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If The Shoe Fits

Page 6

by Laura Greenwood

  "I'm not a Marquis yet," I pointed out. "I don't have a place in the House of Lords yet, nor do I have any other responsibilities." And all of that would likely be delegated when I did come into those positions. I didn't want to be gentry. I just wanted to be me.

  To my surprise, he didn't ask me any more about it, just nodded. Which made me wonder what he himself was hiding. That was the look of a man who knew what I was saying and understood how I felt completely. Which raised questions I didn't want to ask.

  "What made you come tonight?" He looked straight at me, the look in his eyes haunting and desperate. If I'd had any doubts he wanted me, they'd have fled in that moment.

  "I was playing my cello and I remembered the look on your face while I was sat at the piano. I avoided you afterwards because I couldn't face abandoning my own dreams for anyone and especially not a man. It took that memory for me to realise you wouldn't do that."

  "You barely know me. How does a look convince you of that?" I could hear the hint of hope in his voice. This man didn't want me to say I'd never trust a stranger. He wanted me to tell him it didn't matter.

  And he was right. It didn't.

  "Sometimes when you're faced with something, you just know that it's right. Even if it's something you didn't want or need."

  His eyes met mine and so much emotion swum there. He stepped closer to me and I leaned inwards, anticipation urging me on. He wanted me as much as I wanted him. And without even truly knowing him, I knew he understood me in a way no one else ever had. Not even Enrique.

  His lips brushed against mine, sending little jolts of electricity across my skin. I may not want to live in a fairy tale, but this kiss was what I'd expect from one. It felt like a true connection of the souls. As corny as that sounded.

  I pressed my body closer and Leo pulled me closer with an arm around my waist. I moaned into the kiss, hoping we could take this further.

  A knock at the door interrupted us and we both pulled back. The urge to run still rested inside me but I knew I could ignore it now. Being caught wouldn't be an issue, even with my stepmother. As much of an annoyance as she was, I didn't believe she could cause any problems over too adults consensual kissing. Especially when Leo and I seemed to have the backing of a Queen. My stepmother was many things, brave wasn't one of them.

  "Let me just get this," Leo said, trailing a finger over my lips.

  I smiled, happy so long as he didn't go too far away. I might not have been ready for this but now I had it, I didn't want to let it go. Not if I didn't have to.

  He pulled open the door as I marvelled at how large and ornate everything was here. I could tell it had been built for Kings and Queens.

  "Her Majesty would like to know if the Lady Sadie is staying the night?"

  Leo looked back at me, the question etched on his face. I considered for a moment. I hadn't come here with much of a plan. The idea of leaving him now didn't sit well within me though. I nodded.

  "Thank you, My Lady, Your Highness." The servant bowed to each of us and was gone before the words could register.

  "Your Highness?" I arched my eyebrow. That hadn't been what I expected.

  "It's the traditional way to address royalty here, is it not?" he answered. I could hear the shake in his voice. He hadn't planned on me finding out quite like this.

  "Yes. Which means you are..."

  "I'm Prince Albert's brother."

  "Oh." The pieces slotted together in my head as I considered everything that had happened. The sash. The insistence we'd be fine if we were caught. The way he was having dinner with his brother and sister-in-law. It all made so much sense. But then, how had I not known? Surely, I should have been able to work that one out.

  Even Rita had pointed out that Albert's brother had been at the wedding. And that he was...

  "No." I shook my head, not wanting to believe it. "You can't be."

  Conflicting emotions warred over his face, like he wasn't sure whether he wanted to ask me why I didn't believe him or apologise for not telling me. The thing was, I got it. I hadn't told him everything about me after all. And if I were a Crown Prince I definitely wouldn't be telling my one-night stands who I was. That was the fastest way to a false paternity claim.

  "Then why me?" I whispered. Despite it all, that was my biggest question. Leo had no idea who or what I was. He'd just met the woman me, not the Marquis' daughter me.

  And I didn't get it. We'd only been together for an hour at most. How could he have decided I was right for a Crown Prince in that time?

  Maybe I'd read the situation all wrong. Maybe he didn't want me at all.

  "Can you imagine what it's like to be royalty?" He sat down on one of the many plush sofas in the room.

  I thought about joining him but decided against it. I didn't want to seem presumptuous given the situation. After all, he was a Prince and I was a nothing.

  "No," I admitted.

  "There's so much pressure everywhere. The things you enjoy aren't always things you can do without someone looking down on you. I'm lucky music is seen as a decent royal past time. But some of my brothers..."

  "How many do you have?" I asked, startled.

  "Three, including Albert. The other two are...not so well behaved."

  I smiled weakly. From what I'd seen, he wasn't such a role model either. Not if he was going to weddings and having sex with strangers. I couldn't speak for Albert though, I hadn't seen much of him.

  "What does this have to do with me?" I asked, inwardly cursing how self-centred I was being.

  "You're something I want, Sadie. For the first time in my life, I didn't care what someone would say if they deemed you unsuitable. For the first time, I didn't care that I was the Crown Prince, I'd have given it all up if it meant being able to spend time with you."

  "Give it up?" I gasped, not quite knowing how to take that. I'd always seen royalty as a position someone was born to and had a responsibility to fulfil. The idea of him abdicating for me wasn't sitting easily within me and not because it would change my future.

  "I won't have to. I don't imagine anyone would have a problem with you even if you weren't gentry. You know people love a good rags to riches story."

  "So everyone keeps saying," I muttered, thinking back to Enrique's similar observation.

  "That's not what I meant," he protested.

  "I know it isn't. But I still don't understand why me."

  He rose to his feet and closed the small distance between us in seconds. I was almost too dazed to fully register it when he lowered his head to mine and kissed me. Hard and demanding much like the kisses we'd shared in the height of passion except that there was something more there.

  We broke apart and I touched my finger to my lips, trying to calm the tingling sensation there. Words raced around my head, but I had no place to start so stayed silent. It was probably the better option

  "I want to be with you, Sadie." His voice came out low and husky as if he'd been truly affected by our kiss.

  "You hardly know me," I pointed out.

  "I believe that's what dating is for."

  "I can't just date a Prince."

  "Why not?" He looked genuinely puzzled and I wondered if it was because no one had ever told him no or that he didn't understand how I could be telling him no.

  "My education, we live in two different countries, we..." I trailed off as a smug grin crossed his face. "What?" I asked, somewhat bemused.

  "None of your reasons actually have anything to do with me being a Prince."

  "I..." Huh. He was right. None of them were. "I can't say I'm a fan of being followed around by the press."

  "They're not allowed into a lot of places, they won't bother you."

  "I don't speak Dutch."

  "Do you speak French?"

  "A little."

  "Then you're fine. I can teach you Dutch in time."

  "Time?" I squeaked.

  "Yes. You didn't think dating me was going to be a short-term thing, did

  "Well, no, just..."


  "Nothing," I answered truthfully. I genuinely had no other protest. My education was important, but I knew I could make it work still. There really wasn't any reason not to date him.

  "You will?" His eyes lit up like a boy at Christmas.

  "Yes, I'll date you."

  He didn't say another word. Instead, he drew me back into his arms and pressed his lips against mine. Taking them far more tenderly than before. It was a good thing I didn't need to guard my heart around him too much. Something told me I was going to fall for him fast.

  Chapter Thirteen

  1 Year Later...

  "There's just one more thing for you to sign, Lady Parker." The lawyer handed me another sheet of paper.

  I sighed, reading through the ridiculous fine print. Happy with what it said, I scrawled my name at the bottom, marvelling once more that this was going to be one of the last times I signed anything with Parker. Except my marriage certificate that was.

  "Is there anything else I can help you with?" he asked.

  "Yes. Please ensure this is delivered to my stepmother."

  I handed him a thick envelope containing the deeds to my family home and arrangements for a stipend. Leo had reminded me I didn't need to do it, but he was wrong. I did. And I hadn't added any ridiculous requirements to it either. While my stepmother might not deserve the chance I was giving her, Rita certainly did. As did Dad's memory. He'd seen something in the woman, so I would for his sake too.

  "Of course, my Lady."

  I flinched slightly at being so formally addressed, despite the fact I knew I'd have to get used to a whole different title soon. There were only a couple of days left until I got married. I just needed to tie up a few loose ends first.

  "And please ensure she understands she'll get this no matter how she acts." She'd still hate it, especially as my wedding would mean her losing any chance of gaining my trust fund. And likely any chance at winning a Prince for her daughter. Though from what Rita had said, that could only be a good thing.

  "Of course."

  "Thank you."

  He rose to his feet and bowed his head in respect. I just about managed to refrain from squirming in my seat. I had to get used to this kind of thing. Leo had been trying to coach me through it but hadn't managed quite yet.

  The lawyer didn't look back as he walked out the room. Not that I minded. He was here for one reason and that was now done.

  "Remind me why you had him flown all the way here?" Enrique asked as he slipped in and plonked himself down on the seat next to mine.

  "I needed to sort out a few things. And what are you complaining at? You got flown over too," I teased.

  "Yes, but I had to share my plane with a lawyer." He shuddered. "And that man has no style."

  "Really?" I raised an eyebrow. "Then why were you checking out his ass?"

  A red blush slipped across his face. I'd caught him.


  "Would you like me to let him know there's a problem with the jet and he can't return until after the wedding?" I asked.

  Enrique glanced away. I knew the answer was yes, even if he didn't want to say it out loud.

  "Don't you need him to go about your business?"

  His insincerity had me smiling. "It can wait a couple of days. That won't change anything." Most of it was meant to be carried out after the wedding anyway, I just wanted to get the boring bits out of the way before then.

  "Yes. Delay him," Enrique blurted.

  "Excellent. Then you have time to weave your magic on him. At least you'll have to get him undressed to style him properly," I joked.

  "Surely that's not the kind of thing a nearly-Princess says," Enrique responded.

  "Maybe not in the past, but this one does."



  "I actually came here to see if you were ready for your fitting. But if you're not then..."

  "I am," I replied, rising to my feet. "I've been ready for a while.

  "Sure, sure."

  He followed me out of the room and back towards the suite I now shared with Leo. Though he was gone for the day, it wouldn't do for him to see me in my dress before the wedding. It would break all kinds of traditions. Not that we hadn't already.

  "How are you feeling?" Enrique clicked the door shut behind me and indicated towards my dressing room.

  I stepped in and began stripping off my clothing. "I'm feeling good."

  "You're really ready to become royal?"

  "No. I'm ready to become Leo's wife. That's very different."

  "Perhaps. But most wives don't become Queens at the end of the aisle."

  "Neither will I." My eyes widened. I didn't like the Q-word. Princess I was alright with, Queen still freaked me out. "Besides I'll never be a Queen. Just a Queen-consort."

  Enrique snorted but said nothing as he unzipped the garment bag holding my dress.

  "Step," he instructed.

  He helped draw the silky white fabric up my body. Nerves fluttered in my stomach. But they were friendly ones. I really was ready to become Leo's wife, even if it was after a whirlwind romance rather than a long courting period. But it was true what they said. I knew this was right in my heart, I didn't need to wait.

  I itched to know what I looked like, but Enrique had thought to have the mirrors covered in here. No doubt he wanted me to get the full effect of his dress the first time around. I just had to be patient for a tiny bit longer.

  "There. You can see yourself now."

  With the most dramatic flair he was capable of, Enrique ripped the sheet from the mirror, revealing me to myself.

  I gasped, not able to properly process what I was seeing. I looked like a Princess. A real Princess.

  "I know. I'm a genius."

  "Yes, you are," I admitted, tears stinging my eyes. "It's beyond beautiful."

  "Turn," he commanded, stuck half way between acting as my friend and acting as my designer. I could tell there was a slight war waging within him over that but didn't influence it either way. Right now, I needed both.

  I did as he said, revealing the back of my dress to me. A single tear escaped from me and rolled down my cheek. I just couldn't get over how I looked. The small trail of buttons down my back spanned the whole length of the dress.

  "When it gets too long for you, there's a hook here for you to attach it to one of the buttons." Enrique showed me the ingenious loop hidden on the hem of my dress. He was full of such great tricks.

  "And the shoes?" This was the part I was dreading. The idea of wearing towering heels under this finery filled me with dread even though I knew it was a must.

  "How about some glass slippers?" he teased.

  "Oh no, not this again. How many times..."

  "I'm not making fun of you, I'm serious." He pulled a pair of shoes from the box on my dresser and presented them to me.

  The outside did feel as if they were made from glass, but a little bit sturdier. Thankfully. I didn't imagine real glass slippers would be very comfortable.

  "I don't think I get it."

  "Here." He slipped his hand into the shoe and then tugged slightly. A simple white slipper came out of it, a flexible sole on the bottom of it meaning it could be worn on its own as well as inside the heel.

  "You're a genius."

  "You've been telling me that for years."

  "And I’m right."

  "You've also been telling me I should be dressing royalty for years. Who knew how right you'd be about that."

  "Don't go getting all sappy on me now, Enrique. I'm not ruining this dress with mascara streaks."

  "Too right, you're not. I don't have time to make you a new one."

  "Lies. You could make a new one in a day," I pointed out, but wiped my eyes all the same. I didn't want to ruin the dress any more than he wanted it ruined.

  A knock sounded at the door, making me jump.

  "Sadie?" Leo called.

nbsp; "One minute!"

  I motioned for Enrique to help me with the dress. Having seen myself in it, I wanted nothing more than to spend time with my husband-to-be, but he couldn't see me in it. Not if I could absolutely help it anyway.

  Enrique had me stepping out of the dress within moments and was zipping it back up to protect it. He treated it like it was a precious stone and I guessed in some ways it would be. A lot of influential people would see this dress. It could make him as a designer. I hoped it did. After all he'd done for me, there was no doubt in my mind that he deserved it.

  Grabbing the robe from the back of my door, I slipped it on, feeling the silky fabric glide against my skin. I could have gotten dressed again, but where was the fun in that?

  "Thank you for the beautiful dress."

  "Anything for you, Sadie. Always." Enrique's eyes were full of brotherly love as he looked at me. A gaze I was sure I returned to him. He was a big part of my life and I couldn't imagine being without him. He didn't know it yet, but I'd be asking him to walk me down the aisle over dinner. I couldn't think of someone more deserving of the honour than my best friend.

  I only just refrained from jumping on Leo the moment I opened the door. I wasn't about to pretend the reason I didn't wasn't Enrique. He didn't need to see that.

  "Are you okay?" He asked, pulling me into his arms after taking in my scantily clad appearance. I hadn't seen the point in dressing properly again and this was why. It was enough to keep me decent without bothering with more zippers and buttons.

  "Yes, Enrique was doing my fitting."

  "Oh. I can go if you need longer..."

  "No, we were done."

  "I was just leaving, Your Majesty." Enrique dipped his head to Leo. "Sadie," he added, doing another little head dip.

  I giggled, it was going to be so weird having him do things like that in public.

  "Thank you," I shouted after him as he half-ran down the corridor outside our rooms.

  "You're welcome!" he called back, holding up a hand to wave but not looking our way.

  "Is he alright?" Leo asked.

  "Perfectly," I replied, grabbing hold of his shirt and pulling him into the room so I could pull the door shut.


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