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Branded Wings

Page 9

by S. I. Hayes

  “That’s a good girl.” He hummed in my ear, his body pressed against me, his hardon digging into my ass. “The first one isn’t so bad, it’s when the swelling kicks in that you can really feel it. Your flesh is like butter to my hooks. Be content in what I do. At least it will be a lovely design.”

  He pushed against me again and this time I felt the pinch. The anesthetic was beginning to wear off, and I realized what he was doing as he pulled and tore at my back. He was piercing me, slipping thick rings under my skin at different points down the sides of my spine. I cried out and he stopped.

  “You feel it don’t you? The bliss of the pain. The exquisite pleasure of its truth. Nothing is more honest than a cry of anguish at the end of a piece of metal. And that burn is the golden rings I’ve been instructed to use. They think that it will sufficiently satiate your Dragon self. I don’t know about that, but they do look awfully pretty against your creamy hide.”

  As he was talking I began to overheat, the pain was too much, too often and I screamed.

  Chapter 21 Greisen

  “HOW IS SHE?” I ASKED Collette as she stroked Aella’s head gently. They had carried out her sentence and it seemed the girl was still in a bit of shock. They had been particularly cruel, tossing her out of the Seelie Court with little more on her than a sack of cloth to cover her.

  “She’ll be okay. Won’t you sweetheart?” Collette cooed as Aella sniffled, wiping at her face.

  “My whole family... Abandoned me. I’m all alone.”

  “Not all alone. Your sister Marigold, she risked much to see that you were administered that little bit of anesthetic, and she got your stuff from your parents’ home before your sentence was carried out, so you are not without supporters.” I took a step toward her and she pulled her knees up to her chest with a whimper. Her scales were raised, covering her legs and arms. Apparently I rubbed her the wrong way. That was not going to fly, not when I had a mind to use her in some fashion. I looked at Collette sternly and she nodded.

  “Aella, honey, you need to look to us to fill that ache you have. It’s the only way you are gonna get through this and come out on top. Greisen here comes from an affluent family in Manchester. His father has a High seat on the Senate. He is a very good friend to have.”

  “I’m sorry, it’s just that I don’t know what to do now, and I’m scared that I’m going to hurt someone.”

  “Can I share a secret with you?” I knelt down to her, rolling back on my heels to keep my balance as I reached out, lifting her chin so she would look at me. “See, I have a secret. But you have to promise it doesn’t leave the room. Okay?”

  She nodded, looking at me curiously. I shrugged my shoulders, cracking my neck, and as I did so my wings unfurled to their full width behind me, then curled forward, the talons on their ends scraping the rug at our feet.

  “You’re a Dragonborn?” Aella gasped, her eyes going wide. “I thought... But... I don’t scent you.”

  “That’s because I’m a Half blood, mostly Vampire, turned in the womb. Apparently my father is not my father. I found out a few months ago, when these babies popped.” I ran my finger along the razor sharp edge of my wing, cutting it open, the pain was exquisite. Collette opened her mouth to receive the few drops I was willing to give her, letting them fall on her extended tongue. Her eyes rolled back as she moaned in satisfaction, her fingers running up to her breasts.

  “See, unlike you, I do not have a Dragon form, nor do I possess a subdermal weapon of superior quality. What I do have is a taste for fine things and an inherent need to be the best at the things I do. Right now, I am looking for likeminded individuals to help me at Grigori. You, my beautiful creature, could be most helpful.”

  “Me? How?”

  She was beginning to relax, her scales fading back into her flesh, turning it back to its even tan complexion.

  “I haven’t worked it out just yet, but just being with us for now will be helpful.” I reached out, patting her head gently, running my hands through her long hair. She needed a shower and clean clothes. “Let’s have Collette help you get cleaned up. Our flight back to Massachusetts leaves in a few hours.”

  Aella nodded her reply, letting Collette follow her out of the room. This would be perfect. With a Dragonborn on my side, there was an endless amount of damage that could be done at Grigori. Damage that could be attributed to the other Dragon, Siegfried Rembrandt, if I so chose. With Collette’s urging, she could also be used to isolate the beast, leaving Lord Keegan exposed to any number of issues. I may not have been able to kill him last semester as planned, but I would figure out a way to take down the Deviant Class and crush his spirit. It would take some time and finesse, but it could be accomplished.

  Chapter 22 Aella

  COLLETTE AND GREISEN, they were a strange pair, but they were all I really had at the moment. I stood in the shower, letting the hot water run down the front of me, washing the stickiness of the blood that had run around me away. Hudson hadn’t even bothered to try and clean me up when he had finished. The water ran down my back, stinging as the soap seeped into the open tissue, but I didn’t care. I could feel the weight of the binding that had been laced through the rings in my back as it flexed. Looking down at my hair, I was suddenly confused, it was too dark in places. I rinsed off and stumbled out of the shower, wiping the condensation off the mirror. I stared at myself. Who was this looking back? My golden blonde hair was streaked from root to tip with black and purple chunks, and my amber eyes had taken on a more golden hue. A largely audible sob escaped my throat as I stared, not understanding what had happened to me. I was fine before the incident in the Hall. What did they do to me?

  A knock came to the door and Collette’s voice followed.

  “You okay in there, sweetie?”

  “No, not really.” I grabbed a towel, wrapping it around me gingerly.

  “Can I come in?”

  “Yeah.” I choked.

  “Are you in pain?” she asked softly. When Greisen wasn’t around, she seemed like a different person. Kinder, softer, I wasn’t sure why, but that was how it felt.

  “What did they do to me?”

  “You mean the binding? Well, that is not something I really understand. It’s High Magics. You would-”

  “No, I mean, look at me. What did they do to me?”

  “Oh... That. Yeah, not really sure, but it seems you did it to yourself actually. After King Oberon subdued you and you came back to your Human form, this is what you looked like.”

  I tugged on the wet mess of hair with a heavy sigh.

  “At least it’s pretty.” She assured me with a gentle pat to my shoulder. “Your clothes are right there in your suitcase by the door. I’ll be around if you need anything. Okay?”

  I nodded, holding the towel to me tighter, feeling like it could save me from myself as she left me to contend with what I had to face in the mirror.

  Chapter 23 Sig

  “SO HALF YOUR NEW STAFF is Otherkind from the College?” I laughed as Ryane opened up the containers of food she brought home with her. Gumbo, fried catfish, red beans with rice and for dessert, macaroons.

  “I couldn’t believe it either. First, it was the cook, then the wait staff showed up and sure enough, more Otherkind. I could feel it, like ants running up my back, do you guys get like that around each other?”

  I stuffed a macaroon in my mouth with a shake of my head. “No,” I mumbled through the coconutty treat. “It’s a scent thing for some of us, others don’t even know one from the next. Sorta like you guys and religion, unless you offer up what you are it doesn’t really matter, and nobody pries.”

  “Huh, must be something left over from the Hunter side then. Baby, what do you think?” She turned to Keegan, who was making a sandwich of the catfish, smothering it with tartar sauce. “You’re not kissing me till you brush your fangs mister!” She shook her head. “Way to ruin good Cajun catfish.”

  “What? I like it like this.” He took a giant bite,
humming as he chewed it down. He licked his fingers, looking thoughtful. “Yup, perfect. So who you got over there?”

  “A couple girls named Tawny and Gilda? I guess they are Vampires, as they came with their own synthetic supply, which was nice, I didn’t have to share my stuff. They didn’t know I was a Vampire right away actually, so there is certainly something to this Pureblood thing.”

  “Why do you say that?” Keegan asked with a curious tone.

  “Well, I was chopping this onion and accidentally nicked my thumb because I was going so fucking fast and it was like the whole place stopped working. Ashley, this cute little Siren, actually dropped a dish. Then they were all just looking at me, like I was some sorta unicorn.”

  “You are.” I slipped my arm around her. “Typically the turned aren’t potent or very strong, but because of your specific combination of Hunter blood, and type O-Keegan here, you are something of a special case. They won’t understand, so don’t try to explain it. Okay?”

  “Yeah, they didn’t say anything, just stared for a minute before I sucked it down and closed it up. Then they just went back to work, like nothing was up. It was really weird.”

  “Please be more careful in the future,” Keegan suggested with concern. “If those blood suckers get it in their head to come at you... I don’t want to have to start killing the student body, okay? We have enough problems as it is with keeping the peace.” He wrapped his arms around us both. “We are going to have our work cut out for us this year. I have plans and those plans have plans. I want to do so much and at the same time we need to ferret out the issues so they can be backhanded the fuck out of the way.”

  “I agree. Has Keegan told you that he’s making us the Deviant Class Representatives?” I chuckled, getting out from under his heavy arm. “Thinks we can make a go of the social scene and stir up some trouble.”

  “Oh? I don’t do social very well.” She chuckled nervously. “Or don’t you remember that I tend to hide out.” Keegan smiled wickedly, making her blush slightly, looking up at him. “What will I have to do exactly?”

  “Aside from thoroughly pissing off Collette? Set up interclass mixers, arrange mixed study groups, be seen with me. Nothing too hard.”

  “He’s lying. You have to be the face of Grigori’s Deviant Class. Abide by all the rules, no more missing classes, eat with the groups, and I suppose you will need a room in the dorms, unless you plan to keep the townhouse, but why pay for it if you can get it free?” I poured some gumbo in a bowl, taking a crusty piece of bread.

  “Probably because I like access to a bathroom I don’t have to share with like fifty other people,” Ryane grumbled, going over to her thermos. “Damnit. Keegan can you grab me some liquid gold, please?” She hated calling it blood, and my suggestion to refer to it as her bottle of Kimmy wasn’t gonna work.

  “You’re out? Already?” he asked, his eyebrows disappearing up under his hair. The thought that he needed a haircut crossed my mind as I stepped back, they looked like they were about to get into it and I was curious how far it would go.

  “Um, yeah.”

  “That was supposed to last you at least two days.”

  “Not working around all those people, it wasn’t. Every time I came out from the kitchen and got too close to a patron, I could hear the thump in their veins calling on me. So I would take a sip here and there. Apparently I took a lot of sips.” She laughed lightly, although Keegan stared at her sternly.

  “You need to learn moderation.” He put down his sandwich, wiping off his hands.

  “This coming from the man that can’t keep his fangs outta my neck?”

  “Easy you two, at this rate you’ll be bickering and I won’t get any sleep and I have a welcome to the Deviant Class mixer to plan apparently.” I stood between them and Keegan looked over the top of my head.

  “You don’t let me feed like I would prefer, so I take what I need from you.”

  “Sorry if I think monogamy is important.”

  “Oh, boy... Listen here you two, stop this, what’s the point of you fighting, yes, she needs to learn moderation, but what do you expect, Boss, when you cater to her whims and let her do as she pleases all the time?”

  “Yeah, well that’s gonna shift now that the carriage house is back up and operational. Come to think on it, Sig...

  I didn’t like the way my name rolled off his tongue all of a sudden. “Boss?” I answered distrustfully.

  “You got your rope in your bag here?”

  I shifted in place. “I have some, why?”

  “Would you do me a favor and go and get it?”

  I sighed deeply, cracking my neck to the side. “Yeah, sure.”

  I headed upstairs to the room I had been occupying, closing the door tightly behind me and locking it. She just had to go and incite him. I huffed, smoke billowing out from my mouth and nose. I went to my bag and unzipped it, I didn’t keep too much with me, just some clothes, the keys to my lockboxes at the banks, the odd bit of rope, my slings and bondage tape. The latter being for me. I learned early on that the binding of my chest to keep my wings at bay was a crucial and comforting transition. I kept myself wrapped nice and tight, and it kept me feeling safe and secure no matter what.

  I fished around for the rope, finding it at the bottom of my bag. The silken length of thirty-five feet would do for whatever Keegan had in mind for her, for now.

  When I came back downstairs, Keegan had stripped Ryane down to her panties and she was on her knees, her hands behind her with her back straight, lifting her breasts to a lovely height. I clicked my jaw. She was beautiful, especially in such a vulnerable state.

  “Sig, you are far more creative with the knots than I am. Would you bind her for me?”

  Her eyes went wide when she saw me and I heard the smallest of whimpers as her cheeks went crimson.

  I looked at Keegan as I began to unwrap the length of rope, finding its tape marked center. This would make it easier for me to control as I bound her. “Legs up, open, free or behind?”

  I didn’t like his methods, but I also knew better than to undermine him in front of her.

  Chapter 24 Ryane

  HAVING SIG TIE ME UP, was rather humiliating. I was made to stand as he prepared a harness of the rope. He wrapped it around my breasts, which lifted them up. Then the ropes were threaded between my legs, which effectively made me stand with them apart as one of the knots pressed the fabric of my panties firmly against my clit. When he was finished, he stood back and ruminated over his work, fussing with a knot here and there, until finally he nodded and turned to the very silent Keegan.

  “That should serve your purpose, Boss.” Sig looked to him and he smiled with a long sigh.

  “I do appreciate it.” He clasped Sig’s shoulder and Sig walked away. It was pretty clear he was about as happy about this as I was. What was Keegan thinking?

  “So now that I have you so beautifully trussed, I think perhaps we should have a talk.” He leaned against the kitchen island. “Try not to move too much, if you do, it’ll arouse you and I want your attention more on me than the ropes. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” I swallowed, and as I did my body contracted and the knots pulled. I shifted from one foot to the other and it made it worse.

  “There are things that we really should have gone over in the beginning, things that I expect of you. A large amount of this will carry over into your Guardian training so it is good that we have this talk.” His eyes roamed over me. “You and I have talked at great length about the things you want to do. School, the restaurant, becoming a good Guardian, a good submissive to me. Do you still want those things?”

  My breathing quickened as I tried not to fidget, my legs beginning to burn from the way I was standing. “I do.”

  “Try putting your weight on both feet, not one or the other, it will level you and straighten your back more, don’t drop your chin, and we’ve talked about your eye level.”

  I adjusted as he asked.
It relieved the stress in my legs. “Thank you for the correction.” I wasn’t sure why I’d said it, but it seemed appropriate.

  He smiled. “Very good. Now the reason I’ve had Sig bind you like this, is because we are getting ready to be in the public eye again. And frankly, your posture sucks. You slouch too often, you never lift your head at all and you are something of a klutz. We need to work on this. Neither my submissive nor my Guardians can be seen as such. I want you to walk for me. Hands loosely at your side, no over swing as you go, graceful steps, your hips should swing, but only just, one foot in front of the other. For now, go slow.”

  I took a hard swallow, then nodded, taking a tentative step forward.

  “Ah, toe to heel.”

  I corrected on the next step, coming toward him. It was awkward and I stumbled, but he didn’t say anything, simply watched as I approached him. I stopped when I reached him.

  “Does it feel good while you are moving?”

  “Kind of, Sir.”

  “Then you are doing it wrong. Keep moving, take a longer stride, I’ll let you know when I want you to stop.”

  I turned from him and walked back toward the living room, clenching my thighs and taking the longer strides. As I moved, the knot between my legs made my clit tingle. I rolled my shoulders at the sensation, trying to ignore it, and kept moving.

  “Better.” Keegan’s eyes were fixed on me, which added to my arousal. I could feel the clenching in my core, and I stopped moving, the knot sliding left me wet and swollen. Keegan sighed, coming over to me. I shuddered and as he ran his fingers down my cheek, I came.

  “Now, I did say you were to stop when I said so.” His fingers tapped the knot. “Did I say you could orgasm?

  “I tried not to. But with your eyes on me, I couldn’t, once you touched me...”

  He lifted the lead of the rope at my stomach, making the knot slide upward. “Your mind and body are out of sync.” He let the rope fall only to pull it up again, faster and harder.


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