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Undeniable: Haven Falls (Book 5)

Page 15

by Sheridan Anne

  "Three months is hardly a lifetime."

  "Hey! That boy has been screwing with my emotions for far longer than three months. This is my time to shine. I'm going to annihilate him. By the time I'm finished with that sorry asshole, he'll be begging for forgiveness. You're either with me or against me, Henley. What's it going to be?"

  "Oh, I'm definitely with you, but isn't he already begging for forgiveness?"

  "Not enough." She channels her inner beast. "I want him grovelling, tears and all, begging on his knees in desperation and until that happens, I'm hitting him with old seafood."

  "You're dangerous."

  "Never mess with a woman scorned."

  All I can do is shake my head. "Where are the boys?"

  Tully shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know. I think Noah's working out and Rivers left early this morning. We haven't seen him since."

  "So, what you're saying is that this could be our only shot?"

  "Yeah," she declares, striding past me. "So get a move on. The longer this stays festering in the hot sun, the better."

  "Shit," I laugh, following her back outside. "He's going to kill you."

  She looks back over her shoulder. "I thought he already had."

  Fair enough.

  We make our way over to Rivers' Firebird that was turned into a mangled mess after the accident, and to make matters worse it has been sitting right outside Tully's bedroom window as a constant reminder of the day from hell.

  After the accident and after Rivers disappeared, we didn’t know where to send the car, so here is where it's stayed and something tells me that’s how it’s going to always be until Rivers has a place of his own someday. Either that or Violet gets sick of having it outside her home and ships it off to a junkyard; which she’ll never do because she loves Rivers like a son.

  Tully and I look over the car that the boys spent a good part of last night staring at. Both sides are completely destroyed. The left hand side where we were rammed into by oncoming traffic and the right hand side is where Tully was crushed into the tree.

  I take in the doors. All four of them are fucked in their own way, making me wonder how the hell Rivers got us out. It couldn’t have been easy, but I guess when a person is faced with an impossible situation and adrenaline is pulsing through their veins, anything can happen.

  If only everything didn’t go to shit after that.

  “How are we supposed to get into this thing?” I question as the two of us walk around it, looking for a way in.

  “I, uh…have no fucking idea,” Tully chuckles before placing the bag on top of the car and pulling at the driver’s door handle. It doesn’t budge and she quickly gives up before making her way to the next door.

  I try the two on my side and it doesn’t take us long to realize that there’s no hope. The doors are jammed. It’s then we both look to the trunk and I instantly start shaking my head. “No. there’s no way. Leaning through an open door is one thing but crawling through all this twisted metal is just asking for trouble.”

  “Don’t be such a pussy,” she says. “Our only other option is to go through the broken glass and my scarring is only just starting to fade. I don’t particularly feel like cutting up all my skin again.”


  “Come on,” Tully laughs. “Just picture their faces when they open this thing and can’t work out why the hell it smells like a dirty asshole. It’ll be even better when they figure it out and start looking for it only to discover it’s a moldy, seafood infestation.”

  “You really have a way with words, you know that, right?”

  “Uh-huh, and that’s why you love me. Now, help me break into this piece of shit.”

  “Oooh,” I laugh as I join her around the back of the car. “If he heard you say that…”

  She looks across to me and rolls her eyes. “Trust me, after the accident, I’d dare say he thought the same thing.”

  I’d dare say she’s right.

  We work on popping the trunk and it’s a little harder than we had hoped, but after a little tugging and grunting, it flies up and Tully doesn’t skip a beat, throwing herself inside and crawling through the mangled car.

  I slap a hand over my mouth, desperately trying to hold in my laughs as to not alert Noah that we’re out here. Tully had said he was working out which means he’s probably in the garage and that’s just a little too close if you ask me.

  Tully crawls in and manages to lay the backseats down so that she can get through to the main part of the car, only her head and body get trapped leaving her ass flying high in the sky. Though, some would say that’s the way she likes it.

  “Help a woman out, why don’t you?!”

  I grab hold of her feet and give her a shove, sending her flying deeper into the car and crashing down onto the floor space of the backseat. “Alright,” she says, righting herself and looking around. “You know, we might not have to bother. It already smells like shit in here.”

  I walk around to the broken window and peer in, taking in all the dried blood smeared all over the dash and all the water stains from the storms we’ve had over the past few months. “Yeah, Rivers probably shit himself during the accident. I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s still floating around here somewhere.”

  “Yuck,” Tully groans.

  “Not to mention all the DNA on that backseat too.”

  Tully stops and glares up at me. “Would you stop already? I don’t want to think about all the other chicks he fucked in here before he fucked me up.”

  “Really?” I grumble. “You think he actually had a chance to fuck anyone when he only had it for like a week before the accident. Besides, he was with Alyssa at the time and was so hung up on you that I doubt he ever screwed her.”

  Tully looks thoughtful for a moment before shaking it off. “You know what? It’s none of my business anymore. I’m through with him. I don’t care if he fucked her or not. All that matters now is stuffing this car with stinky food and enjoying the entertainment that shall follow. Now, pass me that bag.”

  I roll my eyes and reach up on top of the car and grab the bag. I hold back vomit at the way it squishes. I mean, Tully must have some wicked balls putting her hand inside that thing. That’s a hard pass for me.

  I reach in and hand her the bag, being careful not to cut myself on any broken glass. Tully instantly gets busy, giggling to herself as she slips little pieces of shrimp under the chairs, into the air vents, and down beside the seatbelt locks.

  It’s freaking nasty. If Rivers ever does discover what she’s done, there’s no way he’ll be able to find every single one.

  “Hey,” a deep voice rumbles from behind me. “What are you doing? I thought you were studying for your exam today.”

  I spin around to take in Noah. He’s shirtless and has a sheer layer of sweat covering his defined body from his work out. His muscles are bulging, his shirt is nowhere to be seen, and those pants are riding so freaking low that I’m sure a gust of wind could knock them right off.

  I’m momentarily lost for words. He’s simply delicious.

  “Shit, is that Noah?” Tully gasps from inside the car. “Don’t let him see me.”

  My eyes bug out. Just the sight of Noah had me forgetting what the hell we were just doing. I hurry forward, drawing his attention away from the fact that I was just standing beside Rivers’ car.

  I step into his arms and smile up at him. “Tully mentioned you were working out and I couldn’t resist coming to see for myself.”

  Noah’s eyes narrow on me. “Really?” he questions suspiciously. “So, what were you doing over by Rivers’ Firebird?”

  “Oh, nothing,” I say, shrugging off his question. “Having him back made me think about the accident so I wanted to check it out.”

  Noah looks across the yard to the car and I look with him, only to smile at the way Tully must have crammed herself right down on the floor of the car. Though, I’m sure she would have used the opportunity to throw a few
more pieces of shrimp under the seats.

  “Well, come on,” he says, either believing me or deciding to let me get away with whatever he assumes I’m up to. “It’s hot as balls out here and I’ve got the air-conditioning on inside.”

  “Thank God,” I sigh.

  Noah leads me inside and heads straight for the bathroom before dropping his pants and stepping into the shower. I sit down on the edge of the bathtub and enjoy the show while Noah rattles off all his ideas for what we could fill the rest of the day doing. To be honest, I don’t really care what we do as long as the day finishes with me doing him. Hell, maybe I should get in the shower with him and start my day the way I intend to finish it.

  Within seconds of the thought filtering through my mind, my shirt is flying up over my head and my pants are tossed across the bathroom. I hope Noah is prepared for me because I plan on coming in hard and fast, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned since meeting Noah, it’s that he’s always ready for what I’m putting down. No. Matter. What.

  Noah and I emerge from the bathroom twenty minutes later, both thoroughly screwed. Shower sex with Noah…my God, it’s incredible. Well, any sex with him is incredible. Whether it’s in the shower, in a bed, his car, up against the side of the house during the middle of a rainstorm. Anytime. Anywhere. Incredible.

  We come out into the kitchen to find Tully sitting at the dining table, absolutely annihilating a plate of chicken wings. The sauce covers her finger and is all over her cheeks. I swear, she looks as happy as a pig in mud.

  I guess getting a little revenge does wonders for a girl, or perhaps her mood has a little something to do with the fact that the man she’s desperately in love with is home.

  Noah collapses down beside Tully and steals a wing off her plate when a ferocious growl comes tearing out of her to the point Noah even looks concerned, but he deserved it. You don’t mess with a girl’s wings.

  Noah throws out the option of heading down to the beach for the afternoon and Tully is two seconds from racing down the hallway to pick out her favorite bikini when a voice clears behind us. “You’re not going anywhere,” Rivers says, aiming his comment towards Tully.

  Noah and I promptly shut up. Damn. He just had to come in with a comment like that.

  “Excuse me?” Tully snaps, pushing up out of her chair. “That’s rich coming from you. Let me spell things out for you. You left. You packed up your shit and you took the fuck off without even thinking about the mess you left behind. You no longer get a say in what I do. You don’t get a say in anything.”

  “Babe, come on.”

  “Don’t call me that. I am not your ‘babe.’”

  “Just…please. Hear me out. I’m only here for ten days. I don’t want to spend this time with you hating on me. I need to know that we’re ok.”

  “That’s just the thing, Rivers,” Tully says, walking around the table to stand in front of him. “We’re not ok. So damn far from ok. You told me you loved me and then you broke me. There’s nothing more to it.”

  He reaches out and runs his knuckles down the side of her face, and while I expect her to push him away, she can’t help but lean into his touch. After all, she’s been craving it for so long. “Please, just let me talk. You don’t have to say anything, just listen and once we’re done, then you can decide how the next nine days are going to go.”

  They both stand in silence, staring at one another for what seems like the longest time, before she finally nods and steps around him.

  Rivers follows her down the hallway and out the back door, leaving me feeling a little lost and broken myself.

  Whatever happens out there between them right now is going to be a hard conversation and I’m not too sure that Noah and I should stick around to witness it.

  With that thought, Noah takes my hand, grabs his keys off the counter and we get our asses out of here. Maybe it’s time to pay Tiny a visit and finish off my tattoo.

  Chapter 15

  “Ah, shit,” Tully says, looking across at me with a cringe. “I slept with him.”

  My shirt drops down over my tattoo and I spin away from the mirror, gaping at my hussy of a best friend. “I fucking knew it,” I squeal. “You little whorebag. I knew after everything you two have been through there was no way you went from not talking one day to everything being perfectly fine the next.”

  “Hey, nothing is fine,” she defends. “I’ve still been giving him hell.”

  “Yeah,” I scoff. “By opening your legs for him. I mean, what the hell, Tully? What happened to all that ‘we’re done’ bullshit?”

  Tully rolls her eyes but can’t help the grin spreading across her face. “Don’t get me wrong,” she tells me. “We are done, but like he said, he’s only here for a little while. There’s no point hating on each other, so why not get naked with him? I can go back to wanting to kick his ass once he’s gone, but I should just enjoy this time I have with him, even though it kills me every time he walks through the door.”

  “It’s not getting any easier, is it? I ask her. "Seeing him here every day knowing that no matter what you do, he’s still going to leave once these ten days are over.”

  Tully’s eyes drop down to my bed. “Don’t remind me,” she says. “But it is what it is, even if he wanted to stay, he can’t. Besides, you can see it yourself. Spending that time away from Haven Falls was good for him. I don’t know if maybe he just needed to get away from his father or distance himself from all the bullshit, but he seems lighter now, almost as though he has a purpose and I don’t want to take that away from him.”

  “You’re too freaking good,” I tell her. “You know, one day, he’s going to come back and realize that all his reasons for not being with you are all bullshit and he’s going to do whatever it takes to make it right.”

  Tully scoffs. “Who knows? By the time he figures that out, it’ll probably be too late.”

  I flop down on the bed beside her. “Don’t say that,” I beg of her. “All this can’t be for nothing. You two are perfect for each other and you just have to get through all the shit before you can make it work. He’ll come out the other end and see that you were right and then you’ll be inseparable. You’ll see, it’ll all work out.”

  “You know, falling in love with my brother was the worst thing to happen to you. You’re too girly and swoony now. He’s ruined you. What happened to the badass chick who didn’t need no man in her life?”

  “I’m a raging badass,” I tell her. “My badass levels are off the fucking charts so you better watch it. I’m not above putting a bitch in her place.”

  “Oh, please,” Tully scoffs, holding back a laugh. “I’d like to see you try.”

  I roll off the bed and stand before her, giving her my fiercest look before hitting myself in my chest. “Come at me, bro.”

  “Fuck me,” she groans. “Why can’t you be like all the other chicks who would have probed for information on my night with Rivers?”

  I look at her blankly. “Because he’s my brother now. That would be like you wanting to know the details of mine and Noah’s sex life. I don’t want to know about it.”

  “That doesn’t stop you from sharing those details with me anyway,” she throws back. “Now, sit down and shut up. You only just discovered Rivers was your brother like three seconds ago. You haven’t developed that ‘Ew, he’s disgusting’ thing yet, so as far as I’m concerned, you can listen to every last detail because you’re the only person I’ve got to talk to about it.”

  “Fine,” I groan, flopping back down onto the bed. “Hit me with it.”

  Tully’s face brightens up like a damn Christmas tree and within seconds of me dropping down beside her, she launches into the full rundown of her night with Rivers.

  “It was incredible,” she gushes, “though it always is with him. It was like we were both filled with this intense desperation and once we started, we couldn’t stop. He quite literally grabbed me and threw me down on my bed. I swear, Henley, it was like he w
as in ‘Hulk’ mode. He tore my clothes off, even ripped my panties from my body. I’ve never been so turned on in my life.”

  My cheeks start to flush and I do my best to listen to what she has to say, but this shit is full on. She doesn’t care for sparing any of the dirty details.

  By the end of her explanation, she’s recapped their dirty night together and then given me all the details of the aftermath and from what I could gather; they talked, she cried, he hung his head and hated on himself for putting her through that kind of misery, and then she kissed him, starting it all over again. Their desperate need for each other’s touch meant the rest was history. One simple brush of the skin and they couldn’t even control their basic instincts. Though, looking at her now, something tells me that she’s holding back just a little and my guts is saying that maybe there were more than just those two times that night.

  It’s day nine of Rivers being home and it’s been a wild ride of emotions. Though knowing he has to leave again tomorrow makes it bittersweet.

  I’ve loved having him back as it’s given me a chance to bond with him as more than just a pack member, but now as a brother. It was an adjustment, but I think this is going to be great.

  We’ve introduced Rivers to Aiden and just as I expected, he instantly hated him, just like he did with me. Rivers isn’t fond of change. He doesn’t like newcomers and he certainly doesn’t care for people becoming close with his pack, but unfortunately for him, it’s something he’s just going to have to get used to. Aiden is here to stay whether he likes it or not. I guess that’s the price you pay when you disappear without an explanation.

  Spencer though…that’s a different story. Rivers found some balls and questioned Tully about their relationship and instantly regretted it. She flew off the handle telling him it was none of his goddamn business and she would be right, but it didn’t stop the curiosity coursing through his veins. Next up, he questioned me about it and as I honestly have no fucking idea and couldn’t give a clear answer, and then he accused Noah of being a shitty brother and letting that douchebag near his girl again.


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