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Playing With Fire (Power of Four Book 2)

Page 29

by SF Mazhar

  Rose’s finger was on the trigger. All it would take was one small pull. A shot fired by her would kill him. She could do it. He was surely lying about this, like he lied about everything else. But when Rose looked at him, she saw nothing but sincerity. His eyes were clear, no shadow of guilt lurking there. His grip was on the gun; he could push it away from himself, yet he held it steadily to his chest.

  Rose’s grip slackened from around the gun, and the sob she had been fighting so hard to keep back broke out of her. She dropped her head, her shoulders shaking as her hand fell away from the pistol, leaving it in Kyran’s grip.

  Kyran threw the gun aside and then his hands were on Rose’s shoulders. He tried to pull her into his arms, but Rose stood rigid, refusing to succumb into his warm embrace.

  “Rose…” He whispered her name and Rose cried harder, her heart aching.

  “Don’t,” she pleaded, not sure herself what she was asking him not to do.

  Kyran’s hand cupped her cheek and he gently lifted her tear-stained face, so she had no choice but to look at him. Vivid green eyes met hers.

  “I never lied to you,” he repeated. “Everything I told you was the truth. I’ve always been honest with you.” He held her tear-filled gaze. “By the time I got to your house, there was nothing I could do to help your parents.”

  Rose squeezed her eyes shut, and another wrangled sob came from her. Kyran wrapped an arm around her, leaning in so their foreheads touched.

  “I tried, Rose,” he whispered. “I tried to help, but it was too late.”

  He pulled away and Rose looked up at him, wanting nothing more than to believe him.

  Kyran’s hands touched her shoulders again, before trailing down both her arms, making Rose tremble. He held her hands. “I’m not what everyone says I am, Rose,” he told her. “I’ve not done the things they blame me for. I am the Scorcher, and I am Hadrian’s son, but I’m not the monster they all make me out to be.”

  “What are you, then?” Rose asked.

  “My father’s son,” Kyran replied. “I do what my father asks of me. He wanted the key that unlocked his powers. That’s why I came here, to get what was rightfully his.”

  “His powers were locked for a reason,” Rose said.

  “Yes, and the reason is more complicated than Neriah would ever admit.” He let go of her hands and pulled away a few steps, closing his eyes and shaking his head. “I’m not...This isn’t why I came here.”

  “Then why did you?” Rose asked.

  Kyran looked at her for a long minute. “I came to warn you,” he said. “You need to leave, Rose. You need to take Aaron, take your brother and get out of Salvador. It’s not safe here. You need to go to the City of Marwa. That’s the only safe city. Stay there,” he instructed. “Don’t let Aaron leave, no matter what. Stay in Marwa and you’ll be safe.”

  “Why is Salvador not safe?” Rose asked. “What are you–?”

  She paused, her eyes widening as she picked up the faint sound of laughter coming from past the trees. Kyran turned his head, intense green eyes searching the orchard. He spotted the crowd of boys coming in their direction, led by a chuckling Ryan.

  Kyran turned back to look at Rose. “Please, get to Marwa,” he said. “Stay there and you’ll be safe.”

  “Why should I believe you?” Rose asked. “How do I know you’re not laying a trap? Maybe Marwa is the city that’s not safe.”

  Kyran looked at her for a moment before stepping closer and resting his hands on her arms. “You don’t have to believe anything I say,” he said, “but if you can, believe this and this alone.” He cupped her cheek gently and whispered, “Believe that I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you.”

  Rose was sure he was going to lean in and kiss her, but Kyran pulled back. In a matter of seconds, he had picked up the Lurker’s robe and put it on, the hood lowered over his face. He was gone before Rose could completely process what he had just said to her.


  “Go over that again,” Ella said. “Kyran was here?”

  Rose nodded wearily. “He said he had come to warn me. He told me Salvador wasn’t safe.”

  Ella turned to look at her uncle, but Neriah was silent, looking deep in thought. Ella’s eyes moved to the only other Elementals in the room, Christopher and Aaron Adams. Both looked shocked. The other person with them in Neriah’s cottage was Sam, and he wasn’t shocked – he was livid.

  “I can’t believe this,” Sam fumed, pacing the floor, hands balled into fists. “How could he just walk in here?” He paused to look at Ella with angry eyes. “You lot should do something about the security of this place,” he said. “It’s severely lacking!”

  “What can we do?” Ella asked. “Kyran’s a mage. We can’t ward the Gate against mages now, can we?”

  Sam didn’t say anything and returned to pacing.

  Ella turned back to her uncle. “What should we do?” she asked. “There’s nothing we can add to the Gate that’s not already there. Plus whatever Glyphs we put on, Kyran can easily remove.” She paused, biting her lip. “Should…should we start an evacuation?”

  Neriah turned to meet her eyes. “Salvador is our sanctuary,” he said. “If the place we seek shelter is not safe, then where is?”

  “Marwa,” Rose said quietly. “He said Marwa was the only safe city.”

  Ella let out a derisive snort. “Yeah, right. As if Marwa’s never been attacked before.” She shook her head, her eyes closing tight.

  Aaron’s heart skipped a beat. It seemed the attack that cost Aaron two members of his family had taken someone from Ella too.

  “We have to do something,” Chris said, speaking to Neriah. “We can’t just ignore his warning.”

  “Question is,” Neriah started, “why is he warning us at all?” He looked to Rose, studying her with sharp eyes. “Why did he come to you?”

  Rose gave a small shrug. “I–I don’t know.”

  Ella looked at her but didn’t say anything. She dropped her gaze to the floor.

  “He’s toying with her,” Sam said furiously. “He did it before and he’s doing it again.”

  “Sam,” Rose started.

  “Oh come on, Rose!” Sam stopped to face her. “Tell me you don’t see through this. Tell me you don’t know this is an obvious trap.”

  “What kind of a trap?” Ella asked.

  Sam turned to look at her. “He told Rose to get Aaron and me, and go to Marwa. It’s obvious that Salvador isn’t the city they are planning to attack – Marwa is.”

  Ella shifted, looking unsure of Sam’s theory. “Okay, lets just say that’s true. Why would Kyran want you three in the target zone?”

  “Why the hell not?” Sam asked. “He’s twisted. He’s been playing with my sister’s feelings, all the while knowing what he did to our parents. He probably thinks Aaron’s got that...that legacy thingie, so he’s trying to get rid of him.”

  Aaron’s protest was halfway out of his mouth, before he realised that what Sam was saying could, in fact, be true.

  “I don’t know, Sam,” Rose said quietly. “It didn’t look like he was lying.”

  Sam stared at her with wide eyes. “What’s wrong with you?” he asked. “All he’s done is lie to you.”

  “I know,” Rose said. “But I’m just...I don’t know...I felt–”

  “That’s the problem,” Sam cut her off. “Don’t feel, use your head!”

  “Alright.” Aaron stepped in front of Rose. “That’s enough, Sammy,”

  “No!” Sam snapped. “It’s not enough. After everything – everything – that’s happened, she still wonders if he’s lying or not?” He looked at his sister before taking a few steps towards her. “Rose, he stood back and let vamages kill our parents. How can you possibly think about trusting him?”

  Rose opened her mouth to speak but words failed her. She closed her eyes and shook her head. “I...I don’t know...I just...He said that he tried to help and I...I don’t know…I want
to believe him.”

  “He’s messing with you,” Sam said. “He’s trying to get into your head. You heard what Skyler said. They saw him in that memory they got from that vamage. Kyran was in our house that night. That piece of crap stood there while vamages killed our mum and dad!”

  Rose turned to look at Ella.

  “I’m sorry, Rose,” Ella said quietly. “It was a partial memory. We didn’t see more than a few seconds, but Kyran was there.”

  Rose had tears in her eyes. “He admitted that he was there but…but he said he tried to help–”

  “He’s lying!” Sam snapped.

  “You don’t know that, Sam,” Aaron said.

  “It’s obvious,” Sam replied. “He’s not going to admit he stood back and let his vamages murder our parents! He’s lying to cover it up.”

  “No, I don’t think he is,” Aaron argued. “He told me the same thing. He said by the time he got to your house, it was too late.”

  Ella turned to him with a frown. “When did he tell you that?”

  Aaron stilled. A sense of cold dread filled him. He hadn’t told anyone that Kyran had come to see him in the City of Hunda. He looked around the room to find all eyes were on him, narrowed in confusion.

  “Aaron?” his dad called.

  Aaron closed his eyes. There was no way out of it. He had messed up. He had to come clean.

  “What’s going on?” Chris asked.

  Aaron turned to him. “I didn’t tell anyone, but Kyran came to see me.”

  His dad was staring at him in stunned surprise. “When?” he asked.

  “When I stayed the night in Hunda,” Aaron replied. “I couldn’t sleep so I went for a walk. I met Kyran there.”

  At once, the room tensed. Everyone was staring at Aaron in shock. Neriah moved towards him.

  “You met the Scorcher?” he asked.

  Aaron nodded. “Yeah, but–”

  “You met the Scorcher when we were on our way to get your Blade?” Neriah asked, cutting him off. “And you didn’t think to mention this to anyone?”

  Aaron could see the anger in the oldest Elemental and it was an unnerving sight. He dropped his gaze to the floor.

  “What did he say?” Neriah demanded. “Why had he come to see you?”

  “He came to warn me,” Aaron replied.

  “Warn you?” Neriah repeated with a knitted brow and blazing eyes.

  “He seems to be doing a lot of that,” Ella murmured.

  “Warn you about what?” Neriah demanded.

  Aaron swallowed, knowing how this was going to go down, but he didn’t have a choice. He had to tell them.

  “Warn me not to wield the Blade of Adams.”

  Neriah stared at him, completely still for a moment. Then his jaw clenched and those violet eyes began to darken. He stepped closer, his strong hands curled into fists.

  “He knew that’s where you were going?” he asked. “And you didn’t think this was something important? That it was something I ought to know? That the Scorcher knew what we’re up to? He could have followed us straight to the Blade!”

  “We didn’t get to it,” Aaron reminded. “We had to return to Marwa because of those Lycans–”

  “Which was just as well,” Neriah yelled. “Otherwise we would have led Hadrian’s heir straight to Aric’s Blade!”

  “Hey.” Chris was in front of Aaron in a heartbeat, a hand held out towards Neriah. “That’s enough.”

  Neriah’s furious stare stayed on Aaron, but he stepped back. “Ella,” he said, and his voice shook with the strain of keeping his anger in check. “Confirm with Scott if he’s gathered a team yet. They’re accompanying Chris tonight to get the Blade of Adams.”

  Ella nodded, “Okay.”

  Neriah’s gaze hadn’t moved from Aaron. “And Ella, ask Scott to get a portal ready in the next hour.” His eyes filled with fury and disappointment. “Aaron’s returning to Marwa.”

  Aaron opened his mouth to speak, to protest, but Neriah had had enough. He turned to the door. “Chris,” he called and walked out.

  Chris met Aaron’s eyes. “We’ll talk once I get home,” he said and followed after Neriah, presumably to get ready to claim his sword.

  The door closed and Aaron was left with his best friends and Ella.

  “You didn’t tell anyone?” Ella asked, staring at Aaron. “You met Kyran and you didn’t tell anyone? What’s wrong with you?”

  With a groan, Aaron sunk into the seat next to Rose.

  “That’s a good question,” he said, rubbing a hand across his face. He shook his head slowly. “I just...I didn’t want to say anything. Mum and Uncle Mike were already jittery about me going to get the Blade and I knew if I told them they would freak out and force me to go back.” He closed his eyes with a sigh. “And I honestly never thought about Kyran following us, like Neriah suggested. I just...I don’t know. I didn’t know what Neriah would do and...Kyran sort of…confused me and…” He let out a sigh. “I don’t know.”

  Ella narrowed her eyes. “This was the night Michael found you in the woods, right?”

  Aaron nodded.

  “And you told him you went out for a walk because you couldn’t sleep?” Her eyes grew sharp at the guilt on Aaron’s face. “You lied to protect him – to protect Kyran.”

  Aaron didn’t say anything.

  “Why?” Ella asked. “Kyran is our enemy. Why would you protect him?”

  “He jumped into a collapsing Q-Zone to save my life,” Aaron said angrily. “He saved my best friend.” He gestured to Rose. “I felt I owed him.”

  “You owe him nothing,” Ella spat. “Get that through your head before you lose it for showing loyalty to the Scorcher!”

  “I’m not–” Aaron forced out a breath to calm down. “I’m not loyal to Kyran, okay? I’m...I just…I didn’t want him getting caught, not when he came to warn me.”

  Ella stared at him. She shook her head. “You’re playing with fire, Aaron,” she warned. “You can’t be on our side and still look out for the enemy. Choose a side and stick to it!” She turned and walked out, slamming the door behind her.

  The room fell into silence. Aaron rubbed at his head, willing the headache blooming behind his eyes to go away. He let out a deep breath.

  Sam turned to him. “I can see why you didn’t tell any of them,” he said.

  Aaron let out a snort.

  Sam stepped closer. “But why didn’t you tell us?”

  Aaron looked up at him, thrown by the question. Sam was staring back, hurt and anger shining in his eyes. Aaron opened his mouth but found he didn’t have an answer.


  The portal for the City of Marwa was set up within the hour. As far as Aaron knew, his dad was due to leave with a team of Hunters in the next few hours. He had heard Ella say the Lurkers had confirmed the Blade of Adams was safe. The Gate was still in operation and no vamages or Lycans had been seen around the area. Hopefully, his dad would be able to get in, grab the Blade and get out.

  Aaron, however, was to go back to Marwa with his mum and best friends. He headed down the street, following his mum to the Gate, beyond which stood the portal taking them to Marwa. A subdued and silent Sam and Rose walked on either side of Aaron.

  It was as Aaron passed the Stove that he spotted Armana, wrapped in the arms of the platinum-blond-haired, Skyler. It surprised Aaron how relieved he was at the sight of the Air Elemental. He would never admit it, even to himself, but he had been worried about Skyler. He had stormed off after learning a life-altering truth about how his birthright had been taken away from him. Aaron felt sorry for Skyler, seeing how broken he was at the knowledge that he never was the legacy holder – and worse, that Kyran had his legacy.

  Skyler pulled away from Armana before cupping her cheeks with both hands. He was saying something to her, making her smile. She rested her hands on his chest. Aaron found himself smiling too. Armana had been so worried; it was good to see her smile again.

  Skyler turned
his head and caught Aaron’s eye. The sharp blue eyes narrowed and he frowned. Aaron cursed under his breath when he saw Skyler move away from Armana and head over towards them.

  Sam looked over to see Skyler and groaned. “I can’t be bothered with his crap,” he said and hurried to catch up to Kate. Rose stayed by Aaron’s side, but she seemed too caught up in her own thoughts to pay much attention to Skyler.

  “Where are you going?” Skyler asked Aaron.

  Aaron stopped and turned to face him. “Neriah’s sending me back to Marwa.”

  Skyler’s eyes lit with fury at the mention of Neriah. “Oh? Why’s that?”

  Aaron shifted his backpack on his shoulder. “He has his reasons.”

  “Let me guess, it’s because you’re not the legacy holder,” Skyler said.

  Aaron gaped at him. “How did you know that?”

  “Ella filled me in.”

  Aaron should have guessed. “No, it’s not that,” he said.

  Skyler scoffed. “Trust me, it probably is.” He turned his head to look at Neriah’s cottage. “The leader of the mages does what he thinks is right, to hell with everyone else.” He turned back to look at Aaron and the fury in his eyes seemed to lessen. “How long is he sending you away for?”

  Aaron shrugged. “Dunno. It seems permanent.”

  Skyler smirked. “You’ll be back,” he said. “I give it a few days.”

  Aaron stared at him, completely thrown by his less antagonistic than usual behaviour. “Why would you say that?”

  “Because you’re not like them,” Skyler said, tilting his head towards Kate. “You’re one of us.” Pride, clear as daylight, shone through his eyes. “You keep on fighting, no matter what.”

  “Are you still fighting?” Aaron asked.

  Skyler frowned. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I thought you were angry at Neriah?” Aaron said.

  “I am,” Skyler replied. “What does that have to do with fighting?”

  Aaron shrugged. “I figured you wouldn’t want to fight for Neriah any more.”

  Something shifted in Skyler’s eyes. “I was never fighting for Neriah,” he said. “My fight has always been my own.” He gave Aaron a long look. “But you went out to defend my Blade, to set up a Gate, when you knew you weren’t the legacy holder. You didn’t have to do that. You took a risk to protect one of Aric’s Blades.” He stared at Aaron. “That right there is the mark of a good Hunter, a great Elemental. We fight to protect; we don’t run and hide. And for that, you have my respect.” He smiled and clapped a hand on Aaron’s shoulder. “They can say what they want, take you wherever they like – I know you’ll be back. You’re not giving up this fight.”


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