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Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 4

Page 1

by Stephanie Brother



  About This Book

  Previously In The Series

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  About Stephanie Brother

  Continue Reading The Series!

  Read The Complete Series!

  Sneak Peak! Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 5

  Stepbrother: Alpha Billionaire (excerpt)

  Also By Stephanie Brother

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 4

  Stephanie Brother

  © 2015 Stephanie Brother

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination.

  Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.

  Kindle Edition

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  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 1

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 2

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 3

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 4

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 5

  About This Book:

  A boy like him or a girl like me…

  Dante demonstrates his level of commitment by revealing the real reason he’s brought Sash to Los Angeles, but if he’s going to get his way, Sash needs something in return.

  She wants everyone to know their secrets, especially the one she’s carrying inside.

  With a ransom threat hanging over his head, Dante makes a drastic decision, the consequences of which could force them apart for ever.

  Whatever happens, Sash knows only one thing…

  She’s going to have his baby.


  They shower together. Sash knows it’s a risk, but she wants to take it. She wants them to want each other so badly it burns inside. She lays down rules before they begin. Look but don’t touch. Then touch but don’t fuck.

  Sash could watch the water cling to Dante’s body for an eternity. She could watch the way he moves for the rest of their lives together and never get bored. She is stunned silent by his beauty, and like this, finally, she has a chance to fully appreciate him.

  Next to him she feels like she pales in comparison, but Dante is quick to make her believe otherwise. Looking into his eyes she knows immediately how much he idolizes her, and to see him snap erect just to have her there alongside, fills her with an immeasurable sense of pride.

  Finally, she has him. Finally, after so long apart, after so long wondering whether they would ever get to be together, they are. After this, after they have sealed their love physically, Sash wants to let the whole world know, even if Dante feels otherwise.

  Holding their secret in would be harder than keeping her virginity from him.

  Previously In The Series…

  In Part 1, Sash is forced to ask for financial help from the one person she vowed she’d keep herself away from, her billionaire stepbrother Dante. Although he hasn’t seen his stepsister in three years, Dante is keen to help her out. He offers Sash a dancing job in one of his members only bars, yet fails to mention who it is she’ll be required to entertain.

  When he sees her performing through the two way mirror, he knows he won’t be able to stop until he gets what he wants. After all, he’s definitely not the kind of man to accept no for an answer twice…

  In Part 2, After Dante and Sash sleep together for the first time, he disappears, taking the thousand dollars he promised her to pay her rent. She has no other choice but to move back home, while Dante tries to come to terms with what has just happened. When a week passes and Sash still doesn’t hear from him, she decides to send him some provocative pictures to make him jealous. When Dante turns up announced to whip Sash off the street in the middle of the night, take her back home and show her exactly what he wants, she realizes just how much she means to him.

  If they are going to be together, however, Dante has some rules he expects her to follow….

  In Part 3, Dante leaves Sash his credit card, tells her she has to demonstrate that she can trust him, and flies across the country to Los Angeles, on what he describes as a business trip he cannot afford to miss. There, he secretly meets Oliver, his two year old son, and investigates the possibility of hymen reconstruction surgery for Sash.

  Two weeks pass and Sash hears nothing from her stepbrother. Tired of waiting, she decides to jump on a plane and confront him. At his hotel, Dante is already waiting for her, the room filled with flowers and presents.

  With the words heavy on her lips, Sash is ready to tell her stepbrother their secret, only for something else to rock her world instead…

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 1

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 2

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 3

  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 4


  Giving My Billionaire Stepbrother A Baby 4

  Stephanie Brother

  Chapter 1

  He finally finds her several hours later, sat on a park bench with her knees pulled up to her chest. When he sits down next to her, she doesn’t scream or try to run away, she just sits there silently, staring ahead at the very same point she’s had her eyes fixed on for the last thirty minutes, trying to work out what the hell has just happened. Although she’s not crying anymore, her eyes are red and puffy, and it’s clear she’s still shocked and very upset. Dante doesn’t speak for a moment either, deciding how best to approach the subject. He should have told her, but there never seemed like the right moment. Eventually, he reaches out to her, hoping in his touch she’ll soften. Sash pulls away as soon as he’s moved, crushing herself into the wooden arm rest of the bench.

  Dante regards his stepsister. Still she won’t look at him. Still she’s shaking her head, focusing on the mud by her feet. In its brown edges, she sees much more clarity than she does in the man sat next to her.

  “Was that it? My surprise? Is that why you brought me here, to humiliate me?” she says finally. “I want an explanation, Dante. When you’ve given me that, we’re finished.”

  Dante lets out a long sigh. “Look, Sash”, he says. “Tess is part of a history that has nothing to do with us.”

  Sash shakes her head. She’s absolutely furious with him. More so than at any other point before. This is one lie too many for her.

  “Nothing to do with us?” she says. “If you’re fucking her, that has everything to do with us. Are you fucking her?”

  Now she looks at him. In her eyes he sees a catalog of hurt. “No”, he says.

  “Don’t fucking lie to me, Dante”, Sash says. “I’ve had enough.”

  “Sash, listen to me, I’m not fucking her.”

  “Then why are you here?”

  “I came to see Oliver, not Tess”, Dante says. “I should have told you.”

  “Oliver?” Sash begins, but she can’t finish what she’s about to say. Instead she says, “you asked me to trust you. How can I trust you if
you lie to me?”

  Dante hangs his head. He’s been rumbled and there’s no way out of it for him but to try and get Sash to forgive him. To try and get her to understand.

  “You have a son, Dante. A fucking son.”

  Just saying the words brings tears to Sash’s eyes. It makes her feel empty inside. It makes her feel like she’s no longer special for him. That what she believes to be growing inside her isn’t unique anymore, that it’s not enough.

  “Please, Sash”, Dante says, trying to reach for her again.

  “Don’t touch me”, Sash says firmly, and Dante retracts his hand.

  “I was going to tell you”, Dante says. “I was going to tell you before we went back to New York. I didn’t have a chance before Tess turned up. I want to be with you Sash, I thought that was clear.”

  “Why should I believe you?” Sash says.

  “Because it’s true”, Dante says. “Please, Sash, look at me.”

  Sash can’t bring herself to turn in her seat. All she can do is stare blindly at the ground and hope it swallows her up.

  “I brought you here to give you a present. To give us both a present. Something we could never do the first time around. I need you Sash, no one else makes me feel like you do.”

  “Yeah, right.” Sash says, tears clouding her eyes again.

  For the third time, Dante tries to get near her. As he edges a little closer on the bench, this time Sash doesn’t warn him away.

  “I promise you I’m not fucking her”, Dante says. “Tess and I weren’t even in a proper relationship together. Whatever we had ended almost three years ago. There is only one person I want to be with in this world, and that’s you. It’s only ever been you. Please Sash, you’ve got to believe me.”

  The cruel thing is, Sash knows she’s got no choice. Whether she believes him or not, or he’s lying to her or not, she’s never going to be able to tear herself away from him. Dante is almost alongside her now. Slowly, he reaches out to put an arm around her shoulder.

  “Please come back to the hotel”, he says.

  Sash shakes her head.

  “If you like, I can contact Tess, tell her to explain to you that there is nothing going on between us.”

  “You have a child together”, Sash says, still unable to process it. “A child, Dante.”

  “I know”, Dante says. “I was just as shocked as you are now when she told me about it.”

  “What happened?” Sash asks.

  “I don’t know”, Dante says. “Tess was one of the dancers in the club. We had a thing together for a while, and the next thing I know she’s pregnant with my child. After that, when I told her we couldn’t be together, she moved away. I’ve been coming to see Oliver regularly since then.”

  Sash shifts a little in her seat. She takes Dante’s arm from around her shoulder and places it back in his lap.

  “Why did you tell me you were coming here to work? Why did you lie to me?”

  Dante sighs again. This is difficult for him. Tess and Oliver are a secret he’s worked hard to keep. If only she hadn’t turned up at the hotel like that, they’d be in the clinic now getting Sash’s virginity back.

  “Honestly?” Dante asks, and the ridiculousness of it almost makes Sash laugh.

  “Don’t lie to me, Dante”, Sash says, “I was this close to flying straight back to New York. I still haven’t decided whether I’m going to do it or not. As far as I was concerned this morning, we were over. Now you have to prove to me I can trust you again. Don’t fucking lie to me ever again, I mean it.”

  “I didn’t think you’d understand if I told you about Oliver”, Dante says. “I thought you’d react like this.”

  “How did you expect me to react if not like this?” Sash says. “Do you think I should be over the moon for you?”

  “No, of course not. I didn’t tell you because I was scared of losing you”, Dante says.

  “Scared of losing me? Since when have you been scared of losing me? I was always there for you, Dante, always”, Sash says. “I wasn’t the one who disappeared into the ether three years ago.”

  Now it’s Dante’s turn to look at the mud on the ground.

  “I made a mistake”, Dante says. “I’ve thought about it everyday.”

  “It’s not the only one either”, Sash says.

  “Sash, please, I’m trying to make it up to you. I’m trying to do the right thing for us both. I’m trying to show you how much you mean to me. I want to make this work.”

  “When are you going to stop being such an ass-hole?” Sash says, shaking her head again in disbelief at the idiocy of her stepbrother.

  “I’m working on it”, he says. “The hotel, the credit card, the presents.”

  “It means nothing if I don’t have you.”

  “You have me, Sash, when are you going to realize that? You have me.”

  “When are you going to show me?”

  “I thought I was.”

  “Rules, Dante”, Sash says, reaching out for him this time. “No secrets, especially something this big.”

  “No secrets”, Dante repeats. “I promise.”

  Sash sighs. In his lap she grips his hand, interlocking her fingers with his.

  “No running away.”

  “No running away”, Dante repeats.

  “No fucking other girls”, Sash says.

  “Sash, seriously.”

  Dante lifts her chin with his index finger. It takes her a while to look at him directly, embarrassed by the floods of tears that don’t seem to want to stop coming.

  “When you came back to me, it was something I thought would never happen. I’ve never wanted something so much in my life. The first time I didn’t realize how strongly I felt about you, but when you came back, it was like everything fell into place. I didn’t come to you in that time because I needed to know you had forgiven me. I needed to know that you wanted me. Sash, when I saw you again, I knew we had to be together. I mean that. You are the most incredible person I have ever met and I need you. There is no one else. No one even close. I love you, Sash.”

  “Do you mean it?” Sash says, butterflies returning to her belly.

  “Of course I mean it. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t mean it. I’m here Sash, I’ve just spent two hundred dollars in taxi fares and walked over the city for the last two hours. I called you like a hundred times.”

  “Thirteen”, Sash says, her eyes lighting up just a little.

  “The point is, I’m not with Tess, I’m not with any other girls, I’m with you. I love you, Sash. I always have, I just didn’t realize it quick enough the first time around.”

  “You’re a jerk.”

  “I know I am”, Dante says, “I should have told you.”

  “About Oliver, or that you love me?”


  Sash can’t help but feel a hollow in her stomach when she thinks about his boy. She can’t help but feel some divine right has been taken away from her. That what she believes she’s carrying will pale in comparison to what he already has.

  “I wish you’d told me”, she says.

  She moves her eyes across Dante’s face. The fullness of his lips, the definition of his cheekbones, the perfect way his hair falls at the side of his head. Even when she’s furious with him, she can’t help but find him attractive.

  “I love you too”, Sash says. “Sometimes I wish I didn’t, but I do.”

  “Will you come back with me?” Dante asks.

  Now Sash lets out a sigh.

  “Are you going to hurt me again?” she says.

  “I hope not”, Dante says.

  “You are the only one who can decide that”, Sash says. “If I come back with you, you need to promise me you’ll take responsibility. I’m serious, Dante, if we are going to be together, you need to act like it.”

  Sash pauses a while to prepare herself. She takes Dante’s hands and looks him in the eye.

  “I don’t want us to be secret anymore”, she

  “Sash”, Dante reasons. “You know we-”

  “I mean it”, Sash says. “You need to prove to me that I’m the most important thing in your life. More than your work, or your reputation.”

  “Look, if anyone found out about us, I’d be ruined.”

  “I don’t care, and nor should you.”

  “Sash, be reasonable, there’s a lot at stake here. We’re stepbrother and stepsister, they hang people like us in Texas.”

  “I can’t do this, Dante, not unless I know for sure. I’ve been hurt too much already.”

  “I’m telling you, Sash, isn’t that enough?”

  “No”, Sash says, shaking her head. “Not any more it isn’t.”

  Dante sighs. His business or his stepsister? “Lets go back to the hotel and talk about it”, he says eventually.

  “Uh-uh”, Sash says. “I’m not going anywhere until you promise me.”

  “You really want to do this, Sash? I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Oliver, but I was going to do it eventually, when our relationship was stable enough for you to understand. Don’t punish us both for a mistake I’ve made. If the press know about us, every single aspect of our life will be under scrutiny. They will not leave us alone and we’ll have no privacy. You want us to have a relationship, the kind of relationship you have always dreamed about? We can only do that if we don’t tell anyone we are together. This isn’t a question of me not demonstrating how important you are to me by keeping you secret, it’s a question of me keeping our relationship private so I can demonstrate to you exactly how important you are to me. We tell anyone, we are as good as over. They’ll tear us apart. After that, forget about having any freedom. You’ll be lucky if your friends still talk to you, let alone your own family. You want to make a new life somewhere nobody knows us? Fine. I for one don’t want to lose that unnecessarily.”

  Dante stands up. “Where are you going?” Sash asks, suddenly worried he’s going to leave her again.

  “I love you, Sash, but nobody else needs to know that except you. Don’t ruin what we have, please.”

  Sash doesn’t know what to say. She feels like the balance of power has just titled in Dante’s favor, and she isn’t quite sure how.


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