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Branded Wings

Page 2

by S. I. Hayes

  Tessa laughed as she pulled me toward her again. “Kimmy likes to watch me.” She whispered in my ear. Her breath was hot and made me groan as she licked my lobe.

  “Then she should get her money’s worth.” I looked to Kimmy. “Just sit back and enjoy it,” I cooed, running my hand down her blouse, circling her hard little nipple through the thin fabric. She nodded with heavy lidded eyes. I grabbed Tessa by the head, assailing her with my mouth, feeling her fingers as they wrapped into my hair, scratching at my scalp. I licked down her throat and the feeling of her quickened pulse thumped against my tongue. I felt a twinge of pain in my mouth and realized my fangs had descended. I nipped at her neck and she jolted backward.

  “Ouch!” She giggled, holding where I had pinched her. I could smell the blood I’d drawn and my stomach did an excited flip flop. “You bit me?”

  “Yes, and I’m going to do it again, only now you are gonna like it,” I demanded gently, grabbing her by the head and shoulder. My head swam as I licked the blood that had seeped from the tiny pricks I’d made. Her blood, her essence, was tart and metallic, and I craved more of its tangy flavor. My brain seemed to shut off to everything around me as I broke the skin deeper this time, blood rising easily. She let out a hard yelp, and I covered her mouth on impulse, as the blood flowed steadily out of her and into me. I felt my whole body flex against her, my breasts rubbing against hers, as her chest heaved upward from the pressure I was using.

  “Tessa?” Kimmy asked, worried. I picked up my head, blood still on my lips as I looked at her.

  “Shh.” I put my finger up to my lips and Kimmy settled back down. “You’ll have your turn, don’t you worry.” I gave a pleased smile as Tessa let out a quiet whimper, but my hand over her opened mouth muffled her considerably. I went back for her throat, finding a better vein, and began to suck furiously. She had begun to twitch, when suddenly I felt strong arms around me pulling me backward. I tried to latch on to my prey, like a spider on a fly, but it was no use. I was off of her.

  “Fuck, Ryane. You gotta learn to let go or you’ll kill them.” Keegan’s voice was right in my ringing ears as he held me with my arms crossed in front of me to restrain me. “How did you even manage this?”

  I stopped flailing as Tessa slumped to the floor, her legs bundled under her. “I don’t know! I just got the feeling I could.”

  “Empathic compulsion.” He let me go, and bent down to Tessa. Biting into the thick of his palm he pressed the wound against her neck, holding it there for a moment before pulling away. “You gotta be more careful. You really nearly killed her.”

  “I’m sorry, I was just so hot, heavy and hungry suddenly. I couldn’t stop. She tastes so fucking good.” I licked my lips, still tasting her. I bent down to him, teasing a kiss from him. “See, it’s addictive isn’t it?”

  He licked back the blood I had left on his lips with a nod. “It can be, when they are aroused. These two clearly are attracted to you. But where did they come from?”

  “Friends of Sam’s apparently. How- What the Hell was I doing?” The fog was beginning to lift as Tessa moved on the floor. Kimmy was still silent and unmoving in her space.

  “You were hungry and these two were receptive to your glamour and your compulsion. The Vampire side of you won out in this circumstance.”

  “Will she be okay?”

  Keegan nodded. “Sure, in a little while. Get her some orange juice and then you can try again. She wasn’t enough. I can tell from looking at you that you are still thirsty.”

  “But won’t I hurt her?”

  “Not her.” He looked to Kimmy who picked up her head, looking at him. “You, my little turtle dove, are going to help my girl here. You got that?”

  Kimmy nodded and began to unbutton her blouse as I went to the fridge getting Tessa a large glass of orange juice.

  “I didn’t know you could do that. That we could do this to people.” I nodded in Kimmy’s direction as Keegan lifted her up, taking her to the couch.

  “We can, but some are more talented than others. You seem to be blessed.” He laid her down and waved me over.

  “She’s all yours.”

  “I don’t want to force anyone.” The idea that this could constitute as a form of rape crossed my mind.

  “Thing about compulsions, you cannot make people do things they wouldn’t do anyhow. If this was completely out of the norm for these two they would have freaked out and been gone by now.”

  I eyed him with suspicion.

  He sighed a little laugh, watching Kimmy as she pushed herself into an upright position, “Don’t believe me, ask her.”

  “I had a feeling about you two,” Kimmy spoke up groggily. “When I saw you in the courtyard, I knew that there was more to you.”

  “In the courtyard?” I asked incredulously, bringing a smile to her face.

  “I knew that you were like them. I used to work for Claudette, until she spooked and closed up shop last month.”

  Keegan’s eyes narrowed, focusing in on her. “Claudette? You were a runner?”

  She nodded with a proud smile. “I was, and I was good at it. Sex and blood, what a combination. But I’m sure you know that.”

  “Do you know what happened to Claudette?”

  She shook her head. “All I know is now I’m a free agent. Have my own list and everything. Money is good, but it’s dangerous.” She looked around. “I could use a nice posh gig or two.” Her tone was obvious. “I’d give you a great deal, and Tessa was looking to get into it, although it seems you’ve popped her cherry already.”

  I was stunned, as Kimmy’s demeanor was so different from the girl who had walked in not so long ago.

  Keegan shrugged his shoulders. “That’s up to you, my love, she’s not my type. Too easy to break.”

  “I’m a Hell of a ride though.” She grabbed me by my shorts, pulling me down into a kiss, her hands sliding down past the elastic waistband to cup my ass firmly. She tasted like hot rain and I fell into her instantly, my hands keeping me hovering above her. I moved for her throat only to find Keegan’s hands on her too.

  “Easy, there. Don’t go for it all at once,” He whispered. “Take a lesser vein. It bleeds slower and lets you take your time without hurting her.”

  His fingers tapped her throat, showing me where to put my bite. I licked up to his fingers, pushing her blonde hair aside. She let out a moan, sliding her hands around to the front of me, as I bit down. Her blood spilled into my mouth and I writhed. She was a different flavor; spicy and deeply smooth. I quivered as I felt Keegan’s hands at my hips, pulling my shorts off of me, leaving me open to her wandering fingers. I groped her small breasts, leaving her throat to take a tall standing nipple into my mouth, my fangs rolling against it. My hunger was fierce as I opened her there as well. She shimmied under me, pushing me up, turning me onto my back. She sucked on her fingers and trailed them down me, tracing my opening before sliding them into me. Keegan grabbed my arms, holding them above me as she worked my insides to heated spasms.

  I moaned and she pushed deeper inside me, her tongue finding my most sensitive spot. Keegan kissed me as I felt her slide her now naked body onto mine, her hard clit slick as she opened me up, rubbing it onto mine. I tried to sit up, my orgasm coming hard, but she pushed us down into the couch with her weight, rubbing harder on top of me, sliding and teasing me with her fingers between us. I looked down to see that she was covered in my bites as she shook to orgasm, little yelps escaping her parted lips. She fell down onto me, her fingers finding their way back to my clit as she rolled us to the side, bringing me to the top. She pushed me up, pulling me open with her thumbs to reposition me on her again and Keegan moved behind us. I heard the zipper of his pants and then felt his cock as it teased me. He pushed me onto Kimmy, so our chests collided and she wrapped her legs around me, lifting her throat to my mouth.

  “Yes.” She murmured. “Fuck yes.” Her nails dug into my back as I bit her again, needing, wanting to drink all of her. K
eegan slid up into me and I came with the first swallow. I opened up to him, as he fucked me, slowly, pushing me and my body harder against her. The stimulation had my head going fuzzy as I felt him slip out of me, and then against me. She moaned hard, as her body lifted. Having us both in such a state, he took the opportunity to slip into her, then back up into me. I could feel every thrust as we moved. He took to me, hard and fast, then pulled me up off of her, pounding me. She watched as he drove me senseless with every thrust, my gasps muted by his fingers in my mouth which I sucked with promise.

  “Welcome to the Deviant Class,” he growled into my ear as he came inside me. “You’re in for a wicked ride.”

  Chapter 3 Sig

  BY THE TIME I GOT BACK to Samuel’s house I was in a tizzy, my mind working over all the possible ways that Rayne leaving school would suck. I’d be out a running buddy, no more kidnapping her from classes just to go for a joyride into the city for coffee. Then there was the topic of her safety. She was a Vampire now sure, but with that newly acquired title came some offhanded needs that would have to be satiated or we’d have her going feral in no time. Ugh. I was frustrated, so much so that I slammed right into two co-eds as they came stumbling out of the house, knocking them both to the cement sidewalk.

  “Fuck!” I spat, a puff of smoke ebbing from my lips before I could suck it back. “Wh- Who the Hell are you?”

  “Sorry,” the taller of the two managed as she helped up her wobbly friend. They had to be from this year’s freshman pool, maybe sophomores, at best, but what were they doing here?

  “We’ll be out of your way in just a sec.” She seemed to shiver, and I could smell the fear as it came off her in waves.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I well-” She put her hand to her neck, covering it with her sleeve. “I mean we- Just...”

  “Yeah, I got it. Now get the fuck outta here, don’t come back. This was a one-time situation, got it?” I didn’t mean to be testy. Or maybe I did. The idea that Ryane and Keegan were having a little blood party in Samuel’s house kinda pissed me off.

  Samuel Fucking McIntyre. I guess you could go so far as to call him my friend, in the end. He was Ryane’s tether to the mortal world; her boss at the Pepper Pot restaurant and he played the role of surrogate dad after her own died five years ago from unexpected heart failure due to radiation treatments. Samuel took care of her. He loved her in his way. That wasn’t why I was mad though. At the top of Samuel’s resume was one word that haunted the likes of the Otherkind, those of us who were more than Human, who deviated from the normal lengths of life and form. Samuel was a Hunter. They spent lifetimes keeping the Otherkind in check and enforcing the laws that governed us, before the sanctions to the Constitution giving us all the rights of the Human kind. For centuries the Hunters and The Hunter’s Association were our judges and executioners. Now here was not one, but two Vampires roosting in his house, feeding and fucking where he once planned his greatest of tasks, to hunt and kill Otherkind swiftly and without mercy. He died trying to help Ryane and I rescue Keegan, something that stood in contrast to everything he was, and I was damn sure he was turning in his grave about now.

  I tossed open the front door to moans coming from the couch, I looked over to see Keegan’s head and shoulders as he had his arms out to either side of him on the back of the couch. Ryane was nowhere to be seen, but I could certainly hear her rhythmic movements. I stomped over to them and smacked Keegan square in the back of the head.

  “Ow! You fuck!” Keegan growled, grabbing the back of his head as Ryane tried to hide what she had been doing, pulling her pouty pink lips from around his cock quickly and clamping her arms over his nether regions, which in effect hid her bare chest.

  “Sig? You’re back already?” She half laughed. “I figured you’d take your time.”

  “You- you- don’t- even.” I waved my hands in the air, then pointed back at her. “Really, right here in the middle of Samuel’s living room? You couldn’t take it upstairs? Had to go on and make it even worse right! First, you’re dropping out of school, and now you’re sucking princely Vampire cock in the middle of a Hunter’s house like some common blood whore! Ugh! If Samuel were here he’d tell you to grow the fuck up!” I was fuming, only half meaning what I was saying, but it didn’t matter, it was too late to take it back.

  I saw stars, and hit the deck.

  Chapter 4 Ryane

  “HAVE YOU LOST YOUR fucking mind?” I shouted as Keegan punched Sig in the jaw, sending him crumpling to the hardwood floor. I grabbed my tank top and thrust myself back into it as I ran around the couch to see that Sig was laying there with his back to it, his chest heaving as he held his chin.

  “I might have needed that.” He winced as he chuckled, and adjusted his teeth in his mouth with a sideways slant of his jaw. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I tripped over those two Freshies and it added to the things already in my head.” He looked at me with those big emerald eyes, that always looked just a tad sad and tried to smile. It came off awkward and he ran his hand through his honey blonde hair. “There’s coffee and pastries in the car, plus a present for you, if it’s any consolation.”

  “That depends.” I mused, looking up at Keegan, who was shaking out his hand just as readily as he shook his head.


  “How good this cup of fucking coffee turns out to be,” I teased him, very much like our first road trip. It was my way of forgiving him, without forgiving him.

  Sig nodded. “It’s not bad.”

  He got up with my arm as aid. Towering over me at six feet two inches and probably about two hundred and twenty pounds of muscle, he should have been hard to lift, but apparently my Vampire body was strong as an ox.

  Super strength, check. My list of powers was increasing by the hour. So far, my sense of smell was up there with the cats that hung out in the Pepper Pot’s alley, seeing as I could smell coffee at a thousand yards. My force push had gone from a shove to a blast and according to Sig I was super stealthy now too, plus I could evidently coax an orgasm out of a blonde with four flicks of my tongue.

  I followed him to the door as he went to fetch the stuff he had bought. I was in just a tank and little shorts so I wasn’t going out there. He fumbled around for a few seconds, then came over with a big box, the coffee teetering on top.

  “I got it!” I screeched as the coffee tray threatened to fall. I had to save them. Coffee was one of the pleasures in life and had to be respected. “What’s in the box?” I tried to see over the top of his arms, but he was holding it up too high for my five foot five inches to see it.

  “Inside, or you’re gonna get arrested for indecent exposure!” Sig shoved me with one hand toward the door.

  Keegan was finally putting on some pants when we put the stuff on the counter. “Did I hear something about pastries?” He asked, scratching his ribs.

  The scars from his kidnapping and subsequent torture, at his onetime Guardian and lover’s hands, were still visible on his otherwise chiseled physique. It had been more than a month now and he still didn’t talk about it. Probably never would, at least not to me. His arm was the worst of it. Charles had used a silver knife to lift the skin, peeling away what was once a beautiful and intricate tribal tattoo that started at his left wrist and wound up his arm to settle above his heart. The skin there was twisted and abrasive. When he held me, I could feel it against me as a constant reminder of what loving me had left him open to. Betrayal at the hands of someone he had once trusted with his very life. I tried not to stare, but my eyes betrayed my heart and my head.

  A small frown crossed Keegan’s beautiful face, and my eyes were drawn to the tiny scars there, as well, and the one gash under his eye, along his high cheekbone. Another scar that would most likely never heal, no matter how often he fed, again, silver was the cause. I forced a smile, shaking the bag of pastries.

  “I think so, seems Sig brought back breakfast in the form of a sugar high.”

“I don’t know that you deserve any of it,” Sig muttered, snatching the bag from me.

  “Hey!” I protested as he held the bag over my head. “Not fair!” I tried to climb up his lengthy arm, pushing my foot into his hip for leverage, but he squirmed out from under me.

  “Nope. Not until you tell me you aren’t dropping out of school just because numb nuts over here asked you to marry him. I’ll not stand for you barefoot and pregnant in one of his many kitchens!”

  I laughed outright. “Why would you think I would drop out of school? If anything, I’m more inclined to finish now that I can afford it!” I griped, jumping up and snatching the bag from him. I fished inside, finding a chocolate almond biscotti. “Oh! Yeah!” I teased, taking a huge bite and breaking the biscuit off in my gaping maw.

  “Fine, you can have all the sugar you want, but I guess you don’t want this.” Sig tapped the top of the big box with a strumming of his long fingers.

  I looked to Keegan, who leaned down, taking a bite of my biscotti. “Hard choices,” he mused through the mouthful. I pushed the bag into his hands and bounded over to Sig with a shit eating grin.

  “You sure you ain’t going nowhere on us?”

  “I promise, now what’s with the box?” I bounced up and down. I loved presents, I mean, who doesn’t? Right?

  Sig opened the top of the box, the lid lifting to reveal a record player and a stash of records. I squealed in delight and Keegan winced.

  “I told you to never make that sound again.” He came up behind me, giving my ass a hard slap followed by a squeeze. “You’ll be meeting the Berkley for that offensive outburst,” he purred. “Just wait until I get you back to my house.”


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