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Sainte: Knights of Silence MC

Page 7

by Amy Cecil

  I arrived at my appointment fifteen minutes early. I get out of the car and Sainte pulled up on his bike beside me. This guy never gives up. I knew he was following me, but I seriously did not think he would follow me all the way here.

  He’s so fuckin’ clueless. He has no idea how long you have to wait for an appointment at Tranquil Gardens. I booked this appointment right before we left for New York. Back then, I needed it because of the whole Sainte kiss and Hawk breakup. Little did I know then how much I would really need it. If I could only turn back the clock.

  They even made me pay in advance, which is a good thing. I would have had to cancel the appointment if I had to pay for it today. That was back when I had money. If I could have sold this appointment for additional cash, I would have, but I was afraid it would be too obvious since it is such a big deal to get an appointment in the first place. The guys wouldn’t have noticed, but Emma would have, and I know she would have said something. She’s such a fucking busybody.

  I am so looking forward to one hour Sainte-free. I can just escape and forget for sixty minutes that he exists.

  When I stepped inside, I felt as if I left Edinboro and was transported to paradise. The place is stunningly beautiful with tropical flowers everywhere. There are several couches and chairs scattered throughout with those big overstuffed fluffy pillows on them. The music streaming throughout the entire place is soothing and relaxing, and I’m already feeling myself unwind.

  After following their instructions to change into the robe, I help myself to some green tea and sit. I’ve never had a massage and I’m feeling a bit anxious as to what to expect. When I booked the appointment, they asked if I wanted a male or female masseuse. I quickly said female, but somehow, the thought of a man I don’t know rubbing his hands all over my entire body seemed erotic. I wanted to change my mind but then chastised myself. This is not a sexual thing; it is to help you relax. I smirk as I think about it. I’m such a kinky bitch.

  The robe they gave me is freaking awesome, soft terry cloth on the inside and almost a thin cotton on the outside, almost like a cotton bed sheet. I immediately want to steal it, but I don’t of course. I lock up my belongings and step outside the door and wait.

  Within seconds she appears from a doorway on the right and says, “This way please.”

  I follow as she takes me down another long hallway and into another room. This is the massage room. “Please take off your robe, lie on your belly, and cover up with this sheet,” she says and leaves the room.

  I do as she says and then I wait. The entire place smells like lavender and eucalyptus. It is absolutely heavenly. My eyes are heavy, and as I’m about to fall asleep, I hear the door open. The person entering does not say a word but begins to her preparations.

  I can’t see her but can hear the clanking of stones and bottles. Suddenly, I feel steam and smell the oils that will soon be on my body. She walks to the side of the table and pulls the sheet back as much as she can to where my entire body is exposed except for my ass. She then drips warm oil on my shoulders, down my back, and along the back of my legs. Oh my God, that feels fucking amazing. Every nerve ending in my body tingles in such a delicious way. I can’t help the moan that escapes me, and my only thought at this moment is touch me.

  She then lays warm stones down my back and the backs of my legs. She lets them sit there a minute or so and then moves them around into the oil and rubs them all over my body. The hot sensations on my back feel magnificent as the heat penetrates my muscles. I have never been this so relaxed and aroused at the same time.

  Several minutes go by, and she removes the stones. I find that at this point, I am craving for her hands to touch me. It’s the weirdest feeling. She’s a stranger, but I need to be touched.

  She steps away from the table, and I hear her rustling with more bottles. She comes back, and her hands rest on my shoulders. She begins to massage, and as her hands work me, I realize that she is a he. I specifically requested a female, but fuck his hands feel so good. I’m not complaining.

  His hands push their way into every knot in my back and unlock a wash of release where tension existed. He continues to push into my shoulders and the small of my back. His fingers are like magic, and I can’t help but imagine what it would be like to have him in my bed.

  He works his hands down from my shoulders, and when he gets to the small of my back, he positions his hands on both sides of my waist. He continues his way down with his fingers splayed across my back. I know for a fact he is beyond where he should go, but I want him to go there. I arch my back and respond to his touch, and he knows exactly what I want. Oh, fuck! This is so wrong, but oh my God so right.

  I keep my eyes closed as I get lost in his touch. He works his hands along my ass and down my legs. I’m lost in his touch. He moves his hands up my legs and back to my ass. He grips my ass with both hands, his thumbs grazing my pussy. I let out another moan. He continues his massaging up and down my legs and then to my ass and pussy. His teasing leaves my clit throbbing and aching to be touched. I want to arch my back and push his fingers inside me. I want to beg him to fuck me.

  When I get a moment of clarity, I realize something is not quite right. This guy is taking liberties he should not, especially for a place like this. I lie there and concentrate on his touch. As his hands glide in a familiar pattern along my body, I realize this isn’t a masseuse employed by the spa. This is Sainte. Somehow, he got in here. I don’t know how, but I’m sure he charmed the young girl at the front desk. Now, do I out him and stop this, or do I just relax and enjoy it? Enjoy it.

  He takes a weighted blindfold and places it over my eyes, then turns my body. Now, I am lying on my back. The sheet has totally been discarded, and I really don’t care. It’s not like he hasn’t seen it before.

  What if it isn’t Sainte? I suddenly get nervous. My body tenses, and he leans down and whispers in my ear, “Relax, baby, I got you.”

  Relief washes over me. It’s Sainte.

  He massages around my neck, my arms, and over to my breasts. He lets the oil drip across my nipples and moves it around across my chest. Every touch leaves me wanting as he pulls at my nipples and massages every inch of my breasts. I am so wet. I want to touch him, to feel him.

  I reach for him but find nothing. He chuckles. Asshole. He knows he’s got me at his mercy right now, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. It feels too good to be angry with him. His hands feel so good on my skin, and I don’t want him to ever stop touching me. Did I just say that? No, Honey, this is Sainte. You don’t want him to ever touch you again. You hate him. Even though my subconscious is right, I can’t find the words to make him stop.

  As his hands work their way down my body toward my core, he tantalizes and teases. I know my pussy is glistening from being so wet, and my nipples are hard from the stimulation. I’m so fucking turned on, and I want nothing more than for him to fuck me right here and now. But he just continues to tease, never touching where I need him. I’m like a dog in heat.

  I raise my hips to meet his hands, but he never crosses that line. He spends a lot of time around my pelvic bone and my upper thighs. I’m about to combust when he slowly turns me over again.

  He reaches up and takes the blindfold off, slaps my ass, and says, “Thanks for the show, Feisty Pants.”

  By the time I get myself up, he’s gone. Fuck him!

  After I’m dressed and reluctantly return my robe, I step outside. Sainte is sitting on his bike, waiting for me. He’s got a shopping bag in his hand with Tranquil Gardens printed on the outside. “Got you something.” He hands me the bag, starts up his bike, and leaves.

  I look in the bag. Oh. My. God. That son of a bitch bought me one of their robes. There is a note written on a piece of paper inside the bag. Thought you would like this. Then at the bottom, written in smaller print, is: No detours. Straight back to the clubhouse or I’m gonna come looking for you. It’s not signed exactly, just a big S at the bottom.

bsp; As he asked, I get in my car with my new robe and head straight back to the clubhouse. I don’t have any money anyway to buy anything, and the whole blowjob scenario is fresh in my mind. I don’t want to go there again. I assure myself I have enough in my room to get me through the week. Then I begin to panic. What if Sainte found that too? What if I don’t? I shake my head and try to convince myself. No, no. No. You have enough, and you will be fine. Besides, unless you want to fuck Slash, you aren’t getting any more until Friday.

  I focus and drive straight back to the clubhouse.

  Chapter 9


  Holy fuck, this girl can wind me tighter than anyone I know. It took everything in me to not fuck her. Lord knows I wanted to, and she wanted me. That was perfectly clear. She is fucking amazing. I know halfway through the massage she knew it was me, but still, it was so hot. We need to do that again, and next time, my cock will be balls deep inside her.

  While the whole encounter with Honey was beyond amazing, I noticed some things about the place that didn’t sit well with me. Like first of all, why would that girl Brooke let me in there? This was supposed to be a high-class place, and their receptionist allows a total stranger to go into a room with one of their clients, all for a hundred bucks? And what was it with all those back rooms and doors? When walking through the hallway, some of the things I noticed made it seem like the staff slept here. I really need to talk to Ice. I realize it doesn’t sound like much to be alarmed about, but I have a sixth sense about things, and my head is telling me something is not right about the place.

  When I get back to the clubhouse, nobody is around except Rebel. Not that I expected a whole gang here… It’s noon on a Monday. Most of the guys are working at the Silent Fix, and I’m sure Ice is in his office. I know where Honey is—at least I hope I know where she is—and she will be walking in that door any minute. I walk to the bar and grab a beer.

  Walking toward Ice’s office, I hear the front door open. I stop and watch as Honey walks in. Good girl. I wink at her, and she turns her head and stomps up the stairs. I laugh as I knock on Ice’s door. I really love to piss her off.

  “Come in,” he says.

  I’m still laughing as I walk in. “Hey, man.”

  “What’s so funny?”

  I shake my head. “Nothing, man, just having a little fun with Honey.”

  “You got her under control?”

  I sit in the chair across from his desk. “For the time being.”

  He leans back in his chair. “So what’s up?”

  “What can you tell me about the spa, Tranquil Gardens?”

  He shrugs. “I don’t know. It’s some type of spa, I guess. Why?”

  “Okay, so just hear me out on this. I don’t think this place is a legit place.”


  “Well, I followed Honey to make sure she did indeed have an appointment, and while I was waiting outside for her, I noticed they have odd hours. I mean, correct me if I am wrong, but a day spa is just that; they are open during the day. But this place has daytime hours, opening at ten and closing at six, and then they reopen at ten at night and are open until four in the morning. That was my first red flag.”

  “Maybe they cater to a night crowd as well?”

  I give him a sideways glance. “Really?”

  “Hey, I’m just giving them the benefit of the doubt.” He then asks, “Okay, and your second red flag?”

  “I thought I would go in and see if they would let me perform Honey’s massage.”

  He raises his eyebrows at me.

  “Hey, don’t judge me.”

  He laughs.

  “Anyway, for a hundred bucks and with little coercion, I got in.”

  He leans forward in his chair. “Now you got my attention.”

  “My point exactly. If this place was on the up and up, they wouldn’t allow anyone to come in and pay to get into a massage room with a client.”

  He places his elbow on the desk and leans his forehead into his hand. “Fuck, just when I think I’m getting us away from this shit, it comes back twofold.”

  “Hey, don’t get worried yet. Let me do some digging. I have a hunch, but I am not sure.”

  “Okay, keep me updated on this. If it’s what I’m thinking, I don’t want this illegal shit in my town.”

  I nod.

  “So we need to talk about Marina and Katie. Oh, and Brianne is coming home this week too.”


  “Yeah, get Rebel in here. Church immediately after the shop closes.”

  “You got it.” I get up and leave his office. Stepping out into the common area, I locate Rebel. “Hey, Rebel, Ice wants to see you.”

  He gets up from the couch and walks toward me. “Something up?”

  “Nah, just need to decide on what were gonna do with the Romeo treasures.”

  Rebel laughs as he walks into Ice’s office. I proceed to call the guys, and when I’m done, I head back to Ice’s office.

  “You’ve got some pretty big shoes to fill,” I hear Ice say as I walk into his office. I sit in the other empty chair.

  “I know, boss.” It’s a big adjustment for these guys to function without Hawk. He was the oldest member, and I am beginning to realize they have relied on him more than they realized. Ice is a good president, and I know he’s got this. Rebel too. They just have some growing pains to get through.

  “So Michael wants Marina and Katie sent to New York as soon as possible,” Ice says and then turns toward me. “Have you checked in on them?”

  I nod. “Yep, checked in with Marina yesterday. Bruises are healing nicely, and she’s doing good.” About a week ago we moved them to a safe house after they got the all clear from Doc. It’s here in town, so it’s been real easy for me to stop by each day. “Katie is doing well too.”

  “Good, how soon can we get them transported to New York?”

  “Well, that’s the thing. I don’t think Marina wants to go to New York.”

  He looks at me surprised. “Why the fuck not?”

  “It appears she likes the idea of hiding in a small town. Even though Romeo is dead, she is afraid his associates might come looking for her,” I reply.

  “I would think the lure of the big city would attract her more. Easier to get lost,” Rebel says.

  I shrug. “My thoughts too, but I get her reasoning. In New York, she is connected to the Vitalis, and you know as well as I do that Romeo’s associates know it was the Vitalis that took him down.” I rake my hand through my hair. “So her thinking is she gets set up in a little town like Edinboro, life becomes simple, and she and Katie can live a normal life.”

  Ice leans back in his chair. “Have you discussed this with Michael?”

  “Yeah, he agrees. And since Romeo is no longer a threat, he believes they will both be safe.”

  Ice looks at Rebel. “You good with this?”

  Rebel nods.

  “Okay, well that was the easy part. Now we need to set them up with something. I’ll bring it up at church, but you both keep your ears on.”

  We both nod.

  “Now, Emma’s friend Brianne is getting out of rehab. Emma and I went to visit her the other day, and she is doing good and ready to come home. The catch is, she doesn’t want to be alone.”

  “She gonna stay with you?” Rebel asks.

  “No. I’m finally home for a while and have Emma. This is our time.” He looks down at a paper on his desk. “But I’m thinking about setting her up in a room here. This new clubhouse has lots of space.”

  I laugh. “Ole Feisty Pants isn’t gonna like that.”

  “Who the fuck is Feisty Pants?” Ice asks.

  Rebel laughs. “Oh, you missed that. That’s Sainte’s nickname for Honey, and she hates it. I swear he only calls her that to piss her off.”

  “Damn straight I do.” I laugh. “Nothing makes my day better than when I can piss Honey off.”

  Ice rolls his eyes. “Well I don’t give a fu
ck what ole Feisty Pants thinks. This is my fucking club, and if I want Brianne to stay here, she will.”

  “You got something lined up for her?” Rebel asks.

  “Nothing yet. Emma was hoping she could go back to her old job, but they filled the position in her absence. Apparently, nobody told them what was going on with her. My bad.”

  “You had enough shit to deal with then. Don’t beat yourself up about that. We’ll find her something,” Rebel says.

  Ice looks at his watch. “Fuck, it’s five already.” He stands from his chair. “Let’s go.”

  We follow him out. The boys are here, and they all head into the chapel. Once everyone is seated, Ice fills the guys in on everything with Marina and Brianne. He briefly mentions that I will be doing some digging into the Tranquil Gardens, which got a few chuckles.

  Just as we are wrapping things up, the door flies open.

  “I wanna know why I can’t be involved in these meetings. I’m a member of this club just as much as all of you, if not more!” Honey proclaims, standing in the door like she has every right to be there.

  Holy fuck!

  She turns toward Ice. “And, Mr. President, you think you have this club under control? Well let me tell you, I could run this club better than you!” She points her finger at him.

  Holy double fuck!

  Ice glares at her and calmly says, “Honey, get the fuck out.” His voice is so calm, it’s eerie and frankly frightening. When she doesn’t move, he takes a menacing step toward her and says in a more demanding voice, “Now!”

  “I have every right to be here!” she demands. She’s higher than a kite and is fucking digging her grave. This is not gonna end well for her.

  I get up to assist her and get her out when Ice turns and glares at me. That’s my cue to butt out. He doesn’t want her to have help.

  He takes another step toward her. “If you don’t fuckin’ get out of my sight right now, I swear to God, Honey, I will have someone pack your shit and I’ll kick you the fuck out of this club!” He doesn’t yell, but his tone is demanding and downright scary.


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