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Sainte: Knights of Silence MC

Page 12

by Amy Cecil

  I nod.

  “Anyway, we are a very upscale spa by day, but there is a basement to our establishment that is used in the evenings for more diverse activities for adults.” She pauses, and when I don’t respond, she continues. “Please, allow me to show you around. You will need to know the lay of the land in order to fully enjoy tonight’s activities.”

  “Lead the way,” I say and she walks around the podium and heads toward a black curtain. Pulling the curtain aside, she gestures for Honey and me to step through. Here goes nothing, I think to myself as I step inside.

  We are now in a small room with a door. The hostess opens the door and begins to descend the stairs, so Honey and I follow.

  When we get downstairs, my first impression is that this is a nightclub, with a bar off to the right of the room. But as I look more closely, I realize this is not your average nightclub. There may be a bar and music, and even dancing, but the people here, they are not your average people who would attend a nightclub. Some have clothes on, while others my only have underwear, and even some are naked. I notice a mix of apprehension between first-timers like us with the over-eagerness of some of the experienced couples. It’s a very odd vibe, and it’s got me on edge.

  The guide walks us past the bar and stops by the dance floor. The perimeter of the dance floor is aligned with couches, and beyond the couches, bedrooms. I guess that’s what they are. “Your night will be divided into different parts. We suggest you start out here, on the dance floor and bar area, and then at some point you will see couples begin to drift off. All around this room are various playrooms for your pleasure. We are very select by the number of couples we invite, and therefore you are always guaranteed a room if you choose it. All of the playrooms provide for your enjoyment a number of fetishes and fantasies you may want to indulge in.”

  She continues to walk past the many rooms lining the dance floor. Some have beds for two, and some with beds for four. Some have a large space with a padded floor, and we pass many other scene-type rooms. We approach three doors at the end of the hall, and she points to the first. “This is a co-ed changing room.” She hands me a key. “This is for your locker. You can dress or undress however you wish.” She glances at Honey. “That second door is a private playroom used only for the owners of the club.” That’s the room I need to get inside. It’s the room that will give me answers. But how do I manage it?

  She continues. “The last door will take you down yet another level to the dungeon. That area is reserved for the more experienced.” She winks at me and says, “If you know what I mean.”

  Oh, yeah. I know exactly what you mean.

  “But please feel free to go down and watch. Voyeurism is encouraged here. Well, that concludes your tour. Any questions?”

  Both Honey and I shake our heads.

  “Well then, I shall leave you. Enjoy yourselves tonight,” she says as she walks off.

  Honey and I are left a bit disoriented by the whirlwind tour. She looks at me. “Sainte, for now, can we leave our clothes on?”

  I smile and nod. “Of course we can. Let’s go get a drink.”

  She smiles, and we walk to the bar where I order our drinks, bourbon for me and a club soda for Honey. Good girl.

  We take our drinks and find a seat. “So what now?” she asks.

  I take a sip of my drink. “We watch.”

  She huffs. “And what are we looking for?”

  I know I have left her out of the main reason why we are here, and I really don’t want to talk about it here. Besides, I believe that if she doesn’t know what she is looking for—except something out of the ordinary—she will be at a better advantage to find what we are looking for. “Anything that stands out, that doesn’t strike you as normal or ordinary.”

  She laughs. “Nothing about this place is normal, Sainte.”

  Chapter 16


  I look around the room and watch. I smirk. Everyone’s body language tells at least part of the story of how he or she got here and what he or she wants to achieve from their visit tonight. With a few couples, it’s easy to tell who the convincer was and who was the one who came along to please their partner. I think it is a good idea to avoid those people.

  As Sainte and I sit with our drinks, the music changes from mellow background music to what I would call dance music. Everything seemed quiet until this happened, and as couples work their way to the dance floor, everything begins to change.

  “Come on, beautiful. Let’s dance,” Sainte says as he gets up from the table. He holds out his hand for me to take, and I do.

  We get to the dance floor, and I notice these people aren’t just dancing. There are hands everywhere, going up tops and down pants. Skirts are pulled up over asses, and breasts are being played with. I can’t help but stare.

  Sainte leans in close and whispers in my ear, “You like that?” as I watch a man fondle his partner’s naked breasts from behind. His breath is hot on my neck, and for a minute, I forget I hate him. Or do I?

  I turn back toward him and smile. “Maybe?”

  He turns me back around and reaches up under my arms to rest his hands on my breasts. I lean into him. I don’t know what it is about him. I lose all anger and hatred when he touches me. “Sainte, this is not what we are here for.”

  “No, it’s not, but we have to blend in too. Just go with it, baby. I promise nothing will happen tonight that you don’t want to happen.”

  I turn my head back up toward him. “Are we really here on club business, or was this all a ploy?”

  He smiles. “It’s really club business, so keep your eyes open.”

  I nod. We continue dancing. His hands are all over my body now, and fuck, I’m not complaining. He’s making it hard to concentrate on what’s around me, but I try to focus. I see a young girl sitting at the bar. At first, it bothered me that she was alone, but the more I look at her, it bothers me more that she appears scared.

  I whisper in Sainte’s ear, “Look up at the bar, the young girl sitting by herself.”

  He casually looks over at her and watches her for a couple of seconds.

  “Something isn’t right with her, Sainte. She’s scared.”

  He nods. “I agree. Wanna go talk to her?”

  “Me? Just me?”

  “Please. I’ll make sure I’m close by. No worries. I won’t let anything or anyone hurt you.” He looks so serious when he says it, and I almost believe it. He kisses me on the cheek as I turn toward the bar. He lingers back for a bit, and once I sit next to the girl, I notice him moving. Nobody else would notice him; nobody is aware of him. He’s being stealthy, and now I understand how he was so successful with the Vitalis.

  The girl turns toward me but doesn’t say anything. Up close, I know I was right. She is terrified. “Hi,” I say. “My name is Amanda.”

  She looks around to see if anyone is watching. “Hi,” she says meekly. She doesn’t give me her name, but that’s okay, for now.

  “Are you here by yourself?” I know I sound like a mother hen, but I’m worried about her. She is so young, maybe seventeen or eighteen. How in the hell did she get into a club like this in the first place?

  She shakes her head. “No, I’m waiting for…” Her voice trails off as she looks around the room.

  I reach for her hand. “Are ya all right, sweetie?”

  She jerks her hand away. Oops, not the touchy-feely type, I guess.

  She turns back toward me. “I’m fine really, but you must go before he arrives.”

  “He? He who?” I prod.

  “The Master. I’m waiting for him.”

  Now she has me looking around. “Who is the Master?” I can’t help but ask. I need to find out as much as I can before he arrives.

  “He runs the club. I am his selection this week. It’s an honor.” She sounds like she believes what she is saying, but I don’t know, something seems off here, so I continue to prod.

  “Why is it such an honor?”

bsp; “Because each week he chooses one girl. If chosen, you are whisked away to a distant land and you live in luxury.”

  Holy fuck, this girl is delusional. They are trafficking, and she is their next victim. The realization hits me, and I know Sainte knew. This is why we are here. I look over at him and nod for him to come over. He does.

  When he gets to us, he doesn’t say a word. He grabs a napkin, and I see him write the clubhouse address on it. He turns toward the girl and hands her the napkin. “Darlin’, you don’t know me from Adam, but I’m telling you get out now while you can. Go to this address. Tell them Sainte sent you and you need to speak with Ice. Do it. It’s the only way you will get out of this unscathed.”

  She looks at me as if she is studying me. Perhaps she is trying to determine if she can trust me or not. Her stare lingers, and I feel like she wants to trust me. Maybe a little encouragement will help her decide.

  “He’s right, sweetie. The guys here will protect and help you. Please listen to him.”

  She nods, grabs her purse, and runs for the door. I watch as she leaves, and I thank God she’s leaving without any hesitation. Hopefully when she gets upstairs, they let her go.

  I turn toward Sainte. “Why didn’t you tell me about the trafficking?”

  He shakes his head. “Not here.” He takes my hand, and we walk toward the dance floor. It is well after midnight, and people have started to migrate toward the private rooms. As we walk by them, the curtains to the rooms are wide open. These people want to be watched. And I can’t help but watch them. There is something so erotic about watching perfect strangers having sex. This is not like watching porn. No, this is different. It’s personal, and it’s making me so fucking hot. Damn. This is not why we are here.

  I lean back against Sainte and moan.

  He wraps his arms around me and whispers in my ear. “I promise to take care of that when we get back to the clubhouse.”

  I moan again.

  “Right now, we need to go downstairs and check out that dungeon.” He kisses me on the cheek. “And if you can think of a way to get into that private locked room over there, I’d be forever grateful.”

  I giggle. “Maybe we should get back to the clubhouse and make sure the girl gets there?” Damn, I didn’t even get her name.

  “I want to check out the dungeon first at least. Let’s do that and then go.”

  I nod.

  We walk toward the dungeon door, and when we get there, we proceed down the spiral staircase. When we get to the bottom, I have to admit, I’m not surprised at what I see. Actually, I expected worse. The room is completely padded, walls and floor, and is divided into four sections. The room is dark and inviting and oddly smells faintly of popcorn. In one corner, I spot a large bed with a TV above it. Porn is being broadcast on it, and there is a large vibrator next to the bed.

  In another section of the dungeon, I see a St. George’s cross and a spanking bench with restraints. A masked man has a woman lying over the bench, restrained. He has a whip in his hand, and he cracks it on the floor several times and then across her ass. She cries out in pain. He repeats this several times, and I have to look away. It is very hard for me to understand that she wants him to do it.

  The other two sections are comprised of what appears to be prison cells. In one, a couple is having sex, and it seems everyone is watching them. It’s all very voyeuristic, and I can sense which couples have been here before. I’m surprised it’s not a nakedfest though. Most of the crowd down here is wearing some article of clothing.

  Sainte and I stand around for a while, watching the couple in the cell. It’s erotic and sensual. They are not fucking. They are taking their time and enjoying the audience. There are tables and couches all around the exhibition area, and Sainte gestures for us to sit in one. I follow and sit.

  A few minutes later, the man who was whipping the girl walks up to our table. “Hello, Mr. Benson. I understand you wanted to speak with me.” He turns toward me and then looks back. “I assume she needs some training?” Oh my God, Sainte, please tell me you didn’t. And when did you have time to request an audience with this man?

  Sainte notices the panicked look on my face and grins. “No training. She’s perfect the way she is.” He looks at me and caresses my face. “However, I did want to speak with you. I assume I refer to you as Master?” So this guy is the Master. Interesting.

  He nods.

  “Please sit.” Sainte invites him to join us on the couch, and he does.

  “I’m afraid I don’t have a lot of time. If you could please get on with it.”

  “Well, Master, I was wondering if you could hook me up with the owner of this fine establishment. I’m interested in making an investment, and I would like to get in on a sure thing.” Sainte looks around at the crowd and then says, “This place is a sure thing.”

  The Master smiles. “Oh, if you only knew. There is more involved with this than you can imagine. And for the right person, could be a very lucrative business deal.”

  Sainte nods. “That’s exactly what I’m looking for.”

  He takes a business card from his wallet and hands it to Sainte. “I’m sure you understand. Discretion is of the utmost importance.”

  Sainte takes the card. “Of course.”

  “I will make sure he will be expecting your call.”

  “Thank you.” Sainte turns toward me and asks, “Would you like to stay, my love, and partake in the activities?”

  “If it is okay with you, I am rather tired,” I say, making sure that I put what he wants first as the Master watches our every move.

  The Master leans over to Sainte and says, “Ah, if she were mine, I wouldn’t give her a choice.”

  Sainte gets up from the couch and holds his hand out to me. “Lucky for her, she is not yours.”

  I take his hand and stand.

  The Master smirks. “It was a pleasure meeting you both, but I must run. I’m afraid my last scene went longer than expected, and I have an appointment with my weekly selection.” Yeah, buddy, I think to myself. It’s a good thing your last scene went over ’cause your weekly selection is long gone.

  He leaves and Sainte and I follow him, all of us heading for the stairs. I hope we get out of here before he realizes his selection is gone. When we get to the top of the stairs, the Master walks straight to the bar and we make a beeline for the door. After going through the door, we head up the stairs to the massage parlor, and the same lady who greeted us is standing at the podium.

  “I hope you both had a lovely evening.”

  “We did, thank you,” Sainte says. He looks at me and winks. “We will definitely be back.”

  The hostess smiles, and we walk out the door.

  Chapter 17


  We get back to the clubhouse and rush to get inside. We both are hoping the girl took our advice and came here. We can question her and get some information. Hopefully she at least left and saved herself. I open the door and let Honey walk in while I follow behind her. A couple of the boys and some sweetbutts are scattered around, and Scratch is tending bar. I don’t see the girl anywhere. I look around for Ice but don’t see him either. Not that I expect him to be here. It’s well after one in the morning.

  Rebel comes walking out of the kitchen and spots us. “Hey,” he says and walks toward us.

  “Did a young girl come by earlier asking for Ice?” I ask.

  “Yep, she sure did.”

  Honey breathes a sigh of relief.

  “Well, where is she?”

  “She’s in Ice’s office with him. I just came out to get her some aspirin.” He’s carrying a bottle of Tylenol and a glass of water. “She’s pretty upset. She had no idea they were planning on abducting her.”

  “Yeah, we figured that.” I turn toward Honey. “Why don’t you go upstairs and get comfortable. I’ll be up shortly.”

  She frowns. “Sainte, please let me help with her. She knows me, and I believe she was starting to tru
st me. It may help her if I’m in there with her.”

  Yeah, I guess she’s got a point. I nod and she smiles. This was not her being the drug-addicted, entitled Honey. This her trying to be helpful, and she is right.

  “Come on,” I say, and we both head toward Ice’s office, Rebel following close behind us. When I get to the door, I knock but don’t wait for permission to go in. The girl is sitting in the chair across from Ice’s desk.

  When I step inside, she yells, “That’s the man who told me to come here! He’s the man who told me my life was in danger if I stayed at the club.”

  Ice turns toward me.

  “Hi,” I say as I walk closer, with Honey right behind me.

  Ice gives me the look asking why Honey is here, and before he can say something he will regret, I say, “Honey and this young lady became fast friends. She thought she could help.”

  Ice looks relieved and relaxes in his chair. The girl recognizes Honey and smiles.

  She walks to the girl and squats next to her chair. “I’m glad you listened to us. Are you doing okay?”

  The girl smiles as tears stream down her face. “I had no idea that’s what they did there. Other girls made it seem like once you made the selection, everything became a perfect paradise.” She shakes her head. “I didn’t know.”

  “It’s okay, sweetie. You’re safe now,” Honey says.

  “I’m sorry I was rude to you at first.” She smirks. “I believed I was something special to be selected and personally felt I was better than everyone else in that club.”

  Honey smiles. “Wanna start over?”

  The girl nods.

  Honey holds out her hand and says, “My name is Amanda Benson, but my friends call me Honey.”

  The girl shakes Honey’s hand and says, “My name is Tara Michaels.”

  “Well, Tara, it’s really nice to meet you.”

  Rebel steps up and hands her the Tylenol and the water.

  “Thank you,” she replies. She takes her aspirin and then looks at Ice, then Rebel and then me. “So are you all bikers?”


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