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Aphrodite’s Reject: The Lottery Winners

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by Mairsile Leabhair

  Aphrodite’s Reject

  The Lottery Winners

  A Short Story by Mairsile

  Aphrodite’s Reject: The Lottery Winners

  © 2014 by Mairsile. All Rights Reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form, without written permission.

  Cover Design: Mairsile

  Hey you, yeah you. Come on over here, I want to tell you a story about two ships that passed in the night, and sunk. No, it’s not a sad story at all. Actually it’s a deeply moving love story. What? Yes, there will be sex in my story, but you’ll just have to wait for that. The lover’s haven’t even met yet. My name? Oh yeah, it’s Abderus. Yep, Abderus, the love guardian. That’s me. What? Yes I know that’s a boy’s name and I’m a girl, you’ll just have to deal with it.

  Okay, so if you know anything at all about Aphrodite, then you know she’s a little flighty and very fickle. She says she’ll train you to be a love guardian, but when you don’t put out the way she likes it, she kicks your butt out of Olympus. Of course if you knew the meaning of my name, you’d understand why. Oh all right, I’ll tell you. My name means friend of Hercules. Get it now?

  Anyway, I wasn’t just kicked out of Olympus. Oh no‒ no‒ no. It’s never that easy. I am doomed to wonder the earth doing her job, while she grows fat eating bonbons and cutting the cheese. What? No, real cheese, the woman eats it like it was candy. Anyway, she’s long since retired, and forgotten all about me…, I think. But that’s okay, I love helping lovers find each other with the least amount of drama as possible. Oh okay, you caught me, I enjoy the drama too. Anyway, things were going great until I run up on two of the most stubborn, hard headed, exasperating people, you’d ever want to meet.

  Look, there’s one of them now. Right over there in Memphis. Yes, see that cute little brown haired lady, standing there with her cappuccino? No, not that one, that’s a guy, jeez. I’m talking about the one that’s about to buy a lottery ticket. And guess what? She’s going to win big. Let me tell you about her.

  Rosalyn, that’s her name, Rosalyn Torres, but everyone calls her Rose, because her name means pretty rose in Spanish. It fits her. You see, she is a gorgeous Latino, though she doesn’t speak the language. She has gorgeous, long dark brown hair, that drapes her rosy soft face perfectly, and reaches down to her rosy soft ass, nicely. Gorgeous, what’s another word for gorgeous? Stunning! Yes, she has stunning, oval shaped green eyes, that shimmer like emeralds, and her lips, her lips are plump and pouting, just like her hips. Oh, uh... anyway, she’s a petite little minx, with a large heart, that she wears on her sleeve. To say that Rosalyn was a real beauty inside and out, would be an understatement.

  Sadly though, Rosalyn lives in a tiny apartment, with a tiny cat. A cat who has a better sex life than she does, and the cat’s been spayed! Rosalyn is a struggling secretary, trying to make ends meet while she waits on her knight in shining armor. She’s very intelligent, though you couldn’t tell it by her love life. She doesn’t have one. In fact, she’s still a virgin at twenty‒eight. Yes, there are still a few of those left in the world, but not many. Not to worry though, I’ll get to them eventually. The reason she hasn’t met the love of her life yet, is because she’s shy. Terribly, awkwardly shy. Bless her heart, winning the lottery is about to blow all that out of the water. And of course, I knew it would, that’s why I told her what numbers to pick. Let’s be a fly on the wall, shall we, and see what happens.

  Rose scratched off the card and looked at it closely. On a whim, she thought she’d buy a lottery ticket, just to see what it was all about. This was her first try at the lottery, and she didn’t really understand how it works, so she asked the clerk if she had won anything. The clerk ran the card thru her computer, and looked at the printout. Then her eyes rolled back in her head, and she fainted.

  Okay, so the clerk fainted dead away because the ticket said Rosalyn just won thirty million dollars. Can you believe that? Well, maybe you can, but she sure didn’t. Good things like that just never happen for Rosalyn. You know the old saying, if it weren’t for bad luck, she’d have no luck at all. Well, thanks to little ol’ me, her luck just changed around.

  Rose stuffed the ticket in her pocket, and helped the clerk up. She got her a cup of water and asked her if she was all right. Realizing why she fainted, the clerk began screaming, ¡Dios mío! ¡Dios mío! Rose didn’t understand at first, until she pulled the ticket back out. The clerk pointed to it and screamed again, ¡Dios mío! ¡Dios mío!

  That’s Spanish for Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh, sorry, didn’t mean to yell at you like that. So anyway, there’s a catch to the thirty mil. Someone else, in a land far, far away, Colorado to be exact, also bought the winning ticket. Now this is where the fun begins.

  Do you see the cowgirl over there. Yes, the one leaning on the big pickup truck, wearing a small t‒shirt, barely covering her large, voluptuous breasts? She lives in Colorado Springs and works on a ranch. Underneath the big cowgirl hat is a beautiful, gangly, twenty‒six year old woman, whose very essence says confidence and intelligence, though you couldn’t tell it by the way she dresses, yuck. Deziray, that’s her name, Deziray Barrett, but everybody just calls her Dez. Anyway, Deziray is tall, with long, shining, brunette hair, dark gray eyes that you could totally lose yourself in, a thin nose and voluptuous lips. Yes, I like the word voluptuous, yum. Anyway, it’s her long arms and legs that entices me… uh, I mean that enhances her beauty. That and the fact she really has no clue just how beautiful she is. That’s rare in one so young and voluptuous.

  So Deziray is at the gas station, filling up her truck. As she does every week, she buys a lottery ticket when she pays for the gas. She’s never won anything, and doesn’t even look at the ticket. She just stuffs it in her jeans pocket. The skin‒tight fitting, back pocket on her hip, the hip that you could bounce a quarter off of, oh, uh…, and anyway, she drives back to the ranch. She works for an asshole of a man who spends all his time eating pork rinds and gawking at her, that is, when he’s not bending over to fart. Deziray likes to fantasize about buying the ranch, and kicking his ass to the curb, and soon, very soon, she will be able to do just that. I can’t wait!

  But first, she’s going to be dumped by her girlfriend. And just when she was getting ready to pop the question too. Well, that’s because Deziray didn’t listen to me and went out on her own. She’s stubborn like that. A word to the wise, never mix liquor with love, it’ll be disastrous every time. That’s how they met, drunk as a skunk and twice as horny, and soon they were pulling a U-Haul down the road. Once the two lovebirds sobered up, one was in love, and one wasn’t. Deziray, bless her heart, was the one in love.

  So, let’s go to the saloon and watch them breakup. What? No, I’m not being sadistic, you need to know what our heroine goes through to understand why she’s about to swear off of love forever.

  Sitting at the bar, nursing a beer, Dez nervously kept watch on the door, waiting on her lover to arrive. Today was the day. She was going to ask Penny to marry her, to spend the rest of her life with her. It was a huge commitment for Dez, but she knew she was ready. Having spent twenty‒six years sowing her wild oats, Dez knew she was ready to settle down. She felt that there was only so many women she could go through before she realizes she’s had them all. But it was Penny who made her wake up and smell the coffee. She knew she wasn’t head‒over‒heals in love with Pe
nny, but she could be happy with her, just the same.

  Taking the expensive ring out of her pocket, Dez rehearsed her speech one more time. She couldn’t decide though, whether to get down on one knee and propose, or just hand it to her. Maybe if she included the lottery ticket, as sort of a bonus prize, to break that awkward silence right before she said yes. But then she thought better of that because she was positive the lottery ticket was a dud. Still, she thought it would be a very romantic gesture.

  I’m interrupting this tender moment, to remind you that Deziray still has the ticket in her back pocket, and still does not know that she’s won half of the thirty million. Let’s hope she doesn’t give it over to Penny, the skank who is about to break her heart. Okay, now back to the tender moment, even though my heart is already breaking for our hero. But not to worry, I’ve got true love waiting in the wings, she just doesn’t know it yet.

  Finally, Penny Nelson walked through the door. A strong, independent, forty‒eight year old woman, who’s skin was rough from too much sun, liquor and cigarettes. And she was just as rough as her skin. When Penny was sober, she would cuss you out as to look at you. But a drunk Penny, was a very endearing, loving, compassionate woman. That’s the side Dez fell in love with, and wants to marry. Unfortunately for Dez, the sober Penny is the one who walked through the door.

  They got a table in a secluded corner, and ordered their steaks. It wasn’t until the dessert arrived that Dez pulled out the ring, and got down on her knee to proposed.

  Stop! No, I can’t watch! I’ll just tell you what happened instead. Deziray got down on her knee and held up the ring. A small ring with an even smaller diamond. The poor thing couldn’t afford much more than that. Anyway, Penny laughed at her. I guess she thought it was a joke, but I wasn’t laughing. Uh, I mean, Deziray wasn’t laughing. Being a love guardian, I can actually see when the heart breaks, and Deziray’s heart was breaking. She tried to explain to Penny that she was serious, and finally, Penny believed her I guess, because she told Deziray to get up, sit down and put that ring away. That’s when Penny told her they were through, and then she walked away. Talk about heart broken, Deziray was so upset that she actually cried, right there in the bar. This is something she never does. Cry, I mean. She hates to cry, though in my humble opinion, if she would cry more she’d feel better. But anyway, let’s check in on our girl.

  Flagging down the waitress, Dez ordered a whiskey straight up. While she waited on that, she polished off the rest of her beer, wishing that she could climb inside the empty bottle and disappear. As the realization set in, she relived every word Penny said to her, then she recalled all the good times they had together. What was she going to do now, without her lover, her reason for waking up in the morning. The waitress brought the whiskey over, and Dez picked it up with the intention of getting drunk. But as she brought the glass to her lips, the smell of the liquor reminded her too much, of how she first met Penny.

  Okay, it’s me again, and I just have to say, I can’t go down that road again, I just can’t. She plans to get shit faced, and that was how she met Penny in the first place. And we just saw how well that played out. So I’m going to intervene. I’m going to march right over to Deziray, take that drink out of her hand, and tell her it’s time to stop being an idiot and go find a real woman. Or…

  A TV announcer interrupted Dez’s depression when he read the winning lottery ticket number. She set her full glass of whiskey down on the table and pulled out her ticket. Thinking she could add to her misery by losing, again, she checked the numbers on the ticket against the numbers flashing on the TV screen. Not believing what she saw, she called the waitress over and together they read the numbers, verifying that she just won thirty million dollars. Beyond excited, Dez handed the waitress the diamond ring as a tip, and walked out the door.


  My plan is working perfectly so far, if I do say so myself. Now comes the hard part. Getting the two winners together. Well, that’s not going to be as hard as getting them to actually talk to each other. One has sworn off love forever and the other is too shy to even try it. But let’s not worry about that now. Instead let’s take it one step at a time and go from there.

  So our two, soon to be lovers, if I have my way, lottery ticket winners, will have to meet each other when they present the fake checks to them. You know what I mean? They stick you in front of the news camera’s, holding a big, fat, fake check, and ask you what you’re going to do with all that money. Five bucks says they’ll say they’re going to pay off all their bills and take a cruise to some exotic island. Boring! Well the exotic island part sounds dreamy. But remember, these two chicks, I mean beautiful women, think they’re going there by themselves. That’s the boring part. But I’m going to fix that.

  Rose and Dez where paraded onto a stage and each handed an oversized check for fifteen million dollars. Rose looked at all the zero’s in the check, and smiled ear to ear. She couldn’t believe this was really happening to her. She looked out past the camera’s and saw her parents clapping and cheering. Last night she asked them how much they would like from the winnings, but they wouldn’t hear of it. That was her money, and she should save it and invest it. None‒the‒less, Rose decided to give them at least a million dollars, so they could retire and enjoy the rest of their life worry free. She felt relief that she would be able to do that for her parents. Relief and pride. But as for the rest of the money, she wasn’t sure what she would do with it. Probably move to a nicer apartment in a better neighborhood. Maybe buy a new car, which was something she had never done. And she would ask her father to invest some of the money for her, then put the rest in savings.

  Thanks to her fifteen million, Dez was in a tail spin upward. She sat down and made out a list of what she wanted to do with all that money. Top of the list was buy the ranch she was working for. Not out of spite or vindictiveness, but because she had always dreamed of owning her own ranch. She also wanted a new, expensive car, or maybe even two or three cars. In going down her list, it was obvious that Dez was going to splurge, on everything. If she kept spending as her list indicated, she will have burned through her fifteen million in less than a year.

  When each winner was asked what they were going to spend their winnings on, Dez grinned, and told them, everything. Rose was not so boisterous and much more practical when she told them she was going to pay off her bills, and her parents bills, and then maybe take a trip somewhere.


  Okay, so our two, soon to be lovebirds, met and had their picture taken. And like I predicted, are going to pay off their bills and take a trip, yawn. So the moment I’ve been patiently waiting for, well patient for me that is, has finally arrived. Now that the hoopla is done and the media has left, it’s just Deziray and Rosalyn, alone at last. Let’s watch as the meeting gives birth to a new relationship.

  Escorted to a back room to wait on the IRS to collect their portion, Dez went straight to the coffee pot, and pour herself a cup. She offered to pour Rose a cup too, but Rose declined. Rose sat at the furthest end of the room with her head bowed, concentrating on not being noticed. That made Dez notice her even more, and she tried to strike up a conversation. Fear kept Rose from saying anything more than yes and no, so Dez finally gave up. If she had known that Rose was so enamored by her beauty, Dez might have tried harder. And for her part, Dez thought Rose had the sweetest cheeks she’d ever seen.

  So, you can bring a horse to water but you can’t make him drink, right? Wrong! Well okay, you’re partially right. They may not have connected right then, but come on, how can you fall in love with the tax man giving you the evil eye. But there’s still plenty of time left, and I’ve still got a few schemes up my sleeve that I haven’t played yet. Remember the exotic island they both want to go to?

  But first our girls have to go through some realizations before they are ready to connect with their soul mate. For instance, Deziray’s skank ex‒girlfriend, Penny, is suddenly interested in her again, and even
wants to marry her now. But our girl is too smart for that ploy. I’m happy to say that Deziray sent her packing in no uncertain terms. Although Deziray made up for it, by sleeping with every bimbo in a skirt, she could find. I must admit, Deziray was smoking hot, driving in her new, incredibly expensive, sports convertible. I’m pretty sure, two or three of the bimbo’s she picked up, were straight.

  And if it weren’t for Rosalyn’s parents, Rosalyn would have fallen for the first yahoo that knocked at her door. And the second, and the third.

  Both ladies suddenly had friends coming out of the woodwork. Friends they didn’t know they had. Myself included. It quickly became too much for both of them, and they desperately wanted to get away.

  So yours truly here, arranges for both of them to rent the Horseshoe Bay Island, at the same time. It’s a private island located in Maine. Now here’s the kicker. They each book the island individually, but what they didn’t know, was that I was their travel agent. Clever, aren’t I? Of course. Anyway, once they got there, and realized my ruse, a terrible storm kept them from leaving. I owe Poseidon big time for that one. So basically, they’re trapped on an island with no electricity, I saw to that, no satellite, thank you Zeus, which means no TV or cell phones, and no way off the island for three weeks, when the prearranged supplies where brought over in a boat. Am I good or what? Don’t answer that.

  It took a few days, but finally the two were talking, and Rosalyn actually came out of her shell and laughed a time or two. They bonded over the fact they both had all that money, and no real friends that they could trust to share it with. Rosalyn, bless her heart, even chastised Deziray for blowing through half a million dollars in a week, on fast women and fast cars. Deziray cocked her leg, placing her large boot up on the table, and informed Rosalyn that she needed to learn to live a little, and have sex at least once first, before she judged others for doing enjoying life. I have to admit, I agree with Deziray.


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