her the truth earlier: that she meant nothing to him. The problem was he still felt too much for her. Lucas dropped his head into his hands and fought for control. A part of him hated her for making him turn into a maudlin fool.

  Maybe he should sleep. Brandy hadn’t helped, and sitting on the floor feeling sorry for himself certainly wouldn’t. He found the strength to stand and headed toward the bed. Something didn’t seem right. He rubbed his eyes and glanced at the bed, but it still was…off. So he tried clearing his vision again thinking it would help. He was wrong. There was a woman sleeping in his bed.

  “Who the bloody hell are you?” Had he gone into the wrong room? Maybe he was more inebriated than he thought.

  Blonde hair covered her face and the rest of her was buried underneath the quilt on his bed. She seemed tiny in the bed. He probably should turn and leave before something horrible happened. If he was in the wrong room he could end up trapped in a marriage he didn’t want. Why the hell had he drank so much brandy? He groaned as he recalled the reason—Lia.

  A soft moan reverberated through the room. She rolled on the bed and then her eyelids fluttered open and she met his gaze. “It’s about time you returned.”

  What was she talking about? Returned? He glanced around the room. This was his chambers and she lounged in his bed. Lucas stared at her dumbstruck for a moment. Then he realized who she was… “Lady Anne?”

  “I’ve been waiting for you.” She flashed him a wanton smile, and then she patted the bed. “Care to join me?”

  This had to be some horrible dream gone wrong. He did not want to crawl into bed with Lady Anne. Why would she think this was a good idea? “What are you doing here?”

  “Because we’re betrothed. Don’t you want to enjoy a little intimacy?” She nibbled on her bottom lip. “I left you a note and told you I’d be joining you.”

  He had never received anything from her. If he had, he’d have made it clear there was nothing between them. Why did the chit believe they were betrothed? He barely remembered who she was and certainly had never proposed marriage to her. “I don’t have time for this nonsense. Leave my room immediately. We’re not going to marry, and I never want to see you again.” He didn’t have time for silly female notions.

  “You’re wrong,” she said as she slipped out of the bed. Her nightgown was nearly sheer and left little to the imagination.

  Lucas glanced away before he saw any more of her. He’d already glanced more of her than he’d ever wanted to. Maybe there wasn’t a God, but something in the universe hated him. She sashayed over to him, her feet gliding across the floor. He might not be looking directly at her, but he could see that much. Lucas kept his gaze averted and did his best to ignore her. “I’m not wrong. I think I’d know if I was betrothed to someone.”

  “I don’t suppose you’ve spoken to your father recently?” Her voice held a hint of—triumph in it. As if she’d achieved her ultimate goal, and he was her prize. What the hell had the old man promised her? He had been pressuring him to marry.

  “My father can’t force me to marry anyone. Betrothal contracts are archaic and unenforceable, so if he signed one, you’re out of luck, my dear. I’m not marrying you.”

  She reached his side and trailed her fingers over his chest. Lucas took a step back. Lady Anne seemed determined to seduce him. He was a little slower than normal because of all the brandy he’d imbibed. What would she have done if he’d come back sooner and blindly crawled in bed with her. He pushed her hand away from him and widened the distance between them.

  “Your father thought you’d be reluctant. That’s why I’m here now, to convince you of the wisdom of his plan.” She moved toward him. Soon he wouldn’t have any place to escape her unwanted attention. He’d have to run from the room. She licked her lips slowly and brushed her bosom with her fingertips. “Seduction seemed the best solution to both our problems.”

  “I’m assuming you mean yours and my father’s because I assure you—I have no problems where you’re concerned.”

  “We’ll be married by the end of the week.” The tone of her voice was smug, and she really believed her words. What had he done to deserve two females hell bent on bedeviling him? This one… She had definitely lost her mind if she expected him to fall in line with her plans. He wasn’t remotely attracted to her and thankfully his cock agreed with that assessment. Sometimes the bloody thing had a mind of its own. He pinched the bridge of his nose and prayed for patience, at the very least the will to hold back from strangling her. How did Lia deal with Lady Anne every day and not give in to that very sentiment.

  “Don’t hold your breath,” he ground out. “I’m not marrying you because I’m already marrying someone else.” That was a lie, but she didn’t need to know that. He’d figure out a better excuse later. For now, he had to get her out of his room as fast as possible. He scanned the room and found her wrapper draped on the edge of the bed. Lucas crossed the room and snatched it up, then stalked over to her and draped it over her shoulders. He pushed her toward the bedroom door, opened it, and shoved her out.

  He froze momentarily when he met Lia’s gaze. Lucas snapped out of it, but not as quick as he’d have liked. “You’re employer wandered into the wrong room. Help her find where she belongs and see she doesn’t bother me again.” Then he closed the door and tried to forget about all his troubles. To ensure he’d not be further interrupted he clicked the lock in place and on the off chance that failed he scooted a chair over to block the doorway. If Lady Anne tried again he didn’t think he could handle it. Maybe it was time to leave Weston Manor…

  Chapter 7

  Natalia’s mouth dropped open as Lucas’s statement rushed over her. She’d followed after him to ensure he’d make it back to his chambers safely. He’d had a lot to drink, and she worried about him. She couldn’t help feeling a little responsible for his behavior too. Until she’d returned to his life he’d seemed to make better decisions. Her presence seemed to have sent him on a steady stream of one horrid decision or action after another. She had to find a way to put him on a better path. Then she could leave without having to fret about him.

  She stomped over to his room and pushed open the door. When she’d delivered Lady Anne’s note the previous night, she hadn’t realized it was to Lucas’s room. She wouldn’t have delivered it if she’d been aware of her intended target. Lucas wouldn’t bed an innocent. Though, at times, Natalia doubted Lady Anne’s purity—it wouldn’t surprise her if she’d lain with a man already. She didn’t seem to have a care for her reputation.

  Lady Anne lounged against
the doorframe to Lucas’s bedchamber as if she had no intention of leaving. What did she hope to gain? Natalia stepped close to her and said, “I came to see if you needed assistance this morning.” Not the truth, but she didn’t need to know that. “Imagine my surprise when I was directed that I’d find you in here.” That wasn’t the truth, but Lady Anne didn’t need to know that. She needed a valid reason to be near Lucas’s bedchamber. When she followed him she hadn’t realized it would lead to the very place she’d delivered a clandestine missive. “What exactly did you write in that note?”

  Lady Anne sat forward and pulled her knees to her chest, then wrapped her arms around her legs. She rested her head on them and smiled. “I don’t see how any of that is your business. You’re the help, after all, and you are required to do as I ask.” She raised her head and lifted a brow. “Unless you wish to be dismissed. That can be arranged.”

  She had to resist the urge to slap her. Natalia wasn’t worried about where she’d end up after she was done in Lady Anne’s employ. Being her paid companion had always been temporary, but Lady Anne didn’t realize that and believed she had all the control. Natalia was all right with allowing her to believe that—for the moment. “My apologies, but it’s my duty to protect your reputation.” It took everything inside of her not to roll her eyes. “Please allow me to assist you to your room.”

  Silence filled the room as Lady Anne did her best to ignore her. Why did she have to be so damn stubborn? After several minutes passed, she finally met Natalia’s gaze. “This has to go as planned. Lord Darcy will become my husband. It’s what I want, and his father assured me this was the way to make it happen. I can’t give up now.”

  Natalia should have realized the duke Lady Anne spoke of was Montford once she recognized Lucas. She had known for years he was set to inherit a dukedom one day. That was another reason she’d kept her distance. He claimed to love her and wanted to marry her. She was saving them both heartache in the end because she was a bastard and not fit for the heir of a duke.

  As much as she loved him, she realized a long time ago they didn’t have a future together. That didn’t mean she wanted to see him forced into a marriage with Lady Anne. “I doubt he’ll return. He’s not himself from what I can tell. Lord Seabrook was concerned about him when we crossed paths earlier.” Lady Anne didn’t need to know that Natalia had seen Lucas at the breakfast table. Her first duty was supposed to see to Lady Anne’s needs. “I suggest you prepare for the day and discuss marriage with him when he’s sober.”

  Lady Anne pushed her arms through her wrapper and tied the robe shut. It had been draped over her shoulders nonchalantly. Then she set her feet on the floor and stood. “You make a valid point. We’re here all week, and I can corner him another time. Maybe even tonight.” She brushed past Natalia and headed in the direction of her chambers. “He will be my husband whether he likes it or not. I always get what I want. There are other ways to ensure a man finds his way in front of a vicar.” She glanced over her shoulder and tilted her lips upward smugly.

  Natalia clenched her fingers into a fist and kept her hands at her side. She wanted to hit her. Why would Lady Anne want to marry a man who didn’t love her? Oh, yeah, because she fancied becoming a duchess. Lady Anne didn’t care about anyone other than herself. It would be up to Natalia to protect Lucas. He was not in a good place, and it would be too easy for Lady Anne to trap him in a matrimonial web.

  Natalia scanned the hallway and lead Lady Anne away from Lucas’s chamber. Luckily, no one noticed them because she had no idea how she’d explain Lady Anne’s state of undress. Did the lady not have any care for her reputation? They entered Lady Anne’s bedchamber. “Do you need my help dressing?”

  Lady Anne waved her hand dismissively. “No, but have someone send me a tray up from the kitchen. I don’t wish to join everyone for breakfast.”


  “Do as you’re told,” Lady Anne ordered. She glared at her angrily. “I won’t ask so nicely again.”

  “As you wish,” Natalia gritted out. She didn’t want to stay by Lady Anne’s side anyway. Lucas had to be still in his room, and she had to talk to him. He had to realize that Lady Anne wouldn’t let the idea of marrying him go. “I’ll go to the kitchen straightaway. I’ll check on you later to see if you need anything. Until then, I’ll be in the library.” Unless Lucas was somewhere else…or even sleeping. If anyone needed to rest it was him. Lucas was in dire need of the sobering effect sleeping would prevail upon him.

  “Please go.” Lady Anne turned away and walked to her dressing table. She started to brush her hair, having already forgotten Natalia’s existence.

  Natalia rolled her eyes and left the room. After she made sure a tray would be sent to Lady Anne, she’d find Lucas. She really hated Lady Anne and wished she was already done with being her paid companion. Maybe she could convince Lucas to leave Weston Manor. If he wasn’t in residence, Lady Anne couldn’t trap him into marriage, and then Natalia would be free to travel to America. Somehow, she didn’t think it would be that easy…

  * * *

  Lucas couldn’t believe Lady Anne’s audacity. And his father… The old man had gone too far. He’d known the duke wanted him to marry, but he didn’t think he’d convince a young lady to crawl into Lucas’s bed and attempt to seduce him. He’d never bedded innocents and wasn’t about to start now. Maybe one day, when he married, he would take a virgin. Either way, he wasn’t going to deflower Lady Anne. Besides the fact that he barely knew her, the little he did he didn’t much like. He had absolutely no respect for her. What kind of woman threw herself at a man like she had? Did she hate herself, or was she more interested in becoming a duchess than protecting her own reputation?

  He should go back to his room and sleep. After a night of drinking brandy and feeling sorry for himself, he needed rest, but he was afraid Lady Anne would find a way to accost him while he slumbered—even with a locked door. The only way he would have any peace was to leave Weston Manor. The problem was he hadn’t solved his problem with Lia. He didn’t want to depart before he settled everything with her. They had a lot to sort through, and if he had any chance of moving on with his life, he had to unravel it once and for all. Maybe the solution was to take her with him when he left…

  The more he thought about it, the more he liked that idea. He’d need a carriage and someone to pack their belongings. His was easy enough to take care of. Hers on the other hand… Maybe he could bribe a maid to assist him. Yes, the scheme formed fully, and he smiled to himself. Lia would be so surprised…

  He rounded the corner and slid quietly into the library. A lot of people wandered in and out of the room, but it boasted a comfortable settee he could lounge on for a spell. He headed directly to it and flopped down immediately, then closed his eyes. Sleep might be elusive, but the settee would do for now.

  “Didn’t they give you a bedchamber?” a male asked.

  He had to be hearing things. Somehow he’d actually fallen asleep and slipped into his worst nightmare. What the blazes was the old man doing at Weston Manor? “Hello, Father,” Lucas said without any emotion. He didn’t bother opening his eyes either. A part of him hoped he was in the midst of a brandy induced delusion. How damaged was he that he hoped for a hallucination than reality?

  “Sit up,” the duke demanded. “I raised you better than this.”

  Lucas slowly opened his eyes and then grimaced. Unfortunately, his father was indeed in the library, and he’d have to deal with him. He sighed and sat up. “I wish I could say it’s good to see you, but somehow I don’t think this visit will be a pleasant one.” It never was.

  His father leaned down a little and sniffed, then turned his nose up in the air. “Good God, did you drink an entire cask of brandy? You reek to high heaven. Whatever did I do to deserve a drunkard as a son? Maybe I should take steps to have your cousin inherit.”

  “If that’s what you desire, then by all means, see it done.” Maybe then his wretched father
would leave him alone. He hated how much the duke disapproved of him. “I’d hate to make things more difficult for you.” He actually prided on being as big of an arse as he could.

  “I’ve come to discuss your upcoming wedding,” the duke announced. “I trust you met your intended?”

  It seemed as if Lady Anne hadn’t been telling tales… “Of course,” he replied. “But I’m surprised you have. I haven’t had time to make any formal announcements.” Lucas had a deep need to rankle his father a bit. He would not be marrying Lady Anne. Nothing would entice him to tie himself to that harpy and immoral woman.

  His father jerked backward. “Pardon? Why would you need to? I can send notice to The Times when I return to London.”

  “I must ask,” Lucas began. “How did you hear the news? I proposed to the young miss this morning.” More like he announced he already had an intended as a reason for refusing Lady Anne, but his father wasn’t aware of those circumstances. He couldn’t have been at Weston Manor long.

  “I’m glad she pleases you.” His father puffed up his chest and practically beamed with pleasure. “I picked her out for you. She’s of good breeding and knows her place.”

  He pushed his eyebrows together. “I agree. She’s a lovely woman and she makes me incredibly happy.” At one time Lia had made him the happiest of men. Now she frustrated him more than he could ever express. Her deceit had been so hard for him to swallow, but he had to wonder if he’d been too hard on her. He’d certainly acted an arse since her arrival. He’d just needed some time for reflection and some sense kicked into his thick skull. His father’s arrival seemed to do the trick… It was rather funny in a way. His first instinct was always to do the opposite of what his father wanted, and this time, it might be the one thing he should never have pushed away to begin with. Natalia had been in a difficult situation and he shouldn’t have faulted her for it. “She’s lovely and intelligent. She’s going to make a wonderful countess.”


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