The Glass Dagger (Afterlife Chronicles Book 1)

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The Glass Dagger (Afterlife Chronicles Book 1) Page 3

by Stephanie Hudson

  Completing the school girl look was the buttoned cardigan in dark green that matched the colours in her pleated tartan skirt and black knee high socks with platform heeled black school shoes.

  Theo would have this girl pegged as the class brain if it hadn’t been for the rebellious red streak she had flashing colour amongst her jet black hair and the killer heels she chose to torture herself with. Even the harsh way her hair was cut told him that this girl didn’t like to follow the rules and being a team player was the furthest thing from her mind.

  Theo didn’t know how he knew these things about people but he just did. He didn’t believe it was anything corny like having a sixth sense or any rubbish like that. Instead he simply put it down to being perceptive and he always found that a person’s appearance could tell you a lot about the personality that went with it.

  Like the way she hadn’t yet looked up at him but still spoke to him with her eyes glued firmly to her book. This was clearly a statement made to tell him one thing…I don’t care what you think of me. However, the reality was telling him a very different side to the one she was hoping to portray and that this was more likely an act she put on when she was feeling vulnerable.

  Although he knew she would probably swear on her kidneys that this wasn’t the truth. And even though Theo wouldn’t have blamed her for feeling this way, he knew it was best to just act right along with her. After all, they were all vulnerable right now…especially with a blind girl behind the wheel of the school bus, driving them to God knows where, Theo thought dryly.

  “And you are?” Theo asked giving it what he thought was long enough before answering. He used this as a tactic sometimes, fighting attitude with attitude.

  “Ena, Ena Douglas,” she answered, finally gracing him with a pair of unusual light blue eyes that he hadn’t expected to see on an Asian chick. Actually he didn’t know what shocked him more, her beautiful eyes or her last name.

  “Douglas?” he found himself asking before he could stop himself.

  “Yeah, you got a problem with that, English?” she snapped.

  “Not really, just didn’t expect a Scottish last name for a Chinese chick.” Theo answered honestly and not biting to the obvious confrontational tone she was looking for.

  “I’m Japanese genius and Douglas is my adopted name if you must know.” Theo looked surprised for a moment and couldn’t help but glance back towards Ivan and the Goth, wondering if they too were orphans like him?

  “Right, so you speak Russian as well as Japanese?” he asked nodding back to Ivan and referring to when she translated for him about Ivan wanting to know his name. But this was one question that she obviously didn’t want him to ask and Theo couldn’t help but revel a little in the shameful blush that speckled her cheeks with pink at the question.

  “Well I…” She was suddenly cut off when Rue pulled the bus forward on a jerk, causing Theo to grab on to one of the headrests to steady himself.

  “She’s a wildcard that one.” A boy’s voice said from one of the seats behind Ena and Theo looked up to see another Goth nodding towards the erratic driver. He was the last student on the bus making them a clueless party of five.

  Theo decided it was safer siting down so nodded to Ena’s outstretched feet and cleared his throat.

  “Uh…do you mind?” he said when she obviously didn’t get the hint or more like blatantly ignored it. Ena rolled her eyes but at least moved so Theo could pass. He couldn’t help but feel as though she was going to make things difficult for not only him but also everyone else on this bus.

  “Yo man, it’s Theo right?” said the last student, one sat a few rows away from little Miss Japanese Attitude. He stood up and offered Theo his hand, which was something that always made Theo nervous. He didn’t want to be rude and knew sometimes he could get away with the slightest touch, so he took a chance and slapped a hand to his in greeting. It was only when he looked completely unaffected that Theo could sigh his secret relief and say,

  “Yeah dude, and you are?” Now that he could see him up close he realised he wasn’t a goth like he first thought but more of an Emo. He, like Ena, had jet black hair which was straightened and styled forward in front of his face. On this he wore a grey worn beanie hat that looked like it never left his head. He also wore a ‘Fall Out Boy’ band t-shirt and a pair of ripped skinny jeans that looked to have paint stains on one side. A junky pair of old charity shop Doc Martins completed the look and these also had splattered paint marks at the toes. Even without the paint on his clothes, it was obvious from the dirty, charcoal dyed fingertips that this guy was an artist.

  “I’m Zane Ververs,” he said with a slight accent Theo couldn’t place.

  “Ververs?” Theo asked just because he was curious to know where he was from.

  “It’s Dutch. I learned English through music,” Zane said as he reached into his jeans’ pocket to turn off the music he still had blasting from the sticker covered headphones hanging around his neck. Theo decided to take a seat opposite Zane, who also seemed like the most logical choice for conversation.

  “That’s cool. So you’re from the Netherlands?” Theo asked knowing this was the only place he could remember from Geography where they spoke Dutch.

  “Yeah and from the sound of your accent, I would guess you’re from London?” Theo nodded and for some reason once again put his hand in his pocket to grip tightly onto the letter, as if it brought him comfort knowing it was still there.

  “Look man, I have to ask, what do you know about this place we are going to?” Theo asked as if the question had burst from within the same dark place deep within him that he kept locked away. Zane’s soulful eyes widened for a second as if he too had been burning to ask someone this very same question. He scooted forward, sliding over to the seat closer to the aisle and leaned forward, causing Theo to do the same.

  “Did you get the letter?” Zane asked on a whisper. Theo’s hand clenched tighter around the battered piece of paper before forcing himself to relax.

  “Yeah, I got the letter but it didn’t really tell me sh…” Theo was about to swear when all suddenly Rue slapped on the brakes, launching everyone to brace onto the seats in front of them. The poor goth girl screamed in shock and Theo looked up over the headrest to see Ivan was looking at her with concern.

  “Every all things is fine now.” Ivan said, once again getting his English mixed up.

  “Th…then…who is that?” The girl asked stuttering her words in fear and pointing her shaky finger out to the front of the bus. All eyes followed her direction to find a man stood in the middle of the road, stopping Rue from going any further without knocking him down. Theo was the first one on his feet.

  “Oh you have got to be kidding me!” Rue said in clear frustration after holding both her hands out and palms up towards the window. Theo watched as the man in the middle of the road tilted his head to one side as if trying to hear something. Then he slowly moved towards the bus and didn’t even flinch when a huge truck went speeding past, beeping his horn as he went.

  “What are you…?” Theo asked when Rue pulled the lever that operated the bus doors, causing them to swing open. But his words trailed off as it was too late, she was letting the stranger inside.

  Everyone watched in hushed silence as a well-dressed man stepped onto the bus wearing a beige coloured suit. He was unusual looking with steel coloured eyes and a full head of silver hair that didn’t look that way due to age. He also had with him an old looking briefcase and Theo, along with everyone else on the bus, couldn’t help but wonder what a businessman like him was doing in the middle of the road.

  “Really, you’re choosing now to do this?” Rue said throwing her hands up as though she didn’t only know this guy but obviously knew exactly what he was doing there. The business guy gave her a sly and creepy looking smile before reaching into his left pocket and pulling out a small palm sized book. Then he flipped it open and said the words that made the hairs on the back of Theo’s n
eck stand on end.

  “But my dear…” he started to say with his smile widening, showing an eerie amount of pointed teeth before he finished his haunting statement…

  “You know that Death waits for no man.”


  A Brief case of Death

  Hearing what sounded like a threat, Theo couldn’t fight his nature as he stepped out onto the centre aisle to face the man.

  “Easy there, Theo.” Rue warned as he slowly approached, letting him know there were occasions she knew not to call him Kid. The businessman looked briefly surprised when hearing his name and Theo couldn’t help but wonder why.

  “So for once the rumours were true?” the man said looking to Rue and she rolled her white blind eyes before answering him without giving the information he had requested.

  “They’re just kids Carrick, have a heart man.”

  “Oh I have a heart young one and it beats more than you know, especially for those I am about to take…now drive.” The man named Carrick said this in a way Theo could only describe as with a purely evil depth to his voice. In fact, it sounded like something not quite of this world.

  “Look Jackass, I don’t know who you think you are but you can’t just walk on this bus and order her around!” Carrick gave Theo a quizzical stare back for a silent moment and then smiled.

  “Remind you of anyone?” Rue said sarcastically as she took her seat and started up the bus once more.

  “Your name is Theo?” Carrick asked with an authoritative tone that Theo cared little for.

  “Yeah but not that it’s any of your business, old man.” Theo snapped feeling his temper rising as he walked closer.

  “That’s where you are mistaken young Theo, it is very much my business.” Carrick said smiling and before Theo could respond the way he wanted, the creepy guy held up one hand to stop him and continued with,

  “In fact, you shall soon see just how deep this business of mine can get.”

  “That sounds like a threat to me, what do you reckon, big guy?” Theo said as he looked back to Ivan who he could see was also frowning at the man.

  “I little believe in violence and like not fear in ladies,” Ivan said referring to the scared Goth girl cowering in her seat and forcing him to take a stand against what he too believed in. As he raised up behind Theo, Carrick was obviously surprised by his size as his eyes widened briefly taking in the beast that had Theo’s back.

  “I think you’re out numbered here, dude.” Theo looked behind him to see this statement had just come from Zane who also had his back. Theo couldn’t help the cocky smirk that emerged when he looked back at Carrick knowing Zane was right, this guy was going to be no match for the three of them, not when they had their own Russian Tank!

  “It appears that way doesn’t it…?” he said still smiling and Rue interrupted him, growling her warning,

  “Carrick, they don’t know.” But Carrick ignored her caution and instead held up a single pale finger and said,

  “Then let’s teach them their first lesson shall we… turn here.” Rue sighed as if it was the very last thing she wanted to do but instead of putting up a fight with the rest of them, she spun the wheel too quickly and nearly caused them to tip over as she turned onto the dirt road. Theo held on like the rest of them and looked out the window just in time to see the old broken sign that said, ‘Lake Hellion’ only the ‘ion’ had been crossed through with red paint.

  “Now I think it’s time to return to our seats, gentlemen,” Carrick said and this was when Theo had had enough at practising the art of patience.

  “And I think this is your stop!” Theo replied before cutting the distance between them deciding it was about time to take some of the wind from this guy’s sails, right along with energy from his body.

  “Theo no!” Rue shouted just as Carrick moved both his arms outwards and Theo stopped in his tracks to look behind him just in time to see both Ivan and Zane get thrown sideways back into their seats. Goth girl and Ena screamed in fear at the impossible act they had just witnessed.

  “Now that is interesting,” Carrick said calmly, looking at him with his head tilted in a curious manner and drawing Theo’s anger back into focus. It didn’t take a smart ass to know that this Carrick was obviously surprised that his powers hadn’t worked on Theo and he was questioning what that reason could be.

  “No but it’s about to.” Theo warned knowing what he had to do. And just as he was about to run at the guy to take him down with his touch, Ena screamed his name,

  “THEO, LOOK OUT!” But the warning came too late as the last thing he saw before he too was thrown forwards was Rue driving them deliberately into…

  ‘Lake Hell’

  Theo must have hit his head as he was briefly knocked out for a minute before he opened his eyes under water. The shock of his new situation made him raise his head quickly and take a deep breath. A brief moment of panic set in from not knowing how long he had been out of it but he quickly gathered from the murmured sound of screaming and gushing water that it hadn’t been long. He got up from where he had fallen in between the seats onto the floor and tried to shake the pain from his head enough to focus on what was happening. He pushed the wet hair from his eyes and tried to take in the deadly situation around him.

  “WE CAN’T MOVE!” Ena shouted and just as his blurry vision started to finally come into focus he knew what was happening. The lake water was rapidly flooding the bus and quickly looking at the other students, Ena was right, none of them could move…not even Ivan.

  “Think Theo, damn it, think!” he said out loud frantically looking around the bus for answers, that was when he heard the chuckle. He growled down at the floor feeling his rage build within him when hearing the sound coming from the man responsible for all this.

  “What did you do to them?!” Theo snarled turning his head to the murderer in a cheap suit.

  “You really want to help them?”

  “Of course I do you freak!” he shouted back angrily.

  “Then leave them. Actually, better yet…sit down and join them.” Carrick said this last part in some strange sort of demonic purr and Theo had hit his limit.

  “Better yet, I stop you!” And like before, Theo charged him running through the rising water as though not only his life depended on it but theirs too.

  “Let’s see if you can run through this, youngling.” Carrick said just as he pulled his briefcase around to hold in front of his chest and after he spoke his warning, Theo watched as the ancient looking locks on the case flipped up. Then as though this was all happening in slow motion, he saw the case lid drop and when he was but a hair’s breadth away from touching him, putting an end to all of this, disaster came pouring out of the case.

  “NO!” Theo’s screams died as he was swept back by the torrent of water that came crashing into him like a battering ram and all from that small black square Carrick held in his hands.

  Theo couldn’t understand any of it and had little time to even try and comprehend how he was doing any of this or most of all why. No instead his mind was consumed with only two needs, survival and rescue.

  When the chaos the gushing water caused finally calmed enough for Theo to get his bearings he knew that he was, like his new friends, quickly in a world of trouble. The bus was nearly completely filled with water now and he along with the others were barely holding on to what little air they had.

  Theo swam to the surface and took a needed breath before ducking back under to try and pull the others from their seats. He first tried the girls but it was no use, they wouldn’t budge and it was only when Ena shook her head at him that he gave up. She frantically nodded to the monster that had done this, reminding him that they were still under the guy’s spell. Theo knew what he needed to do. Lucky for Theo he was a strong swimmer and could hold his breath longer than most.

  So with that in mind, he turned his attention back to the cause and swam back at Carrick, channelling all of his anger into strength. It
was obvious that by the time Carrick finally saw him coming, that it was the last thing he had been expecting. The shock on his face was what gave Theo the last push needed to quickly reach him and when he did, he wasn’t the only one surprised by what happened.

  Theo first reached out and touched the briefcase lid, trying to push it closed. The case not only slammed shut but it sizzled under Theo’s hand, creating a wave of tiny white bubbles to rise to the surface. Only when the burning stopped, did Theo remove his hand and the first thing he saw was the scorched mark of his hand print now forever embedded in the thick leather on the case. Carrick screamed under water as he himself had been burnt by Theo’s touch and he moved back clutching his briefcase to him in what now looked like fear.

  “What are you?” He saw Carrick mouth the question under the water and he was amazed at how this guy was surviving without any air. As for Theo, he was quickly running out of it and when he swam up to the surface, the haunting reality became clear…

  He had failed.

  Theo only just managed one last gulp of air just as the bus became completely submerged under water, which thankfully managed to give him enough strength to try and kick out the window closest to him. When that failed he looked around for Ivan and this was when he noticed that the others were now free from Carrick’s hold. However, from the way they all floated weightlessly in the water, he knew it didn’t look good. It was almost as though they were suspended in time as each of their clocks had stopped.

  He reached out trying to grab Ivan’s hand that was floating closest to him in a last ditch attempt to bring him round. He figured that with their combined strength, they both might be able to break the window.

  “You don’t give up, do you?” Theo jerked back when he suddenly heard Carrick’s voice speaking in his head. He looked around to see Carrick watching him with nothing short of wonder in his expression and strangely enough, a soft kindness in his eyes.


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