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Midnight Deceit: A Midnight Riders Motorcycle Club Romance Part 3

Page 9

by Olivia Thorne

  Remember when he said, You haven’t seen me fuck you yet. If I’d fucked you, you’d know it” ?


  He was right.

  This wasn’t sex.

  This wasn’t love.

  This was a full-on, balls-to-the-wall, erotic-as-hell Hate Fuck.

  I have never been pushed to the limit like that – the savage amount of pure sexual energy as he relentlessly pounded into me, driving the edge of my desire higher and higher. He was so big, so deep inside me, and there was no letting up. He was slamming into me, jolting my entire body, making me cry out with every thrust.

  “I – fucking – HATE YOU,” I managed to get out between cries of angry bliss.

  “I – fucking – HATE YOU,” he snarled back between gasps of breath.

  I screamed as I came the first time, a ripping wave of hard-edged pleasure that made my thighs quiver and my toes curl. But he didn’t stop. He kept fucking me, harder, deeper, longer, faster than I would have thought humanly possible. My orgasm, rather than ending, kind of crested and then started another climb. I was coming again, but harder this time, a more ragged kind of sensation as his cock just owned my pussy.

  Then suddenly he stopped and withdrew. My body was saying Noooo! as his cock slipped out of me but I just had to be a smartass about it.

  “Whatsamatter, can’t keep it up?” I taunted him – and then suddenly he flipped me over with a careless toss of his arm, raised my ass up, and pinned my arms behind me at the waist so that my face was grinding into the mattress.

  “You’re gonna wish that before I’m through,” he said.

  I felt the tip of his swollen cock part my pussy – slowly, wetly pushing apart the lips – and then plunge inside me in one uninterrupted thrust.

  I screamed out in both pleasure and pain as he bottomed out inside me, then began to fuck me doggy-style with my hands still pinned behind my back by his big, strong hands.

  Every time his hips slapped my ass, my entire body rocked forward violently. And his hips were slapping my ass at least twice a second. For minutes at a time.

  I have never felt the complete lack of control, the complete sense of surrender, the complete… letting go that I felt. I just had to let him possess my body and use it for his pleasure. I didn’t resist, and suddenly my own ecstasy was spiraling higher and higher upwards. That big, swollen cock rammed into every part inside me that could be touched, filled me up beyond what I thought I could handle, lifted me from one orgasm to a higher one, almost without any pause between.

  He pushed me sideways and I dropped to the bed on my side, rotating on his cock, so that I was lying on my right side and right arm. He was still pinning my hands behind me. As he continued to fuck me, he leaned forward, his upper body pressing my left arm, and he grabbed my hair and roughly forced me to look at him.

  “I’m going to come inside you,” he growled.

  My thoughts already muddled from my orgasm haze, I was confused for a second. I almost shouted, If you’re going to come inside me, why are fucking telling me?

  And then I realized that he was basically asking me without asking.

  This may have been a savage hate fuck, but he wasn’t going to do that again without my permission.

  I can’t tell you why – I still don’t know why – but the realization nearly broke my heart.

  But I kept my poker face on, because I’m a badass bitch.

  “Come inside me, you son of a bitch,” I hissed. “Come inside of me – ”

  Within seconds his face contorted. He tried to hold my gaze, but couldn’t. He flung his head back and bellowed as he came inside me.

  This time, the feeling of his cock exploding inside me filled me with joy and erotic bliss. I had one last mind-shattering orgasm, brought on by the sound of his screaming, by the feeling of his cock spasming inside me and filling me up with his cum.

  He collapsed on top of me, let go of my hands, and then rolled off my body, his cock wetly slipping out from between my legs.

  I rolled over on my back, too, and we both lay like that, panting in the darkness, staring up at the ceiling. The only parts of our bodies that touched was my outflung hand, which rested against his side.

  We didn’t say anything for a long time.

  When he finally spoke, it wasn’t what I was expecting.

  “I need to tell you the truth about something,” he said.

  My heart started pounding in my chest, but I kept quiet.

  “Lou thinks you’re a federal agent,” Jack said. “It wasn’t the Santa Muertes who broke into your room… it was a guy named Roach he sent to kill you.”


  I turned over on my side, my mouth open in shock.

  I couldn’t believe what I had just heard.

  I think he mistook the expression on my face for disbelief about the whole DEA thing, when in fact it was utter amazement that he had just told me the truth.

  “Look,” he said. His expression was one of pain and regret. “I can’t even believe I’m telling you this… because if you are a federal agent…”

  “I’m not,” I said, the way you might say it if a man you’d just fucked suggested you were in the CIA.

  “I want to believe that, but if you are… look, I’m risking the entire club just saying these things, Fiona. If you care about me at all, don’t fuck me on this. If you are from the DEA or the FBI or whatever, please, just leave town. Now. And don’t come back. Lou gave me 24 hours to find out the truth, and then he’s going to hurt you. And I might not be able to stop him.”

  “I’m not a federal agent,” I swore.

  He cupped my cheek with his hand and smiled. It almost broke my heart. Because I knew he wanted to believe me…

  …and because he had come clean about everything, and yet I was still lying to him.

  I wanted to tell him… I wanted to… but something held me back.

  Maybe the knowledge that if he knew what I really was, he would kick me out. I would never find out what happened to Ali, would never find her killer.

  “I wish I could believe that,” he murmured.

  “Jack – ”

  “He’s coming after you, Fiona. And I need to keep you safe.”

  I need to keep you safe.

  My heart was breaking and melting, all at the same time.

  I struggled to keep my voice even. “He’s the VP. You’re the president… won’t he do what you order him to?”

  “No. There’s a showdown coming between us, but until then, he won’t stop coming after you until he’s dead or you’re gone. I can keep you safe for a day, maybe a week, but I can’t stay beside you forever. And even if I did, he’d probably just kill both of us.”

  “If he killed you, wouldn’t the entire club turn on him?!”

  “Lou’s an evil fucking genius. He’d find some way to swing it so that it was all my fault.” Jack sighed. “So if you’re in the DEA or the ATF or the FBI – ”

  “I swear to God, I’m not a federal agent. I don’t work for the DEA, I don’t work for the ATF or the FBI. I’m an actress from Los Angeles who came here because I lost my cousin in a drug overdose. That’s it.”

  In the dim light from the stars outside, I could see that he was smiling in relief. He pulled me to his body and kissed me.

  I felt fucking horrible. Like I was Judas about to collect my 40 pieces of silver.


  This time we made love. Slow, sweet. He cradled my head in his hands and tried to look into my eyes, but I couldn’t hold his gaze too long. It hurt too much.

  He had come clean.

  He had told me everything.

  And I had told him nothing.

  I had held everything back.

  Silent tears trickled out of my closed eyes.

  He stopped rocking inside me and asked with concern in his voice, “Are you okay?”

  I opened my eyes, smiled sadly, and nodded ‘yes’ as more tears trickled down my cheeks.

  “Was i
t before? When we were… being rough?” he asked, his brows knit together as he stared into my eyes, searching for an answer.

  I shook my head ‘no.’

  “Just… make love to me,” I whispered, and reached up to kiss him.

  He continued, and despite it being difficult, I blocked out all the thoughts that were gnawing at my conscience. I shut them all out and lost myself in the sensation, in the pleasure, in anything that would blot out the knowledge of how I was lying to him.

  I didn’t come, though. I couldn’t.

  He kissed me deeply as he came, and looked into my eyes.

  I wondered if he saw me for what I truly was.



  I knew something was wrong. Knew it. But I believed her when she told me she wasn’t DEA or any other kind of government agent. She was telling me the truth.

  But something was wrong.

  As we made love – and that’s what it was this time, making love – she was distracted. Out of it.

  I could see the wheels turning. The lights were on, but nobody was home.

  Was she worried about Lou?

  Was she pissed I’d lied to her?

  Was she terrified? Had the shock of the last 24 hours finally set in?

  I didn’t know. I just knew that something was wrong.

  And then things got worse.


  I got the call from Lou as we were lying there in bed afterwards. I had been about to ask her what was wrong when I heard the distinctive ring tone from the next room. My guts tightened.

  “I’ll be back,” I said as I got up.

  She immediately reacted in fear. “Who is it? Is it Lou?”

  “Don’t worry. I got this,” I said, and walked out naked into the main room.

  I answered the phone. “Lou.”

  “So. What’s the verdict on our mole?”

  “She’s not.”

  “And how do you know?”

  “I asked her. I believe her.”

  It sounded idiotic to me even as I said it. I’m sure it sounded even worse to Lou.

  “Oh, you ASKED her. You BELIEVE her. Well, that’s good enough for ME.”

  “You want to question her yourself, fine. But I’m going to be there, and you’re not going to lay a fuckin’ finger on her.”

  “We’ll save that conversation for another day. Right now, we got somethin’ fucked up brewing. I’m calling in the entire club for a meeting at the Roadhouse.”

  My suspicions immediately went into overdrive. “What’s going on?”

  “Not something I wanna talk about over the phone, given your girlfriend’s possible connections, if you know what I mean.”

  I gritted my teeth. “I’m the one who calls meetings.”

  “No time for protocol on this one, Jack. Shit is going down NOW.”

  “What time?”


  “Fine. See you soon.”

  I hung up the phone and immediately called Kade.


  “You got the call yet about the meeting?”

  “Yeah, Spider texted me.”

  “I need you to skip the meeting and get over here immediately.”

  “You got it.”


  Kade stood in the kitchen. I was dressed and ready to head out. Fiona was dressed and stood next to me.

  “Why?” she asked me.

  “Because this is a classic play to get me away from you. I leave, and suddenly ten of Lou’s goons show up.”

  “Why can’t I go with you?”

  “What, so I can take you right to him?”

  “Alright, dumb question,” she admitted.

  “I need you out of town, at least until this is all over.”

  “But I’m not with the DEA,” she protested.

  “Lou doesn’t believe that, and his idea of a lie detector test is a couple of Rottweilers. I need you to go with Kade and lay low until all this is over.”

  She sighed, looked at my impassive Sergeant-at-Arms, and then nodded in resignation.

  I kissed her. “It’ll be fine. You’ll see.”

  She kissed me back. “Be careful.”

  “Always am. Go get your things – just enough for a night.” I pushed her towards the bedroom door then looked over at Kade. “Do you know where you’re going? Don’t tell me, but – ”

  “Already picked it off the map at random,” Kade said.

  “Text me when you get there.”

  “You got it.”

  “Thanks, man.” I reached out, gave him a hugging back slap.

  “I get comp time at work for this, right?” he said, completely deadpan.

  I burst out laughing. That was Kade’s version of a joke.

  “All the time you want.”

  He gave me a fraction of a smile. “You better get going. I’ll take care of her.”

  Fiona came in and I kissed her one last time. “See you soon.”

  “Make it sooner if you can,” she whispered.

  “You got it.”

  And then I was gone.


  I drove my Harley to the Roadhouse. On the way, my mind drifted back to that fight with Moose so many years ago.

  Right afterward, while the guys were still wiping the blood off the floor, one of the brothers walked up. He was almost ten years older than me, and had been in the club forever. Dark mustache, wavy black hair. Though I hadn’t talked to him much, I knew a lot about him. He had a reputation that preceded him. Done some time in Chino. A bad motherfucker.

  “Lou Shaw,” he said, putting out his hand.

  I shook it. “Jack Pollari.”

  “Oh, I know who you are.” He grinned, then looked at the blood in the cracks of the floorboards. “After tonight everybody’s going to know who you are. Helluva fight, kid.”


  “Shoulda pulled a Gandhi, though.”

  I was confused. “A Gandhi?”

  “Yeah, that’s where you say, ‘I don’t want no trouble, man.’” Lou pantomimed stepping away with his hands up like a pacifist. “‘I’m your friend, dude. I don’t want to fight.’ And then – ”

  Lou shot out with a punch right past my nose. No wind-up, no telegraphing, nothing. He was fast. I flinched, but it would have been too late to do anything.

  “And you fuck him up,” Lou finished. “You ever seen Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid?”


  “Great movie. Western. Paul Newman plays the head of this gang of bank robbers, Butch Cassidy. Robert Redford’s his best friend, a gunfighter, the Sundance Kid. Anyway, they get back from scoping out a bank job, and the gang’s decided to mutiny. The leader is this huge, dumb asshole – kinda like Moose. So the asshole pulls out a knife and challenges Butch to a fight. Butch says to Sundance, ‘If he kills me, shoot the asshole.’ And Sundance says, ‘It’ll be a pleasure,’ all while he’s smiling at the gang.

  “Anyway, Butch walks over and says, ‘What are the rules?’

  “The big asshole with the knife says, ‘What rules? There aren’t any rules.’

  “And Butch says, ‘Ya gotta have rules. Otherwise you can do this’ – and he kicks the asshole in the nuts. And then he says, ‘And then this might happen’ – and he lays the asshole out with one punch. Then he dusts off his hands and says, ‘That’s why you gotta have rules.’”

  I laughed, but shook my head. “I prefer a straight fight.”

  Lou looked at me for a long time, then smiled. “I know. That’s what’ll get you killed someday, kid.”

  Back in the present day, as I made my way to the Roadhouse, I had to wonder: who was Butch Cassidy in this situation?

  And what were the rules?


  I got to the Roadhouse about half past ten. None of the usual barflies were there. Management – one of Lou’s flunkies – must have pitched them out. It was exclusively Midnight Riders, and most of their faces were grim.

  I walke
d in and got a distinctly familiar feeling going back almost fifteen years to that night with Moose.

  Or maybe it was just echoes of an old western, where the gunfighter walks into the saloon.

  “Jack,” Lou said from the other end of the Roadhouse. He was leaning against a pool table and smoking a cigar.

  “Lou,” I said, tense inside but relaxed on the outside.

  I was scanning the room for would-be attackers.

  Chuck. Eddie. Eyeball. Peanut. Spider. Two dozen others.

  Nobody was acting hostile or suspicious, though.

  “Where’s Kade?” Lou asked.

  “He’ll be along shortly.”

  “We’re going to have to start without him.”

  “I’m sure that’ll be fine.”

  “I’m sure, too,” Jack smiled, and the sight sent chills up and down my spine.



  Déjà vu: I clung to Kade as we roared out of town.

  I couldn’t hear anything but the thrum of the engine and the wind whipping around my helmet.

  But I could tell as we started to slow down.

  “What’s wrong?” I yelled, unsure if he could hear me – but then I saw.

  Flashing blue and red lights across the desert on the sides of the road.

  Kade pulled over to the side. I looked around him.


  Two cop cars were staggered so that they cut off about 70% of the road. As Kade came to a stop about twenty feet away, an officer ambled over slowly.

  “Don’t say anything,” Kade instructed me quietly. “Let me do the talking.”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  In any other city in America, I wouldn’t have been particularly concerned.

  But knowing what I knew about the situation between the police department and the Midnight Riders, my heart started to beat a little faster.

  “Hey, Kade,” the cop said.


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